• Published 3rd Feb 2017
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Oh Spike We Hardly Knew Thee - 5u0myn0n4

A story cataloging the darkest times that befall Spike the Brave and Glorious. Spike experiences difficult situations, and is challenged to not give up no matter how grim things may seem. Twilight and friends must help in any way they can.

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Chapter 7: The Letter

Originally published on October 11th, 2017

In the last chapter, we saw what Spike had to endure. But what were Twilight's friends up to in the mean time?

Last time we saw her friends, they were in Fluttershy's cottage wondering what they could do to help Twilight.
And then it occurred to Starlight (Fluttershy really, but she was too soft spoken to be heard), why not just write Spike a letter? He has the ability to send letters through dragon mail. Why not actually send a letter? It only made sense, and it seemed odd they didn't think of this in the first place.

Anyway, with that out of the way, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Starlight, all took a train to Canterlot, and visited Princess Celestia. Twilight had written countless letters to Celestia, and sent them via Spike. And Celestia had written plenty of letters too, so they figured she could help. Twilight herself was at home in her castle, they didn't want to include Twilight in their experiment, in case they got... undesirable results.

The mane 5 plus Starlight went to Canterlot and visited Celestia in her throne room.

"Greetings ponies. It's been a while since we last spoke." Celestia said.

"Yes, it's been a while since Chrysalis returned and kidnapped all of us." Rainbow Dash said.
"Anyway, what brings you ponies around here? Where's Twilight?" Celestia asked.

"Twilight's... um..." Applejack thought about how to word the situation.
"Spike's gone missing!" Pinkie blurted out.

"Blunt, but true. Spike's been missing for a little while now." said Rarity.
"So I've heard. It is a real shame." Celestia said. "I certainly haven't seen him here. Do you have any idea where he could be?" she asked.

"Not a clue, but that's why we're here." Starlight said.
"Twilight used to write letters to you and send them via Spike. If it worked back then, we have reason to believe it should work now!" Rarity said.

"That's a brilliant idea! What are we waiting for? No time to lose, let's do it." Celestia said.

`With that, all of the ponies went to Celestia's... observatory? Library? Whatever room she used to be in when she recieved letters. They were in that room.

"So how do you want to do this little ponies?" Celestia asked.

"I don't know, just write a letter, send it... and see what kind of response we get." Starlight said.
"Why didn't you bring Twilight here?" Celestia asked.

"We didn't want to get her hopes up, in case this idea didn't go to plan." Applejack said.
"But a letter from Twilight would probably be the most effective way to get Spike's attention." Celestia said.

"I'm sure any letter from any of us oughta be just as good. We're his friends too after all." Rainbow Dash said.
"Mmm hmm. Let's do it." Fluttershy said.

"Okay then! What should we write...?" Starlight asked.
"Whatever we write, it's got to come from the heart." Applejack said.

"It better be grammatically correct to ensure that it isn't mistaken for spam mail." Rarity said.
"The letter's got to live up to our quality standard. Only the best letter, for the best little dragon." Rainbow Dash said.

"Ask him why we weren't invited to wherever he is!" Pinkie Pie said.
"We should just ask him where he is, why he's there, and if he could come home." Fluttershy said.

Starlight started scribbling down the letter.

"Okay! With all of your suggestions taken in to account, here's what I have so far." Starlight began to read.

'Howdy Spike, how are you doing we-" Starlight was inturpted.
"Howdy? Really? Do you want him to think Applejack wrote this herself?" Rainbow Dash asked. "It's got to have a hint of all of us."

"Right, duly noted." Starlight said.

Starlight erased the word and rewrote it. She read the next revision.

"Greetings Spike, how are you doing? We are very-" Starlight was interrupted again.

"Greetings!? Are we welcoming him to the Grand Galloping Gala!? No! This is an urgent letter!" Pinkie Pie said.
"Pinkie, that's not a mistake." Rainbow Dash said.

"No no, let me fix it anyway." Starlight said.

Starlight corrected the 'mistake', and read the next revision.

"Hi Spike, we-" Starlight was interrupted once more.
"I don't know darling, a simple 'hi' is far too casual." Rarity said.

Starlight furiously redid the first word again, and then began to read.

"Dear Spike." Starlight paused to see if any of her friends had suggestions.

"Okay? Good. 'Dear Spike' we-" Starlight was interrupted after all.

"Maybe you could-"
"Maybe you could keep QUIET and let me write!" Starlight snapped, not realizing it was Fluttershy who had spoken.

"Oh Fluttershy, I'm so sorry." Starlight said.
"I was just going to suggest adding some x's and o's at the bottom..." Fluttershy said.

"That's a sweet idea, I'm going to do just that." Starlight said.

She made some last minute scribbles.

"Alright, I think I got it this time." Starlight said, she read her final revision.

"Dear Spike, this is a letter from your friends. We are writing to you because we are very concerned. You left Ponyville so suddenly, and without a note or any thing explaining your absence. We are all worried, and would love to hear back from you. Sincerely, your friends in Ponyville. xoxo. How's that?" Starlight asked.

"Perfect. Now send the letter!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Should we? I mean. If Spike didn't leave a note, then maybe he doesn't want to be found." Starlight said.
"You're just delaying the inevitable darling. It's now or never." said Rarity.

"I don't know. I'm having second thoughts." Starlight said.
"What's the worst that can happen?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"No reply. Or worse..." Starlight said.
"An honest letter putting into context why he left?" Applejack added.

"Or, Spike replies with his location and asks us to find him!" Rainbow Dash said.
"But like, Spike knows he can mail us at any time. If he wanted to write us, don't you think he would have done so by now?" Starlight asked.

"If we forgot about dragon mail, and I don't blame us, we haven't used it in forever, then he probably forgot to." Rarity said.
"Or maybe he doesn't have access to paper or a quill." Pinkie Pie suggested.

"Any other objections? No? Good. Let's send it Princess Celestia." Rainbow Dash said.
"Well, here goes nothing." Celestia said.

Celestia used her magic, and (somewhat reluctantly) sent the letter. Her horn started to glow, and the letter curled up and positioned in front of her horn. Her horn grew brighter, until the letter went poof. It was gone. It was sent.

"...So, now what do we do? Fluttershy asked.

"We just wait I guess." Applejack said.
"I suppose there isn't much else we can do." Celestia said.

And so that's what they did. They waited... for about an hour or so. Ponies were pacing, were laying down, some even dozed off. Fluttershy rested her head on Rainbow Dash's stomach. Rarity took careful observations of the decor. After enough time passed, Starlight figured it'd been long enough.

"It's been an hour and still nothing." she said.

"Maybe we should head back to Ponyville. Twilight probably needs our support." Rarity said.
"You little fillies head back to Ponyville. I'll keep on the lookout for a letter, and notify you the moment I receive anything from Spike." Celestia said.

"We appreciate your help in these times Princess." Starlight said.
"Stay strong little ponies. Keep your spirits up." Celestia said.

And with that, our little fillies left the observatory, and headed back for Ponyville, empty hoofed.

Celestia wasn't ready to put all her eggs in one basket though, so to speak. She thought about sending a second letter, in case there was a fluke with the first letter. And so she decided to do just that. Celestia wrote a second letter, and sent it through dragon mail. This second letter, unlike the first one, reappeared in front of Celestia moments after she sent it.

"Huh? That can't be right." Celestia said.

She tried to send it again, but the same result. This could have only meant one thing.

"This letter isn't even reaching its destination. That can only mean *gasp* that the receiving end has been disconnected!" Celestia panicked.
"But, but, its can't be. Could Spike have undone the dragon mail spell himself? Or could somepony else have? What kind of pony would do such a thing? Undo a spell, that I cast many moons ago." Celestia said.

Princess Celestia had a flashback to long ago. When Twilight was still a filly, and soon after she had first received Spike, and the day she granted Spike the ability to send mail. Specifically a flashback to what was at first an ordinary day at Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.

"Okay little fillies, that's it for today. It's time to head home." Celestia said.

"Already? But I still have so many questions for you Princess." Twilight said. "If only there was some way we could still talk after class."

"Hmm, perhaps there is." Celestia said.
"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"Why don't I just show you little filly?" Celestia said. "Now if you don't mind. May I see Spike?" she asked.
"Sure, but what for?" Twilight asked.

Celestia put her horn up to Spike, and her horn glowed. Celestia had cast a spell.

"What just happened?" Twilight asked.

Celestia took a piece of paper, and used her magic on it. Moments later, Spike burped out the letter and it appeared in front of Twilight.

"Wow! Did you just send a letter through Spike!?" Twilight asked in astonishment.

"Yes, I did exactly that. Whenever you feel like talking, just write a letter, and Spike can send it." Celestia said.
"Wow, thank you Princess Celestia, I'll see you tomorrow at class!" Twilight took Spike and headed back for her home.

That evening, Celestia must have received at least a dozen letters from Twilight. Celestia chuckled "That little filly's mind knows no limits." she said.

Thus concluding the flashback.

"...I hope Spike is okay. That little dragon means the world to Twilight." Celestia said. "It's extremely unlikely Spike could ever undo the spell himself. So it can only mean, somepony else did. But who? There's only one pony I can think of who could have taken Spike, but... that's not possible is it? *sigh* Please be safe Spike..."

On that... depressing note, that concludes the chapter. What happened to Spike's ability to send and receive letters? If they can't send letters, how else are they possibly going to figure out where Spike is? What horrible things await Spike next? Find out in chapter 8.