• Published 9th Jan 2017
  • 4,145 Views, 124 Comments

Elements of the Duel - Dashguy

In a world where magic and card games intertwine, Twilight Sparkle, a prominent student of the Eos Dueling School, will clash against the darkness with the power of Duel Monsters. A Humanized Yu-Gi-Oh! Crossover.

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Duel Two - vs Applejack - Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres!

Twilight and Spike don’t waste any time in taking a carriage towards Ponyville. A golden, four-wheeled coach driven by a single coachman, a Royal Guard, and pulled by a pair of winged horses, Pegasi. With a single flap of the Pegasuses mighty wings, the carriage rises above the clouds and takes into the sky at astonishing speeds.

“Interesting,” Twilight comments, scratching her chin thoughtfully as she reads from the scroll Princess Celestia gave her. “It says here that the Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School specializes in several types of dueling, including Sky Duels and Entertainment Duels…”

Spike asks what the latter is. “A type of duel in which the duelists seek to entertain the public by various means. Mostly by flashy and elaborate plays, but some people also add jokes, acrobatics and even magic tricks.” He admits that sounds like fun.

Twilight nods, but makes no further comments. The fact a school located in a small, rural town offers such variety intrigues her. She reads further down, to a small list of five representatives: Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Twilight wonders if they are all Pro Duelists. She thinks it would make sense, seeing as how the most important requirement for opening a school is to have professional-level dueling skills.

She keeps thinking that’s the one thing all schools have in common; regardless of their style or philosophy, they all prepare their students for the Pro Leagues. First and foremost because Princess Celestia demands excellence, but also because tournaments are the best way to promote and build the reputation of your school. Moreover, with the proliferation of dueling schools all over Equestria, it is practically impossible to find a Pro Duelist who is not a graduate of one of them. That does not stop the occasional phony duelists, often dropouts, from trying to make a profit with their half-baked knowledge, though.

The last thought makes Twilight’s lower lip curl up in distaste. She folds the scroll and places it inside her pocket. She decides they will find out if Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School is worthy of oficial recognition soon enough.

The carriage slowly touches down on a large open area in the middle of the town, next to a large, three-story building. The coachman patiently waits until Twilight and Spike disembark. She thanks him and he nods. The Pegasi whiny as the coachman gently whips them with the reins and began trotting. Once they have built enough momentum, they spread their wings and take into the sky once again.

Ponyville is exactly as Twilight described, small and with a heavy rural feel. The roads are made of dirt; the majority of the houses are timber-framed with thatched roofs and overhanging upper floors. Still, it is a very pretty town. Nearly all of the houses have potted plants on their windows and sides of the front door, every single one of them filled with vibrant colored flowers. A small river flows through the town, with multiple bridges strategically placed along its course. Despite its size, Ponyville is very lively; the roads are busy with people out going on their daily routines or just enjoying the beautiful day.

They take in their surroundings for a while. Spike asks Twilight where they start. “The scroll said Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School is located at Sweet Apple Acres,” she replies steadily. “We should go there first.”

It does not take them long to reach their destination. A huge farm fully surrounded by a wooden fence. There is a large, red barn in the middle and a smaller, orange farmhouse not too far away from it. Twilight can see plenty of pastures and several pens filled with sheep, pigs, cows and chickens, as well as a field of carrots and one of corn. A staggeringly vast apple orchard surrounds the entire area, going as far as the eye can see. Guess the location makes sense, she thinks. There is plenty of space to duel around here.

They come across a young, tall girl wearing a high-crowned, wide-brimmed brown hat, standing in front of a large apple tree surrounded by wooden baskets and with her back turned to them. She has a bright orange, worn-out Duel Disk attached around her left arm. Both, Twilight and Spike watch with curiosity as the girl takes a breath and raises her left leg. Then, with a loud “yee-haw” yell, she delivers a powerful roundhouse kick to the middle of the tree, shaking it and making every single apple on its branches fall inside the baskets.

She must possess Earth Magic, thinks Twilight. What amazing level of strength.

“Cool,” Spike mutters in awe.

The girl turns around, flicks her hat with her thumb and grins widely. “Howdy there!” She is a knockout beauty, with her pleasantly tanned skin, freckles and vibrant, emerald green eyes. Her long, blonde hair, tied into a ponytail, falls down her back like a golden cascade. Her body is well-toned, obviously from working on the farm; particularly her legs. She wears brown work boots and gloves. Her blue jeans hug her thighs and butt nicely, while her short sleeved, white shirt perfectly outlines her generous breasts and has the bottom tied up, displaying her well-defined abs.

Twilight approaches, smiling politely and introduces herself as the personal student of Princess Celestia and Spike as his personal assistant. The girl swiftly grabs Twilight’s hand, shaking it vigorously and making her whole body tremble. “I’m Applejack! It’s a pleasure makin’ your acquaitance, Miss Twilight!” She lets go. “Ah’ take you’re here for the inspection thingy?”

Twilight discreetely rubs her hand. Spike cannot help but stifle a laugh. She shoots him a brief glare before clearing her throat. “That’s correct,” she states.

Applejack nods. “Great!” She motions for Twilight and Spike to follow her. “We’ve been waitin’ for you,” she comments cheerfully. They arrive at the area right behind the barn. She extends her hand and announces with great fanfare. “Welcome to Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School!”

Both, Twilight and Spike are a little confused. Instead of some kind of carefully designed arena, they find a large, grassy area occupied by a small crowd of children dueling with each other, smiling, laughing and having fun.

Next to them is a large, wooden table filled with plates of several kinds of apple dishes, from slices of apple pie and apple fritters to apple dumplings and apple crisps; plus half a dozen of glass jars filled with water and apple juice respectively.

A couple of nearby trees are covered in balloons of all colors of the rainbow. Between the two hangs an exquisitely designed banner, contrasting heavily with its surroundings and with the words “PONYVILLE’S DUEL MONSTERS SCHOOL” sewn on it in a rich purple thread.

“I feel like we stumbled upon a kid’s birthday party,” Spike whispers to Twilight.

“And while we’re at it, let me introduce y’all to the Apple family!” Applejack points to a tall, burly young man, sitting on the grass next to a bunch of children. He wears brown work boots, blue jeans and a red lumberjack shirt. He has short, ginger hair, green eyes and tanned skin. “That’s mah’ big brother, Big Mac.” The sight of him trading cards with kids is both, endearing and comical.

Applejack then nods to a pretty, teenage girl dueling two younger boys simultaneously. “Mah’ lil’ sister, Applebloom.” She has lightly-tanned skin and big, round, amber colored eyes, brimming with energy. Her long, bright red hair is tied with a large pink ribbon. She wears brown shoes, blue jean shorts and a yellow shirt. Judging from the state of the field and life points counters, she’s winning by a landslide.

“And our Granny Smith!” Applejack points to an elderly woman sitting on a rocking chair, filled with wrinkles and with her dull white hair neatly tied into a bun. She wears sandals with yellow socks up above her knees, a long, light green skirt and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows.

Three girls and a boy sit around Granny Smith, listening attentively as she tells the story of how she forcefully fused her Mammoth Graveyard with her opponent’s Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon to defeat it, but had to forfeit the duel when her opponent threatened to jump off a balcony. She finishes her story commenting. “That kid had several apples missin’ from his basket ah’ tell you!”

Applejack calmly approaches the snack table. She retrieves two glasses filled with apple juice and two thick apple fritters which she hands to Twilight and Spike. They thank her. She explains how she was the one who suggested opening the school on Sweet Apple Acres and, as a result, she’s in charge of it most of the time, but they do take turns teaching the children.

Twilight asks her if she had any particular reason for opening the school. Applejack crosses her arms. “Money, sugarcube. No more no less.” She shrugs. “It ain’t deep or anything, sure, but it works for me and mah’ kin.” Twilight is surprised by her frankness. “I see.”

Applejack grins. “So!” She pats her Duel Disk. “Shall we get down to business?”

Twilight smiles. “Spike?” He chomps down half of his apple fritter, gulps down the rest of his juice and lets out a satisfied sigh. He pulls his sleeve back, revealing a light purple Duel Disk strapped around his left arm and declares confidently. “Leave it to me!” She nods, takes his glass and instructs him not to hold back. I want to see what Applejack is truly capable of, she thinks.

Applejack and Spike take their positions away from each other. They ignite their Duel Disks simultaneously. The magical energy blades of their Duel Disks glow at light orange and green respectively.

Applebloom shouts. “Mah’ sister is dueling!” She rushes to Applejack’s side. Immediately the crowd of children follow suit, forming a circle around the two duelists. Big Mac calmly stands up, his height allowing him to watch from the back of the crowd comfortably. For her part, Granny Smith merely turns her chair. The children cheer and whistle loudly.

Two life points counters appear briefly on both sides of the field, above their respective owners; each reading 4000. After a couple of seconds, they disappear. Both duelists draw their initial hands of five cards.

The screen on each disk cycles, stopping on Applejack. “Mah’ turn!” After sorting through her hand, she plays a single monster, face-down. Then, she ends her turn.

“Alright, my turn!” Spike grabs the top card of his deck between his index finger and thumb and draws dynamically. “Draw!” He grins widely as he looks over his hand. He plays Terraforming, fetching Dragon Ravine from his deck and immediately activating it. In the blink of an eye, Sweet Apple Acres disappears, replaced by a huge ravine. The shape of several smaller dragons can be seen flying in the distance. Using the effect of Dragon Ravine, he discards Dragunity Phalanx from his hand to fetch Dragunity Dux, which he normal summons. The monster declares its appearance with a fierce battle cry.

Spike explains. “When Dragunity Dux is normal summoned I can equip it with a level three or lower, Dragon-Type Dragunity from my graveyard!” He equips Dragunity Phalanx to Dux, immediately using the former’s effect to special summon it to the field. He thinks he’s going to show them something awesome. He raises his hand upwards and declares loudly. “I tune my level two Dragunity Phalanx with my level four Dragunity Dux!” Both monsters fuse into a cluster of stars. “Synchro Summon! Diamond spear that strikes like a lightning!” The monster descends in a flash of lightning and crash of thunder. A spear-wielding knight riding a dragon protected by crimson scales. Spike calls the monster’s name proudly. “Level six! Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana!”

The crowd is in awe. Spike’s grin widens. He thinks it’s not over yet. He uses Vajrayana’s effect to equip it with Phalanx then special summon Phalanx to the field. “Now, I banish Dragunity Dux from the graveyard to special summon Garuda the Wind Spirit from my hand!” The half-man half-eagle appears whipping up a gale. He raises his hand once again. “I tune my level two Dragunity Phalanx with my level four Garuda the Wind Spirit!” The monsters ascend to the sky, fusing in a cluster of stars. “Synchro Summon! Unstoppable red spear!” Another spear-wielding knight appears riding a dragon, both of them clad fully in red and black. “Level six! Dragunity Knight – Gae Dearg!”

Applejack whistles impressed. “That’s some moves you’ve got there, partner!” She compliments.

Twilight smiles proudly.

Spike chuckles as he enters his Battle Phase. He points forward, declaring the attack of Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana. “Bolt Spear!” The crimson dragon soars, rearing back its head before firing a thunderbolt that vaporizes Applejack’s face-down monster, Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves. She quickly activates its effect, tapping on the screen of her Duel Disk to look at the top five cards of her deck and re-arrange their order. Spike continues his assault with a direct attack of Dragunity Knight – Gae Dearg. “Red Pierce!”

Applejack banishes Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves from her graveyard. She grabs the top card of her deck between her index finger and thumb and draws with all of her strenght. “DRAW!” Her strenght is such it whips up a gale that acts like a wall, repelling the charge of Dragunity Knight – Gae Dearg and lowering the monster’s attack points to zero.

Applebloom pumps her fist. “Yee-haw!” The children cheer loudly.

Spike grumbles softly. “I’m not done yet!” He declares loudly. He activates the effect of Gae Dearg, fetching a copy of Dragunity Dux from his deck, followed by discarding Blackwing – Zephyros the Elite from his hand to the graveyard. “I send back Dragunity Knight – Gae Dearg to my Extra Deck to special summon Blackwing – Zephyros the Elite!” Gae Dearg vanishes and a black feathered bird-man appears in its place, in defense position. Spike’s life points go down to 3600. He sets a single card and ends his turn.

Applejack draws. She special summons Superheavy Samurai Big Waraji, explaining it can be treated as two tributes for the tribute summon of a Machine-Type monster. “Ah’ tribute Big Waraji to summon this fella!” A gigantic, mechanized warrior appears on the field, shaking the ground with every step it takes. Despite its size and bulk, it twirls its lance with surprising speed and dexterity. She calls the monster’s name proudly. “Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei!” The monster’s defense points appear at 3500.

A Superheavy Samurai deck, thinks Twilight. I hope Spike remembers Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei can attack in defense position, using its defense points to calculate damage.

Applejack continues by equipping Benkei with Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer. A large, metallic crossbow materializes around Benkei’s right arm. She tilts her head. “With this, Benkei gets a piercin’ effect,” she explains. Spike watches her warily. She adjusts her hat, points forward and declares the attack of Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei on Blackwing – Zephyros the Elite. “Time to pluck that bird!”

Spike swiftly reveals his set card. “Trap Card open! Icarus Attack!” Blackwing – Zephyros the Elite shoot upwards at amazing speeds, reaching above the clouds and stopping abruptly. A second later, it dives down so fast its whole body ignites, turning into a fire arrow that hits Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei, kicking up a large cloud of dust.

Applejack shields her face, and so do Applebloom and several of the children.

Spike pumps his fist victoriously, but when the dust dissipates, Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei is still standing. “What the…?” He mutters shocked.

Applejack chuckles. “That was close!” She explains how she discarded Superheavy Samurai Soulfire Suit from her hand to prevent Benkei’s destruction, at the cost of 800 points of defense until the end of her turn. “And since you destroyed Soulpiercer, Ah’ get to add a Superheavy Samurai from mah’ deck to mah’ hand.” She chooses Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler. The Duel Disk ejects the selected card, and then shuffles the deck automatically.

Once again, she declares the attack of Benkei, this time on Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana. The mighty fist of Benkei crushes both, dragon and rider. Spike’s life points go down to 2800, the resulting shockwave pushes him back a few feet.

Twilight thinks the damage output on her Duel Disk must be set above the minimum.

Applejack crosses her arms and declares the end of her turn. The defense points of Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei return to 3500.

Spike draws energetically. “Draw!” He looks at his newest card and smiles. Gotcha, he thinks. “I summon a second Dragunity Dux!” He uses the effect of Dux to equip it with Dragunity Phalanx, followed with Phalanx effect to special summon it to the field. “I tune my level two Dragunity Phalanx with my level four Dragunity Dux! Synchro Summon!” He declares loudly. His monsters vanish in a cluster of stars. “Barbed piercing spear!” The crowd watches in awe as a new Dragunity Knight appears on the field, shining brightly in gold and white colors. “Level six! Dragunity Knight – Gae Bolg!”

Applejack whistles. “Nice, but you’re gonna need more than that to beat Benkei, sugarcube.”

Spike smirks. “I know.” He points his finger dramatically. “When Gae Bulg attacks, I can banish a Winged Beast from my graveyard to raise its attack!” He banishes Garuda the Wind Spirit. The attack of Gae Bolg goes up to 3600 points. “Battle, Gae Bolg! Piercing Dive!” The Dragunity Knight cuts through the very air as it rushes at Benkei, striking the mechanical giant and reducing its body to a mountain of scrap metal. Spike cheers. “Alright!”

Applejack doesn’t look concerned, however. She calmly discards a card from her hand and a large collar made of metallic beads materializes on the field. The collar vibrates, making a sound like the chiming of a bell. In the blink of an eye, all the broken pieces come together and Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei emerges once again. She smirks. “When one of mah’ defense position monsters is destroyed, Ah’ can discard Superheavy Samurai Soulbeads to bring it right back.”

Applebloom jumps and cheers. “Woo-hoo!” She blows a raspberry to Spike. “How do you like ‘em apples?” Several of the children laugh.

Spike doesn’t say a word. He sets a single card. “My turn is over.”

“Mah’ turn!” Applejack draws. “Draw!” Her eyes narrow as she briefly examines Spike’s side of the field. She switches Benkei to defense position and declares an attack on Dragunity Knight – Gae Bolg. “Superheavy Fist Smash!”

Spike grins. “Trap card open! Dimensional Prison!” The space in front of Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei tears, forming a portal that completely engulfs its gigantic body, leaving no trace of its existence. Spike points a finger at Applebloom. “How do you like them apples, eh?”

Applebloom’s expression turns sour. She blows a raspberry again, this time pulling down her lower eyelid.

Twilight smiles approvingly. Good job, Spike, she thinks. You got rid of Benkei and even managed to make her waste her Soulbeads. She glances at Applejack, who is smiling. But it seems she’s got good instincts too.

Applejack tips her hat. “Well, Ah’ll be!” She chuckles. “You’re full of surprises aren’t you?” She sets a monster. “Ah’ done here!”

“My turn!” Spike draws. I bet that’s the Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler she got before, he thinks. I can’t destroy that one in battle, but I have other tricks! He activates the effect of Dragon Ravine and discards the Dragunity Javelin he just drew to retrieve Dragunity Legionnaire from his deck, which he immediately summons. “When Dragunity Legionnaire is normal summoned I can equip it with a level three or lower, Dragon-Type Dragunity from my graveyard!” He equips Legionnaire with Javelin from the graveyard.

Applejack watches him attentively.

Spike continues ordering the attack of Dragunity Knight – Gae Bolg on her face-down monster. “Piercing Dive!” As he expected, the face-down monster reveals itself as Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler and the attack of Gae Bolg is repelled.

Applejack asks him what he is trying to do.

Spike smirks. “This!” He replies. “With Legionnaire’s effect, I can send a Dragunity from my Spell & Trap zone to destroy one of your face-up monsters!” With a mighty flap of its wings, Dragunity Legionnaire soars, raising Dragunity Javelin over its head like a spear, before throwing it with terrifying speed and accuracy. It pierces Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler like a hot knife through butter, destroying it instantly. Spike puffs his chest out. “That’s my Dragunity Combination!”

Applejack smiles and casually rests her left arm on her hip. “That’s all mighty fine an’ dandy, sugarcube,” she says. Her smile turns into a smirk. “But you ain’t even scratched mah’ life points yet.”

Spike’s expression turns sour. “Oh yeah? Oh yeah! Well—you just—uh—wait until next turn!”

Applejack draws. Once again, her strength whips up a gust of wind. “Ah’ special summon Superheavy Samurai Scales!” She explains Scales can be special summoned when her opponent controls two or more monsters and she controls none. “And Ah’ bring back Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler with its effect!” She picks the next card between her index and middle fingers. “Next, Superheavy Samurai Drum!”

Twilight’s eyes narrow in recognition. That’s a tuner monster, she thinks.

Applejack clenches her right fist, raising it upwards. “Ah’ tune mah’ level one Drum with mah’ level four Scales! Synchro Summon” Her monsters fuse in a cluster of stars. “Cleave a mountain with your mighty blades! Level five!” A mechanical giant appears on the field, standing half the size of Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei, but no less imposing. The exhaust fumes on its back spew fire as it twirls a pair of swords with fearsome speed. “Superheavy Samurai Swordmaster Musashi!” The crowd cheers at the appearance her Synchro Monster, its defense points flash at 2300.

Using the effect of Musashi, Applejack adds Superheavy Samurai Drum from her graveyard back to her hand. She points forward. “Battle! Clip that bird’s wings!” Superheavy Samurai Swordmaster Musashi bisects Dragunity Legionnaire, taking Spike’s life points down to 1700. He shields his face as the shockwave pushes him back. Satisfied, Applejack crosses both arms over her chest and declares the end of her turn.

Spike takes a deep breath. He grits his teeth, grabs the top card of his deck tightly and pulls with all of his strength, tracing an arc over his head. “DRAW!” His efforts elicit a giggle from a couple of little girls. “I activate my Spell, Cards of Consonance!” He discards Dragunity Darkspear to draw two cards from his deck. “I sacrifice Dragunity Knight – Gae Bolg!” An imposing half-man half-bird monster wielding a whip replaces the white rider and dragon duo. “To summon Dragunity Primus Pilus!” He explains the effect of his monster, which allows him to equip it with a level three of lower Dragon-Type Dragunity from his deck. He chooses Dragunity Brandistock. “Next, Dragunity Divine Lance!” A golden ornamental sword appears in the hands of Dragunity Primus Pilus, increasing its attack points to 2700. “Once per turn, Divine Lance allows me to equip Primus Pilus with a Dragon-Type Dragunity Tuner from my deck!” He chooses Dragunity Pilum. “Battle Phase! I attack directly with Primus Pilus!” He makes a wide chopping motion with his right hand. “Dual Slash!”

Applejack’s eyes widen in shock. “Wait—what?” She braces herself as Dragunity Primus Pilus moves in front of her, striking twice and lowering her life points to 1300. The shockwave is so strong that it pushes her backwards and sends her hat flying away, much to the surprise of every member of the Apple family, as well as the crowd of children.

Spike smiles at Applejack and rubs the tip of his nose. He explains. “With Dragunity Brandistock, Primus Pilus can attack twice, and with Pilum, it can attack directly at the cost of halving the battle damage.” He then exclaims. “If I can’t crush your defenses, then I just have to pass over them!”

“Whoa Nelly!” Applejack exclaims. She laughs. “Ah’ honestly didn’t see that one coming!”

Twilight looks at Applejack. She thinks that, one way or another; this will be her final turn.

“Mah’ turn!” Applejack draws. She looks at her newest card and comments. “About time!” She normal summons Superheavy Samurai Drum once again. “Ah’ tune mah’ level five Superheavy Samurai Swordmaster Musashi with mah’ Superheavy Samurai Drum! Synchro Summon!” Both monsters fuse in a brilliant cluster of stars. “Shake the earth with a roar! Level six! Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji!” A huge, burly ogre appears on the field, behind Applejack. Its crimson metal body is so massive that, even sitting cross-legged, it is as big as Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei. On its right hand, it holds a spiked club that looks like it could reduce an apple tree to smithereens with a single strike. Its defense points appear at 2500.

Spike gulps. “Whoa…” Shutendoji raises its club and swings it over its head, creating a tremendous shockwave that wipes out every single card on his Spell & Trap zone. Both, Twilight and him shield their faces from the gust of wind. The attack points of Dragunity Primus Pilus go down to 2200 and their surroundings change back to Sweet Apple Acres.

Applejack points at Dragunity Primus Pilus. “Battle, Shutendoji!” Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji twirls its club over its head and points it towards the enemy. The upper half of the club launches forward like a missile, attached to a chain. Applejack discards Superheavy Samurai Soulbuster Gauntlet from her hand to the graveyard to double Shutendoji defense points. The tremendous attack obliterates Dragunity Primus Pilus, reducing Spike’s life points to zero and knocking him down on his butt. Both Shutendoji and Blue Brawler vanish from the field.

Twilight kneels next to Spike, putting a hand on his shoulder; she asks if he is okay. “I think I hurt my pride,” he replies with a groan. She giggles. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He stands up and dusts himself.

Applejack approaches them, putting her hat back on. She smiles warmly and extends her hand to Spike. “That was a great game, sugarcube.” He grins and accepts her handshake. “Same here.” The crowd of children, including the Apple family members, clap loudly.

“I must say your duelist skills are impressive, Applejack.” Twilight compliments. Applejack blushes slightly and thanks her for her words. Twilight shakes her head then smiles eagerly. “What dueling school did you go to?”

Applejack smiles and shakes her head. “Ah’ never got to go to school, sugarcube.” Twilight’s smile disappears. She asks what she means with that. Applejack shrugs casually. “Ah’ learned everythin’ ah’ know the Apple Family way: thru hard work.”

Twilight’s jaw drops. “B-But that’s not—how did—” She shakes her head and points at Spike. “He’s not a student of the Eos Dueling School, but I taught him everything he knows and his dueling skills are easily on the level of a third-year student!” She looks at Applejack up and down. “Are you some kind of prodigy?”

Applejack laughs flustered. “Not at all! Trust me when ah’ say there ain’t enough fingers in Ponyville to count mah’ losses, Twilight.”

Twilight stands dumbfounded. “Unbelievable…” She exchanges a brief look with Spike. “Well, it was nice meeting you, Applejack.” She bows politely. “I’m afraid we still have a lot to do.”

“Now wait a minute,” says Applejack, raising a hand. “You don’t think I’m lettin’ you go with just an apple fritter and some juice, are you?” She asks with a grin.

Twilight tilts her head with a puzzled expression. “Eh...?”