• Published 9th Jan 2017
  • 4,146 Views, 124 Comments

Elements of the Duel - Dashguy

In a world where magic and card games intertwine, Twilight Sparkle, a prominent student of the Eos Dueling School, will clash against the darkness with the power of Duel Monsters. A Humanized Yu-Gi-Oh! Crossover.

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Duel Three - vs Rainbow Dash - I'll Test You Myself!

Author's Note:

Before we start, I'd like to point out I've rewritten chapters one and two. Most of the changes are to keep the plot more in line with that of the show. I've also increased the focus on the card game and ditched the fanservice, since I felt it was out of place. I hope these changes are to your liking.

The midday sun looms high over Ponyville. Twilight and Spike walk back to the town square, where they first arrived. “It was nice of Applejack to invite us to stay for brunch,” He comments cheerfully. “Ugh…I ate too much pie…” She whines as she trudges after him.

They spot a circular marble fountain with an octagonal base in the middle and a sculpture of a rearing Unicorn on top of it. Twilight takes the opportunity, sitting on the edge of the fountain and letting out a breath of relief. Spike sits next to her. There is a moment of silence as they watch the clouds drifting above them.

“I never imagined we would find somebody with high level dueling skills and no formal education here, on a farm of all places,” Twilight comments thoughtfully. Spike asks her if self-taught duelists are really that rare.

Twilight nods. She elaborates. “The first thing most students do after graduating is try their luck at the Pro Leagues. Regardless of they succeed or not, their second best option is either trying to open a dueling school or becoming a teacher on an already existing one.” Spike nods in understanding.

Twilight continues. She raises her index and middle fingers. “I can only think of two possibilities to explain Applejack’s level of dueling skills without a formal education.” She lowers her middle finger. “Number one: she was personally taught by a Pro Duelist.” She elaborates. “There have been several instances of Professional Duelists at the end of their careers taking on a single student to succeed them.”

Spike snaps his fingers in realization. “Kinda like you and Princess Celestia, right?” He asks with a smile.

Twilight blushes. She shakes her head rapidly. “N-Not at all! I mean, you can’t possibly compare me with her! She’s the creator of the game, founder and principal of the Eos Dueling School and an exceptional duelist herself!” She looks away wistfully for a moment, before turning to Spike again. “That and she does not participate in the Pro Leagues.” She clears her throat. “Anyway, as I was saying, the first possibility is that she was taught at some point by a Pro Duelist.”

Spike wonders out loudly if her teacher could have been a family member.

Twilight scratches her chin thoughtfully. “It would make sense, although I have never heard of a Pro Duelist with the surname Apple.”

Spike suggests they ask Applejack next time. Twilight nods. He asks about the second possibility.

Twilight straightens herself. “Right.” She lifts her index and middle fingers again. “The second possibility is that she learned the basics of the game on her own and acquired experience over a period of time from facing very skilled opponents.”

“Do you think Ponyville is filled with duelists like that?” Spike asks tentatively. His eyes suddenly widen in panic. “What if there’s a secret underground base to train them as weapons to take over the world right below us?”

Twilight rolls her eyes. “I think you should try picking a different kind of reading material once in awhile.” She stands up and dusts her skirt. “Alright, I feel much better now. We should keep going; we’ve only met one out of the five representatives on that list.”

Spike hops down from the edge of the fountain. “Applejack said Rainbow Dash is in charge of cleaning up the clouds for the Summer Sun Celebration,” he reminds her.

Twilight looks upwards, at the dozens of clouds occupying the sky. She quirks an eyebrow. “Well, she’s not doing a very good job, is she?” She asks drily.

Something in the distance catches her eye. “What’s that?” Twilight asks, narrowing her eyes. A lone figure descends from the sky at astonishing speeds. Before she can say another word, the figure lands right in front of them, whipping up a gust of wind. Twilight squeals, shielding her face with her left arm while holding down her skirt with the right one. Spike braces himself, crossing both arms in front of his face.

The wind subsides. They slowly lower their arms to see a young girl in a crouching position, her feet wide apart and supporting her weight with her right hand on the ground, while her left hand is outstretched away and pointing upwards. A pair of translucent, cerulean ethereal wings spread majestically from her back.

“Whoa,” Spike mutters in awe.

The girl holds her crouching position for several seconds, before straightening up and dusting herself. Her wings fold, disappearing behind her back. She is a head shorter than Twilight, with pale skin, cerise eyes and long, messy rainbow colored hair sprawled over her shoulders and forehead. She wears black sneakers with yellow, lightning shaped streaks at the sides, blue jean shorts and a black sleeveless shirt, as well as black fingerless gloves. A cerulean colored Duel Disk is strapped to her left arm. The muscles of her arms and legs are amazingly defined and contrast noticeably with the soft features of her face, creating a beauty that would surely draw her fair share of looks if she went jogging down the road.

The girl quickly takes notice of Twilight’s less than amused expression. She laughs sheepishly and apologizes. “I was practicing,” she excuses herself.

Twilight looks at the girl up and down. “Let me guess,” she says drily. “You’re Rainbow Dash.”

“The one and only,” replies Rainbow Dash, puffing her chest out with a proud smile. “Why, you heard of me? Do you want an autograph?” She asks with roguish grin that could charm a Royal Guard.

Twilight holds back the urge to roll her eyes. “No, thank you.” She clears her throat. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, I’m the personal student of Princess Celestia, and this is my personal assistant, Spike.” He smiles and waves. “We are here for the inspection on Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School,” she states firmly. “I take it you’re the one in charge of the Sky Duel classes?”

Rainbow Dash’s grin widens. She points at her chest with her thumb. “You bet I am!”

Twilight nods. “I see.” She rubs her chin thoughtfully. In Sky Duels, two duelists engage each other while simultaneously racing through the sky at high speeds, she thinks. The exterior element of movement is the key behind these duels, as it adds an unusual element of dodging, flying skill, intimidation and imagination. In addition, there are certain other requirements to be successful, such as intuition, reflexes, concentration, and kinetic vision as well as motor reflexes. All of these Factors result in Sky Duels practiced almost exclusively by Equestrians possessing Sky Magic.

Twilight thinks that there have been a few instances of Mind Magic users like her attempting to enter the world of Sky Dueling by using artificially made wings, but none of them have been successful. None of them could reach the necessary speed, she thinks. In Sky Duels, the duelist who takes the lead at the beginning can claim the first turn. Moreover, in certain competitions, an alternate win condition is offered in which a duelist can emerge victorious by completing a certain amount of laps around the race track.

“If you don’t mind I ask,” Twilight begins tentatively. “Why did you choose to teach here, out of all places?” She thinks Cloudsdale or Las Pegasus would have been better choices, since they are inhabited mostly by Equestrians with Sky Magic.

“I like challenges.” Rainbow Dash answers casually. “And speaking of challenges…” She raises her left arm, her Duel Disk gleams under the light of the sun. “How about we quit the chit chat and get to the point?” She tilts her chin towards Twilight and Spike. “Do we do this one-on-one or you want me to take you all on?”

Spike takes a step forward, readying himself. Twilight raises a hand, stopping him. “Can I ask you one last question first?” Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes, but replies in affirmative. “What were you practicing for?”

“The Wonderbolts!” Rainbow Dash replies, her expression brightening. “They’re gonna perform at the Celebration tomorrow, and I’m gonna show ‘em my stuff!”

Twilight quirks an eyebrow. “The Wonderbolts? The elite team of Sky Duelists?”

“No, the tap dancers.” Rainbow Dash replies sarcastically. She spreads her arms. “Of course I’m talking about the Sky Duelists! I’ve been dreaming of joining them since I held my very first Duel Monsters card!”

Twilight tilts her head with curiosity. “Are you by any chance a graduate of the Iris Duel Palaestra in Cloudsdale?”

Rainbow Dash laughs as if she had just heard a joke. “Me? Not a chance!” She waves her right hand dismissively. “I don’t have time to waste with all that egghead stuff.”

Twilight frowns. “Excuse me?” She asks sharply. “What do you mean with egghead stuff?”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Eh, you know, books and stuff.” She elaborates. “It’s all a waste of time, if you ask me. I mean, why would I want to spend my time reading about Duel Monsters and flying through loops when I’ve got the whole sky for me and countless opponents around to duel with?”

Spike glances at Twilight. Seeing the throbbing vein in her forehead, he slowly walks several steps back. “You are aware every single one of the members of the Wonderbolts is a graduate of the Iris Duel Palaestra, aren’t you? She asks coldly.

Rainbow Dash grins enthusiastically. “And that’s why it’s going to be even more awesome when I become one of them!” She looks towards the sky wistfully. “Think about it.” She extends her arms forward, placing her hands in the shape of a square, as if she was trying to adjust a picture. “The very first Wonderbolt who earned her position with just hard work, sheer determination and amazing talent!”

Twilight’s left eye twitches dangerously. “Really now?” She says in a tone of voice that makes Spike go ahead and take cover behind the fountain. “In that case…” She smirks and ignites her Duel Disk, the blade glowing with light purple color. “I’m sure you won’t mind I test you myself.”

Rainbow Dash is not intimidated. She smirks right back. “Bring it on.” She spreads her wings and, with a single, mighty flap, takes into the sky, landing on a nearby cloud as if it were a solid platform. She looks at Twilight from above and ignites her Duel Disk, the blade glowing in a cerulean tone.

Their life point counters appear momentarily above them, at 4000 points each. Both of them draw their initial hands of five cards and shout simultaneously. “DUEL!” The screen on each Duel Disk cycles, ultimately stopping on Rainbow Dash.

“My turn!” Rainbow Dash declares enthusiastically. She does not waste any time special summoning Speedroid Terrortop. “Do I have to tell you what this guy does?” She asks mockingly.

Twilight does not reply. She knows Speedroid Terrortop can be special summoned if the user controls no monsters and its second effect allows for the retrieval a Speedroid monster from the user’s deck.

Rainbow Dash adds Speedroid Tri-Eyed Dice from her deck to her hand and immediately normal summons it. She raises her fist upwards and shouts to the sky. “I tune my level three Terrortop with my level three Tri-Eyed Dice! Synchro Summon!” The two monsters fuse in a cluster of stars. “Magical sword in the shape of a cross! Rend all my enemies to bits!” The sword-shaped machine appears piercing through the clouds. “Level six! Hi-Speedroid Kendama!” She banishes Speedroid Tri-Eyed Dice from her graveyard. Hi-Speedroid Kendama streaks at full speed over Twilight’s head, forcing her to hold down her skirt and shaving 500 of her life points.

Spike rushes from behind the fountain. “It’s a Speedroid deck!” He exclaims in awe. Several people around them stop to watch the duel.

Rainbow Dash declares the end of her turn. She crosses both arms over her chest. “Come on! Show me what you got!”

“That’s my line,” mutters Twilight. She draws. “Draw!” She picks two cards from her hand between her index and middle fingers, placing them on the opposite extremes of her Duel Disk; the word PENDULUM flashes across the blade in all the colors of the rainbow. “Using the scale one Stargazer Magician and the scale eight Timegazer Magician, I set the Pendulum Scale!” The two magicians materialize on the field, ascending in a pair of light pillars at her sides. “Now I can special summon monsters from level two to seven!”

Twilight raises her hand towards the sky and chants loudly. “Swing, arcane pendulum! Trace an arc of light across the aether!” The crowd of onlookers watches in awe as the space above them disorts into a portal of light. “Pendulum Summon!” A single beam of light falls from inside the portal on Twilight’s side of the field. “Timebreaker Magician!” A young boy magician appears, holding a sword shaped like the hand of a clock and with his cape fluttering behind him.

Rainbow Dash is unimpressed. She scoffs, “All that just to call some little guy?”

Twilight snaps her fingers. Timebreaker Magician’s attack points go up from 1400 to 2800. She explains. “When Timebreaker Magician is Pendulum Summoned alone from my hand I can double his attack points.”

Rainbow Dash blinks. “Oh.”

Twilight orders the attack of Timebreaker Magician on Hi-Speedroid Kendama. “Time Blade!” The sword-shaped machine charges at full speed, but the young magician takes a side step, leaving his sword in the path of the enemy and slicing it with ease. Rainbow Dash grits her teeth as her life points go down to 3400. Twilight declares the end of her turn.

Rainbow Dash chuckles. “It wouldn’t be fun if it was that easy!” She draws energetically. “Draw!” She activates Speed Recovery from her hand to special summon Hi-Speedroid Kendama back to the field. “I summon Speedroid Razorang!” The boomerang-shaped monster appears spinning swiftly around her. She points at Timebreaker Magician. “Get him!” Razorang launches itself at the young magician, who repels the attack with a single strike of his sword. A small dent appears on the blade and Timebreaker Magician’s attack points go down to 2000. Rainbow Dash orders the attack of Hi-Speedroid Kendama. “Spiral Sword!”

Hi-Speedroid Kendama dives towards Timebreaker Magician. The young magician tries to strike back, but it is immediately torn to shreds. Twilight’s life points go down to 3300. She adds Timebreaker Magician to her Extra Deck face-up. “When a Pendulum Monster is destroyed it goes back to my Extra Deck!”

Rainbow Dash finishes her turn. She taunts again. “I really hope that little guy isn’t the best thing you have.”

“My turn,” Twilight states firmly. “Draw!” She looks at her newest card and smiles. Immediately she raises her hand and declares. “Pendulum Summon!” Two beams of light fall from the portal above them. “Return, Timebreaker Magician!” A majestic crimson dragon appears behind Twilight; its roar shakes the very air around her. She calls the monster name proudly. “And the fierce dragon of dual colored eyes! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!”

Spike cheers. “Oh yeah! Go for it, Twilight!” The crowd of onlookers stands in awe at the huge dragon.

Rainbow Dash is astonished. “I-I don’t think I’ve seen that one before..."

“Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon is a special card Princess Celestia herself gave me on the day I became her personal student,” Twilight explains with pride. She glances at the dragon, the memories from that day bringing a warm feeling to her chest. She turns back to Rainbow Dash, declaring fiercely. “Battle! Attack Hi-Speedroid Kendama with your Spiral Strike Burst!” Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon rears its head back, then unleashes as stream of energy that vaporizes not only the enemy monster, but also the cloud Rainbow Dash is standing on. She spreads her wings to land safely.

Twilight continues ordering the attack of Timebreaker Magician to destroy Speedroid Razorang.

Rainbow Dash looks at her life point counter, standing at 2800. “Hey! What gives?” She asks bewildered. “I should’ve lost only 300 points from that attack!”

“That’s the effect of my Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, Reaction Force. Every time it battles, it doubles the damage inflicted.” Twilight explains calmly. She crosses her arms and declares the end of her turn.

Rainbow Dash grins widely. “This keeps getting more and more interesting!” She draws with enough strength to whip up a gust. “Draw!” She activates the effect of Hi-Speedroid Kendama to special summon it back to the field in attack position, followed by activating the spell Hi-Speed Re-Level from her hand. She banishes Speedroid Razorang from her graveyard to match the level of Hi-Speedroid Kendama to it and increase its attack points by 500 for every level, up to 4200. Twilight is shocked at the sudden increase in power. Rainbow Dash declares Hi-Speedroid Kendama’s attack on Timebreaker Magician. “Spiral Sword!” Twilight’s life points flash at a mere 500 after the destruction of her monster.

Rainbow Dash pumps her fist in celebration. “Booyah!” She chuckles. "Sorry 'bout your little guy!" She points at Twilight with her index and middle fingers together. “Your turn!”

Spike gulps. She’s good, he thinks.

Twilight draws wordlessly. Her hand contains the cards Spell Wall, Dark Illusion, Pendulum Shift and Polymerization. She Pendulum Summons Timebreaker Magician back to her side of the field. Taking Polymerization between her index and middle fingers, she shows it to Rainbow Dash. “I’ll give you a sample of the true power of my Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!” She declares confidently. “I activate Polymerization to fuse Timebreaker Magician and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!” Her monsters vanish in a vortex of light. She holds her hands together and chants. “Brave magician of time, become the light in the eyes of the dragon! Fusion summon! Come forth! Arcane dragon wielder of ancient magic!” The new dragon materializes on the field, golden and crimson scales shimmering under the sun. A large, golden arcane circle sprouts from its back, crackling and sizzling with pure magical energy. Twilight shouts its name. “Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!”

Rainbow Dash gapes. “Three thousand attack points,” she mutters.

Twilight explains that, since Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon was summoned using a Pendulum Summoned monster on the field, it's immune to the opponent’s card effects until the end of this turn. She orders the attack on Hi-Speedroid Kendama. “Shiny Burst!” Rainbow Dash covers her eyes from the stream of energy that consumes her monster and lowers her life points to 2000.

Spike grins. “That's what I'm talking about!” He exclaims excitedly.

Twilight points at Rainbow Dash. She explains that since Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon was summoned using a level three monster as a Fusion Material, it can make up to two attacks on monsters during the each Battle Phase, so swarming tactics won't work. She sets Dark Illusion and announces the end of her turn.

Rainbow Dash wipes a trail of sweat from her forehead. She smirks. “Alright, I’ll admit you’re quite something, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight smirks right back. “And I’ll admit you’re not all talk.”

Rainbow Dash spreads her wings. The gesture reminds Twilight of a bird trying to appear more intimidating. “My turn! Draw!” Rainbow Dash looks at her newest card and grins triumphantly. “But if you think I’m going to lose, you’re dead wrong!” She banishes Speed Recovery to add Speedroid Terrortop back to her hand and immediately special summons it, retrieving Speedroid Taketomborg from her deck with Terrortop's effect. "And since I control a WIND monster, I can special summon Speedroid Taketomborg from my hand!" She tributes Taketomborg to special summon Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice from her deck. "When Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice is special summoned, I can change the level of one of my Speedroids to a number between one to six!" She changes Speedroid Terrortop's level to six.

Rainbow Dash flaps her wings once and soars. Looking at Twilight from above, she spreads her arms wide and declares. “I tune my level one Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice and my level six Speedroid Terrortop! Synchro Summon!” The monsters fuse in a cluster of stars. “Spread your wings and strike down my enemies at the speed of light!” A pure white dragon appears flying above them; its translucent emerald wings reflect the light of the sun, showering the people below with green light. It flies all around Ponyville, clearing every single one of the clouds, before taking its position next to Rainbow Dash. She shouts the monster’s name with pride. “Level seven! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!”

“It’s beautiful,” mutters Spike, his eyes wide in awe.

Twilight is amazed. She thinks she had never seen that monster before.

“Cool, isn’t it?” Rainbow Dash asks casually. “I figured since you showed me your ace monster, I should repay the favor!” She normal summons Speedroid Pachingo-Kart. "Once per turn, I can discard a Machine-Type Monster from my hand to activate Speedroid Pachingo-Kart's effect." She discards Speedroid Menko. "And destroy one monster on the field!" Twilight readies herself to activate Dark Illusion to protect her Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, but Rainbow Dash declares the target to be her own Clear Wing Synchro Dragon, much to Twilight's surprise and confusion.

"Wait--what?" Spike asks bewildered.

Rainbow Dash raises her hand upwards. “At this point, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon’s effect activates! Dichroic Mirror!” The dragon spreads its wings, releasing a stream of light that makes Speedroid Pachingo-Kart disappear without a trace.

Twilight wonders what she's trying to accomplish.

Rainbow Dash enthusiastically explains that Clear Wing Synchro Dragon can negate the activation of monster effect's that targets a single level five or higher monster on the field and destroy it. “Then it gains the attack of the destroyed monster!” Clear Wing Synchro Dragon roars and its attack increases to 4300. Twilight is shocked.

Rainbow Dash shouts. “Battle! Attack with Whirlwind Dive Slasher!” Clear Wing Synchro Dragon dives in corkscrew fashion, decimating Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon. The shockwave knocks Twilight down on her butt, her life points going down to zero. Every card on the field vanishes.

The crowd of onlookers clap and cheer loudly for several seconds before walking away.

Spike rushes next to Twilight. “Are you okay, Twilight?” She groans. “Y-Yes...”

Rainbow Dash approaches them; extending her hand to Twilight and helping her stand up. “Good game,” she states with a grin. She admits seeing Twilight go from Pendulum to Fusion was cool too. Spike crosses both arms over his chest. “That’s nothing!” He proudly explains how Twilight’s deck combines all summoning methods, including Pendulum, Fusion, XYZ, Synchro and Ritual. Rainbow Dash whistles impressed.

Twilight’s cheeks redden. She shakes her head and asks Rainbow Dash where she got her Clear Wing Synchro Dragon.

“This guy?” Rainbow Dash asks, retrieving Clear Wing Synchro Dragon from her Extra Deck and flicking the card between her index and middle fingers. “I won it on a dart game on Ponyville’s last year’s fair,” she answers casually.

Twilight quirks an eyebrow, but does not press the issue further.

Rainbow Dash puts the card back inside her deck. “So, am I qualified?” She asks with a charming smile.

Twilight crosses her arms. “I’ll give you a passing grade,” she replies with mock stern.

Rainbow Dash laughs. “Harsh!” She spreads her wings. “Anyway, it was nice meeting you two, but I gotta go fast now.” She gives them a salute with her index and middle fingers before taking into the sky, leaving a rainbow colored trail behind her as she flew away like a shooting star.

Twilight’s eyes widened in realization. “We didn’t ask her where we could find Rarity…”

“Inside the Town Hall.”

Twilight squeaks and jumps forward. Behind her, Rainbow Dash laughs. “Man, I can’t wait to hang out some more with you guys!” Once more, she takes into the sky. “See ya!”

Spike looks at Twilight. “She’s amazing, don’t you think?” He asks with a wide smile.

Twilight smiles softly. “I think she could afford losing a bit of her ego.”