• Published 3rd Feb 2017
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Oh Spike We Hardly Knew Thee - 5u0myn0n4

A story cataloging the darkest times that befall Spike the Brave and Glorious. Spike experiences difficult situations, and is challenged to not give up no matter how grim things may seem. Twilight and friends must help in any way they can.

  • ...

Chapter 20: Memories Part 2

Originally published on October 13th, 2018


*faint talking*

"Do you hear that?" Spike asked.

"I wish I didn't." Twilight replied.

"It sounds like it came from behind that door." Spike pointed.

"Should we...?" Twilight asked.
"You came for answers, and answers await." Spike said.

The two crept up cautiously to the door, dreading what lay behind.

*door screech*
They peeked their heads into the room.


"What's she doing with him?" Spike said.

"What is he doing here period?" Twilight said.

The two watched the past events play out in front of them.

"Ah, professor, glad we could have this meeting." past Princess Celestia said.

"It always and honor to be in your presence." said a familiar rough voice.

"Surprised to see me here?"
The two were jump scared.

Another Henry stood besides them, this being the present Henry. The one in front of Celestia was Henry from the past.
Henry from the past sat opposite of Princess Celestia's desk, while simultaneously present Henry appeared next to our two heroes to commentate.

"What are you doing here?" Twilight asked.

"You cast a memory spell, and wanted to see my past no? Well here you go." Henry replied. "I was one of Celestia's most knowledgeable professors."

"Today was a special day. I had spent months planning together an assortment of great lesson plans that would have taught Celestia's students about all the rare and exotic creatures in Equestria. Today was the day I presented them for her approval."

"Oh, that's... interesting..." Twilight said, waiting for the story to get good.

"But unfortunately, the princess was less than impressed with my hard work." he narrated.

Past Henry handed the papers to Celestia, and had a look at what he had written.

"Hmm, studies on the lifestyles and wonders of Griffons? Nope. The complete history the Hippogriffs and Mt. Aris? No thanks. A map of dragon migration paths? Not for my students." Celestia said.

"One by one she rejected each of my lessons that I had worked so hard to produce." Henry explained.
"How... unfortunate..." Twilight said, not sure how to feel about this really.

"But why my princess?" past Henry asked.

"At first I thought this was a joke. I don't see how any of this information could be useful to my school of gifted unicorns." Celestia replied.

"But princess, think long term. With such powerful magic, wouldn't it be invaluable to share our knowledge, and create new allies?" past Henry argued.

"No offense, but I don't see a future where ponies mingle with the likes of dragons any time soon. " Celestia said.

Spike was hurt by Celestia's words.
It was hard to see what Equestria was like in this period of time, especially with how far it's come in recent times.

"It's easy to forget just how far Equestria's come, and it's odd seeing it regressed." Twilight thought out loud.

Past Henry wasn't taking it well either. He grew became visibly stressed.
"I was ready to snap right there, until..." he narrated.

"Ooh. Now this looks interesting." past Celestia said.
"What was that Princess?" past Henry asked.

"According to your notes, it says that a dragon egg can be hatched by unicorn magic. Is that true?"
"Why yes it is Princess." past Henry lit up. "Dragon eggs can be hatched by powerful unicorn magic. It is quite difficult, few unicorns have done it successfully, but it is a spectacle."

Twilight and Spike sank, they were afraid of where the story was going.

"Hmm, that sound like a novel way to expand the horizons of my student's capabilities. A way to incorporate magic, and dragons." Celestia said.

"I have a feeling you two know where this is going." Henry said.

"Well, I just so happen to have something very special." past Henry said. "Have a look, princess" Past Henry pulled out Spike's egg from his saddle bag, and showed it to Celestia.

"Oh, so you already had a dragon egg with you? How did you obtain this egg?" she asked.
"I found it all alone on one of my travels. No sign of the thing's parents." he said.

"So the little creature inside is an orphan?" Celestia asked.
"Yep. Good thing I found it when I did, who knows what could have happened to a lonely egg." Henry said.

"I see... And you say that dragon eggs can be hatched with unicorn magic?" Celestia asked.

"Absolutely. Or at least, it has long been theorized. Starswirl the Bearded speculated on it, and even attempted it, but was never able to successfully do it. If one of your students could do it, it would be a breakthrough in magic study." past Henry said.

"I like the sound of it. You have my interest now." past Celestia said.

"So is it a deal?" past Henry asked.
Celestia thought for a moment.

"Yes, it's official. I have decided to assign the task of hatching this egg to students attempting my new entrance exam!" Celestia said.

"Err- Entrance exam?" past Henry was surprised.
"Yes, I said entrance exam. Is there a problem?" she asked.

"Um, wouldn't you rather have more experienced unicorns give it a whirl?" he asked.
"I could, but where's the fun in that?" she asked rhetorically.

"Ehh, sure. That's fine." he said.

"As I explained, hatching a dragon egg, one of the most difficult spells known to unicorns, instead of tasking more experienced unicorns, she assigns the object to a bunch of inexperienced fillies strait out of magic kindergarten!" present Henry said to Twilight.

"That does sound like something Celestia would do alright." she said.
"Hmph." Spike grunted.

"So I guess the rest is history..." Twilight said.
"Not just yet. You're getting ahead of yourself." Henry said.

Henry's horn glowed, and zapped them to the next stage of the flashback.


Twilight, Spike, and Henry appeared in the room where the actual exam took place.

"As you can see, Celestia introduced a new entrance exam for any students enrolling into her School for Gifted Unicorns. The rules were simple (as stated by the simple picture), hatch the egg, and be admitted into the school." Henry narrated. "Unfortunately, as mentioned, it was by no means easy. Days went by, but many a young unicorns could not do it. No pony could hatch the egg. Not unexpected like I said. I watched as many fillies failed to do it."

The scene went into fast speed. One by one, the three watched as filly after filly, tried to use their wittle unicorn magic to hatch the egg. But none were successful.

"I can see that no pony so far as been able to hatch the egg." past Henry said to past Celestia.
"You seem eager to see that egg hatch." she said.

"I am, err, I mean, it's just. I've never seen a baby dragon so close, it's an exciting prospect. But, insisting on these fillies to do it?"

"You're getting impatient professor. Not everything has to happen overnight." she said.

"The princess suspected that I was up to something, so from there I kept my mouth shut." Henry told Twilight.

"I was growing worried, perhaps my clever idea wasn't going to work. Maybe poor little Spike would never see the light of day." Henry put his hoof to Spike, but he swatted it away.

"And then came that fateful day. A day that I'm sure you're plenty familiar with Princess." Henry said.
*gulp* Twilight knew exactly which day Henry was talking about. The day of cutie mark reckoning.

They appeared once again in the study room, except this time, there was a very special unicorn being tested. One young Twilight Sparkle, that's who.
Unlike previous attempts, Henry was not present in the room. He grew tired of watching so many failed attempts, that he only oversaw every few. And of all days to skip, he had to pick today.

"How is this scene here if you didn't witness it?" Twilight asked.
"Your mind is here too. This is an amalgamation of both our memories." Henry replied.

Like attempts before, young Twilight could not hatch the egg. As Henry watched, he seemed... surprised, but not in a good way.

"This is my first time seeing this moment, and well... I'm underwhelmed." Henry said.
"Underwhelmed?" Twilight asked.

Before they knew it, young Twilight had already given up.

"I'm sorry I wasted your time." she said.

And then, just like magic, it happened.


The Rainboom happened. Young Twilight's eyes glowed white, and she shot a powerful beam of magic at the egg, causing it hatch! The Rainboom filled Twilight with a powerful magic. As you recall, her magic caused the instructors to levitate, turned her parents into plants, and she made Spike grow all big.

"I was in the courtyard when it happened, and I couldn't believe what I had witnessed. Some pony had done it, they actually hatched the dragon egg. I never witnessed such raw magic before. But now that I have a front row seat, I can see now what really happened." Henry said.

Twilight was confused as to what he meant.
Spike didn't express any feeling. It was obvious to Twilight that he was holding back lots of emotions, but she didn't feel it was a good time to speak right now.

Princess Celestia came in to calm the Twilight storm. Everypony in the room turned back to normal, and little Spike returned to normal baby size.

"Twilight Sparkle, I'd like to make you my own personal protégé here at the school." past Celestia said.
"Yes!" Young Twilight exclaimed.

"Oh, and one more thing, Twilight." Celestia booped her flank.
"More? My cutie mark! Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes..." Young Twilight hopped up and down.

Normally Twilight would be overjoyed reliving her proudest moment, but learning of the circumstances that brought Spike's egg here in the first place made her look at it differently.

Ever wondered what happened next? Well, here's what happened in this story's context.

Young Twilight ceased her hopping when she noticed the instructors rolling the cart with Spike out of the room.

"Excuse me, where are you taking that dragon?" Young Twilight asked.
"We're taking him out of here. The test is over, and so-" they said.

"Can I keep him?!" she asked.
"you-uh-, you what?" they said.

"Can I keep him please?" she begged.
"Uh... you want this creature?" the instructors were baffled.

"Yes. I hatched him, don't I get to keep him?" Twilight said.
"I don't know, this is all very new to me." one of them said.

Princess Celestia intervened.

"What do you say Princess? It's your call." one instructor said.
"Hmm..." the princess thought.

"You said I had a special gift, and I have a special feeling about this dragon. Please?" Young Twilight begged.


*abrupt scene transition*

"You did WHAT?!" Past Henry exclaimed furiously.

He had a private meeting with Celestia in her office. Twilight, Spike, and present Henry watched the scene unfold.

"You heard me. I've decided to give the dragon to the filly who hatched him." Celestia replied.
"You gave away MY dragon to some FILLY!?" he shouted.

"Your dragon?!" Celestia repeated.
"I brought his egg here, did I not?" past Henry replied.

"And then you gave me the egg didn't you?" she asked.
"I let you BARROW you the egg! I had every intent on receiving the hatchling once the test was over." he said.

"You wanted me to hatch the egg... but then you wanted the dragon back after it hatched?" she asked.
"YES!" past Henry exclaimed.

"Well, if you wanted the dragon so bad, why didn't you hatch him yourself?"
"I would have if I could have! I tried, but I couldn't do it, even with a spell. And so I-"

"So you just used my students so that you could have the dragon to yourself?" Celestia said.
"That's... one way to phrase it." past Henry said.

"You made it sound like you were genuinely interested in helping my students learn, but now it sounds like you were just interested in your own gain." Celestia said.

"But princess, I swear on my own knees-" past Henry started.
"Enough!" Celestia interrupted.

Her words shook Twilight as she watched.

"I must ask though, why princess?" past Henry asked.
"I just, have a feeling about those two." she answered.

"You have a FEELING about them. But you don't have a feeling for me?! Who risked life and limb to find that dragon egg? Who had planned on raising that dragon MY way. Who could have, for the first time in Equestrian history, observed a dragon from birth to growth, and learned more than ever about dragon development and behavior?! All of that thrown away because you have a FEELING?!" past Henry ranted.

"My decision is final. And now I'm going to ask that you leave the room professor." Celestia said.
"You don't have to ask, because I was already on my way out." past Henry said.

"How convenient, because I've decided to terminate your position as my professor." Celestia said.
"Fine! I have nothing more to gain from staying here. I quit." past Henry said.

"Fine by me. Pack your things and get out of here." Celestia said.

Henry was on his way out, but he ran into some little filly with a baby dragon on her back.
*gasp* "It's you!"
"Excuse me, sir. Is Celestia in?" young Twilight asked.
"Move out of my way, you." Henry shoved his way past Twilight.

Young Twilight walked in.

"Who was that, princess?" she asked.

"Oh, that was uh... nobody." past Celestia said. "Now, about you and Spike, I feel that it is
"Spike?" young Twilight asked. "Is that his name?"

"It uh... can be if you'd like." she replied.
"I like that name, Spike!" Twilight said. "I like Spike."

"So that's how Spike got his name..." Twilight said, as she observed the scene. "I can't believe I completely forgot about this, and that I didn't recognize you earlier."
"I guess of all the moments of your day, our encounter was the most forgettable." Henry said.
Spike still had nothing to say. He just kept his arms crossed and looked down.

The scene went dark, and faded out.

All that was left was a speedy recap of what happened to Henry next.

"Things weren't so bad from there on out. I finally left Canterlot after that day, never to return. Later that day, I ran into little Jeffery. He had a different experience with dragons that day. He had just ran away from the fire at the schoolyard. I took him in as my own, promising him to join me on our journey to research dragons."

"We built machines for capturing dragons, and traversing the land. Finally, we invaded the dragon lands, and captured a group of teenage dragons. We had done it. We had dragons under our control, exactly of what I had dreamed of long ago. But in the back of my mind, I still felt less than satisfied. I always thought about the dragon whose egg started it all. It was you Spike." Henry said. "That's why I thought it would be bitter sweet to let you have the honor of being the main component of my revenge plot."

A bright flash of light signified the end of the flashback.

When the light cleared, the three were back on the summit of Mt. Everhoof.

"Now do you understand?" Henry asked.
"I get it now. You found Spike's egg, and you used me so that you could have him for yourself." Twilight recapped.

"Mmmhmmm." Henry confirmed.
"But when I hatched Spike, Princess Celestia gave him to me instead of you." Twilight said.

"And I've never forgiven her for that." Henry said.

"All this time, you-" Twilight started.
"I'm Spike's rightful owner. He's coming with me." Henry interrupted.

"No he's not! So what? This doesn't change anything! I hatched him! Therefore he's still mine!" Twilight argued.
"You never would have had an egg to hatch were it not for me!" he argued.

"You're just an over glorified delivery pony!" Twilight argued.
"You should be careful who you call over glorified, little ms. smile and and wave." Henry insulted.

*gasp* "You take that back!" Twilight exclaimed.
"Not before you surrender the dragon." Henry yelled.

"Never! Spike belongs to me!" Twilight said.

"Come on Spike, we're leaving this place." Twilight said.
"No." Spike said.

"What did you say?" Twilight asked.
"You heard me, I said no!" Spike exclaimed.

"Did you just talk back to me?" she asked.
"You heard what I said." Spike replied.

"What's gotten into you Spike?" Twilight asked.

*sniff* "I learned a lot during that flashback." Spike said. "I always held out hope, that maybe I'd find my parents, and discovery them to be caring, but that couldn't be further from the truth. I learned today that my parents didn't want me, and they left me to die! *sniff* And if they didn't want me, then why should anyone!?"

"Spike..." Twilight said, feeling the weight of his emotions.
"Think about it, what am I? What am I going to be? I'll never grow into a real dragon, and I'll never be a pony. I'm just stuck in this awkward middle ground for the rest of my life!" Spike exclaimed.

"Calm down Spike!" Twilight exclaimed.
"I didn't ask to be hatched into this world, nor did I ask to be saved." Spike said. "But here I am. Fate brought me into this world, but couldn't be bothered, to give me a purpose... *sniff*"

"She knew I was an orphan this whole time, and never told me.*sniff* I've been betrayed. I have nothing more to gain from being anypony's follower. If I have no room to grow, then I don't see a point of being a follower." Spike said. "I never gained from it anyway..."

"So does that mean, you're done with me?" Twilight asked.

"This entire time you've been my assistant, you haven't enjoyed?" she asked. "Growing up under my wing, was really that empty?" Twilight got teary eyed.

Spike continued to tear.

"I did everything I could to make you feel welcome, and to bring meaning and purpose to your life. To make you feel like you belonged. But if this is how you feel... *sob* then I've failed in my duties, and I don't deserve to be your caretaker after all." Twilight broke down.

"Twilight..." Spike cried some more tears.

"If you don't want to be my assistant anymore, than *hic* just say so..." Twilight said. "If you'd rather side with Henry and be a real dragon, well, the sooner you tell me, the less it has to hurt..."

Spike thought he knew what he wanted. Seeing Twilight so sad, made Spike reconsider everything further.

"...I." he said.

"You what?" Twilight asked.

"I want my mommy and daddy!" he cried.
"Just let it vent out Spike..." Twilight said.

"They weren't around to give me their love... but you were Twilight." Spike said.
"Huh?" Henry was surprised.

"Twilight. I'm sorry. Nothing I said was meant to devalue all the love and care you've given me throughout the years... *sob* I didn't mean it that way. I still want to be by your side Twilight!" Spike cried.

"Oh, come here Spike!" Twilight said.

The two ran up to each other, to join, but their emotional moment was cut abrupt.

As Spike ran up, Henry grabbed Spike with his magic and reeled him back.

"Twilight!" Spike cried.
"Let him go!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Never." Henry said.
"If you cared about Spike, you would respect his decis-AH!"



The blast sent Twilight flying back, and off the mountain.

"Twilight! No!" Spike cried

"Pfft. That was too easy." Henry boasted.

Twilight flew back up, and came in with her own shot of magic.


Henry dodged the blast and leaped onto a higher ledge.

"Why do you insist still on fighting?" Twilight asked.

"Well since Celestia isn't here to get revenge on, you're the next best target!" Henry answered.

Henry chased after Twilight. She flew out of the way, while Henry did leaps and bounds in her direction.

"You came all this way, because I took Spike away from you, but it was YOU who took Spike away from ME in the first place!" Henry exclaimed.

He fired another spell her way.



Twilight dodged the shot once more.


The powerful blast exploded in the distance.

"Please calm down Henry! I had no idea about any of this!" Twilight exclaimed.

"No you DIDN'T!" Henry exclaimed. "THAT'S THE ENTIRE POINT!"

Henry fired a beam of magic, and Twilight fired her own beam. The two intersected, resulting in a big boom. As the smoke cleared, Twilight had more to say.

"I don't get it, you gave Celestia the egg." Twilight said.
"I let her barrow the egg, so that her students may learn something from hatching it. I didn't say she could keep the dragon inside!" Henry replied.

Henry fired a shot of magic at Twi, this time she blocked it with her shield, but it wasn't quite enough.


The shield broke, and Twilight fell a ways down the mountain. Thankfully she landed in some snow. Henry leaped down after her.

"I would have taken Spike from you right there, on that day. But Celestia would have been all over me. But there's no princess here to protect you now!"

"You think everything is just handed to you, but you never stop for a moment and think about the hard work that goes unnoticed." Henry said.

Twilight leaped out of the snow, and engaged in some close combat.

"You're just jealous Henry!" Twilight exclaimed.
"Jealous of what? A flash of light in the sky? You couldn't hatch Spike either! It wasn't until that Rainboom came along, and powered you up! It was a stroke of dumb luck!"

"AH!" Twilight screamed.


Twilight fell into a gorge below. Henry jumped down after her. He kicked what he thought was Twilight, but it turned out to be a pile of rocks shaped like her. Twilight was hiding.

"Come on out Twilight Sparkle!" Henry demanded. "What's the matter? Not strong enough to help your kid? You're a terrible caregiver Twilight. Spike has the power to be the most powerful dragon in the world! But instead, you make him serve tea and write letters!"

Twilight hid nervously in her hiding spot. But she's not one to let somepony get away with trash talk. Henry's words were irritating her.

"You've wasted his potential away! It's no wonder he suffers from an existential crisis! I could have given him a place! I could have made him great! Celestia made many mistakes, but her biggest was giving Spike to you!"

Twilight leaped out.

"There you are!" Henry exclaimed.

Twilight flew in front of Henry and fired magic directly at him. But Henry moved out of the way, and pushed her onto the ground. Twilight grabbed his leg, and flipped him over. Henry turned over, and dragged her down with magic. He put a stranglehold on her, but she slipped out. Henry tripped Twilight, and pinned her down.

"It's over, Twilight Sparkle!" Henry charged his horn to finish Twilight.

Twilight zapped some snow on an upper ledge, and knocked it loose. She flew out of the way, as the snow collapsed onto Henry.

She spread her wings and slipped free. She flew into the air to fly back for Spike.

Henry's horn glowed through the snow, until.


He busted through, and chased after her.

"I'm here Twilight!" Spike cried.

"I'm coming Spike, just-AH!" Twilight was struck by one of Henry's beams, and she crashed atop the mountain.
"Twilight! NO!"

Henry landed on the ground next to her.

"THIS WILL END IT!" Henry exclaimed.

He charged his horn.

"It's over Spike, I've failed you!" Twilight cried.

"The only way you can fail me is by quitting! You said you'd never quit on me!" Spike exclaimed.

*gasp* "He's right." she realized.

Right before Henry's blast made contact, Twilight teleported out of the way. She fired one last beam of magic at Henry, and he fired his own. Their beams of magic collided together. Locking them in place. Putting the two in a stalemate. It came down to a beam battle.

"Very well, I'll let you go out in a more dignified fashion." Henry said.

"You talk big, but do you honestly think you can beat the Princess of Friendship in a magic duel?" Twilight exclaimed.
"I don't know. Can I?" Henry teased.

Henry had an edge of Twilight. His magic seemed to be nudging forward.

"What's the matter princess? Shaking?" he teased.

Twilight couldn't use all four of her limbs to hold herself in place, because one was broken. On top of that, her confidence was slipping.

"Who saved Spike from a vicious roc? Not you! Who showed Celestia the value of dragons first!?" he teased.

Henry's words affected Twilight, His beam nudged forward, as hers weakened.

I can't do this! I'm done for! I failed Spike. I couldn't save him, or even make his life worthwhile. Twilight thought.

Twilight was losing. Henry's beam of magic was gaining on her.

"Come on Twilight, you can do it! I believe in you!" Spike exclaimed.

"Spike's right, I can do this!" Twilight said.

"Yes you can Twilight!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Her friends came in just the nick of time to help. The hot air balloon rose over the ledge.

"Girls, is that you?" Twilight exclaimed.

"You came!" Spike cheered.

"Tell that bozo that you and Spike belong together!" Pinkie Pie cheered.
"Show him what happens to those who mess with our Spikey-wikey!" Rarity said.

"You got this Twilight!" AJ cheered.

All her friends were there. Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Starlight rode in the balloon, while Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash flew adjacent to it. Although curiously, Ember was absent.

"Remember that fateful day Twilight! What happened after you hatched Spike?" Starlight exclaimed.
"Now's not the time for guessing games!" Twilight exclaimed.

"It's your cutie mark Twilight! Your cutie mark appeared after hatching Spike! If that isn't proof that you two are destined for each other, then I don't know what is!" Starlight said.

*gasp* "That's right." Spike realized.

*gasp* "She's right. My cutie mark appeared after hatching Spike. That can only mean one thing!"

Remembering this sent a surge of magic through Twilight. Similar to when the Rainboom passed by. Her cutie mark lit up, and her eyes glowed white.

"What happened that day was no accident Henry! My cutie mark is proof that all events were meant to happen. Spike is my destiny!" Twilight exclaimed. "You made one fatal mistake, Henry. You messed with my family!"

Her magic grew stronger, until it overtook Henry's, and then-


She fired an extra powerful beam of magic at Henry, blasting him against the side of the mountain.


A spectacular light show, that shrouded the mountain, and blinded everypony. When the light dissipated, and the smoke subsided, it had become clear what had happened. Henry sat against the wall, dazed and defeated. And Twilight stood (hovered really), in victory.

"I... I won?" Twilight said in amazement.

"Twilight?" Spike's eyes widened, and he looked at Twi.

"Spike!" Twilight cheered.

"Woohoo!" Pinkie cheered

"Way to go Twilight!" her friends cheered.

Twilight flew up the Spike, as he ran up to her.

"Come here you!" Twilight said. The two hugged.

"Oh Twilight! I'm so glad it's over!" Spike said.

"Twilight, I'm so sorry I said those things earlier. I was just so sad about what I saw in that flashback, I didn't mean to upset you." Spike apologized.

"It's okay Spike. I understand that it wasn't easy learning what had really happened, but here I am for you, and I'll protect you." Twilight said.

"I love you so much Twilight. So what if my parents didn't want me. As far as I'm concerned, you are my mommy. Helping you fills me with so much joy and plenty of enough purpose. I wouldn't have it any other way." Spike said.

"Do you mean that?" she asked.
"Yep." Spike assured.

"So are you just content with being my assistant forever?" Twilight asked.
"Well, when you put it that way..." Spike thought.

"I tell you what Spike, you deserve a far more essential title than just assistant. When we get back, I'll think of something special for you, you deserve it." Twilight said.

Spike smiled.

"And also, if you want, we can start looking for where you real family is. I memorized the location from the flashback, I think I can find the location where the nest was." Twilight said.
Spike thought for a moment.

"Eh. That's not really necessary. I already found my real family." Spike winked.
Twilight smiled in pleasure.

Twilight and Spike looked over at their defeated adversary. Twilight flew beside him.

"And as for you Henry, next time you want to play with Spike, you should ask nicely." Twilight teased.
Spike stuck his tongue out and teased Henry. There wasn't much he could do, or so they thought (more on that in a bit).

Twilight let Spike sit on her back, as she flew up to her friends in the air balloon above.

"I'm so sorry I that I lied to you girls. I feel so terrible about it." Twilight apologized.
"That's okay Twilight. We were pretty awful to you earlier." Starlight said.

"We never should have doubted your capabilities." Rarity said.
"We shouldn't have tried to make you quit like that." Applejack said.

"You were right Twilight, never give up until the end." Rainbow Dash said.
"I thought couldn't do it, but then I remembered what made Spike and I's bond so special." Twilight embraced Spike closer.

"Say, where did my doppelganger go?" Twilight asked.
"Your what? What did I miss anyway?" Spike asked.

"We told your doppelganger to look for the real Twilight... somewhere else." Starlight replied.
"We basically told your to get lost." Applejack said.

"Well then." Twilight said.
"We don't want some cheap imitation of you Twilight." Fluttershy said.

"We want the real you." Rainbow Dash said.
"Well, we're all here, at last. Let's go home. Together. " Twilight said.

And so, on that happy note everpony lived... Who am I kidding? The story isn't over just yet. Yes, unfortunately, things don't end here. They only get worse. Henry wasn't done. He had some unfinished business.

"I didn't want to have to do this, but..." Henry reached behind his back, and pulled out a peculiar looking object. He used his magic to extend it, and it took full shape. It was a long stick, but not just any stick.

"You let fate decide the outcome of events, but I take action into my own hands." Henry said to himself.

Henry took aim with the object. It had a long steel barrel, and a wooden handle. I think know where this is going. Just as Twilight and friends were speaking, Pinkie noticed something was off.

"Twilight look out!" Pinkie yelled.

Twilight turned around, but it was too late to act.

"AAHHH!-" they all screamed.






