• Published 30th Jun 2016
  • 5,726 Views, 126 Comments

The Empresses - CrossRedstone

What happens when you wake up from a coma and find out your best friends have taken over the world? Apparently this.

  • ...

Chapter 6

Author's Note:

Man, been a while since I wrote anything about ponies, really.

“You’re doing great, Miss Shimmer.” the doctor praised Sunset, as the girl made her way across the room, using a walking aid. The girl was sweating bullets just by taking those few simple steps from the one end of the hospital room to the other. When she finally reached her temporary bed, the yellow skinned girl collapsed on it with a thud and a groan escaping her lips.

“I feel like I just ran a marathon.” Sunset groaned. “I’m pretty sure my legs just fell off. Oh wait, they’re still there.”

The doctor let out a chuckle, taking notes on his electronic clipboard.

“I wasn’t expecting you to be able to move so much after just three days. You have an exceptional recovery rate, Miss Shimmer.”

“Hah...I guess that’s a good thing?”

The doctor nodded. “Oh it is, but I cannot guarantee you will be walking on your own very soon.”

“Oh man.” the girl put both hands on her face. “So, how long do you estimate it will take for to fully recover?”

“Hmm, well that depends on a few things.” The doctor looked up from his clipboard and at Sunset. “Medicine has advanced in quite a way, Miss Shimmer. There exists a new therapy method to help muscle attrition. If you decide to take it, we would be able to speed up the process of recovery significantly.”

“Really?” Sunset asked looking up. “Does this count for the stomach as well? I’m kinda tired of eating soup all the time.”

The man chuckled once again, shaking his head. “I’m sorry, but your stomach has to get used to solid food on its own. Anyways, I take it I have gotten your interest.”

“Y-yeah,” Sunset replied hesitantly. “But just how much would it cost?” she asked wearily, already expecting at least a four digit number.

“That depends on how long it takes for you to recover. However, I should also mention to you that this method is relatively new and won’t work for ten percent of the people who have undertaken this therapy. So far no one has shown any side effects-”

“Side effects?! From a physical therapy?!” Sunset exclaimed.

“Well...you see…” the doctor started nervously but was interrupted by a beeping sound coming from one of his pockets. The doctor took out a smart phone and looked at the display, frowning. “Excuse me, but I need to go now. If you need anything, just call the nurse.”

And with that the doctor went outside, leaving Sunset alone in the room. The frowned at the doors for some time, before slowly sitting up and looking at the windows, which were positioned on the other side of the room. Seeing the blue clear skies, Sunset felt the sudden craving to go outside for a walk.

“Tch should have asked the doctor if someone could put me in a wheelchair. Oh right, I can just call a nurse. Hopefully, none of them is too busy right now.”

She worried for nothing. Only ten seconds after Sunset pressed the button, a nurse came right. She was a little taken aback by how fast the nurse came in but brushed it off as mere coincidence.

“You called, Miss Shimmer?” the nurse asked.

“Y-yeah. I have a little favor to asked.”

“Oh, what is it? Do you need anything to eat? Want me to change your bedsheets? We have a couple of plush dolls available if it helps you sleep at night.”

“What? NO!” Sunset shouted, a little blush forming appearing on her cheeks. “I just wanted to ask, if you could help get outside?”

“Out-side?” the nurse repeated. “What exactly do you mean, Miss Shimmer?”

“Umm, just getting some fresh air, you know? I’ve been cooped up in this room for so long, I thought some fresh air would do me some good. Also, see the outside world. I don’t think it has changed that much in four years, but I’m still curious. This should be okay, right?”

“Umm, well…” the nurse bit her lip “I will have to console the doctor about this...but I’m sure he’ll give his okay. Please excuse me a moment, I’ll talk to him right away.”

“Thanks!” Sunset called after the nurse.

“She wants to go outside?” Midnight rubbed her chin, as she stared down at the trembling nurse.

“Y-yes, my Empress. S-she said she was c-curious how much the world changed ever since she fell into a coma.”

“And can her heart handle the surprise?”

“I-I-I don’t think so. W-we’re surprised she’s able to walk already, granted she still needs some help, but still. We d-d-don’t want to risk Miss Shimmer overexerting herself.”
“Hmm…” The Empress of Magic frowned and looked over to her fellow rulers, all spouting the same expression.

“We could create an illusion” The Empress of Generosity suggested. “And I suggest we let her go to the rooftop, just to be sure. We tell her the hospital doesn’t have a courtyard, due to a lack of space.”

The Empress of Honesty didn’t even try to suppress the sigh escaping her lips.

“Do you have any objections?” asked Midnight.

The former apple farmer shook her head. “No. Ah, know it’s fer her best. Still don’t like it, mind you. First, we lie ta her, now we use illusions...what next? Brainwashing?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, darling. We’re her friends and not some B-Movie cliché villains.”

No one pointed out that if Sunset knew the truth she might just exactly think of her friends exactly that.

Moondancer was always a busy person. When she wasn’t running an errand for her favorite Empress, she always tried to find a way to impress the embodiment of magic. So far this had led to mixed results. Right now she was inside her personal laboratory, various machines working non-stop and various crystals floating inside equally various chemicals. Magic had been proven as a nice substitute for electricity, however, it was far from perfect. A lot of magic was lost simply due to the humans’ inexperience with it and the Equestrians weren’t too fond of helping the Empire in that regard, since it could (and frankly will) be used in order to boost their military power even further.

Another approach on the matter was whether the shape of the gems had anything to do with the magic output. On her worktable, Moondancer was carefully cutting a ruby into a cylinder form. She had already done so with various other gems and diamonds. Her table as a result of the dust now looked like it had a sparkling, rainbow-colored blanket put upon it.

She was just finished with her work, turning off the diamond cutter machine, when her door was rudely opened. Moondancer wanted to give the person who didn’t even knock a piece of her mind, at least until she saw that it was none other than Lord Spike who entered her laboratory. In order to fit in he had resumed the guise of a twelve-year-old pre-teen. He had green spiky hair, the same eye color, only those had the slits of a reptile, wore a purple hood vest, jeans, and sports shoes.

“Lord Spike!” Moondancer immediately wanted to bow, but unfortunately, she hit her head on the table, causing all the dust to fly into the air. Spike for his part laughed at the scientist misfortune.

“Hey, Moondancer. Working on the next mad scientist project?”

“Yes, I mean, no! I mean-”

“Hahaha, oh man you’re so easy.”

Moondancer suppressed her anger at the disguised dragon and instead kept a polite tone. “How can I be of service, my lord?”

“Ah, nothing. I just came here to bring you what you wanted.” Spike grabbed in one of his pockets and took out a gem attached to a small chain. The gem was actually made out of a multitude of gems cut in a specific way and attached together. The finished product now resembled Midnight’s banner symbol.

Moondancer accepted the gift with great eagerness.

“Oh thank you, thank you my Lord!” she pressed the gem against her heart and fell on her knees, bowing so deep her nose touched the ground for a split second.

“Yeah, yeah, don’t mention it.” Spike casually ruffled her hair. “Just keep up with the good work and you won’t end up in my stomach. Anyways, gotta go again. Been working overtime, I tell ya. Only got a two-hour nap today.”

But Moondancer wasn’t really listening to him anymore. She was squealing like a five-year-old on a Christmas day, as she put on the necklace. Spike left her like that and casually strolled down through the seemingly endless hallways. Guards, maids, and butlers all made way for him, bowing their heads in respect. A smug smile appeared on the young drake’s face. Four years ago this kind of situation would have been unthinkable, as he was still a dog back then. Not that being a dog was a particularly bad thing, but being a ferocious fire breathing dragon did have its advantages. Especially if you’re one that can change shape, because your sister is literally magic incarnated.

Speaking of, his destination was Twilight’s personal chambers. She could change her name as often as she wanted, for him, she would always be Twilight. This time he did bother knocking at the door, as he knew a cranky Twilight was a bad Twilight.

“Who is it?”

“The Pizza Service.” Spike joked and opened the door. Inside he found Twilight already approaching the door, only to stop, once Spike came into view.

“Spike.” The woman smiled, waiting for the dragon to step in. As soon as the door was closed, the disguised dragon took out another necklace from his pocket, this one looking like Sunset’s cutie mark.

“Not sure why you need a second one, but here you go.”

“Thank you, Spike.” Twilight levitated the necklace over to her, while at the same time she went over to her queen sized bed and took a seat there. Spike immediately followed her. He laid down on the bed, but placed his head on her lap, from where one of Twilight’s hands stroked through his green hair. With the other hand, she held the necklace he made for her and inspected it in every detail.

“So, what do you need a second one for? I already made one for Sunset.”

“Oh, this one is for me.” she said and put the accessory on.

“For you?” the disguised dragon rolled over, now looking directly at Twilight’s face. “Twi, you do remember the last time we did something like this? I know Big Mac really wants a canyon named after him, but that doesn’t mean we should make another one.”

“Don’t worry, Spike.” Twilight continued to stroke his hair. “This time I know what I am doing.”