• Published 30th Jun 2016
  • 5,726 Views, 126 Comments

The Empresses - CrossRedstone

What happens when you wake up from a coma and find out your best friends have taken over the world? Apparently this.

  • ...

Rainbow arrives

Author's Note:

So, I found a cover image, somehow have the motivation to write the next chapter (hopefully it stays 'till tomorrow) and there's some story stuff here. I still have to keep two more promises on other stories. Hopefully I'll get them done by tomorrow too.

Rainbow or rather Spectrum Beam as most folk called her nowadays was NOT having a good day. Somehow someone messed up the weather schedule for the lands around the capital and then some other guy messed up said weather by creating a storm 13 times stronger than the first guy ordered. It ended up with her being summoned three in the freaking morning, by some poor sop who pulled the shortest straw. Five minutes later, she was heading at top speed towards the ongoing storm, which stretched across 200 square miles and subsequently consequently affected the weather around the 200 square miles, which by then could easily be considered a complete and utter disaster stretching across the country. Even with her god like abilities, it took her almost all day, until she got it under control and finally dispersed of it completely. You’d think she’d be able to put herself a cloud bed together and take a nap. Well first off, as Rarity would put it, it’d be “uncouth” for a woman of her status to just nap at a random place. Secondly, her subjects needed her help in order to fix whatever damage the snowstorms, tornadoes and lightning bolts caused. And finally, after being woken up early, having nothing to eat for the entire day and working herself to the bone, she just wanted to blast the guys responsible for this entire mess. But as it just so happened, the Empress of Inconvenience and Annoyance had to show up from her hair (again!!) and told her to get back to the castle immediately. As in really, really immediately. As grammatically incorrect as that sentence was, when the Empress of Pinkness put anything like that, it was better to listen to her.

And so, completely soaked and with ice growing on some of her feathers, she made her way back to the castle. When she arrived, she literally broke through a wall, unleashed a shockwave, which knocked everyone to the ground who had been still standing. And then she punched the next best guy in the face for good measure. Being an evil ruler of the world had it’s perks all right.

“You!” she shouted towards a servant, who was getting back on his feet. “Get me some coffee ASAP!”

“Y-yes, my empress. G-gah!” The servant stumbled over a piece of rubble, before he caught himself and ran towards the kitchen. The Empress of Loyalty and Total Awesomeness in the meantime picked up the guy she punched and pushed him against the wall. “Where’s Pinks?” Spectrum growled, her eyes glowing brighter for a split second.

“T-t-t-the h-h-h-hospital wing.” the guy stammered, shaking like a leaf.

“The hospital wing?” Spectrum repeated dumbfounded, letting go of the guy, who crashed onto the ground. “Why would she go to the hospital wing?” the Empress of Loyalty asked herself. Her brain had a hard time drawing the obvious conclusion. It wasn’t until she took a sip from the coffee, which a trembling servant brought her that a metaphorical switch was flipped inside her sleep deprived brain. Her sore wings and overall chilly body forgotten, the woman tossed the coffee mug aside and sped through the hallways, leaving a rainbow trail behind her. The worker staff looked after their boss with a mixture of relief and disbelief and in one case pain, which came in form of hot coffee.

A guard looked over to the wall, which now sprouted a huge hole with additional rubble on the floor.

“Remind me again why we’re working here?” the female guard asked her male companion.

“Considering no one is stupid enough to attack the Empresses directly, it is the safest workplace?” her male counterpart offered.

“Safest? This is the third time this week alone that she did this!” the woman gestured with her arm at whole mess.

“Not like we can do much about it. I’m gonna call the cleanup crew.” he said and took out his phone. He already had them on speed dial and all he said was. “Hallway 28-3. We got another hole.” He could hear a groan on the other side, before he pressed the disconnect button.

Meanwhile the Empress of Hole Making took another sharp turn, knowing her destination was only about fifty meters ahead. However, she needed to make a full stop, as else she would have accidentally crashed into two of her fellow Empresses. She just arrived in time to see the Empress of Everything Sciency and Nerdy Stuff strangling the Empress of Laughter, who had a nervous grin on her face. And they were both in their human forms for some reason.

“Whoa, what’s going on here?” the newly arrived goddess asked.

Midnight let go of Dianna Pink (apparently no one had a good idea of an evil name for Pinkie Pie), made the breathing exercise her sister-in-law showed her all those years ago and then finally turned to the new arrival.

“What took you so long, Spectrum? It is unlike you to be this late.”

Spectrum Beam in return rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. “First of, Twilight, for the millionth time call me by my birth name. Secondly, do you know what was going on today?!” she asked, taking one of her wings and wringing the water out. She repeated the motion with her other wing and flapped them a little bit. “And third, when you’re done, can I strangle her? I’ve had a pretty shitty day and need some stress relief.”

Midnight raised an eyebrow, but didn’t comment on the statement.

“So what’s up anyway? Is she...you know...”

Midnight took in a deep breath. “First of you need to take on your human form, before you go see her.”

“She’s awake?!” Rainbow shouted and ran straight for the door. Midnight was just barely able to raise up a shield in front of the door, before her fellow ruler was repelled by it and landed hardly on her butt.

“Ow, what’s the big deal?” the woman on the ground asked with one eye closed. Pinkie Pie held a hand in front of her mouth, trying to muffle her laugh.

“Listen, Rainbow. Sunset is in a very delicate state. Her body is weak from literally doing nothing for four years. She can’t eat very well, she will need to relearn the obvious and her heart is so weak, any kind of stress might cause her to have a heart attack.”

“Wow.” Rainbow got back up from the ground and looked over to Pinkie. “Is that why she tried to kill you?”

Pinkie looked down to the ground guiltily. “I...I didn’t know...I thought I could finally make her smile again…” She summoned a tissue with her magic and snuffed her nose clean, afterwards burning it in pink fire. Rainbow put her hand on the girl’s arm giving her a kind, but slightly strained smile. “Don’t worry. This is Sunset we’re talking about. She can shrug off something like this with ease.”

“Back to the point” Midnight intercepted “we need to take on human forms around her, since she doesn’t know what happened the past four years.”

“Er...hate to break it to ya, but she’ll find out eventually.”

“Yeah.” Pinkie agreed. “I mean she just needs to look outside the window and it’d be like I gave her a 21 Party Canon Surprise Salute™.”

Midnight frowned. “No matter. We have to break it gently to her, else we risk her health.”

“Hey Twi, why don’t we just fix her with our magic?” Rainbow asked.

Midnight crossed her arms, her frown deepening both because of her friend’s lack of understanding magic and the use of her shortened old name.

“Healing magic as you imagine it is even impossible in Equestria. If you would have studied magic properly, like I told you to, you’d know that so far the most we’re capable of is healing small cuts. Everything else has let to some admittedly interesting mutations.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Rainbow shrugged it off. “I got all eternity to catch up on that. Besides, why study anyway? We just snip our fingers and get what we want. It’s always like this.”

“It’s not that simple!” Midnight let out a sigh, putting her hand on her forehead. “You know what? Forget it. Let’s go inside. Gem surely managed to calm down Sunset by now.”

“I still say Black Diamond would have been a fantastic name.” Pinkie stated before following.

“Come on, Pinks. That’s so cliché.” Rainbow said back, following her friends inside.