• Published 3rd Feb 2017
  • 1,128 Views, 13 Comments

Oh Spike We Hardly Knew Thee - 5u0myn0n4

A story cataloging the darkest times that befall Spike the Brave and Glorious. Spike experiences difficult situations, and is challenged to not give up no matter how grim things may seem. Twilight and friends must help in any way they can.

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Chapter 1: Introduction

Originally published on February 1st, 2017

It was a calm and relaxing morning in Ponyville. The sun was ready to rise, and all of its citizens were just starting to wake up. Just on the outskirts of the town lay the castle belonging to the Princess of Friendship Princess Twilight Sparkle. Inside the castle rested the princess, her No. 1 assistant Spike the Dragon. Her No. 2 assistant Owlowiscious, and her student Starlight Glimmer. Spike was Twilight's number 1 assistant for a reason, it was his job to do as Twilight requested, and he was more than happy to oblige every time. His loyalty to Twilight showed no parallel. The feels both shared for one another were strong as could be. Spike would go to the ends of Equestria if it meant helping out Twilight, and Twilight would do the same for him.

Everypony and dragon still lay dormant in their respective beds. Twilight started to awaken, letting out a heavenly yawn doing so. She peered over at Spike, who was sleeping like a baby in his little bed. Twilight smiled seeing her little Spikey-wikey so sound asleep. Twilight emerged from bed, and slowly crept up to wake Spike.

Psst "Wake up Spike." Twilight whispered. Spike rummaged and grumbled, and then his eyes slowly began to open. His vision was blurred, but he could clearly see a blurry outline of Twilight in front of him.

"Is it morning already?" Spike said. Spike was not a morning dragon by any means. Getting up was the single hardest part of the day. One of the only things that motivated him to get up were fun tasks for Twilight, or anything that involved Twilight's friends.

Spike slowly stood up, and stretched his dragon arms up and forward. Everyone in the castle enjoyed a wonderful breakfast of Starlight's pancakes. Starlight had heard that Twilight seemed to like pancakes... a lot. So she made pancakes her signature dish.

There wasn't much time for dilly dallying though, today was an exciting day for Twilight and friends. Pinkie Pie was throwing an outdoor party for a 1 year old Filly named Moon Beam. Pinkie had handled most of the planning and decorating, and had asked for friend for relatively small favors. Rarity had supplied a fashionable birthday filly-sized hat for Moon Beam. Applejack supplied apples for the apple dunking tub. Rainbow Dash was there just to make the party cooler, by about 20% or so. Fluttershy wasn't good with kids, but Moon Beam's parents owned an adorable pet cat that just so happened to need grooming. Twilight's only real job was to simple be at the party. Having royalty makes the party more special by default. Twilight wasn't was thrilled at the thought of being just an icon of being for the guests to admire, but she was happy to help in any way she could.

On their way to the party, Twilight let out a noticeable sigh.

"What's wrong Twilight?" Spike asked concerned.

"It's just... most of the ponies attending the party are just there because a Princess will also be there." Twilight said. "It makes it seem like I'm just using my title to attract attention, instead of actually doing things to help other ponies."

Spike teared up a little hearing Twilight's tale of woe. "Still worked up about this whole Princess thing?" Spike asked.

"Somewhat..." she answered.

"Come on Twilight, I thought you've moved on from this. Quit worrying about just being an icon, you know you're much more than that." Spike said. "Ponies look up to you for a reason, not because you have a crown, but because you are the embodiment and representation of Friendship. You know, the stuff that's so magic. The thing that makes every pony's life worth while? Friendship?"

Twilight sniffed a little. "You're right Spike, I should be less worried about being treated like a 2-Dimensional Princess, and be more focused on being the best pony I can for others to look up to."

"Exactly." Reassured Spike. Twilight reached her hooves over and gave Spike a little hug. "I knew can always count on you to know just what to say to cheer me up." Twilight said endearingly. "You'll always be my number 1 assistant, and best friend. I love you Spike."

Spike teared up a little, and hugged back. It was easy for the two to get sentimental sometimes. Each of them had things that bothered them. For Twilight, it was being admired for her title more than are actions. For Spike, it was more complicated, but it mostly stemmed from being a dragon living with ponies. Sure he was different, but most ponies didn't mind. Most anyway...

Twilight and Spike arrived at the picnic party set up just outside town hall. Pinkie had outdone herself with the decorations. Fillies and older colts enjoyed the apple bobbing Applejack had provided (kind of dangerous for a filly's party if you ask me). Rainbow Dash was flying laps as the little ponies (plus Scootaloo) watched enamored. Rarity gave Moon Beam the most fabulous hat one had every seen. Moon Beam was a small little pegasus filly. She had purple hair and light skin. She still had beady eyes. Fluttershy was tending to their cat who was a bit nervous around big crowds. Starlight was there because of course she was. Trixie was unfortunately busy on tour.

"Twilight!" Pinkie screeched right in Twilight's face. She could be a bit hyper at times. "I am so super excited that you and Spike were able to make it! It's not a party without the Princess of Friendship!"

Spike slumped a bit as he thought Pinkie had left her out, but then she finished her sentence "...and the most adorable baby dragon I've ever met, her No. 1 assistant Spike!" Pinkie concluded. Spike blushed at the flattering.

The party was an absolute hit. It had drawn the attention of many ponies all throughout Ponyville. It was as if the entire town had party fever. DJ-Pon3 and Octavia made a surprise appearance and provided a wicked soundtrack to the party. Soon a few ponies started to dance, and them some more, and soon a bunch.

"Wow Pinkie, this party is going better than I could have ever imagined." Twilight said, but Pinkie had somehow disappeared from her side, and was suddenly standing on DJ-Pon3's turntable!

"Come on everypony!" Pinkie cried out into a microphone. "I wanna see you shake those groove thangs!"

Soon just about everypony in sight couldn't resist the urge to boogie. Pinkie provided vocals to the music.

After a long day of partying, every pony was absolutely exhausted, and started to head home. The sun was just about to set. Twilight waved bye to the guests as they departed one by one, when Moon Beam's parents walked up to her. They didn't seem very enthusiastic.

"What's wrong Mr. and Mrs. Beam? Wasn't this not the most awesome party you've ever seen?" Twilight asked noticing the look of displeasure on the filly's parent's faces.

"No no it's not the party, although I could have done without the loud music. It's just I don't recall inviting a dragon to the festivities." Mr. Beam said as he pointed to Spike who was playing with Moon Beam herself.

"Pardon me?" Twilight asked confused. "I would imagine a lot of ponies showed up uninvited. This was quite the party.

"It's not so much the uninvited bit that bothers us, it's just dragons..." Mrs. Beam replied.

"You mean Spike?" Twilight asked still confused. "Surely you've heard of him right?"

"I'm afraid this is the first we've seen of your little pal in all honesty." Mr. Beam had said.

"Spike? Spike the Brave and Glorious? Assistant to the Princess of Friendship herself?" Twilight said.
"Doesn't ring a bell, he just looks like a common dragon to us." Mr. Beam said. "We didn't want to cause a scene with too many pony folk around, but want your little pet out of here."

These words struck a cord with Twilight.

"Hey, watch what you call my friend." Twilight snapped. "I don't go around insulting your friends. And who do you think you are judging Spike just because of his species!"

Spike was sitting down playing with Moon Beam, the latter of whom was wearing Rarity's hat. Spike had overheard the conversation Twilight was having, and was feeling real down about it. Moon Beam bopped Spike's nose and giggled, which was a warm pleasant surprise to Spike that made him smile. Even if her parents were rotten, at least the heart of the filly was pure and untainted.

"Your filly seems to like Spike." Twilight pointed out. "Why can't you?"

The parents grunted and scoffed.

"We've been inconvenienced for too long by dragons, and by family members obsessed with dragons." Mr. Beam said. "We are not going to allow our daughter to grow up like this!"

Twilight just stood perplexed, and kind of peeved. She'd never met ponies so prejudice to this extent.

Things were going okay with Spike and Moon Beam, until Spike had an itch on his nose, and felt a sneeze coming. Spike was directly facing Moon Beam, and as to not injure her Spike quickly turned his head to his left, and sneezed.

"AHH-CHOOO" Spike out out a big fiery sneeze. The sneeze caught a wooden post in fire, causing it to fall over onto a table cloth, setting that a blaze. A solid piece of flaming char landed on Moon Beam's hat. Basically the situation escalated from bad to worse very quickly.

The fire was all extinguished and no pony was seriously hurt, except for little Moon Beam herself who had a few burns.

"See? What'd I tell ya?" Mr. Beam said with anger. "Can't trust a dragon. They be nothing but trouble."

"We're terribly sorry about what happened Mr. Beam." Twilight apologized. "But-" Twilight was interrupted by Mr. Beam.

"But nothing, that dragon of yours is dangerous and we don't want any part of 'em." Mr. Beam said.

"Yeah well... well..." Spike tried to form a sentence but was too choked up to. Spike fled the scene in tears. Twilight chased after. Starlight and the others stayed behind to clean up.

After the disaster was taken care of, every pony returned home and called it a night.

Back at the castle, Spike was still beyond upset. He busted open the door and marched down the castle hall. Twilight followed.

"Don't worry about today Spike, it was all an accident that spiraled out of control. Accidents happened."

Spike entered his and Twilight's room without a word, slamming the door behind him. It was obvious he wanted to be alone to vent things out. Through the door Twilight could easily hear Spike in tears.

Twilight entered with care. Spike was in his little bed, crying. Twilight sat besides Spike.

"It's okay Spike, no pony was seriously hurt, and it's all over now." Twilight said trying to comfort poor Spike. "What happened back there doesn't represent who you are." Spike sort of let up but was still sad.

"It's not just the accident, which by it self is enough to cry over." Spike started. "It's those prejudice ponies. What if they're right? I caused all kind of damage, and I made little Moon Beam cry because I'm a monster!"

Twilight sat in silence with her mouth open. She had to think about what to say.

"Spike... don't let what two other ponies think about dragons make you feel like any less of who you are." Twilight said. "All that matters how you feel. You're an amazing being who does all he can to help any pony he could. Would a so called 'monster' do any of those things?" Twilight concluded.

Spike shivered, but he was feeling a tad better.

"No matter what happens Spike, I'll always have faith in you, and I'll always recognize your accomplishments where they happen. You've matured so much since you hatched from that egg, but you'll always be my little baby dragon. Just as it is your duty to assist, it's my job to always be there for you, to support you, through good times and bad, I'm here for you. Nothing can tear us apart." Twilight said.

Spike was still crying, only now his tears had hints of happiness to them. Spike arose from his bed and gave Twilight a really big hug.

"Thank you... Twilight." Spike said softly. "I know the world is far from perfect, and there will be days where all seems gloom and doom. But you somehow always manage to see the light in dark situations. And you always know what to say to make me feel better. I almost don't deserve somepony as kind and caring as you. I'm grateful that fate allowed us two to meet. I can't imagine myself under the watch of anypony else, or at least, not anypony like you."

"Oh Spike..." Twilight started. "When did you get all sappy?" She said jokingly to lighten the mood.

"What me? Don't pretend like you weren't getting all mopey dopey too." Spike said in a cheering mood.

Twilight giggled. "You're such a little rascal."

"I know." Spike said.

"And you're my little rascal." Twilight said endearingly. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Now... let's get rest Spike, I promise I'm going to make sure tomorrow is a better day." Twilight said.

"Thank you... Twilight." Spike said. They exchanged one last hug, and Twilight got up. She tucked Spike into bed, and then climbed into her own.

"Good night Spike. I love you, always." Twilight said.

"I... love you too... Twilight." Spike said choked up. He was still a bit congested from the tears.

The two closed their eyes and fell asleep. The beautiful light of the night was the only thing illuminating the room dimly lit room. Soon the sun would rise in the morning as it always does, shining light all across Equestria for all, except for Spike. Because the following sunrise would not shine upon Spike, as a very sinister somepony else had other plans in mind...

To be continued... in Chapter 2!

Author's Note:

Chapter 1 of a long long fan fic still in the works. Expect at least 16 chapters if not more. Mainly releasing the first chapter to create awareness for the fic. Any feedback is appreciated.