• Published 9th Jan 2017
  • 4,142 Views, 124 Comments

Elements of the Duel - Dashguy

In a world where magic and card games intertwine, Twilight Sparkle, a prominent student of the Eos Dueling School, will clash against the darkness with the power of Duel Monsters. A Humanized Yu-Gi-Oh! Crossover.

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Duel Four - vs Rarity - Spike Again!

Author's Note:

Before we start, a special thanks to Thestralpony for pointing out the multiple, small grammar mistakes on the previous chapters. Also, I spotted a mistake on the previous chapter's duel and rewrote a few parts to fix it.

“It says here Rainbow Dash has a one hundred percent win ratio,” Spike comments in admiration as his eyes scan the small screen of his Duel Disk.

Twilight nods absentmindedly. She’s aware Duel Disks have a function to track the wins and loses of the users, including calculating the percentage of each. She thinks she’s never paid too much attention to hers, probably because Princess Celestia prefers to evaluate students based on their performance rather than the outcome of their duels. That and the system is not perfect. You could, for example, beat the same opponent ten times to get a perfect winning ratio. Then again, Rainbow Dash didn’t seem like the kind of person who would do that, she thinks.

Spike calls out her name. Twilight shakes her head and looks at him. “Are you thinking about the duel?” He asks with a tilt of his head. She smiles and nods. “I was thinking about that Clear Wing Synchro Dragon.” He snaps his fingers. “Oh yeah!” He enthusiastically suggests they visit Ponyville’s fair next time the come here.

Twilight quirks an eyebrow. “Did you really believe that, Spike?” She asks amused.

Spike blinks twice in realization. “O-Of course not!” He answers hastily. “I mean, what kind of fair would give a prize like that?” He waves his hand dismissively, then points at Twilight. “I was just checking if you believed it.” She giggles. “Of course.”

The two of them make their way into Ponyville’s Town Hall. The inside is that of an ordinary, if slightly old fashioned, village center, with several small balconies arranged in a circle around a larger, central one. What truly gets their attention is the decoration. Large ribbons in rich shades of blue connect every single one of the balconies, each adorned with a exquisitely designed banner or a large bouquet of pure white lilies.

Spike breathes. “Beautiful…”

Twilight nods in agreement. “Indeed, the décor for the Summer Sun Celebration is coming along quite nicely.”

Spike shakes his head rapidly. “Not the décor!” He corrects, pulling Twilight’s arm while pointing forwards. “Her!”

Twilight turns to see a tall, young woman surrounded by floating ribbons of different colors, her hands glowing with ethereal light as she levitates them. She examines each ribbon individually for a moment and quickly discards them with a shake of her head and a word of disapproval when they do not meet her criteria.

“How do I look?” Spike asks breathlessly. “Is my hair okay?”

The woman is gorgeous. Her long, violet hair goes down her shoulders, curling at the end of her back and bangs; a single strand hangs between her sapphire blue eyes, their colors heightened by her perfect, milky-white skin. She wears elegant, wide fit pointed black shoes. A pair of black jeans hug her slender, shapely legs and butt nicely. Her white silk shirt is partially unbuttoned and slightly transparent, revealing the shape of the black bra she’s wearing.

Twilight approaches, greeting her politely “Good afternoon.”

The woman swiftly raises her index finger, without even turning to look at Twilight. “Just a moment, please!” She excuses herself as she keeps looking through her ribbons. “I’m in the zone, as it were.” At last, she settles for a bright red one, tying it neatly around the nearby column with her magic. She smiles pleased. “Perfect! Sparkles always do the trick, don’t you think?” She turns to Twilight, smiling pleasantly. “What can I help you wi--” She suddenly gasps in shock. “Oh my stars, darling! Whatever happened to your coiffure?”

Twilight frowns puzzled. “My hair?” She runs a hand through it and realizes it’s disheveled. “Oh, that.” She waves her hand dismissively. “I just had a rather intense duel a few minutes ago.” She assures it’s nothing to worry about.

The woman’s eyes widen in disbelief. “Nothing to worry about?” She shakes her head and exclaims dramatically. “Preposterous! I, Rarity, shall not allow you to walk under Princess Celestia’s sun with your hair in such a deplorable state!”

With an elegant wave of her hand, Rarity levitates a nearby large, violet trunk with golden handles and a diamond pattern. She retrieves a hairbrush and a hand mirror from inside then gently places the trunk on the floor. Pointing at the trunk, she instructs. “Please take a seat.”

Twilight holds back a sigh of defeat and does as she’s told.

Holding the hairbrush in her right hand, Rarity spreads her arms like a conductor about to direct the orchestra and begins to brush Twilight’s hair gently.

Twilight bites her lower lip, slightly flustered. “Umm, you don’t need to bother, you know...”

“Tut-tut, darling. It’s my pleasure.” She glances at Twilight’s Duel Disk while carefully brushing her locks. “Besides, you are a duelist, aren’t you? You should always take care of your appearance, since you never know who may be watching you from among the crowd.”

Twilight doesn’t say another word. Deciding she might as well let Rarity do her job, she closes her eyes and relaxes. Who might be watching me from among the crowd? She wonders. Some kind of talent seekers perhaps? There are a lot of companies which promote their services and products in Duel Monsters tournaments. Lately, some of them have been hiring Pro Duelists to act as representatives or mascots. Was she referring to those?

“Aaand done!” Rarity declares cheerfully. She hands Twilight the hand mirror. “Much better, don’t you think?” She asks hopefully.

Twilight looks at herself in the mirror. She admits her hair looks even better than after she brushed it this morning. “Thank you, Rarity.”

Rarity flicks her hair. “You’re welcome.” She crosses her arms daintily. “Now, how can I help you?”

Twilight introduces herself as Princess Celestia’s student and Spike as her personal assistant. He waves slowly, looking smitten. “Hi…” She clarifies. “We are here for the inspection on Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School.”

Rarity gasps softly in realization. “You are from Canterlot!” She places a hand on her forehead in a dramatic pose and exclaims. “Oh, I’m sooo envious!” She waves her hands around as she enumerates. “The pinnacle of high society! The sophistication! The glamour!” She puts her hands together in a gesture of praying while looking upwards wistfully. “I have always dreamed of living there!” She giggles cheekily. “I can’t wait to hear all about it from you! The--” Her fawning is interrupted by Twilight clearing her throat rather loudly. “O-Oh, sorry,” she apologizes with a sheepish smile. “I’m afraid I always get a bit carried away when it comes to that wonderful city.”

Twilight smiles sympathetically. “That’s okay.”

Rarity clears her throat softly. “Allow me to formally introduce myself.” She performs a small curtsy. “My name is Rarity. I am a haute couture designer, proprietor and manager of Ponyville’s one and only Carousel Boutique, Professional Duelist and representative of Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School.” She finishes her introduction turning her nose slightly upwards.

Twilight’s eyes widen in surprise. “Wait a minute! Did you say Professional Duelist?” She asks enthusiastically. “Does that mean you are a graduate? What school did you go to?”

Rarity chuckles daintily. “Why, the Eros Duel Institute in Manehattan, of course.” She answers with a proud smile.

Twilight perks up. “The prestigious, all-girl academy administered by Duchess Mi Amore Cadenza, the famous Pro Duelist nicknamed The Crystal Rose?” She asks with an expectant grin.

Rarity smiles in amusement. “The same.”

Twilight cheers. “Excellent!” She readies her Duel Disk. “We should start right away!”

Rarity is slightly overwhelmed by Twilight’s enthusiasm. She asks if she could have a minute to prepare herself. Twilight nods and Rarity heads to the back of the Town Hall, levitating her trunk behind her.

As soon as Rarity is out of sight, Twilight grins widely and comments. “Finally, somebody with a formal education! And a Pro Duelist at that!” She wonders if Rarity had tried entering the Pro Leagues at some point and decides she’ll ask her after their duel.

“W-Wait!” Spike suddenly exclaims. “Please let me duel her, Twilight!”

Twilight is surprised. “Spike?” He holds her arm with a pleading look. “Please, please! I’ll take care of the dishes and laundry for you! I’ll even sort out your books!” She frowns puzzled. “Don’t you already take care of all of that?”

Spike blinks in realization. “Oh, right.” He giggles sheepishly, then shakes his head. “I’ll do it twice, but please let me duel!”

Twilight sighs. “Fine, fine.” He let’s go of her arm and cheers, thanking her profusely. She puts both arms on her waist and tilts her head. “Geez, what’s gotten into you?”

Spike gulps and his cheeks redden. “I-I think I’m in love, Twilight.” He confesses.

Twilight quirks an eyebrow. “Again?” She asks unamused. Spike asks what does she mean. Twilight lifts her fingers one by one as she enumerates. “Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, Moondancer—do you want me to keep going?” She asks lowering her chin.

Spike’s blush intensifies. He crosses both arms over his chest, declaring firmly. “I mean it this time.”

Sure you do, Spike.” Twilight comments unconvinced. “Just make sure you don’t go easy on her, okay?” He nods rapidly.

Rarity returns a few minutes later, wearing a lovely, wine red strapless ball gown that nicely accentuates her bust and fully conceals her legs and feet. Her arms are covered by long sleeved, darker violet gloves. She has a light blush on her cheeks and her lips painted a passionate red. A darker violet Duel Disk is strapped around her left arm.

Spike’s eyes widen like plates, his entire face grows increasily redder as he opens and closes his mouth like a small fish gasping for air.

Twilight is awed. “Wow, Rarity, that’s…a beautiful dress. Are you going to duel like that?” She asks tentatively. It’s not unusual for Pro Duelists to dress in outstanding ways, she thinks. As long as the outfit is not violent or immodest, they’re allowed to dress as they please. Dueltainers are particularly known for this.

Rarity chuckles softly. She extends her left arm daintily, activating her Duel Disk; a lighter violet blade of magical energy unfolds from it. “It is my belief that duelists should always aim to dazzle the audience!” She exclaims dramatically, striking a pose with her right hand over her chest. “Not just with their cards and plays, but with their style, grace and beauty!”

Spike applauds enthusiastically. Twilight decides this is a perfect opportunity to ask. She smiles eagerly. “Did you take part in the Pro Leagues, Rarity?”

Rarity’s smile falters for a second. She gulps discreetely. “No, I didn’t.”

Twilight tilts her head with curiosity. “Why’s that?”

Rarity waves her hand, trying to act casual. “Oh, I just felt I wasn’t ready, you know, having recently graduated and all.” Before Twilight can get a word in, she smiles and quickly begins explaining how, as soon as she graduated, she came back to Ponyville in order to open her boutique, and later accepted to join the Ponyville’s Duel School as a means to polish her skills before making it into the Pro Leagues. “You see, my plan is to promote my own clothing line by dueling.”

Twilight is impressed. She thinks that, if Rarity’s enterprise is successful, she could live comfortably for the rest of her life; even choosing when and how to retire. “That’s amazing, Rarity. You have everything planned in the long term!”

Rarity flicks her hair with a proud smile. “Why, thank you.” She gestures towards Twilight’s Duel Disk. “But I still have to pass the inspection, don’t I?” She asks with a wink.

Twilight nods and takes a step aside. “Spike will be your opponent,” she states. He steps forward, puffing his chest out and bows with his left arm extended to the side. “M’Lady,” he says with his best charming grin. Twilight cringes. Remember he’s only twelve years-old, she thinks.

“Oh my!” Rarity exclaims. “Such a fine, little gentleman!” He giggles. Twilight stands back, allowing the two of them to take their positions in the middle of the Town Hall. He ignites his Duel Disk and immediately their life points display above them at 4000 for each. They pick up their initial hands of five cards.

The screens of each Duel Disk cycle alternatively before stopping on Spike. “My turn!” He thinks he’s definitely going to impress Rarity with his plays. Picking a card from his hand, he quickly slides it into his Duel Disk. “Foolish Burial!” He sends Dragunity Phalanx from his deck straight to his graveyard, followed by normal summoning Dragunity Dux and using its effect to equip it with Phalanx. “Once per turn, when Dragunity Phalanx is equipped to a monster by a card effect, I can special summon it!” He does so.

Spike continues, tuning his level two Dragunity Phalanx with his level four Dragunity Dux to Synchro Summon Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana. Using Vajrayana’s effect, he repeats the process of equipping Phalanx before special summoning it to the field. “There’s still more!” He declares with a confident grin. He picks another spell from his hand, sliding it into his Duel Disk. “Instant Fusion!” His life points go down to 3000 and a beautiful bird materializes on the field, its whole body covered in crimson and yellow flames. He tunes his level two Dragunity Phalanx to his level four Mavelus to Synchro Summon Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg. Satisfied, he declares the end of his turn.

“My turn!” Rarity holds the top card from her deck between her index and middle finger. Her hand glows with an ethereal blue light as she draws with a wide motion, tracing an arc of sparkles in front of her. “Draw!” Twilight thinks it’s a nice touch of magic. Rarity picks a single card from her hand and reveals it for Twilight and Spike to see. “I activate the spell Fusion Sage!” She adds a copy of Polymerization from her deck to her hand, immediately activating it. “I fuse Lunalight Black Sheep and Lunalight Blue Cat from my hand!” The monsters combine in a swirl of light. Rarity holds her hands together and chants, “Beast lurking in the jet-black darkness! Cat prowling in the azure darkness! Spiral into the moon’s gravity and become a new power! Fusion Summon!”

A lovely maiden wielding a pair of twin daggers appears on the field. Her long, crimson hair waves behind her as she moves gracefully. Rarity introduces her monster with pride. “The beautiful beast that dances in the moonlight! Lunalight Cat Dancer!” Using the effect of Lunalight Black Sheep, Rarity adds Lunalight Blue Cat back to her hand from her graveyard.

Spike is momentarily smitten by Lunalight Cat Dancer. Twilight scratches her chin thoughtfully, attentively watching Rarity’s every move.

Rarity normal summons Lunalight Blue Cat, tributing her to activate Lunalight Cat Dancer’s effect. She orders the attack on Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana. “Full Moon Mayhem!” Lunalight Cat Dancer charges with astonishing speed, performing a twirling leap and landing right on top of the crimson dragon’s head. It tries to shake her off to no avail. The rider counter attacks with his spear, but Cat Dancer moves faster, stabbing him on the neck with one of her daggers. Then, she turns around and stabs the dragon on the back of its neck. The mighty beast lets out a pitiful growl as it falls to the ground and vanishes with Lunalight Cat Dancer leaping away from it and landing safely.

Spike’s life points go down to 1800.

Rarity explains that, by tributing a Lunalight monster, Lunalight Cat Dancer can attack each monster the opponent controls twice each, destroying them on the second attack, and that every time she declares an attack, her monster inflicts 100 points of damage to the opponent’s life points. “Oh, and Lunalight Cat Dancer cannot be destroyed in battle,” she adds with a wink.

Twilight is surprised by her aggressive playstyle.

Rarity orders the attack of Lunalight Cat Dancer on Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg. “Full Moon Mayhem! Endless Waltz!”

“Whoa!” Spike swiftly banishes Mavelus from the graveyard to raise the attack points of Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg to 3300. “Piercing Strike!” Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg counterattacks, driving back Lunalight Cat Dancer and lowering Rarity’s life points by 900. She compliments him on his quick thinking. “I-It was nothing,” he mutters flustered.

Rarity sets a single card and declares the end of her turn with an elegant wave of her hand.

Feeling pumped, Spike draws energetically. “Draw!” He quickly activates his recently drawn Cards of Consonance, discarding Dragunity Corsesca from his hand to draw two cards. After sorting his hand, he normal summons Dragunity Legionnaire and uses its effect to equip it with Dragunity Phalanx from the graveyard, then special summon Phalanx to his side of the field. He takes a single card and holds it above his head. “I equip Dragunity Legionnaire with Dragunity Divine Lance!” The golden ornate sword materializes in the hands of Dragunity Legionnaire.

Spike explains how Dragunity Divine Lance allows him to, once per turn, equip a Dragon-Type Tuner monster from his deck to the monster equipped with this card. He chooses Dragunity Aklys and activates the effect of Dragunity Legionnaire to destroy Lunalight Cat Dancer. “And thanks to Aklys’ effect, I will destroy your set card too!” He adds with a grin. Dragunity Legionnaire holds Dragunity Aklys like a weapon and launches it forward with terrifying speed.

Rarity smiles and snaps her fingers. Lunalight Cat Dancer spreads her arms, twirling the ocean green cloth around them in the shape of a funnel and enveloping the incoming projectile with uncanny dexterity. A flick of her wrists and the cloth returns to its original shape, with the Dragunity Aklys projectile nowhere to be seen. Spike is shocked. Rarity explains she activated her set Forbidden Dress, ensuring her Lunalight Cat Dancer couldn’t be targeted or destroyed by other card effects at the cost of 600 of her attack points.

Spike gets out of his stupor by shaking his head rapidly. He declares loudly. “I tune my level three Dragunity Legionnaire with my level two Dragunity Phalanx!” His monsters fuse in a cluster of stars. “Synchro Summon! Come, Vortex the Whirlwind!” The winged beast man appears with a fierce wind and a loud battle cry. Spike is quick to order the attack of her two monsters on the weakened Lunalight Cat Dancer, taking Rarity’s life points down to 2600. He takes a breath, sets a single card and finishes his turn. Lunalight Cat Dancer’s attack points go back to 2400.

Rarity draws tracing an arc upwards. “Draw!” The magical sparkles fall all over her like a shower of light. Spike is fascinated. Rarity activates the spell Lunalight Perfume. “Return to me, Lunalight Blue Cat!” A cat girl with blue fur, wearing a white and golden attire appears striking a pose with her hands in the shape of paws. “When my Lunalight Blue Cat is special summoned, I can double the attack points of one of my Lunalight monsters!” She points at Lunalight Cat Dancer, the monster’s attack points skyrocket to 4800. Finally, she tributes Lunalight Blue Cat to activate the effect of Lunalight Cat Dancer and orders an attack on Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg. “Full Moon Mayhem! Final Waltz!”

Spike points at his set card. “Trap card open! Dimensional Prison!” Just as space starts distorting in front of Lunalight Cat Dancer, a golden lance falls from above, closing the distortion in a flash of light. “W-What!?” He realizes with dismay that Rarity had activated the Quick-Play Spell Forbidden Lance from her hand. “Oh…” It was over. Even with 800 attack points less, Lunalight Cat Dancer had enough strength to wipe out his remaining life points. All the monsters on the field vanish.

Twilight nods approvingly. Attacking with her monsters while using Forbidden spells to protect them? Not bad, she thinks.

Despite his loss, Spike cheers. “That was amazing, Rarity! I couldn’t do anything!” She smiles warmly and thanks him. “I must say you’re very skilled for your age,” she compliments him. He giggles, scratching the back of his head flustered. “I-It was nothing--” He shakes his head. “I mean--I always do my best!”

Twilight approaches. “An excellent demonstration,” she comments. “I think Spike and I saw more than enough, right?” She turns to see him looking at Rarity dreamily. Twelve years-old, she reminds herself once again. She shakes her head. “Anyway, we should be leaving now. Could you please tell us where we can find…” She takes a quick peek at her scroll. “Fluttershy?”

Rarity smiles. “Of course. Just take the path in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres, turn to the right at the intersection and keep going straight. Fluttershy lives in a small cottage at the edge of Ponyville.” She pauses for a second. “Just in case, Twilight, you should know she’s a bit timid when it comes to dealing with strangers.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Twilight assures her with a smile. Just as she’s about to leave, Rarity stops her. “Just one more thing,” she calls tentatively. “Are you perhaps acquainted with Prince Blueblood?”

Twilight tilts her head puzzled. “Prince Blueblood? You mean one of the Twin Stars of the Eos Dueling School?”

“Yes! The same!” Rarity slaps both of her cheeks, looking positively giddy. “What do you know about him?”

Twilight looks around awkwardly. “Not much, really. Other than the fact Prince is his name and he’s actually a Duke…”