• Published 3rd Feb 2017
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Oh Spike We Hardly Knew Thee - 5u0myn0n4

A story cataloging the darkest times that befall Spike the Brave and Glorious. Spike experiences difficult situations, and is challenged to not give up no matter how grim things may seem. Twilight and friends must help in any way they can.

  • ...

Chapter 21: The End of Harmony

Originally published on November 12, 2018




Spike slowly woke up.

"Oh... what happened?" he said, dazed.

"Twilight! Spike!" the ponies cried.

Twilight and Spike were on the ground. They both took a fall after last chapter's... *ahem* incident.

"Huh? What?" Spike slowly started to regain consciousness.

*gasp* Oh my god! Twilight!" he screamed, when he saw what had happened.

Spike stood up, but Twilight was motionless. Her head was face down in the snow. Her wing had been damaged.

"Twilight! Please, get up!" Spike cried.

"Are you two okay?!" cried Rarity.

Pinkie, Rarity, AJ, Dash, Fluttershy, and Starlight were in the hot air balloon above, or hovering adjacent to it.

Spike put his ear to Twilight's chest.

"Please, *sob* oh no." Spike said.
*gasp* "She's still breathing!" he said.

"Hang on Twilight!" Rainbow Dash cried.

"Not so fast!" Henry said.

Last chapter, Henry fired a projectile, at Twilight's wing. He shot her right out of the sky. The pain was so intense, it made her faint instant.

"If you want your princess to keep breathing, then you ponies won't move forward another inch!" Henry pointed his weapon at Twilight again.

*gasp* "You wouldn't!" Pinkie exclaimed.
"But I already have. You thought that was impressive? I still have another three shots where that came from." Henry said.

"You're despicable Henry!" Fluttershy cried.

"I can't believe what you've done!" Rarity said.
"We've seen some evil, but you're on a whole other level!" Starlight said.

"I know. I actually defeated the Princess of Friendship." Henry said. "And I didn't need any special rainbow magic to do it. All it took was a little ingenuity."


"It's going to be okay Twilight." Spike said, embracing her.
"Let this be lesson fillies. This is what happens when you let faith govern your life. It only gets you so far. If you don't put your hoof down and take what you want, then some pony else will." Henry said.


"Is the mountain shaking?" Fluttershy asked.
"Shh..." Applejack said.

"Now if you don't mind, I'm going to claim the dragon that is rightfully mine. And you ponies are going to stay right where you are, until my escape helicopter arrives. Failure to comply will result in, let's just say, bang." Henry said.

Henry inched forward, keeping his weapon pointed.

"We gotta do something!" Rainbow Dash said.
"What can we do? If we move, he might fire again! We can't risk it!" Starlight said.

The rumbling was getting more intense.

"Come on Spike, don't resist." Henry said.
"You can intimidate me all you want Henry! But I'm not going to let you get away with this." Spike said.

"Move out of the way so I can get a clear aim." Henry said.
"Never. In fact, get any closer and I'll *hiccup*" Spike tried to breath fire at Henry, but that rope was still tied around his neck. It was just tight enough that he couldn't expel fire.

"Ha. You're in no condition to fight back. Now, don't try my patience Spike." Henry said.


"I feel so helpless." Fluttershy said.

"Is there an earthquake?" Starlight asked.

"What's going on?" Henry asked.

Henry looked up, but all of Twilight's friends were accounted for, so it wasn't them. There was someone else lurking.


Something heavy was lurking beneath the ground.

"Who's there!? Show yourself!" Henry pointed his weapon around, trying to find the source of the vibration. The shaking made it tough to aim.

*rumble, rumble, rumble*

The side of the mountain started to shake.


*burst* The thing burst out of the side of the mountain. It sent rocks flying forward, and a cloud of dust. The mystery assailant rushed forward and knocked Henry back, which caused him to drop the weapon.

*oof* *cough cough* Henry coughed.

"No! What are you doing here?" Henry said.
As the smoke cleared, they showed their identity. It was none other than...

"Garble?" Spike said in amazement.

"That's right Henry, I'm back." Garble said.
"And so am I." Ember said, emerging from the cloud of dust. She was noticeably fatigued from earlier, but Garble stood strong.

"Ah ha! So this is the part where an army of all the dragons come back to defeat Henry!" Pinkie said.
"Actually, it's just us two..." Ember said.

"Not what I'd call an army." Henry scoffed.

"Regardless, this ends now Henry. It's time you payed for your great crimes, surrender immediately." Ember said.

"I'm hardly surprised to see you again Ember, but you Garble? I never thought I'd see the day where you cooperated with anyone. I thought you didn't like Spike or ponies." Henry said.

"I may not like Spike, but i like you a whole hell of a lot less!" Garble said.
"What a quaint way to word things." Henry said. "Let me guess, you came back because now you embrace friendship." he teased.

"No way! I came back because, because... because we have some unfinished business!" Garble said.
"Come on, say it." Ember nudged.

"Okay fine I'll say it. I'm here to save Spike! Because, you know, dang it, maybe there is something to this, friendship junk!" Garble said. "Ember told me that, you know, maybe our primitive dragon ways are holding us back, and we could do so much more if we joined together and-"

While Garble was rambling, Henry, figuring they were distracted, used his magic to reach for his weapon. Ember caught wind of this.

"Oh no you don't!" Ember breathed fire Henry's way.

*gah* Henry flinched.

"Now!" Ember exclaimed.

This is where the action begins.

The two ganged up on Henry before he could grab the weapon. They lunged forward and began their fight. Ember began with a breath fire. Henry shielded himself from flames, but then Garble came in and slammed into the shield. *shatter* the shield broke. Henry ran to the side, and fired magic at Garble, but then Ember came in and bumped into Henry.

"Woah..." the girls watched in awe as Henry fought Ember and Garble.

"Don't just stand there! We have to help Twilight!" Spike cried.

"Spike's right, now's our chance!" Starlight called into action.
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get to save Twilight and Spike!" Rainbow Dash said.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew down, and lifted Twilight and Spike up slowly.
"Careful, her wing is damaged!" Spike said.

"Easy does it now." Fluttershy said.

Our pegasi heroines carefully lifted Twilight and Spike up to the balloon. They hoped that Ember and Garble could distract Henry for long enough.

Ember and Garble held off Henry while they helped Twilight. Garble flung a boulder at Henry, but he kicked it with his hind legs, shattering it. It didn't tire him out at all.

"You're just jealous that you'll never be as powerful as Spike." Henry said.
"Doesn't matter! Because friendship isn't about being the best, it's about helping each other out!" Garble said.

"And you Ember, even if you win, you failed as a leader! You'll never be the dragon lord your people deserve!" Henry said.

"You captured my people, destroyed the Bloodstone Scepter, and hurt the Princess of Friendship. The best thing I can do as leader is stop you!" Ember said.

Their battle raged on. Henry body slammed Garble, and shot magic at Ember. He knew their patterns very well, after watching them fight in captivity. Just taking on both at the same time was tricky, but not impossible. Garble and Henry entered an intense grip, and pushed each other. Somehow, Henry's strength came through, and he tossed Garble against the wall. *BAM* He then blasted his magic at some upper snow, causing it to collapse onto to Garble, effectively finishing him off.

*gasp* the ponies gasped.

"Garble! No!" Ember exclaimed.

Henry held up Ember with his magic.

"You're mad Henry. You're a mad, jealous, jerk. And you're not going to win." Ember said.
"It's been a pleasure working with you Ember, but it's time for your reign as Dragon Lord to end, now." Henry said.


Henry did a thing with his magic, and Ember fainted. And like that, Henry defeated Garble and Ember.

"Sorry you two. I know you both just wanted my attention, but I have my sights set on a different dragon." Henry said to them.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash plopped Twilight and Spike into the hot air balloon basket.

"It's okay Spike, you're safe now." Applejack said.

"No it's not! Twilight's hurt! Like, really hurt!" Spike cried.
"You two are going to be fine, you're safe in here." Rarity said.

"Hey! Just where do you think you ponies are going with my dragon?!" Henry said.
"Come on, we gotta get out Twilight of here!" Rainbow Dash said.

"But we can't leave behind Ember." Starlight said.

With no one in Henry's way, he lifted his weapon, and aimed it at the balloon.

"Watch out! He's gonna fire!" Pinkie exclaimed.
"AAHH!" everypony screamed.





Pinkie opened one eye. "Are we dead yet?" she asked.

"I don't think so." Rarity answered.
*gasp* "Starlight!" they cried.

"What the?!" Henry exclaimed.

Starlight was blocking the bullet with a magic shield! The bullet had a lot of kinetic energy, and depleting it all with magic energy, took a lot out of Starlight.

The grinding of the bullet against her shield made for a spectacle light show.

Henry was awestruck at Starlight's magic.

"ERR... HURRRGGHH!" Starlight used every bit of energy she could.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!" she screamed.
The bullet dropped down perfectly vertically into the snow. It was so hot, it melted all the way through.

*phew* "Believe it or not, that was the single hardest thing I've ever done with magic." Starlight said.

"Impressive showing Starlight. Unfortunately for you, it's curtains." Henry said.

Henry aimed his weapon again. Starlight, wasn't having none of that!

"Oh no you don't!" Starlight jumped out of the hot air balloon and fired a massive stream of magic at Henry!


She landed on the ground below.

*heavy breathing* "I think we're good now-OH MY GOSH!" Starlight said.
"AAH!" they screamed.

After the dust cleared, they could see that Henry was completely unscathed.

"After seeing your impressive defense power, I expected some more umph from your offense Starlight." Henry said.

"I'll show you umph!" Starlight exclaimed.

Starlight and Henry engaged in an epic magic battle.


"GO STARLIGHT!" Pinkie cheered.

They fired beams of magic that hit dead on.


"If Twilight Sparkle couldn't defeat me, then how is a discount version of herself supposed to win!?" Henry teased.

This really ticked off Starlight. She leaped onto the upper platform, and dodged Henry's shots. More powerful back and forth magic.
*pew pew pew*

"Come on, let's get out of here!" Rainbow Dash said.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy pushed the hot air balloon, to try to escape. Henry noticed immediately, so he gripped the basket with his magic, and pulled in the opposite direction.

*oof* "What the?" Henry's magic pull force overcame the pegasi's push force.
"You're not going anywhere!" Henry said.

Starlight shot magic at Henry, and it struck him. He released his grip on the basket, and the pegasi continued to push.

"Stay out of my way Starlight!" Henry said.
"I'll never let you get away with this!" Starlight said.

"You can't keep me from my dragon any longer!" Henry reached for the weapon up, and quickly tried to aim it. Starlight, risking life and limb, ran forward to try to stop it. She shoved it upward with her magic.

"Look out!" Starlight cried.

"AAHH!" they all screamed. Everypony braced for the worst.





"...Are we dead now?" Pinkie asked.

"I think we're still... alive... somehow." Rarity said.
"HA! You missed us Henry!" Pinkie said.

"Did I?" Henry said.
"Um, girls? Why are we going down?" Spike asked.

They looked up and noticed a hole in the hot air balloon.

The balloon lost altitude quickly, and then fell onto the ground below.


"Oh... shoot." Pinkie Pie said.

"We're screwed!" Spike said.
"We're grounded." Rarity said.

"Now how do we escape?" Fluttershy asked.

Meanwhile, the battle between Starlight and Henry was still raging.

"Your magic is strong, but your technique is brute force!" Starlight said.

Starlight used magic tricks. Henry fired a blast, but starlight opened a portal, that redirected it into Henry. He barely conjured a shield in time to block the blast.


Starlight used a cloning spell, to make multiple illusions of herself.

"GAH!" Henry shot a dome of magic in all directions, taking them all out. "And you rely on gimmicks to give yourself an edge!"

Starlight leaped into the air, and their magic collided dead on.


The blast sent them both flying back. *heavy breathing* Henry and Starlight had a stare down.

*urrgh* Starlight's knees gave out.

"What's the matter? Run out of steam?" Henry teased.

Henry used his magic to take hold of Starlight.

"Let me go!" she tried to resist his grip.

"How are you so powerful?" Starlight asked.
"I thought you of all ponies would have known what it's like to be fueled by revenge." Henry said.

"I used to, but I learned, there's a better way! It's not too late Henry!" Starlight said.
"It is too late, by a several years." Henry said.

Henry trapped Starlight in a magic lock. So was incapacitated.

"Now then? Where was I? Oh right." Henry said.

The basket, with all our ponies, was on the ground, just mere feet from Henry.

Everypony huddled inside.

"What do we do now?" Fluttershy asked.

"We tried flight, now we do fight." Applejack said, pulling her hat down.

"It all comes down to this girls. We've risked life and limb, and fended off great evil before. This is no different. We have save Twilight." Applejack said.

"It's going to be okay Spike. We got this." Rarity said.
*gulp* "You're right. Just believe, and anything's possible." Spike said, with waning confidence.

"Y'all ready?" AJ said.
Everypony put their hooves in the center, disbanded, and leaped into action.

Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, flew into action. Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack leaped out of the basket.

"So, you five also want to fight? Don't bother. This doesn't concern any of you." Henry said.
"No way! You mess with Twilight, you mess with all of us!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Without your leader spearheading your actions, how could you possibly hope on winning?" Henry said.
"We don't need Twilight to do incredible things!" Pinkie Pie said.

"We can be special in our own unique ways!" Applejack said.

The mane 5 sprung into action against Henry. (While Spike hid with Twilight in the basket of the now grounded hot air balloon.)

Rainbow Dash circled around Henry, and swiped the weapon right from his hooves.

"I'll take that." Dash said.

"Give that back!" Henry fired magic at Dash, but she passed the weapon to Applejack, who bucked it over to Rarity.

"You fillies have no idea what you're playing with!" Henry said.

"Catch!" Rarity said.

The ponies tossed Henry's weapon around.

"I got it!" Pinkie caught the weapon and held it up.

*BANG* the weapon fired.
"AAHH!" Pinkie cried.

Henry's magic pulled the trigger remotely, and the recoil launched it out of Pinkie's grip.

"How dare you make me waste my ammo. Now I only have one shot left." Henry went for the weapon, but Rainbow came in at high speed. Henry braced magic shield, as Dash impacted.

*bam* kicked the shield.

The impact sent decent recoil through Henry.

"Guys, he's not after the weapon!"

Henry charged forward towards the basket c

"AHH!!" Spike cried.


"WHAT THE?!" Henry was halted by Fluttershy of all ponies.

"ERRRGH!! I need some help!


Rainbow Dash flew to Fluttershy's aid, and pushed against Henry. Pinkie joined in too. Rarity was too skittish to jump in.

Applejack lassoed Henry's horn, and pulled him back.

"You fillies have no idea what you're doing!" Henry exclaimed.
"Spike belongs with his friends!!" Fluttershy exclaimed.


They knocked Henry off his hooves, and he skid across the ground.
Spike watched from the basket.

"Did we do it?" Pinkie asked.

*heavy breathing*

Henry used his magic on Fluttershy.

"Ooh. Ah!!" she screamed.
"Let her go!" Rainbow Dash flew forward.

Henry kicked Rainbow Dash


"AH!!" she cried. "Oh it is on!!"

Rainbow Dash flew high into the air, and then proceeded to dive down at high speeds.

Rainbow Dash flew up high into the sky, and dove back down at high speed towards Henry. She was almost about to perform a sonic rainboom, until, she came to a grinding halt.

Henry had grabbed Rainbow Dash with his magic.

"That sound, those colors. You're the one who did that dreaded Sonic Rainboom!! he said.

Henry pointed Rainbow Dash away from the mountain, and then-

"AAH!" she cried.

"Rainbow Dash!" the ponies cried.

Rainbow was sent flying miles away from the mountain at great speed. She was out of the picture essentially.

"Now to finish you off Fluttershutter." Henry said.

"AAAA-*crack* Fluttershy lost consciousness just like that.

Henry dropped her into the snow. *plop*

Two down, three to go. Henry said in his head.

Spike watched the scene unfold from inside the basket. He then looked at Twilight, who showed little sign of well being. He was losing hope. He covered his eyes with his new wings, he couldn't bear to watch his friends be hurt.

"What do we do now? We tried everything?" Pinkie panicked.
"Everything, except Pinkie." Rarity said.

"I don't get it." she said.
"Why don't you show Henry some of your Pinkie powers." AJ winked.

"Oooohh. Okay." Pinkie said.

Pinkie Pie got in Henry's face.

"Say, that's a nice weapon you got there." Pinkie said.
"Heh. It is a marvel of engineering isn't it." Henry commented.

"This thing kind of reminds me of my party cannon." Pinkie pulled out her party cannon.
"You two already had a brief introduction when your car hit one, but here is up close. Mine works like yours, only mine delivers fun, while yours delivers pain." Pinkie said.

"Wha- but how?" Henry befuddled.
"How what?" she asked.

"How is this device possible?" Henry asked.
"I don't know. It's a party cannon. When the fuse runs out, ka-boom!" Pinkie explained. She also started the fuse.

"But how? You ponies haven't discovered sulfur yet!" Henry said.
"Sulf-... sul what now?" Pinkie said.

"Your technology is far too primitive for such a device. I'm supposed to be ahead of the curve! So then what powers this device? What fuel does it use? And not to mention, where did this come from? You pulled it out of nowhere! That's impossible! You're just an earth pony!" Henry was perplexed by everything Pinkie said or did essentially.

"I'll let you in on a secret Henry, you don't have to be a unicorn to bend reality. All you need is Pinkie sense." Pinkie Pie said.
The fuse was almost out.

"And as for you Mr. Henry, SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE PONY!"
The cannon went ka-boom! Rarity fired herself out as a projectile, hitting Henry square in the face.


"You think I can't be aggressive? I'll mop the floor with you for messing with my little Spikey-wikey!" Rarity said.
"Now Applejack!" Pinkie cried.

Applejack spun a rope and tied it around Henry's horn. Henry tugged at it. Rarity fired diamonds at Henry, and Pinkie fired confetti and pies at Henry. Their onslaught was effective!

Pinkie fired a never ending supply of pies from her party cannon, and Rarity shot shiny rocks and minerals at Henry.

"Hey, we're actually doing it!" Pinkie said.

Their ammunition buried Henry in a pile of pies and rocks.

"I beg of you to reconsider your decision princess."
"My decision is final."




"And once the pony princess hatches you from your egg, you'll be all mine little one. Nothing will get in between us. Nothing at all..."

Great tension built up from underneath.

"ENOUGH!" Henry erupted. His horn lit up.

He emerged from the pile enraged.

He fast approached Rarity.

"Please, not the face!" Rarity pleaded.

Henry gently blew "ah..." Rarity fainted.

Henry shoved Pinkie Pie into her own party cannon, and stuffed her in a corner.

"Oh no, AAHH!" Pinkie cried.

Henry swiped the rope from Applejack, and tied her up.

"I think you look better tied up Applejack." Henry said.
"I'm going to pretend you did not just say that." Applejack said.

Spike peaked out of the basket, and was mortified. All of his friend had been defeated by Henry. He crawled back in, and looked at Twilight, whom was still unconscious.

"It's okay. Everything's alright Twilight. We're not at the top of Mt. Everhoof about to be killed by some psychotic evil horse with a deadly weapon. No no. We're just riding the hot air balloon down to Ponyville to film the intro. Just close your eyes and it's like everything's alright..."

Spike closed his eyes and imagined himself and Twilight peacefully riding the hot air balloon down to Ponyville to meet up with their friends. Where they would snap a photo and send it to Celestia.

But no matter how tight he closed his eyes, or how hard he tried to imagine, that didn't change the reality of their grim situation.

When he opened his eyes, Twilight was still injured and unconscious. And a very dangerous horse was right outside the basket.

His friends all laid in the ground, bruised, defeated, or imprisoned.
"I'm sorry everyone, for putting you in danger." Spike sobbed. "Garble, Ember, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Starlight, Applejack, Fluttershy. You all came back to save me, and look what happened to you all.

"I'm so sorry Twilight, *sob* this is all my fault. None of this would have happened if you just forgot about me. I'm not worth the trouble I put you through *sob*. Spike cried.

"You're more hurt than you've ever been. You may never get up, or ever fly again, and it's all because of me. I am a monster, because I did hurt you..." Tears poured down Spike's face.

"...Sp...ike..." Twilight said.

"Twilight?" Spike asked. "What is it Twilight?" "...h-e-lp..." Twilight pleaded.

Their somber moment was interrupted by Henry, who tipped over the basket, and out came Twilight and Spike.

"Look at you now, Princess of Friendship. Oh how the mighty fall hard." Henry said.
Henry looked at his weapon.

"You're not enough worth using my final projectile on." he unsheathed the handle of the weapon, revealing a sharp blade underneath.

"It's time to bid farewell to any life left in your miserable thieving soul." Henry said.

Henry lunged the weapon forward, but it was caught.



Spike grabbed the blade with his bare claws, and stopped it.

"Let go Spike!" Henry said.

They tugged on the blade, until-
The blade snapped in half.

"Stop right now, Henry!" Spike pointed the sharp part of the blade at Henry, but Henry pointed the barrel at Spike.

"Get out of the way, Spike, I don't want to hurt you." Henry said.

"Point that thing at me all you want, because I know for a fact that you're not going to fire another shot." Spike said.

Spike stood, stern, and unfazed, face to face against Henry, and his deadly weapon. He was going to protect Twilight at any cost. Even if it meant, risking the ultimate price.

"...wait, you said that you don't want to hurt me?"