• Published 9th Jan 2017
  • 4,146 Views, 124 Comments

Elements of the Duel - Dashguy

In a world where magic and card games intertwine, Twilight Sparkle, a prominent student of the Eos Dueling School, will clash against the darkness with the power of Duel Monsters. A Humanized Yu-Gi-Oh! Crossover.

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Duel Eight - Into the Everfree - Binding Chain!

Twilight keeps calling Spike’s name over and over again while holding his body on her arms, but her voice cannot reach him. Spike’s head hangs limply to the side and his eyes have become dull and lifeless. Twilight mutters desperately, “No, no, no…” A glowing purple aura surrounds them and, with a blinding flash of light, they vanish.

“The hay? Where did they go?” Applejack asks baffled.

At that moment, Rainbow Dash lands next to the group. “Girls! I saw the--” she looks around confused. “Where did Twilight and Spike go?”

“They just disappeared,” replies Applejack.

Rainbow Dash frowns. “What does that even mean?”

Applejack shakes her head. “Ah’ don’t know.”

“What do you mean you don’t know!?” Rainbow Dash asks exasperated.

Applejack grits her teeth. “Ah’ said I don’t--”

“Girls, please!” Rarity interjects. “It’s Mind Magic,” she tells them. “Twilight probably teleported somewhere else…”

Just as they begin wondering about Twilight’s possible whereabouts, Pinkie pushes both, Applejack and Rainbow Dash aside. Standing between the two of them, she points dramatically with her index finger towards the door and shouts, “To the Golden Oaks Library!” With those words, she takes off. Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity share a brief look, then swiftly chase after Pinkie.


The girls freeze on their tracks, not even having reached the doorway, and sharply turn around.

“Fluttershy, what are you waiting for?” Rainbow Dash asks annoyed.

Fluttershy gulps and takes a step aside, pointing behind her, towards the Royal Guards lying unconscious on the floor. “Are we going to leave them there?” she asks timidly.

The four girls share awkward glances. “O-Of course not, darling,” Rarity assures Fluttershy. She looks at the girls. “Let’s help those brave gentlemen, shall we?”

The wind begins picking up inside the library, making a few scrolls and a couple of smaller books fall from the shelves. There’s a sudden flash of light and Twilight re-appears, cradling Spike in her arms. She turns on the lights with a simple gesture and, very carefully, places the unconscious boy on the nearby chair. “Spike…” Twilight swallows hard, turns around and begins tapping frenetically on the screen of her Duel Disk. “Princess Celestia,” she mutters. “I need to contact Princess Celestia…”


Twilight growls, “What do you mean with that!?” She continues tapping furiously, but the same two words keep appearing over and over again on her screen, despite her efforts. Soon, she goes from tapping her Duel Disk to outright slapping it. “Why won’t you work, you accursed thing!” She screams in frustration.


Twilight groans loudly. She wants to grab her Duel Disk and throw it across the room, but cannot even figure how to unfasten the strap in her actual state of mind. “Damn it!” She drops her arms, exhausted. “It’s my fault…” She holds her head with both hands and repeats. “It’s all my fault…”

“And how’s that exactly?”

Twilight gasps in surprise and turns to see Rainbow Dash, followed by the rest of the girls, leaning forward and glowering at her with suspicion. “And how did you know about Nightmare Moon, huh?” she asks accusingly. “Are you a spy?”

“Simmer down, Sally.” Applejack steps forward, putting a hand over Rainbow Dash’s shoulder and pulling her back. “She ain’t no spy.” She turns to Twilight and, lowering her chin, says, “But she sure knows what's goin’ on. Don’t you, Twilight?”

Twilight sighs heavily. “I read all about the prediction of Nightmare Moon, but I…thought it was just a fairy tale,” she admits regretfully. She shakes her head. “A-Anyway, I was trying to communicate with Princess Celestia, but I can’t seem to reach her…”

Rarity suggests, “Perhaps she turned off her Duel Disk?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No. Even turned off, a Duel Disk should still notify her of my message, unless it’s dama--” Her eyes suddenly widen and her face turns white as a sheet. “N-No…” Her legs wobble and she falls on her knees, coughing and gagging. Applejack quickly kneels next to Twilight and gently holds her by the forehead. “Easy there, sugarcube…”

Rarity takes a handkerchief from her pocket and begins fanning Twilight. Pinkie follows her example, but her choice of a thick, encyclopedic book yields lesser results.

Twilight takes several breaths before calming down. “I’m okay, I’m okay…” She pushes Applejack away and stands up. “I need to find Nightmare Moon…”

“Whoa there, sugarcube,” says Applejack as she too, stands up. “Didn’t you see what she did back there? You can’t--”

Twilight interrupts, “I have to! I have to find what happened to Princess Celestia and how to help Spike!” She turns her gaze towards where she left him, but the chair is empty. “What!? Where did he--”

The girls turn to see Fluttershy walking down the stairs from the second floor of the library. She suddenly stops, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. “Oh—um, sorry—I just thought he would be more comfortable in a bed, you know…”

Twilight lets out a small breath of relief. “Thank you--” Much to her surprise, however, Fluttershy approaches them and begins elaborating on Spike’s condition. “His breathing is stable and his blood pressure is normal, if slightly low. All in all, it seems he’s in a coma-like state.”

Seeing Twilight’s perplexed expression, Rarity interjects. “Sorry, darling, Fluttershy here is a licensed veterinarian, you see.”

“With specialization in exotic critters!” Pinkie chirps in.

Fluttershy blushes. “I-It’s nothing--” She suddenly raises both hands defensively. “A-And I don’t meant to imply Spike is like an exotic animal or a-anything like that!”

Twilight smiles softly. “Thank you, Fluttershy.” She looks around, to the other girls. “And thank you all for your concern, but this is something I have to do.”

Applejack adjusts her hat. “In that case, we’re coming with you,” she says firmly.

Twilight bites her lower lip. “Look, I appreciate your offer, but I would rather do this on my own.”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “Seriously?” She points with her index finger towards the window and says, “There’s this crazy witch out there planning to bring a forever night or something and you think we’re going to stay here and do nothing?”

“My sentiments exactly,” Rarity says, crossing her arms daintily. “This is a matter that concerns us all.”

Fluttershy nods. “I would like to go too.” She adds meekly, “If that’s okay with you…”

Applejack chuckles. “You heard ‘em. We’re stickin’ to you like caramel on a candy apple.”

“With cinnamon and chocolate!” Pinkie adds cheerfully. Twilight quirks an eyebrow. Pinkie tilts her head and says, “What? Those things are good.”

Twilight sighs exhausted. “Fine.” She puts both hands on her hips. “First we’ll need to find leads about the where--”

“The Everfree Forest,” Rainbow Dash interrupts. She tilts her head and clarifies, “I saw the black mist thingy fly and spread over it.”

Rarity scratches her chin thoughtfully. “But what could Nightmare Moon want from such a dreadful place?”

Twilight’s eyes scan the shelf to her right. Once she finds what she’s looking for, she extends her right hand, enveloping a scroll in a glowing purple aura and levitating it to her. “According to Equestrian maps,” she says as she opens the scroll, revealing a well detailed map. “The Everfree Forest is the location of the Castle of the Two Sisters, which used to be the home of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna back before the--” she gulps and finishes, “Incident with Nightmare Moon.” Twilight rolls up the scroll and levitates it back to the shelf. “It’s merely a theory, but I believe that’s where she’s heading to.”

Rainbow Dash spreads her wings. “What are we waiting for then? Let’s go!” Twilight raises her hand and stops her. She suggests they each take the proper preparations and meet all together at the entrance of the Everfree Forest in fifteen minutes. Rainbow Dash asks exasperated, “What preparations?” She raises her left arm and, pointing at her Duel Disk, says, “I’ve got everything I need right here!”

Rarity clears her throat, getting Rainbow Dash’s attention. She raises her left arm, an unamused look on her face, showing no Duel Disk of her own.

Rainbow Dash scoffs, “How can you go around without your Duel Disk? You’re a Pro Duelist, for Pete’s Sake!”

Applejack crosses her arms and says drily, “It can be kinda hard don’ the farm work with it attached to your arm, Rainbow.” She doesn’t have her Duel Disk with her. Neither does Fluttershy, who meekly excuses herself saying that some of the smaller animals like to nibble on it.

Rainbow Dash shakes her head and turns to Pinkie, who has her Duel Disk strapped on. “Guess you and I are the only ones who take the duelist life seriously.”

Pinkie grins and comments casually, “I take mine off when working at Sugarcube Corner.”

Rainbow Dash lets out a heavy sigh. “Fine.” She crosses her arms and, curling her lower lip in a gesture of disapproval, adds, “But I want you to know I’m disappointed in all of you.”

The time is close at hand, and Twilight stands still next to the bed; watching Spike intently. If I didn’t know, I could swear he was just taking a nap, she thinks with a rueful smile. She bites her thumb, trying to think what kind of magic could do something like this to a person, but nothing comes to mind. Could it be? she wonders fearfully. Dark magic? She remembers having read about it before. Fueled by negative emotions such as anger, fear or greed; it’s a powerful kind of magic, but also dangerous, for it will eventually take a heavy toll on the user’s mind.

Twilight shakes her head. Taking a glance at the digital clock on her Duel Disk, she decides to take her leave. She makes sure Spike is properly tucked in, his Duel Disk resting on the nearby nightstand, before turning the lights off. Her footsteps echo as she goes down the stairs, turning off the lights in the main room as she goes out the door.

Ponyville is silent as the grave. There isn’t a single soul in sight and the vibrant colors of the houses have been dyed a darker hue of blue, courtesy of the light of the full moon shining brightly above them.

Twilight keeps walking at a briskly pace, glancing warily to her sides every dozen steps or so. She can occasionally see the curtains behind a window move or a light flashing briefly from under a door. Twilight bites her lower lip. They’re afraid, she thinks. Everybody is afraid. She keeps thinking the people of Ponyville must be waiting for Princess Celestia to intervene.

A sudden chill goes down her spine. The sole idea that Princess Celestia could be in the same state as Spike right now is enough to make her feel dizzy. And that dragon, she thinks grimly. Being able to drain half the attack points of an opposing monster is a powerful effect and could spell our doom if we’re not careful.

The entrance of the Everfree Forest is on sight. Twilight jogs the last tract and meets with the rest of the girls. As expected, they all have their Duel Disks with them and more. Applejack now wears a brown leather jacket while Fluttershy exchanged her sandals for brown hiking boots. Rarity, for her part, exchanged her wide fit pointed shoes for black hiking ones and wears a fashionable, darker purple winter jacket. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie did not bother changing their attires at all. Twilight briefly laments the fact she didn’t change her clothes before leaving Canterlot.

Pinkie pumps her fist towards the entrance of the forest and shouts, “Whee! Let’s go!”

The canopy of trees forms a nearly perfect dome, allowing only a fraction of the rays of the full moon to touch the dirt trail where the girls steadily make their way in a single line. Walking at the front, Twilight glances over her shoulder and asks, “So, none of you have been in here before?”

Behind Twilight, Applejack shakes her head. “Nope.” She looks around worriedly. “Not many folks venture around here. They say it don’t work the same as Equestria.”

The group emerges from the woods, to find themselves standing on a cliff and overlooking the forest, with the moon once again shining brightly above them. Twilight glances at the canopy below and comments dejectedly, “Guess that means no map of the forest…”

“Nope!” Rainbow Dash interjects. “You know why?” She abruptly turns towards Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie, leans forward and begins advancing threateningly, much like a predator ready to jump on its prey. Applejack rolls her eyes and tells Rainbow Dash to quit it. The three girls simultaneously take a step back, cringing fearfully as Rainbow Dash speaks in a low, menacing tone. “Because everybody who's ever come in has never come out!” She emphasises the last word by spreading her wings.

As if on cue, the ground below their feet begins shaking. The earth cracks and the cliff gives in, sending the group screaming down the landslide. Twilight watches in horror as Rarity and Pinkie fall down the edge and into the darkness below. In a desperate effort, she digs her fingers into the ground, managing to stop her fall right at the edge of the cliff, but ends with over half of her body dangling precariously.

Above Twilight, Applejack manages to catch a root sticking out and come to a stop, but as soon as she sees Twilight, she let’s go and shouts, “Hold on! I’m a-comin’!” She slides down and grabs Twilight’s arms in a firm grasp. “Ah’ got you now, sugarcube,” she says comfortingly.

“A-Applejack! What do I do!?” Twilight asks desperately as she keeps hanging on for dear life.

“Let go,” Applejack answers plainly.

Twilight’s jaw drops. “A-Are you crazy!?” she asks bewildered. Her grip tightens. “I can’t do that!”

Applejack smiles sympathetically. “Yes, you can. I’ll promise you’ll be safe.” Twilight shakes her head rapidly. Applejack chuckles good-naturedly. “Trust me on this one, Twilight. Let go, you’ll be safe and once you’re down there, don’t wait for me. Keep going towards the castle and I’ll catch you later, yes?”

Twilight gulps hard, closes her eyes and lets herself go. She screams at the top of her lungs as she falls down, until she suddenly stops falling. “W-What?” Both, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy hold her by the arms as they slowly descend to the ground. Twilight is surprised at seeing the feathery, yellow ethereal wings on Fluttershy’s back. “You have Sky Magic,” she mutters amazed. Fluttershy smiles flustered. “Oh—yes, sorry for not telling you before…”

Pinkie cheerfully says they should do that again. Rarity shoots her a disapproving look, before turning to Twilight and asking about Applejack. Twilight answers hesitantly, “She told me we should keep going…that she would catch up with us later.”

There is a moment of silence, and then Rainbow Dash declares, “We should keep going.”

Twilight protests, “But Applejack…” Pinkie puts a hand on her shoulder. She smiles brightly and assures, “Don’t worry your pretty little head, Twilight! Applejack is a strong girl!”

Rarity nods in agreement, “Pinkie is right, Twilight. Applejack wouldn’t stay behind without a good reason.”

Fluttershy chimes in, “I think we should respect her wishes.”

Twilight nods. “Okay…” Without another word, the group continues their journey deeper into the forest.

From the top of the cliff, Applejack watches her friends go. She lets out a breath of relief, before turning her gaze upwards and growling, “Are you gonna come down or not!?” A shadowy figure descends in front of her and Applejack grits her teeth. Ah’ knew somethin’ smelled fishy ‘round here, she thinks. Applejack quickly recognizes the figure as one of the five that accompanied Nightmare Moon, and a man at that.

The man is huge and Applejack can easily notice his bulging musculature under his pitch-black clothes. She glances at her sides and concludes she cannot hope to climb back up, and trying to climb down would leave her vulnerable to an attack. She lowers her stance and turns her torso slightly sideways. The man continues to watch her in silence, with only the lower section of his face visible under the hood and his mouth twisted into a smug smirk.

Applejack thinks the man looks like he could rip a whole tree from the ground, but she’s no slouch either. One full power kick on the right spot and he’s going down. Much to her surprise, however, the man tilts his head and asks, “Why didn’t you jump with them?”

Applejack narrows her eyes and scoffs, “So you could drop the rest of the cliff over our heads?”

The man laughs thunderously. “Clever girl,” he comments with amusement. “But that was just a greeting, the real suffering begins now!” The man throws his left arm upwards, revealing a piece of armor on his forearm from which unfolds a silver blade of pure magical energy, much like the one used by Nightmare Moon. He introduces himself loudly, “I am Ker! Mighty servant of Lady Nightmare Moon!”

Ah’ don’t know if I should be glad or worried he wants a duel, Applejack thinks grimly. As soon as she activates her Duel Disk, a wall of black mist erupts from the ground around them, forming a perfect dome. The sparks crackling and dancing all around them makes the hair on the back of Applejack’s neck stand on end. Seeing her reaction, Ker chuckles sadistically. “Don’t worry,” he says. “The barrier is here merely to prevent you from going anywhere until this duel is over.”

Applejack straightens herself, adjusts her hat and declares fiercely. “Guess I’ll have to buck your sorry ass first!” Without waiting for an answer, she draws her initial hand of five cards and takes the first turn. Her hand contains Superheavy Samurai Kabuto, Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler, Superheavy Samurai Blowtorch, Superheavy Samurai Scales and Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei. Applejack thinks she’s had better hands, but her opponent looks like the kind who favors a simple beatdown strategy, so she should have the advantage. She normal summons Superheavy Samurai Kabuto in attack position. The mechanical warrior appears on the field twirling a large, metallic hammer. Applejack crosses her arms. “Let’s see what you’ve got. Turn end!”

Ker draws his opening hand plus one. He examines his options calmly before activating The Cheerful Coffin, getting rid of two cards from his hand, followed by Card of Safe Return. Applejack quirks an eyebrow; it’s been a while since she had seen somebody play those cards. Ker continues normal summoning Iron Chain Repairman in attack position. “I use Iron Chain Repairman’s effect to bring back Iron Chain Snake from my graveyard!” The musclebound, gray-skinned ogre slams his sledge hammer on the ground and from it emerges a large, jet-black snake with its body in the shape of a chain. It hisses threateningly and coils itself in defense position. Ker draws a card thanks to Card of Safe Return.

Applejack grins and declares, “Gotcha! I use Superheavy Samurai Kabuto’s effect to change it to defense position!” She does so. “And it gets an extra 500 defense points until the end of the turn!”

Ker grins right back. “Oh, I guess I have no choice but to play these two…” He slides two cards into his Duel Disk. Poison Chain and Paralyzing Chain appear on his side of the field. He eagerly declares the end of his turn. “Now, every time I don’t attack, Poison Chain will force you to discard cards from the top of your deck equal to the number of my Iron Chain Monsters…”

Applejack’s Duel Disk automatically ejects two cards from the top of her deck and the screen flashes with the message “PLACE CARDS INTO GRAVEYARD”. As soon as she complies, the very air around her twists and four black chains suddenly shoot out, tying themselves around her arms, legs and torso. “What the--” Her shocked words and cut short when the chains squeeze, making her grit her teeth in pain and lowering her life points to 3700.

Ker laughs thunderously. “I should’ve mentioned Paralyzing Chain will inflict 300 points of damage every time you discard from your deck!”

The chains stop squeezing and Applejack lets out a breath of relief. She cracks her neck and glares at her opponent. “Is that all you got?” She asks drily. “Mah’ little sister squeezes harder than this!”

Ker lets out a soft “hmph” and comments, “Looks like you got some tolerance for pain…” His sadistic smile returns. “But we’ve just started!”

With both arms tied by the chains, Applejack draws with some difficulty. She looks at her newest card, Superheavy Samurai Soulfire Suit, and mutters a curse. She adds it to her hand and picks a different one. “Ah’ summon Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler!” The monster appears on attack position and Applejack immediately switches it to defense with its effect. She gulps. “Turn end…”

“My turn!” Ker draws and activates Iron Chain Repairman’s effect once again. A second Iron Chain Snake appears on the field in defense position and Ker draws an extra card, bringing his hand count to two. He declares he will speed things up and normal summons Iron Chain Blaster in attack position. “Once per turn, I can send one of my Iron Chain monsters to the graveyard to inflict 800 points of damage to my opponent.” He points forward and shouts, “Open fire!” The Iron Chain Blaster fires, its body exploding in the process and the shot strikes Applejack, taking her life points down to 2900. The pain makes her legs wobble and she falls on her right knee, breathing heavily.

“Didn’t our Lady Nightmare tell you?” Ker asks, scratching his chin. “You’re dueling with your life on the line.” He grins sadistically as he elaborates, “Once you lose, your soul will be devoured by the darkness, leaving your body as an empty husk to rot!”

Applejack chuckles softly. “Really?” She asks with a mocking smile. “That’s sounds almost as bad as havin’ to hear you talk non-stop…”

Once again, Ker’s grin falters. He growls under his breath, sets a single card and ends his turn. The effect of Poison Chain activates and Applejack discards three cards from the top of her deck, costing her another 300 life points from Paralyzing Chain's effect. This time, she cannot hold back a scream of pain as the chains squeeze her body.

Applejack swallows hard. Dang it, she thinks. Ah’ feel like I’ve been workin’ without a break for days. She shakes her head rapidly and draws Superheavy Samurai Soulbang Cannon. Setting it aside, she tributes her two monsters to summon Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei. The massive form of Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei takes on the field. Applejack equips her monster with Superheavy Samurai Soulbang Cannon, bringing its defense points to 4500, and orders the attack of Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei on Iron Chain Repairman. “This is for lil’ Spike!” she shouts fiercely.

Ker activates the set trap card. “Fiendish Chain!” Multiple black chains erupt from the ground to halt Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei’s advance and keep it firmly in place. Applejack growls in frustration, but cannot do anything beyond ending her turn.

Ker chuckles and points with his index finger. “Without Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei’s effect you’re like a dog without teeth.” He draws a card. “I activate Iron Chain Repairman’s effect!” He brings back Iron Chain Blaster, drawing an extra card with the effect of Card of Safe Return, and sacrifices his monster to inflict 800 points of damage to Applejack. Her hat is blown away and she falls on her knees. Ker makes a thumb down gesture and declares, “Turn end!”

Applejack is forced to discard three more cards and subsequently damaged by Paralyzing Chain, bringing her life points down to 1500. Her visage is pitiful, with her body wobbling back and forth, as she gasps for air. “Hold on…” she breathes. “You just discarded mah’ Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves…now ah’ can pick the top five cards of mah’ deck and…put ‘em back just like I want ‘em…” Ker crosses both arms over his large chest, glaring under his hood as Applejack rearranges the top five cards of her deck. Once she’s done, she draws a card, which she checks is Superheavy Samurai Prepped Defense, and immediately ends her turn with no further plays.

Ker is briefly surprised, but quickly begins laughing. “Are you that stubborn you cannot surrender even when you can do nothing to fight back? Would you rather have me bring down your life points to zero?” He draws and declares, “In that case, I’ll grant your wish!” Ker repeats his combination. He summons back Iron Chain Blaster with Iron Chain Repairman, drawing an extra card and sends the former to the graveyard to damage Applejack’s life points. Setting a single card from his hand, he then ends his turn to make her discard three cards from the top of her deck with Poison Chain and further damage her with Paralyzing Chain. Applejack’s life points flash at a mere 400 points.

Applejack doubles over, gritting her teeth and enduring the pain as best as she can. “R-Right…” She slowly stands up, first the right leg and then the left. “Now it’s mah’ turn…” Her gaze remains unyielding as she draws a card; Superheavy Samurai Soulbeads. “Superheavy Samurai Scales…” The mechanical monster appears carrying a scale over its shoulders, and on the left one a smaller, ball shaped robot appears sitting comfortably. Applejack tilts her head towards the smaller monster with a smirk. “Ah’ summoned back Superheavy Samurai Battleball from the graveyard with Scales…and I can use that little fella to do a Synchro Summon with one of your monsters…”

Ker grumbles, “You rearranged your cards so Superheavy Samurai Battleball would be sent to the graveyard with Poison Chain…”

Applejack chuckles. “Aren’t you a smart cookie?” Her expression turn dark and she shouts towards the sky. “I tune my level two Superheavy Samurai Battleball with your Iron Chain Repairman! Synchro Summon!” The two monsters float into the middle of the field and fuse into a cluster of stars. “Shake the earth with a roar! Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji!” The massive crimson ogre appears before Applejack. It immediately swings its giant club, creating a powerful shockwave. Ker holds his hand over his set card, activating it in a chain. “Threatening Roar!” His card roars fiercely, sending a shockwave that pushes Applejack back, before going to the graveyard with the rest of his cards in the Spell and Trap zones. The chains that bind Applejack shatter and disappear. She rotates her shoulders and lets out a breath of relief, but is still visibly annoyed that he cannot launch a counter attack. “Turn end,” she declares drily.

“That was pointless,” Ker states with a smug smile. He draws a card, bringing his hand count to four. “But that’s okay, because now I can show you my greatest monster!” He normal summons a silly looking robot from his hand. “I tune my level three Iron Chain Coil with my level three Iron Chain Snake! Synchro Summon!” The two monsters fuse into a cluster of stars and from the light comes a gigantic, snake-like, winged dragon with metallic scales and piercing red eyes. Two huge chains cross over the beast’s chest. “Bind those who would oppose our Lady Nightmare and drag them into the abyss! Iron Chain Dragon!” The roar of the dragon echoes into the night sky.

Applejack remains wary of the Iron Chain Dragon, its attack points flashing at 2500.

Ker slides a single card into his Duel Disk. “A gift,” he states maliciously. A chain erupts from the ground, tying itself around the arms and neck of Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei. The monster lets out a mechanical growl and pulls, but its efforts only serve to reveal the large, black spiked ball with a grinning demonic face attached to the other end of the chain. The attack and defense points of Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei go down to a mere 100. Ker points to Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji. “Iron Chain Snake!” At his master’s command, the monster leaps with surprising agility and falls down on Applejack’s monster, forcing it down on its knees and lowering its attack and defense to zero and 1700 points respectively. “When a monster equipped with Iron Chain Snake is destroyed, you’ll have to discard a number of cards from the top of your deck equal to its level.” Applejack narrows her eyes. Ker scratches his chin with a sinister smile. “I could further destroy your deck, wait until my Darkworld Shackles finish you off or I could go for your Superheavy Samurai Scales in attack position to end you right now.” He chuckles. “Decisions, decisions…”

Applejack quirks an eyebrow. “You sure love hearin’ yourself talk, don’t you?” she asks drily.

Ker growls, “I've decided.” He points forward at Superheavy Samurai Scales and shouts, “Destroy it, Iron Chain Dragon! Iron Chain Blast!” Applejack quickly discards Superheavy Samurai Blowtorch from her hand to direct the attack to Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei. The dragon breathes a stream of white-hot flames, making the body of Big Benkei turn red, but the mechanical giant remains on the field. Applejack explains she discarded Superheavy Samurai Soulfire Suit to protect it from destruction at the cost of lowering its defense points by 800, to zero. Ker scoffs, “I thought you were going to let your monster be destroyed to get rid of Darkworld Shackles, but I see you can’t even defend yourself right.” Applejack shrugs. “Yeah, I’m kinda stubborn like that.” Ker lets out a soft “hmph” and sets two cards. “Turn end!”

“Mah’ turn!” Applejack holds the first card from the top of her deck between her index finger and thumb and pulls with all of her strength. “DRAW!” She immediately switches Superheavy Samurai Scales to defense position and equips it with her newly drawn Superheavy Samurai Soulshield Wall, raising its defense points to 3000. Ker attempts to hinder her efforts activating his set Shadow Spell, but the sound of a flute interrupts the effect of the trap card and destroys it. Applejack explains she banished Superheavy Samurai Flutist from her graveyard to counter it. “Go, Superheavy Samurai Scales! Destroy Iron Chain Dragon!”

Ker reveals his second set card, Safe Zone. His Iron Chain Dragon is enveloped in a blue, crystal shield and protected from destruction. Ker’s life points go down to 3500. He asks mockingly, “So that why you protected your Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei? To try to destroy my Iron Chain Dragon?” Applejack doesn’t reply. Ker chuckles. “Nevermind, it’s the end of the road for you.” He spreads his arms triumphantly and shouts, “At least take solace in knowing your mediocrity was quite entertaining!”

Applejack sighs and turns her back to Ker. He asks in amusement, “Would you rather not look at death in the face?” Applejack wordlessly removes three cards from her graveyard and three armor-shaped monsters appear behind her, cloaked in purple flames. Ker is baffled. “What are those…?” Applejack calmly pick ups her hat, dusts it off and puts it backs on. She turns towards her opponent and explains, “Ah’ can banish all mah’ copies of Superheavy Samurai Soulbreaker Armor from the graveyard so you take damage equal to the difference between one of my monster’s current defense points and its original ones.” She tilts her head towards Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei. “Now, I’m not good with that math stuff, but ah’ think that makes 3500 points, right?”

Ker’s jaw drops. “Y-You!” He hisses horrified. “That’s why you protected your monster with Superheavy Samurai Soulfire Suit!”

Applejack smirks. She tips her hat with a flick of her thumb and asks, “You really didn’t think you could go 'round milling mah’ deck all willy-nilly, did you?” The three Superheavy Samurai Soulbreaker Armor explode into a ball of purple fire that consumes Ker. He screams as his life points go down to zero. Once the flames dissipate, Ker appears completely still, like a statue. There’s a moment of silence and then he falls down forward, but before his body can touch the ground, it completely vanishes in a puff of black smoke. With his loss, the barrier of black mist dissipates, leaving the cliff in absolute silence.

Applejack gazes at the starry sky above her. Exhausted but content, she mutters, “Yee-haw…”