• Published 3rd Feb 2017
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Oh Spike We Hardly Knew Thee - 5u0myn0n4

A story cataloging the darkest times that befall Spike the Brave and Glorious. Spike experiences difficult situations, and is challenged to not give up no matter how grim things may seem. Twilight and friends must help in any way they can.

  • ...

Chapter 19: Memories Part 1

Originally published on September 15th, 2018

"What am I? Where am I from? Who am I supposed to be?" Spike's voice echoed.
"Uuugh! I don't know! For the last time, Spike, you were given to me as an egg. I don't know who found you or where they found you." Twilight's words echoed.


That one sentence from Twilight's past haunted her the more it repeated in her head.




"Do you have a question young Twilight?" Celestia echoed.

"Yes I do. I just wanted to ask. Where did Spike come from?" filly Twilight asked.
"...Let's ask a different question." Celestia responded.

"Okay... where do dragons come from?" she asked.
"Um... well. Let's see... um." Celestia paused.

Twilight waited for an answer.
"...Dragons come from eggs." Celestia answered.

"I already know that. I'm the one who hatched Spike after all." Twilight said.
"Indeed you are..." Celestia said.

"But where do the eggs come from?" Twilight asked.
"Well, when a mommy dragon and a daddy dragon-" Celestia started to explain.

"I already know how breading functions!" Twilight interpreted. "Who layed Spike's egg? Who are his mommy and daddy? How did a dragon egg end up at Canterlot? If hatching a dragon egg was your entrance exam, how come Spike's the only dragon in Canterlot?"

"Twilight I!-" Celestia snapped.

Celestia's outburst brought startled Twilight, and brought out a single tear to her face.

She noticed this and immediately felt bad.

*sigh* "You're too curious for you own good..." Celestia sighed.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"There is a lot about Spike that even I don't know..." Celestia's voice faded away.




"What do you know about Spike?" Twilight echoed.

"I know more about Spike than you apparently." Henry echoed.


"Who are you Henry? What do you know about Spike that I don't? And why do you look so familiar?" Twilight wondered. "Could Henry somehow be hiding the answer to Spike's origins? And if so, how is that possible?"

"What else might he know? Could he know possibly the whereabouts of Spike's parents? The chances are slim, but it's the closest I've ever been to answers. I have to find him, and find out whatever he's hiding."

"Twilight!" an outside voice exclaimed.

"Huh? Who's calling my name?"


-IIIIIGHT!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"AHH! I'm awake!" Twilight woke up from her dream.

Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Starlight, and Ember all surrounded her.

"Are you okay Twilight?" Starlight asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Where am I anyway? What happened?" Twilight was dazed and confused.

"We're still in Frozen North. And you..." Starlight said.

"That was one heck of it hit you took just now." Applejack said.
"Judging by the wreckage, things must have gotten pretty intense." Rainbow Dash said.

"The wreckage? *gasp* Oh my goodness!" Twilight turned her head and noticed the car wreck.

The ruined remains of Henry's car sat in a blazing inferno, melting the nearby snow.

Twilight was now more aware of her situation. Her friends were all there, but she couldn't help but notice someone's absence.

"Girls? Where's Spike?" Twilight asked.

None of them spoke immediately. Applejack took off her hat and held it.

"Oh no..." Twilight feared the worst.

"We searched the wreckage, and the nearby area, but unfortunately..." Starlight started.

"There weren't no sign of anythin'." Applejack said.
"We're terribly sorry Twilight." Rarity said.

"No..." Twilight covered her mouth, and her eyes watered.

"Twilight, listen. We know you're upset, but we just wanna say-" Applejack was interrupted.

"Well then what are we standing around for?! They're still out there aren't they?! We have to keep look-OW!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Twilight!" her friends ran to her aid.

"What hurts?" Starlight examined Twilight.
"It's my leg, I think it's..." Twilight said.

"Your leg is broken!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.


Twilight back left leg was broken.

"But how did this happen?" Twilight asked.

"We found you on the ground beaten and bruised. It must have happened when you were... *ahem* knocked out." Rarity said.

"Well, this is only a minor set back. We're still going to keep looking for Spike right?" Twilight said.

Her friends stood for a moment.

"Who wants to say it?" Rainbow Dash asked.
"I'll do it." Applejack walked forward. "I'm sorry to say this Twi, but we can't keep going. It's time we head home and call it."

"WHAT!?" Twilight exclaimed.
"You heard me right." AJ said.

"Look at yourself. You're in no condition to keep going." Starlight said.

"What, because of a broken leg? Pfft. That's nothing. Who needs legs!? I can just fly perpetually like Rainbow Dash. She always hovers, even when idle. Have you ever noticed that?"

Rainbow noticed she was hovering during this time, and landed she on the ground awkwardly.

"Listen Twilight." Starlight said.
"Listen to NOTHING!" Twilight exclaimed

"You're going to keep hurting yourself if you keep going!" Pinkie exclaimed.
"Are you seriously suggesting that we call it quits now?! We can't quit now! We have to save Spike!" Twilight asserted.

"Twilight, believe us, it's not an easy call to make. But you're injured, and we're out of options." Starlight said.
"So you're just okay with quitting now, and leaving Spike at the mercy of Henry!?" Twilight said.

"No Twilight, that's not it. We just-" Applejack started.

"This entire time, none of you have been supportive!" Twilight exclaimed.
"Twilight." Rarity said.

"You seriously think I should just abandon Spike now in his time of need!" she ranted.
"Twilight, listen." Rainbow Dash said.

"I'm uh... not gonna get in the middle of this." Ember said, backing away from the argument.

"Are you girls afraid? What are you afraid of? Are afraid of the danger?" Twilight said.
"Twilight." Fluttershy said.

"Are you afraid that Henry's going to sneak up on you and steal your little buddies too?" Twilight asked.
"Twilight, stop it!" Fluttershy said.

"Are you all afraid that you're going to DIE?!" Twilight yelled.
"We're afraid that YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!" Fluttershy stepped forward and shouted.

Everypony went silent at her words.

*sniff* "...Seeing you lay motionless on the ground... we thought that you were... that you had..." Fluttershy cried. She was so choked up she couldn't finish her sentence. Rainbow Dash flew next to her for support.

"We weren't sure if you were gonna get up or not. *sniff* We were so worried, we feared the worst." Pinkie Pie said.

The weight of the situation all of the sudden hit Twilight in that moment. She put herself in danger, to the point where she put her own life at risk. Her friends were more concerned about Twilight's life than she was herself.
The thought of brought tears to her face.

"I understand your concern. Honest, I do. I'm not saying that this isn't dangerous, but we've come so far, and this could be our only chance. What if I never see Spike again?" she asked.

"What if we never see either you or Spike again? Losing one friend is awful, and we don't even want to think about the idea of losing two." Rarity said.

"But we're so close, we can't give up now." Twilight said.

"Twilight. Loss is a terrible thing to deal with. Trust me. But Spike ain't gone for good. We found him once, we can find him again." Applejack assured.

"We got LUCKY once. There's no guarantee we'll get lucky again. We may not see him again until... it's too late..." she replied.

"Are you saying my investigation was just dumb luck?" Pinkie asked.
"What? No, Pinkie Pie. That's not what I meant. I just-"

Twilight broke into more tears. It felt like Spike wasn't the only friend she'd lost along the way.

"I couldn't save Spike, and I mistreated you along the way. All this effort has been for nothing..." *sniff* Twilight cried.

Starlight inched forward, and let out huge sigh. She was about to say something that she thought she might regret.

"Twilight, there's one fact that you have to accept." she said.
"And what's that?" Twilight asked.

"You, lost." Starlight said.
*STOMP* "WHAT?! YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" Twilight snapped.

"Listen Twilight! I know the truth is hard to face. But look around, Henry got away with Spike, and almost killed you! He's probably long gone by now, miles away, and you have a broken leg. You. Lost." Starlight said.

"And this is supposed to cheer me up HOW?!" Twilight sassed.

"I'm just saying that it's time we cut our losses. These mountains are savage, and you could injure yourself if you don't turn back. We just don't want you to get more hurt than you already have. We gave it our all, but unfortunately it just wasn't enough this time. Henry got away, and it's time you accept that reality, and try again another day." Starlight said.

"Normally I would listen to reason, but there's so much more on the line this time. If there's even a slim chance of saving Spike, I have to take it. Any less would be a disservice to him *sniff* I love him so much, I can't abandon." Twilight cried.

"We love Spike as much a you Twilight. And we're not giving up on him. Henry won the battle, but not the war. He has no idea who he's messing with. After we rest up and recuperate, we'll be back and show him what happens when he messes with one of us." Starlight said.

"Yeah! Nopony can hide when Detective Pinkie is on the case!" Pinkie said.
"We're with you Twilight, really." Fluttershy said.

"We'll find him, that's a promise." Rainbow Dash said.
"Nopony messes with our Spikey-wikey and gets away with it." Rarity said.

"It's not over Twilight, we'll find him." Applejack said.

Twilight thought long and hard about what her friends said. She looked over at Ember, who had mostly sat back and watched the conversation unfold.

"And what about you Ember?" Twilight asked.
"I don't know. You think I'm good at decision making? Look where my judgement got me." Ember looked down at the broken Bloodstone Scepter. "With the Bloodstone Scepter shattered, it's going to be harder to win back the dragons." Ember said.

"What are you doing here anyway Ember? How did you get wrapped up in all of this?" Twilight asked.

"What do you mean win back the dragons?" Starlight asked.
*sigh* "A few months ago, Henry invaded the dragon lands, and captured a lot of the dragons. In an act of desperation, and to save myself, I agreed to join forces with him, while my subjects were made his prisoners. I lost the trust of most of my followers because of this. After we escaped, I tried to convince the dragons to turn back to help, but they refused to listen. So I came to help out alone." Ember explained.
"And we're grateful that you helped the way you could. Even though that does sound tragic." Rarity said.

"Sounds like you and Spike had it rough." Fluttershy said.
"Mmmhmm." Ember agreed.

"Believe me Twilight, as a dragon, the thing I hate most is losing and quitting. Dragons are typical known for never giving up, and fighting til the end, but your friends have a point. We're best off coming back another day and trying again." Ember said.

Twilight gave a firm stare. "Okay, I know what I need to do now."

She walked behind the car wreck.

"Twilight? Where are you going?" Starlight asked.

A few awkward moments passed, and then Twilight walked back from behind the car.

"You girls are right. I tried my best, but I was outwitted. They're out there somewhere, but right now, I need my rest. This isn't over, we will find Spike." Twilight said in an uncanny tone.

"So does that mean you're willing to retreat?" Applejack asked.
"For better or worse, yes." Twilight said.

"Don't worry Twilight, this isn't over." Starlight said.

*giggle* "No it isn't." Twilight winked.

Our heroes had came to the difficult decision to retreat. The non-winged equines climbed into the hot air balloon basket, and took to the air. The pegasi followed, and Ember joined the group.
They set off for home with Twilight... at least with whom they assumed was Twilight.

And on that difficult note... wait, this chapter's not over yet! You didn't think Twilight would give in to her friends' demands like that would you? NAH! It was a lie. That wasn't actually Twilight retreating, she actually conjured up a doppelganger out of magic to go home with her friends instead. That way, she could continue to search for Spike. The real Twilight hid behind the car wreck until her friends left. How absolutely dishonest.

"I hate that I had to lie to them, but I couldn't let them hold me back. I know I can do this. A little more searching couldn't hurt right?" she said to herself. "Hang on Spike, mama's coming. I don't know who you are Henry, but I'm going to find out."

Twilight searched the mountainous region for Spike alone. She spent a good few hours searching, but was coming up empty.

*sigh* "This is hopeless. And I don't know how much longer I can continue..." Twilight's wings grew tired, so she rested in the snow to not put any pressure on her leg. "Ugh. Face it, Henry's nowhere to be found. Starlight's right, he won."

Twilight thought long and hard about what to do next.

"So far, you've been searching for where you think he would hide, and that thinking has gotten you nowhere. But what if Henry actually wants me to follow him? And if so, where would be the most obvious place to go?"

Twilight peered her eyes around the area. Until, one landmark in particular caught her eye.

"The top of Mt. Everhoof?" she looked at the mountain peak, and noticed some activity at the top of the mountain. "That's got to be it. They're up there, I know it!"

"heeelp!" cried a faint but familiar voice.

*gasp* "That's Spike alright!" Twilight recognized Spike's voice coming from the summit.

Her intuition was right, she took a closer look, had successfully located Spike and Henry.

"There they are! Hang on Spike! I'm coming!" Twilight flew towards the summit, as fast as she could.

From Henry and Spike's perspective, they could see Twilight flying in closer.

"Twilight! You're alive!" Spike rejoiced.
Henry was not intimidated.

Twilight flew up and fired a beam of magic at Henry.


He deflected it with his shield.

"Twilight you're okay!" Spike cheered.

"So Princess, I'm surprised to see you still alive." Henry said.
"What can I say? I die hard!" Twilight boasted.

"Nothing is too hard for me." Henry said.
"That's what she said." Twilight winked.

*ZAP* Henry fired a beam at Twilight, but she dodged it.

"You should have stayed in the dirt where you belong!" Henry exclaimed.
He continued up the mountain with Spike in tow.
"You're not getting away from me again!" Twilight said.

Twilight chased after Henry in an intense race up the mountain. Ultimately, they had reached their destination. The top of the world, the summit of Mt. Everhoof..

They had arrived at the summit of Mt. Everhoof.

Near to the top Mt. Everhoof was a circular plateau. A nice level plane if you will. On one side was a sheer drop off, which lead all the way down to the ground. It was so high, that it was above the clouds, and the drop off lead to a dense cover of clouds. On the other side of the plateau was a rocky wall which made up the remainder of the mountain's height. Halfway up the wall was a ledge that could be stood on. Just a few more meters higher was the tip top of the mountain itself. The area was of course covered in snow. Icicles hung from the ceiling of the ledge. This area is pretty pivotal, so keep the description in mind.

Twilight made her way to the top plateau of the mountain.

"Don't worry Spike, I'm here to-AH!"
Henry shot a surprise beam of magic at Twilight, sending her against the rocky wall.
"TWILIGHT!" Spike cried.
"Hang on Twilight, I'll- AH! OW!" Spike said before being interrupted.
"You stay right here!" Henry tied the other end of the rope around Spike's neck to a rock.

Spike couldn't move, nor could he breathe fire. He felt useless in the moment.

Henry leaped down in front of Twilight, who laid on the ground after the blast.

"Daw, the little pony princess came back for her little friend whom she doesn't even deserve." Henry said.
"Who are you to judge? I hatched him, therefore, so shouldn't he be with me?" Twilight said.
"If you think you deserve Spike, then come and take him! That is unless you can't!"

Henry charged his horn and fired a beam of magic.
Twilight flew into the air and dodged.

Henry fired multiple shots, while Twilight evaded them from the air.

"What's the matter Princess?! Scared?!" Henry teased.

Twilight hid behind a wall of rocks.

"This was a bad idea, this was a bad idea, this was a bad idea!" Twilight cried in panic. "Your friends were right, you can't do this! You're injured, alone, and he's more powerful than you anyway!"

"Did you come here to fight Twilight? Or to hide like a filly?" Henry teased.
"Don't be afraid of him Twilight, you can do this!" Spike cried. "You've faced way tougher foes and come out on top!"

"Spike's right, I can do this!" Twilight said in her head.

Twilight built up courage to fight back. She flew back out, and fired her own magic at Henry, creating quite the spectacle. Henry retaliated with his own blasts. Their beams intersected, causing a magic explosion.


They both flew backwards.


Twilight landed on her feet, hurting her broken foot. She lost her footing, Henry used this as an opportunity to strike while she was done. Henry used his magic to grab a bunch of frozen ice crystals to throw at Twilight.

"AH!" she screamed.
Twilight conjured a shield to block ice projectiles.
*shattering ice*
The shield cracked open at the tail end of the assault.
Henry jumped up, and fired a shot of magic at Twilight.
The blast turned up a large amount of smoke and dust.

"Twilight! No!" Spike cried.

Was Twilight defeated? Nope.

She flew out of the smoke.

"Tell me where Spike came from!" Twilight demanded.
"I won't tell you anything!" Henry replied.

"So you do know!" Twilight said.
"So what if I do?! That's none of your business!" Henry asserted.

"If you won't tell me, then I'll make you tell!"

Twilight a fired beam of magic up at Henry, but not just any ordinary beam. This beam put a grasp on Henry's head.

*gah* "What? What is this sorcery?!" he said.

"No more secrets Henry! Time to open your mind!"

The spell activated, and a stream of magic aura surrounded Henry's and Twilight's heads, linking their minds together. Twilight and Henry entered suspended animation.

"Hang on Twilight! I'm coming!" Spike said.
Spike was still tied in place, but he could still wander far enough to peek his head into stream of magic.
"WooOOAAHH-" Spike joined together in the spell, and entered suspended animation as well.







"AAHHH!" Spike was falling! Until...

*ker plunk* he fell face first onto the ground.

"Oof, that's gonna hurt in the morning." he said.

"Spike? Is that you?" said a familiar voice.

"Twilight?" Spike looked over, and there she was.


The two ran up to each other and reunited.

Twilight and Spike joined together in a great big hug!
"Oh Spike, I'm happy to see you again!" Twilight said.

"Oh Twilight, I missed you so much." Spike said.

Tears of joy ran down both their faces.

"I thought I would never see you again Twilight." Spike said.
"I was so worried, I almost thought the same thing." Twilight confessed. "But I couldn't give up. I knew deep down the whole time that I had to keep going."

"You came all this way to save me." Spike said.
"Of course I did. I would never leave you behind, or let you get nabbed by some random jerk." Twilight said.

"Speaking of, how have you been? What has Henry been doing to you this whole time?" she asked.

"Oh it's been absolutely terrible! Henry kidnapped me at night in my sleep, and he took me to his secret hideout where made me fight other dragons! I refused to fight at first, but then I did, and when I won, Henry started to feed me gems so that I would grow big and turn into a monster!" Spike said.

"That's horrible. So he really was exploiting your greed." Twilight said.
"Yep. But thankfully his plan went up in smokes. I grew too big to control, and then there was an explosion!"

"That sounds terrifying." Twilight added.
"Oh it was. I had never been more scared in my life." Spike said.

"What a relief I was able to find you when I did." Twilight said. "What happened next?" she asked.
"When I woke up after the explosion, I was small again, and then that's when we ran into you, and then the big crazy car chase happened, which ended with you getting knocked out. But then you got back up and flew up the mountain, and then used some kind of spell on Henry, and well, here we are... somehow. And that's the complete story of my my life through this experience, up until now."

"Yep. You've been through a lot Spike.
"We all have." Spike said.

"Well I'm just so glad you're here." Twilight said.

Twilight and Spike snuggled once more.

"But where exactly is... here?" Spike asked.
The two surveyed their surroundings.

"I don't know Spike." Twilight answered. "It looks like we're... nowhere."

"Where did Henry go? What the heck spell did you do anyway?" Spike asked.

"I thought I used a memory spell on Henry to peer into his mind, but I have no idea what we're here." Twilight answered.

"Maybe I did the wrong spell?" she guessed.
"No way. You're the most skilled spell caster I know. Your spells always work." Spike said.

"Heh. I'm flattered." Twilight said.
"So assuming your spell worked, what if we really are in Henry's memories..." Spike suggested.

"Then why isn't he here." Twilight asked.
"We're in the middle of nowhere!" Spike said.

It was true. The two wound up at some rock quarry. The sky was dark and overcast. Overall an unpleasant location. But here was something very special about this location.

Spike started walking off.

"Where are you going?! This place could be dangerous!"

"I'm having a look around. Surely this place has some significance, and I'm going to see what it is." Spike said.

They both looked around, and tread with caution. Twilight stepped on a set of bones, which made her nervous.

*gasp* "What's this thing?!" Spike exclaimed.

"Spike wait!" Twilight rushed over to Spike.
"What did you find?" Twilight asked.

"This." Spike replied.

In front of the two was a nest. Made from twigs and rocks.

"It's some kind of nest." Twilight pointed out.

"Mmm hmm. And it's giving me... strange vibes..." Spike said.

Spike inched forward.

"What are you doing Spike?!"

"I'm going to look inside if that's okay with you."
"...Yeah, that's fine..." Twilight said reluctantly.

Spike started to climb in, when Twilight spoke out again.
"Spike, wait! Before you look in there, I um..."

"You what?"
"I don't know if you should go in there. I have a very bad feeling about this. Are you sure you want to peek into that nest?"

"What is it Twilight? Why are you acting so strange?" Spike asked.
"It's just, um..." she hesitated.

"Just what Twilight? What's the problem? Do you not what to keep going?"

Twilight didn't say anything.

"Do you NOT want answers?! Do you not like the narrative the evidence is painting?! Are you afraid that the truth is going to change the way you look at things forever?!" he exclaimed.

"...maybe..." Twilight said hesitantly.
"Twilight." Spike said.

"Look, I thought I wanted to know the truth, but the closer I get to the reality of the truth, the more afraid I get." she said.

"Twilight. You can't be afraid to face the truth. The truth isn't always pretty, but I have to know. I've been searching for answers my whole life, and the biggest revelation of all could be in that nest right now. I have to see what's inside."
Twilight nodded, but did not speak.
Spike climbed into the nest, while Twilight waited outside anxiously.

A few moments passed, and seemingly nothing, until...

*gasp* Spike let out a big gasp.

"Spike!" Twilight panicked, and jumped inside the nest.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I knew it..." Spike said on his knees.

Twilight and Spike laid their eyes upon an incredible sight. There in that nest, was a single lone egg. One lonely spotted purple egg...

"It's..." she was at a loss for words.
"It's me..." Tears poured down Spike's face.

"Listen Spike, I know it's a lot to take in, but listen, I-"
"So is that it?!" he exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" she asked.
"Like is that seriously it?! Just an empty nest?! Where the heck are my parents?! We came all this way, and no sight of my real parents anywhere?!" Spike exclaimed into the sky.

"Spike, calm down!" Twilight said.
"My parents really did abandon, me and left me for dead!"

"Spike!" Twilight exclaimed.
*sigh* "So it's true... I really am an orphan..." Spike fell to his knees, and laid on the ground.

"Oh Spike... I'm sorry we couldn't find your parents. I thought for sure this was it, but I guess not." Twilight said.

But what does this have to do with Henry? Is the spell looking into Spike's memories instead? But, if he wasn't born yet, then how... Twilight thought.

*sigh* "At least we have each other buddy." Spike said.
"You said it." Twilight said.

"I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to me." Spike said, snuggling his own egg. "It's just you, me, some bones, and a large pair of talons..."

"WAIT WHAT?!" Twilight exclaimed.
"HUH?!" Spike looked up.

"AAAAHHHH!" Spike and Twilight screamed.

Right there in the nest was a giant bird. A roc specifically. The roc swiped Spike's egg with its talons, and took flight!

"NOOOOO!" Spike cried.

Twilight tried to blast the roc with magic, but it had no effect.

"Why didn't your magic work?" Spike asked.
"Because I can't alter the past..." Twilight replied.


They needed a miracle, and well. I don't know how you define miracles, but here's what happened.


There was a loud and thunderous bang sound. The shock wave pierced their ears.

"What was that sound!?" Spike asked.
"I don't know, sounded like a cannon going off." Twilight guessed.

"Look!" Spike pointed.

The roc dropped Spike's egg.

"OH NOO!" Spike cried.

The egg fell, but it came to a slow stop in midair, as somepony's magic caught it.

"Nice catch Twilight." Spike said.

"That wasn't me..." she said.

It was none other, than...

"HENRY?!" they exclaimed.

"Don't act surprised." present Henry said, sneaking up on Twilight and Spike.
"AH! Don't scare me like that!" Twilight jumped.

"I've been hinting at this for ages. It should've been obvious by now." Henry said.
"It's just... I don't believe it." she said.

"Well there it is, right in front of your eyes." Henry said.
"It was you... you're the one who found Spike's egg." Twilight said.

"Mmm hmm." Henry confirmed.
"So wait, what happened to the..." Spike started, when suddenly.


The roc wasn't done just yet.

Past Henry hopped into a prototype version of his car, and tried to escape with the egg, but the roc was quick. It swooped down, and landed on Henry's car. Its talons put a tight grip and crushed the vehicle. Past Henry kicked open the driver door, rolled out of the vehicle, and pulled out and held some kind of object... it was shaped like a long stick. He took careful aim with the mystery object.


*CAW* the roc cried.

Whatever the object was, it made a loud sound.


Henry made three more bangs to scare the roc.

"I didn't want to have to do this, but if I must." he said.



The roc was hit by some kind of fast projectile. It was a glancing blow, and it was enough to scare away the roc for good. Now that it was clear, past Henry rushed to the vehicle, and pulled the egg out of the wreckage. The egg was miraculously okay.

"You saved Spike's egg from a roc?!" Twilight was astonished.
"Yep." Henry confirmed.
Spike himself said not a word. He just stared at the ground.

Past Henry pulled out a paper, written on it a spell.

"And now, using this spell, I will hatch this egg, and finally have my own dragon." he said.
Past Henry placed Spike's egg on the ground, put his horn to the egg, and read the spell aloud.

"enim eb lliw gnirpsffo eht taht os gge siht hctaH .rewop elbarusaemmi fo erutaerc ythgim a em nopu wotseb ,cigam yht hO!"


A flash of light, too bright to see through, blinded Twilight and Spike. The light had subsided, revealing... that the egg did not hatch.

"What?! That should have worked!" past Henry grunted.

He tried again and again, but couldn't hatch the egg using his magic.

"Dang it. So if my magic can't hatch the egg, then maybe I should find somepony more powerful than I."
Past Henry gave it some thought.

"So I'll just take this egg to somepony more powerful than I, the most powerful alicorn in the land." he said aloud to himself.

*gasp* Princess Celestia..." Twilight said under her breath.
"Finally you're getting it. Now you know the truth." Henry said.

"All this time, I've been searching for the pony who brought Spike's egg to Canterlot, and this whole time, it was you..." Twilight said.


"I think when you hatch, I'll call you... Spike." past Henry said. Or Spica if you're a girl

"You also named him?! WHAT?!" Twilight exclaimed. "I can hardly believe this. Can you Spike? Spike?"
Spike still didn't say a word. He continued to look at the ground with a scorn.

"Say something Spike." Twilight said.
Spike didn't want to say a word.

"But if you found Spike's egg, how exactly did he end up with me?" Twilight asked.
"Don't play dumb. You already know half the reason of why." Henry replied.

"I presume you're referring to the fact that I hatched him, but what about the other half?" Twilight asked.
"That's the next part of our explanation. Now that you know how I found Spike, next I'm going to show you how you took him away from me!"


Henry zapped Twilight and Spike to the next part of the flashback.