• Published 30th Jun 2016
  • 5,726 Views, 126 Comments

The Empresses - CrossRedstone

What happens when you wake up from a coma and find out your best friends have taken over the world? Apparently this.

  • ...


Sunset’s eyes lit up, upon not only seeing Pinkie and Twilight returning, but that Rainbow Dash was with them in tow.

“Hey, Sun. How was your nap?”

Despite everything, Sunset managed to chuckle. “Awesome, I would say. Bed’s really comfy. Managed to oversleep 4 years.”

“Heh…” Rainbow let out a chuckle, a tinge of sadness attached to her voice. The woman took a seat on Sunset’s bed, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Glad to have ya back, Sun.”

“Yeah!” Pinkie came from the opposite side, gently hugging the girl on the bed. “Do you know how many parties you have missed?! We have A LOT of catching up to do.”

Sunset for her part actually chuckled, wrapping an arm around the girl’s back. “I can hardly wait,” she replied.

Pinkie giggled mischievously, hugging her friend just a little tighter.

“By the way…” Sunset continued, looking up to the rest. “Where are Applejack and Fluttershy?”

“Oh, I texted them,” Pinkie explained, not breaking the hug. “I bet they’re already on their way.”

“Good to hear…” the girl in bed closed her eyes for a second. “It sucks...I feel tired already. But I don’t wanna sleep.”

The others didn’t look all too happy about this news, but it was understandable. After being in standby for so long, her body quite frankly needed to “train” working again. That didn’t mean that all of them outright accepted it.

“Noo!” Pinkie shouted, grabbing Sunset’s shoulder. “You’ve slept enough, Sunny!”

“Pinkie.” Rarity put a hand on her friend’s arm, shaking her head. “Sunset needs her rest-”

“No.” The girl in question interrupted her fashionista friend, her eyes wide open. “I don’t want to sleep anymore. I have” Sunset yawned “slept plenty enough.” She tried to laugh at her own joke but didn’t have the strength to do so.

Rarity smiled sympathetically at her friend. “I understand that you don’t want to rest now of all times, Sunset, but please mind your health.”

“My health is fine.” the girl in bed retorted, her eyes closed. “I’m...fine…” Her breathing calmed down and before any more could be said, Sunset Shimmer was fast asleep once again.
“Poor dear.” Rarity shook her head slowly.

“Oh man, really?” Rainbow complained. “Why don’t we just give her a little boost?” she asked, magic already gathering around her hand.

“Because” Twilight quickly grabbed the hand of her friend, before she could do anything recklessly “we don’t know what kind of complications might come up if we use magic on her now, as I already explained!”

“Oh fine.” Rainbow broke her hand free, stopping the magic flow. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked down on Sunset. “I just can’t stand seeing her like this anymore! Especially now that she’s woken up!”

“We all feel that way, Dashie,” Pinkie said in a slightly depressed tone. However just one second lately she gave everyone a bubbly smile, pumping her fist into her palm. “But from now on it can only go up! Oooooh, this is going to be a doozy!” She gasped! “I need to prepare the coronation too! I better get to work!” Without saying another word, Pinkie Pie disappeared in a small explosion, leaving only streamers and confetti behind.

The others just smiled at their fellow Empresses antics. No matter what happened, Pinkie would always be Pinkie. Just then Rainbow let out a yawn. She stretched her arms, groaning during the process. “I’m gonna take a nap, I think. Been up since three. Wake me up, when she’s up again. And remind me, I still have to torture, what’s-his-face, for that stupid storm.”

“I’ll look up his name,” Twilight said in a deadpan.

“Thanks,” Rainbow stated, before teleporting away as well.

“I swear” Twilight grumbled, “one of these days, I am going to rewire her brain with my own two hands, unless she learns to be responsible in the future.”

“Oh, you can hardly blame her this time.” Rarity pointed out. “Heavens forbid me missing my beauty sleep. Now then, I think I better look where our other two friends are. They’re awfully late after all. I take it you will stay here?” the empress of generosity asked with a coy smile.

Twilight looked at Rarity unimpressed. “I told you over and over, my feelings for Sunset are purely that of a friend and not romantic in any way possible.”

“Keep deluding yourself, darling.” the other girl said, turning into her empress form. “I have all eternity to convince you of your true feelings. Ta-ta!” And with a wave of her hand, Rarity was gone, leaving only Twilight in Sunset’s room. Shaking her head, the lavender-skinned girl placed herself back on the chair next to the bed and watched her friend sleeping.

It wasn’t until hours later that finally Fluttershy and Applejack walked inside. They found their fellow Empress slowly feeding Sunset with a fresh bowl of soup. Luckily the embodiment of laughter had warned kindness and honesty beforehand, so they both entered the room in their human forms.

Looking up from her position, Sunset smiled upon seeing the newcomers. Twilight herself turned her head and smiled a little herself. Before any words could be exchanged, Fluttershy let out an ear piercing squeal. The girl ran up to the bed, forcefully slammed Twilight out of the way, somehow managed to catch the spoon and bowl of soup, which again somehow stayed in mid-air (Sunset swore she saw a light flickering for a second) and the sat down on the chair Twilight previously sat on.

“F-Fluttershy?” Sunset stuttered, surprised. She subconsciously pulled the covers closer to her face.

“There, there little one,” Fluttershy cooed “Mama is going to take good care of you. Now say ahhhhh.”

“Fluttershy” Applejack suppressed a chuckle, as she helped a groaning Twilight back on her feet. “Sunset ain’t one of yer critters.” the farm woman said amused.

Fluttershy, however, ignored the other woman and began to make train noises, while slowly moving the spoon towards Sunset’s mouth. The girl in return at what to stare at. Twilight, who was going to have a bump on her head from hitting the heater or Fluttershy, who had the creepiest of all smiles on her face. So she chose the third option and looked over to Applejack, who just smiled apologetically.

“Flut-mmph!” The moment Sunset tried to say something, the woman she spoke to (rather violently) shoved the spoon into her mouth.

“There. Doesn’t it taste good?”

All Sunset could do was scrunch up her face, as she forced the liquid down her throat.

“Oh my, it’s not too hot, is it?”

“Fluttershy…” Sunset needed to take some deep breaths. “Are you alright?”

“Shh.” The yellow woman put a finger on Sunset’s lips, shushing her. “Don’t overextend yourself my little pony. Mama is going to take good care of you.” She gently petted Sunset’s cheek, confusing the woman in bed even more. Once again Sunset looked over to her other two friends, this time silently pleading for help.

Applejack let out a chuckle, before quickly grabbing the spoon and bowl and placing both away.

“Applejack!” Fluttershy exclaimed, looking angrily at the orange woman. “Why did you do that?!”

“Calm down, Fluttershy,” Twilight spoke up. “Sunset isn’t allowed to eat too much at the moment, as it could be counterproductive for her recovery.”

“Oh! Oh. I’m sorry.” And just like that, the woman was back to her meek self, just like Sunset remembered her being. However, she was still confused at the overall behavior the woman showed earlier.

“Uh...girls?” Sunset spoke up, getting the attention of everyone in the room. “As glad as I am to see you all again, really I am. Just...Fluttershy, are you feeling alright?”

It took Fluttershy a second to register the words the woman in bed had spoken before she answered. “Of course, I’m alright.” The woman insisted. “Why do you ask?”

“Well, no offense, but...how should I put this? You almost acted like I was one of the animals at the shelter.” the fiery haired girl pointed out.

Fluttershy blushed and the other two women laughed a little at Sunset’s bluntness.

“Ah, don’t blame poor Shy.” Applejack produced a chair and placed it next to Fluttershy so that the two could sit together. The orange woman also put an arm around the other woman.

“She’d just been worried about ya. We all have.” The orange woman put a hand on her friend’s arm.

“It’s good ta have ya.”

Sunset smiled. “It’s good to be back. Just wish, I wouldn’t be condemned to this bed.”

“Don’t worry, sugar cube. Ya’ll feel better in no time. Ah’m sure of it.”

Just then a beeping sound could be heard in the room. Twilight sighed and took out her phone, which had her starburst mark on the back.

“What? I have been asleep for four years and we still don’t have holographic phones?” Sunset joked, to which the other girls smiled.

“They’re still figuring out how to not damage the eyes with them,” Twilight explained. “Excuse me a moment girls, I have to call someone...from work.”

As Twilight left the room, Sunset looked after her, a small frown on her face.

“Right...you all graduated.” she sighed, looking over to the other girls. “So, what have you been up to? I guess you’re now helping on the farm full time, aren’t you? And Fluttershy I bet has her own veterinary clinic by now.”

“This better be important, Moondancer.” Midnight Sparkle spoke to her assistant, back in her true form and hovering above the human threatening. Said human was on her knees and sweating bullets.

“I-it’s Celestia, my Empress. The other C-Celestia I mean.” Moondancer stammered, looking at the ground the entire time. “She wished to inform you that her sister will be visiting as well for the next time it is scheduled. Apparently, the Night Pony wishes to talk to you personally.”

“Is that so?” Midnight asked. That was an interesting development. So far only Celestia and the other Twilight had come to the human dimension. The Princess of the Night either never bothered to come or was talked out of it by her sister.

“Tell Celestia, Luna has my permission to visit, as long as she undergoes the same preparations as her sister.”

“U-understood, my Empress. A-anything else I can do to serve you?” the human asked, looking up for the first time.

“Actually, there is. Send the doctors here immediately. And while you’re at it, go and find Spike. I haven’t seen him in two days.”

“Actually, your highness, I just saw him an hour ago. He told me he was preparing something you might need in the near future.”

“Hmm.” Midnight smiled. Oh Spike. I am like an open book to you, am I not?

“Alright, let Spike do his work. Now go and do your own.”

“At once, my empress.”