• Published 4th Mar 2017
  • 2,561 Views, 213 Comments

From the Ashes - Dark0592

With Chrysalis in her endless sleep, Twilight is left to carry the burden of the Hive. Something she does magnificently.

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Twilight was sitting in the small operations room of the makeshift outpost that had been erected to support the barrier around the hive. Her hive… To her left sat Nictus and Keine. She was idly watching them nervously fidget with their carapace. They weren’t used to being in such a degenerated state, and Twilight felt it as well. She herself wasn’t much better. She would have asked them what was wrong, but she knew. Even without the hive mind she could tell they were nervous about being here in this state.

They had spent months retreating from Equestria so they didn’t have to risk shattering the peace if any individuals were to go mad with hunger. Now they sat, waiting, for the Equestrian representative to appear. Judging by how long it was taking, though, that wasn’t really what they were waiting for. A representative was stationed here at all times, Twilight thought she had even seen the man when they arrived. They were to negotiate the lowering of the Barrier with proof that they were no longer at risk of going mad.

Twilight soon found out exactly what they were waiting for. A small contingent of armed guards entered the room, though they did not raise their weapons. I nfact, Twilight personally recognized them and they shared smiles and nods in greetings. It was Celestia’s personal honor guard. The princess swiftly stepped in, a hardened look on her face. She did not stop at the chair, though, almost running around the table. Twilight was barely able to stand up before the princess nearly bowled her over in a hug. There were no words. There didn’t need to be. The pure, desperate love that was being shared was more than enough for even the humans in the room to feel.

Nictus and Keine were enraptured by the display, the love was radiating so brilliantly they couldn’t help but feed from it. Twilight was already unconsciously distributing the energy through the Hive. The seething hunger they all still felt was abated, for now at least, but it wasn’t nearly enough to even begin to reverse the degeneration. Last time this happened, when Chrysalis was the subject of pure love, it jump started regeneration immensely. Now the Brood requires so much more love just to live, they hadn’t quite figured out the exacts yet.

“I thought I’d lost you again…” Celestia said softly, regaining her composure before fixing her outfit and taking a seat to Twilight’s right. Twilight smiled and returned to her seat as well.

“I thought so as well… I’m sorry, Celestia… I just couldn’t leave her side, leave the hive in that state. I would have never been able to forget… I’m just glad it worked out the way it did in the end.” The Lavender Changeling said. Celestia noted that there was a bit of something in her voice. Not quite power, but something akin to it.

“I… understand the sentiment. The other elements will take much more convincing, however. But enough of that, where is Chrysalis? While I am overjoyed that you are here, I was informed that the Queen is here as well.” Celestia asked, pushing her emotions back for a minute to get to the task at hand. Twilight’s expression fell.

“She is back at the hive… And you were not lied to, I am the Queen of this Hive now.” Twilight said solemnly. Celestia stared at her for a moment, realizing what Twilight was saying.

“So… she is…” She started but trailed off. Twilight gave a weak smile and shook her head.

“She lives, still… The strain of thousands of shattering mind in turn shattered hers, though. She is comatose, and even her connection to the Hive Mind is in tatters. I’m trying to rehabilitate her, but only time will tell the success of it.” The Queen explained. Celestia nodded slowly and sat back in her chair, a finger to her bottom lip in thought.

“So you are the Queen then? I suppose you were rebirthed in a Royal Pod… I don’t know much about Changelings, but that seems to make sense to me at least… I thought the previous queen had to die first, though?” Celestia asked, her curiosity taking point. Twilight nodded.

“The previous queen is dissolved into the pod to recycle her life force, her memories and her body. This didn’t happen, but here I am. I’ll let you know what exactly happened as soon as I figure it out myself.” She replied. Celestia took a breath and sat up in her chair from where she had leaned back.

“Alright, so… onto business. You know I’ll be happy to order the barrier lowered, I’ve already sent it actually… but was there any progress made to reverse the degeneration? I was going to send someone in to see what was happening when all activity stopped for so long” The Princess asked hopefully.

“All activity, what do you mean?” Twilight asked, confused. Celestia paused.

“We… have been watching. Using magic or other means. We wanted to make sure that if there was a change, we’d know. There was a great violent outburst of activity, and then almost as quickly as it started it stopped. Everything stopped. As if frozen in time, there wasn’t even a twitch of movement for two weeks.” Celestia explained. Twilight was surprised by this.

“It took that long?... What even happened, Chrysalis…” She breathed to herself. Celestia caught it though.

“I’ll have our researchers return, and by the sound of things I’ll have a good doctor in there to make sure Chrysalis is physically fit if you’d like.” Celestia offered. Twilight smiled and nodded, standing.

“If it’s alright with you, I’d like to reinstate all of the old agreements and policies. I wouldn’t dare resume at full pace with the degeneration still a small threat, but I can’t afford much time away right now. I’d like to send you lists of our collectors and have them take a trip home. I only need them for a day so they can personally spread the love they’ve collected. I will not order them myself, and I will not have you order them, but rather a strong request.” The Queen explained. Celestia nodded.

“I’ll begin giving the all clear to the guard and attempt to do the same for the public. Luckily there were no major incidents with any of the degenerated, so it should be easier to make back our progress.” The Princess said. Twilight nodded and hugged the princess.

“Thank you, princess, for everything… Even without the love you gift me just by standing here, you are doing so much for me and my Hive.” The girl said, and for a moment Celestia could see the little mage she practically raised again. No, she was always there.This was still that little mage, just a little chitinous and with more responsibilities. Celestia kissed the top of the girl’s head.

“Well I am happy to help both my star pupil and my newest ally. Even if it is just standing here.” She giggled. Twilight stepped back and they bowed to each other. They turned and went their separate ways, but every changeling in the hive shared her smile.

She looked back towards the hive. HER hive…

No, calling it hers didn’t feel quite right. A thought went to the sleeping queen in the forest of their minds. She let herself drift there for a few moments. Not quite enough to manifest, but just to watch. She saw her now flourishing forest span further than she could see.She saw a gentle breeze swirling the lavender and crimson leaves. She felt the need to stroll through them, as they had done so many times before. But she saw the sleeping queen, resting peacefully against the singular tree with soft teal leaves.

She turned towards the other side of the forest, where the Queen’s forest was supposed to be. Even the charred husk of the singular tree there was nothing but ashes. But, rather than sink as she usually did, Twilight took a calming breath as she looked deeper. The tree and even the stump may be ash now, but the roots remained alive. She remembered how, not long ago, her own forest was just ash.

From the ashes, we rise. From the ashes, we are reborn.

Author's Note:

I've been addicted to LAP's hive series lately so this took a while to get out, but here's the prologue so I don't forget about it.