• Published 30th Jun 2016
  • 5,725 Views, 126 Comments

The Empresses - CrossRedstone

What happens when you wake up from a coma and find out your best friends have taken over the world? Apparently this.

  • ...

Six month's prior

“It is 9 PM, welcome to the morning news.

The fights against the rebels continue, as the royal army continues their campaign through Russia. The rebels under the leadership of Starlight Glimmer, whose whereabouts are unknown, continue to withdraw towards the wilderness.”

The scene on TV changed from the local news reporter towards a wooded landscape, with snow lying on the firs, as well as covering the ground. The voice of a correspondent spoke in the background, as the camera rotated over the landscape.

“It is cold, the ground is slippery and then there are the woods. Latest reports say that a group of rebels are hiding in there, but the army stays out, for the time being at least.”

The camera switched to a group of soldiers patrolling in front of the forest, before it switched towards an officer, who wore a dark purple magic-tech armor, his helmet taken off, showing the stoic expression of a blue skinned man with short yellow hair. An inscription appeared, dubbing the man as Lieutenant Colonel Frost Nova.

“The problem is, the landscape isn’t even. It’s not like we can roll up a tank and let it roll over all the trees. There are cliffs in there, not to mention the mountains the woods are on. We cannot land there anywhere with a chopper and as for going in just like that would be just suicide. The rebels have placed bombs everywhere. We have teams in there searching for them, but until they’re done, we cannot proceed safely.”

The camera changed back to the woods, this time showing the mountain in the background. “The army suspects that a great deal of the leadership is hiding over there, in the mountain. So close, yet so far away.”

The camera switched over to a pilot standing in front of a jet. He had a dark red skin, green eyes and hawk like eyes. The inscription dubbed him as a Captain Night Glider.

“Bombing the region would be a waste.” Said a pilot, wearing a Shadowbolt uniform. “There are old atomic bunkers up there, back from the cold war. Old, but fully functional. They’re literally hiding in a maze down there. It’s going to take a while to crack that safe open.”

“Such is the cruel reality.” The camera switched to a camp, showing soldiers in dark purple armor, conversing, sitting around or being on the lookout. “Everyone here knows, this operation won’t be over in a long time, but still the troops are optimistic.”

The camera switched to a soldier, wearing the complete armor, hiding his face perfectly. No name showed up, instead the inscription said that the soldier wanted to remain anonymous. “I wish we had this stuff 8 years, back when we were fighting Tirek and his group of terrorists.” the man spoke with a discorded voice. “I could literally get blasted away with a mine and stand up as if nothing happened. Of course, everything has a limit. Even magic.”

The camera switched again, this time to an overview of the camp.

“Indeed, magic saved many lives, however it seems even magic won’t be able to speed things up.”

The screen showed once again the reporter in the studio. “A sad reality. On further news-”

The screen went out, interrupting the reporter from further delivering the news. The TV or rather the six TVs, all attached to some sort of device, which pulled them upwards into the ceiling, before said ceiling sealed itself off.

Below where the TVs had been was a round, black, spotless table with seven equally black thrones around it. Only six of them were occupied. The room was illuminated by a few dark, purple crystals, hanging on the walls like lamps. The light they gave off was just enough for a human to make out the outlines of the table, the thrones and the occupants, but it was more than enough for the six winged women.

“This is unacceptable.” One of the women spoke up in a tone that only showed the slightest of irritation. “The news networks are supposed to show the glory and might of our armies and not that they’re struggling to catch some magicless humans.”

“Everyone knows that our armies are superior.” Orange eyes lit up for a split second, before they returned to their usual green. “There ain’t any need ta lie, when ya’re stronger anyway.” The woman spoke with a country accent, which one would not expect from someone who looked like an angel.

“Please watch your tongue. You are an Empress now and as such, you should behave like one.” The wings of the third person in the room twitched in slight irritation. “And you should know that showing any kind of weakness will only give our enemies opportunities to strike back at us.” At those words, the eyes of the woman who spoke showed amusement. “That being said, who says that the news show the actual state of affairs.”

At this, five pair of eyes looked at the woman curiously.

“What do you mean? Explain yourself.” The first voice demanded.

“Simple, really. Let’s assume Starlight Glimmer is watching the news like everyone else and who says she is not? Let’s say I have told your dear brother to stage the entire affair, while in all actuality, right as we speak an operation is going in which our changelings infiltrate the rebel’s hideout, while the army prepares a surprise attack.”

“Oh, how cruel. I like it.” Two of the women giggled like little children, which got them an unapproving glare from the first one who spoke.

“And how d’ya- And how do you plan to get the army actually to them? As far as I know there’s no other way than by foot. Or maybe flying.”

“Not really.” The voice of this woman sounded a little scratched and annoyed. “The trees make it hard to land anywhere with parachutes and flying there by wing is idiotic, since they have most likely snipers hiding in the trees. Besides, there’s a good chance they’re hiding the entrances to the underground with our own magic-tech.”

“Which is why the changelings will set up a teleporter beacon inside their base of operation.”

Everyone’s eyes lit up immediately.

“Wowie! I didn’t know you would be so good in throwing a surprise party.” Pure white and sharp teeth appeared in the darkness, forming a wider grin than humanly possible. Combined with the pink eye’s expression, it almost appeared maniacal.

“So the rebels will think we will take our time and relax, while in reality we’re closer to them than they think. Excellent work. I shall contact my brother after this meeting and see how long this operation will take exactly. Now onto today’s business. Have the doctors said anything?”

All eyes turned towards the woman who had spoken the least as of today. The red pair of eyes looked downcast, making the others feel their small hope being destroyed once again.

“No. The doctors said her condition has not changed. Despite the damage being fully repaired, she doesn’t wake up. They say there is just too little knowledge about the brain, so they cannot say if she will ever wake up at all.”

“That’s bullshit!” The sound of a fist could be heard slamming against the table. Everyone looked towards the scratched voice. “They’re just too dumb to do their job. Just throw them out of the window and get some docs who actually know what their doing!” her shouts echoed through the room.

“Calm yourself!” The first voice demanded in a tone that left no room for debate. “The doctors are the best and as much as I hate to say it, there is nothing we can do but wait and hope for the best.”

“Umm, you know...I could maybe...bite her-”

“Hey that’s a great idea! Just make her a vampire! Then she’ll wake up for sure!” the high pitched voice shouted.

“Ah reckon...I mean, it might work…”

“I’m afraid darlings, it is not that easy, right Twilight?”

“Twilight” let out a sigh. “It is Midni-”

“Come on, Twi’. As long as it just us, we should be able to talk like normal people.”

“Oh silly, Dashie. We’re not normal. Normal is booooooring.”

“Yes, yes, FINE! Do whatever you like.” Midnight or Twilight, however one might take it grumbled under her breath, something about “dignity” and “being superior”.

“In any event, turning her into a vampire is risky on itself, not to mention the weakened state she is currently in. Even with the support of magic, the risk of losing her forever is far too high. And besides, who is to say she approves of her transformation?”

The rest looked at each uncomfortably. They knew Sunset would not react well to what they had become, once she woke up. It had been necessary, but convincing her of this would be very difficult.

“So...we wait?” Applejack asked.

“It’s not like we have much of a choice at this point.” Rarity looked down on the table for a second, before she looked up again. “I suggest we go to the next topic. She wouldn’t want us to mourn over her, but be happy and live our lives to the fullest.”

The others gave her a look, before turning their gazes towards the empty throne.

“Come on, everyone! Stop with all the frowny faces and smile! Once Sunny is awake, I will throw the biggest party around the world!” Pinkie declared her entire body being surrounded by a dark magical aura, giving others the shivers.

“We’ll...speak about this another time.” Twilight finished the topic hastily. “On another matter, we have received a message from Equestria.”

The others looked with great interest, when Twilight put the book with Sunset’s cutie mark on the table.

“Oh, oh, really? Really?! What did they say, what did they say?!” Pinkie asked excitedly, jumping up and down in her chair.

“Nothing too special. Celestia and Twilight simply wish to visit Sunset themselves next week. Standard procedures apply. You all know what you have to do.” The other’s nodded grimly, except for Pinkie Pie who was grinning even wider than she was before.

“Well, if that is all, I have some news of myself.” Everyone turned towards Rarity. “You see, we have been cooped up in our home for an awfully long time. Sure every now and then one of us appears in public for one thing or another, like myself, as I appear to last month’s fashion show in Prance.” Rarity gestured at herself, elegantly. “And so I suggest that we should all make an appearance for the upcoming Bearlinale in Bearlin.”

The other’s murmured among themselves for a little while, until Twilight spoke up.

“I don’t think this is a good idea at all. Germane-ia is a little too close to Russia for my taste. Security detail will be a big issue and aside from that, we still have work to do over here.”

“Oh, come on Twilight.” Rainbow groaned. “Rare’s right, it’s been awhile since we did something together.”

“Yeah! Last time we did something together we squished the protesters in Manehatten!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“I like squishing Protesters.” Fluttershy gasped. “Can we go and squish some protesters, somewhere? Anywhere is fine, really. My poor, poor animals aren’t getting enough outlet as of late.”

The other stared at Fluttershy and her enthusiasm towards torturing the innocent. Despite her behavior being like this for years, it was still so surreal imagining Fluttershy, enjoying tormenting others for fun.

“Ya know, if we show up there, there’s a maghty high chance somethi’ maght happen.” Applejack said slowly.

“Which is why we should not go there.” Twilight crossed her arms. “There’s no reason on wasting time in-”

Before she could finish, Fluttershy appeared in front of her, giving her the dreaded puppy dog eyes, complete with a few tears streaming down her face. They were very effective, despite the reddish glow or maybe even because. Twilight suspected some kind of magic at work here. Still even with that knowledge, she wasn’t able to resist for very long and said:
