• Published 4th Mar 2017
  • 2,562 Views, 213 Comments

From the Ashes - Dark0592

With Chrysalis in her endless sleep, Twilight is left to carry the burden of the Hive. Something she does magnificently.

  • ...

6: Dining with the Queens

There was a terrible sandstorm throughout the entirety of the barrens, and they were still a day’s travel from the first hive as Crystarium called it. Twilight had met Crystarium near the mountains housing her hives and their guards worked together to do their jobs as their queens huddled in larger of the many tents that had been pitched and shieled with environmental protection spells courtesy of Twilight.

“I must say, Queen Twilight, it was a stroke of luck you sent that last letter when you did. I was going to head out on my own only a few hours prior and we’d be stuck trying to huddle under a hill.” Crystarium said happily in their tent.

“Of course, you’ve been very honest with me so far and I’ve grown to enjoy our exchanges. I’m glad to see you managed to make sense of my notes on infusing love into food.” Twilight replied as they sipped on a very weak wine, though it was packed with love.

“It took a few days but we got it in the end. I must say, I was skeptical when you spoke of your arcane exploits but I’m impressed. Your notes were intriguing, and by the look of your carapace you’ve already improved upon my reinforced chitin.” The cerulean queen hummed, though Twilight could make just a little bit of annoyance in the last part.

“Oh no, your stuff is much stronger. I’d give you the full details, but I’m afraid it’d require another exchange.” Twilight replied. Over the weeks, both Celestia and Crystarium have been pounding it into her head that the other changeling queens may want nothing more than to kill her and steal her secrets. And even if the former wasn’t true, the latter was always in the back of their minds. Hell, she wanted every secret Crystarium had to offer. She was perfectly fine with even trades, however. Crystarium hummed in contemplation, but any comments were cut off by the intrusion of one of Crystarium’s drones.

“The storm is abating, my queens. We’ve already started packing up.” He reported almost monotonously. They both nodded and, with a flick of her wrist the protective bubbles around them all winked out of existence. The wind was still strong, but it wasn’t throwing about deadly sand particles to carve through their chitin. She made sure to channel her magic normally rather than through her arcane brands, she wanted to keep that secret as long as possible. Even from her new ally.

“Well then, Queen Twilight, we should be off. I dare say your brood are better fliers than ours so I apologize in advance if we fall behind.” Crystarium said as all of the tents packed themselves up and pre-designated drones started carrying them. Nictus and Nilan were already at Twilight’s side while a few drones stood with Crystarium. Including the wraiths, there was a total of twenty of Twilight’s hive attending and Crystarium had a similar amount. Some of them were designated laborers while most of them were personal guard. The First Hive had a cease-fire for all hostilities, but the barrens were never quite safe. Crystarium had also told her of times queens went feral in the middle of a Dinner, or went rogue, and they were forced to enforce the cease-fire.

“We’ll keep your pace, we’re still a week early afterall.” Twilight replied, to which Crystarium nodded and they all shot into the air. Twilight made sure to keep a good bit of attention back at her hive, the other elements of harmony had insisted they they come with her. Crystarium didn’t know how the other queens would react and thought it was a bad idea, Twilight couldn’t agree more. It’d only be a week afterall, she’ll have plenty of time to spend time with her friends afterwards.

Her friends weren’t the only thing keeping her attention there, though. Mira and Ceren had meticulously transcribed her arcane brand into a normal glyph array to study it and were already making progress. She dared not do anything more than watch, lest she interrupt them, but the two mages were scribbling away like mad at the moment.

“Are you quite alright, Queen Twilight?” Crystarium’s voice brought her back into her own body. The cerulean queen was looking at her as they flew side by side.

“Yes, apologies. I was checking on a few things back at my hive.” Twilight apologized. Crystarium’s expression went to the familiar one of curiosity she always got when Twilight talked about her hive mind.

“I still find it fascinating that your hive mind is so interweaved into the brains of your brood, so much so that you can even possess your drones. That ability is almost as valuable as the sharing of love.” Crystarium hummed, though the hum was lost in the wind. Crystarium’s brood may have been slower than Twilight’s, but they were only slow in comparison. They were making good time. It wasn’t long before the sun fell again and they could see dim lights from the first hive in the distance.

“You will met the creatures that tend to this hive now, Twilight. I advise you keep from pestering them with questions. They will answer, but they are slow and methodical about their words and often spout nonsense that takes days to decipher. They are older than our race, for sure.” Crystarium warned as they neared. Twilight nodded and Twilight could see movement. There were a few drones, but there were also rather large creatures moving about as well. They were maybe twice their size, but made out of different materials. Most were different types of stone, but she saw a few types of wood and even a bone creature or two. Twilight remembered what Crystarium called them. Guardians.

One seemingly made of crystal awaited the mas they landed.

“Welcome back, Queen Crystarium. Welcome anew, Queen Twilight. Seven days’ time marks the begin of your feast, enjoy the ruins of your past.” The thing said in a slow rumbling voice. Crystarium inclined her head respectfully and Twilight did the same.

“It is good to see you again, Cronux. How many other queens have arrived?” Crystarium asked. The crystal construct hummed as it adopted a thinking expression.

“Five besides the two of you. We know of more, but their minds are lost and their bodies far away.” Cronux replied. Crystarium was a little surprised.

“Perhaps we shall start early then, even Mira is here a week early. She usually waits until the last hour to arrive.” The cerulean queen hummed. Cronux nodded and shambled off towards one of the many large doorways. Crystarium motioned for Twilight to follow her so the lavender queen followed as she went down a different path.

“If the other queens agree, we can start tomorrow. Your laborers should speak to any of the guardians to see where they are needed. Our cooks will be worked rather hard if we want to go ahead with infusing the meals with love. Are you sure you’re willing to give so much?” Crystarium explained.

“Of course. It’s all about the first impression, afterall. And we’ve been lucky, our allies have finally stopped fearing us and our love collection has skyrocketed.” Twilight replied. Crystarium hummed, though Twilight missed the agitation in it. As they entered the room, Ceren enhanced her presence in the hive mind to get her attention. Twilight focused most of her attention she passively had in the hive mind to focus on the young mage to see what she had to say while still being able to pay attention as they looked around to see five other queens and their personal guards lounging around.

“Introducing Queen Crystarium and Queen Twilight Sparkle.” A crystal construct that looked nearly identical to Cronux rambled out from the center of the room. Everyone took their seats then, the table was an interesting one. It looked almost like an asterisk except it had a dozen and a half branches. Some of the queen's sat together while the rest scattered around.

“You can’t be wanting to start now, would you? We’ve only just arrived.” Crystarium said with a bit of annoyance in her tone.

“You know we’re anxious to get this over with… Some of us need the dinner more than others.” One of the smaller queens snipped. Her hair was a deep crimson and her eyes were tired. There was virtually no skin that wasn’t covered in carapace, but even her chiton covered form looked unhealthy and thin.

“Calm down Chrysalid, the vote to start early must be unanimous afterall.” A pink haired queen a table away from the redhead said calmly. The other three queens were silent, but they all sported the same emerald green hair and eyes.

“All sane queens in attendance. Vote starting to begin early. Please state your name and vote.” The crystal construct in the center rumbled out when the room went silent and everyone took their seats.

“Queen Chrysalid, I vote in favor.” The redhead said with an air of professionalism that didn’t match her previous statement.

“Queen Mira, I vote in favor.” The pink haired one voted.

“Queen Greta, in favor.”

“Queen Creta, in favor.”

“Queen Meta, in favor.” The three emerald queens said in almost unison.

“Queen Crystarium, in favor.” Crystarium said. They all looked at Twilight, this is her first political decision as a queen. Funny how natural it came to her.

“Queen Twilight in favor.” She said in her practiced courtroom tone. It sounded almost bored, but the others seemed satisfied at it.

“The Queen’s Dinner begins now, the dinner itself will be delayed approximately one hour due to the early start. Are there any opening matters those in attendance would like to bring up first?” The crystal construct in the center rumbled. Chrysalid stood up before anyone could even register the question. She was glaring at Twilight. “Queen Chrysalid, you have the floor.” The construct acknowledged the crimson queen.

“You, you smell of her. Your brood smells of her. They look like her. Where is Chrysalis? Did she go feral and you took her hive?” The redhead practically demanded. The concession focused on her again, not even Crystarium had noticed that connection.The worry in her expression went unnoticed as she composed herself.

“Queen Chrysalis is sane but incapacitated. I act in her stead until she is able to perform her duties as queen once more.” Twilight answered with a flat tone, giving nothing away. Chrysalid sneered.

“My brood sister would never hand her hive to another willingly. What have you done with her?” The redhead demanded again. Twilight answered by standing, looking to the Construct.

“Queen Twilight, you share the floor.” The construct acknowledged.

“I knew we queens are secretive beings. I have not been one long and I’m already holding mine dear. As a show of good faith, I share one with you all now. I was not born a Changeling, I was an Equestrian Human. After Chrysalis failed to invade us after she went feral, the love she stole sobered her up enough to attempt peace. I had attempted to act as an ambassador at her hive, but I was attacked and nearly killed by dangerous fauna in the forest surrounding the hive. I was rebirthed to save my life, and through a series of events I am now here in Chrysalis’ place.” Twilight explained. Interest marred most of the other queens’ faces.

“How could a human, even an ambassador of peace, mean so much to warrant a royal rebirthing?” Chrysalid asked, her demanding tone still present but not dominating anymore. Twilight replied by taking her seat once more. With a growl, Chrysalid did the same when she realized that was all she was getting for free.

“The floor is empty.” The crystal construct rumbled.

“Jordas, what is the state of current wars? Do you know?” Mira asked after the room was silent for a minute too long.

“All wars between sane queens are suspended. The Queens of the Emerald Pact are currently in conflict with Chrysalid. Though open war has been declared, the fighting has been only skirmishes.” The construct finally given a name replied.

“And the feral?” Crystarium added in.

“All are considered at war. Locations of two feral queens and their hives are known. Queen Mira and Queen Chrysalid are combining forces to put one down. Queen Crystarium is mobilizing to take down the other.” Jordas rumbled. Thankfully he spoke clearly, unlike the other guardians. Otherwise the riddles he rambled out would have stumped most, if not all, of the queens.

“I have another matter to take to the floor.” Mira said, standing.

“Queen Mira, you have the floor.” Jordas rumbled. Mira nodded and turned towards the emerald queens.

“If I may be so bold as to ask why you currently war with Queen Chrysalid?” The rosey queen asked. The three all scoffed at the same time.

“We are not at fault for starting this war!” Greta piped out.

“We were attacked first!” Meta huffed.

“We declared war as a response!” Creta said, calming her sisters down. Mira turned to Chrysalid and was about to ask the same.

“Come on, their numbers are low and they are spread too thin between their three hives. There’s a reason queen are called Monarchs rather than Diarchs or Triarchs. ‘Tis weakness, I say. I will not concede to end this war until I have a full gauge of their strength. If I deem them worthy then I will concede. If not, then I will end the war through blood an their heads.” Chrysalid explained matter-of-factly. Twilight didn’t like this queen who claimed to be Chrysalis’ sister. Crystarium shot Twilight a look that almost went unnoticed. Crystarium was looking for something in her. Twilight just hummed in response as Ceren was explaining something intricate to her. Crystarium stood then, and Mira took her seat.

“The floor is yours, Queen Crystarium.” Jordas said.

“I suggest we adjourn further discussion until the dinner is had, Queen Twilight and I have prepared something special and tensions run high on empty stomachs.” The cerulean queen suggested. The emerald queens all nodded. Mira shrugged and Chyrsalid silently fumed, but did not disagree.

“Then we shall wait. The wait time is now approximately twenty minutes.” Jordas said. The silence was almost palpable as they waited, but before long a heavenly aroma filled the chamber. The food was exotic to say the least,Twilight only recognized what she brought. Lasher steak and fresh wine distilled in a glyph inscribed barrel to age it to perfection. They all had small amounts of live infused in them. A portion from everyone’s contribution was set in front of them by different drones from different hives.

For apparently starving, Chrysalid’s contribution was more than Twilight was expecting. It appeared to be baked fruit, though it was unfamiliar to her. It looked like an apple, but it was larger than most she had ever seen and the flesh of the fruit was crimson. It tasted like an apple, though. She made a mental note to ask for seeds if she ever traded with the crimson queen, Applejack would have a fit if she found out Twilight had discovered a new type of apple and didn’t give her a sample.

“What is this, Queen Twilight? Queen Crystarium? There is magic in your contributions!” Chrysalid yelled out after sampling the Lasher steak. Everyone stopped and looked at their food.

“‘Tis not magic, ‘tis love.” Crystarium replied simply. They all looked to Jordas, who seemed inactive. When he did not move they all muttered amongst each other and their guards.

“Sharing love with anything but a living creature is unheard of. When did you develop such an ability?” Mira asked.

“Queen Twilight developed the ability, I merely traded for the knowledge.” Crystarium answered, not giving away what she traded. Twilight added her piece by simply nodding to confirm it.

“A Valuable ability indeed…” Greta hummed. All of the other queens started speaking to some of their guards, who in turn came over to speak with Twilight’s.

“They’re all offering trade secrets in return…” Nictus whispered into Twilight’s ear. Twilight already knew what they were willing to trade, however, and smiled.

“Nilan, start writing up the transcripts. I’ll leave it to you to haggle if needed.” Twilight said. Nilan nodded and left the room to find a quiet place to work.

“Nila, go and relay my message to the other queens. Tell them their trades are acceptable and that I expect the fruits of them before we adjourn or their transcripts will burn.” Twilight said to her lieutenant. The girl saluted and rushed around to speak with the other queens as they ate. Crystarium was silently fuming, but hid it well. She had expected the other queens to try and trade for the ability as well, but not so soon. Twilight was handling herself perfectly as well, far better than Crystarium had hoped. She wanted to be the queen’s crutch, but instead she was more of an advisor.

The meal went on for about three hours before everyone was full and satiated. Soft murmurings permeated the large hall and Twilight was practically beaming she she used a spell to teleport the secrets that had been shared with her back to the hive for decryption immediately.

Chrysalid had offered seeds to her Blood Apples as well as a way to use their organic material to enrich even the harshest of soils to bear fruit. Mira had given a formula to enhance their natural toxin to be stronger against non-changelings and to act as a healing salve otherwise. Twilight was going to have to modify the strain to be adaptable, but it was valuable nonetheless. The Emerald Queens had offered three separate secrets. The first was a way to enhance magic with love, that one would take a few days to decrypt. The second was a much stronger strain of the organic material, capable of forming to be as strong as steel. The last was of great interest to Twilight, it was a glyph that could convert Changeling magical energy to Arcane and vice versa. The queens seemed surprise Twilight wanted it ,as they had no use for it, but were happy to take the seemingly uneven trade.

“Meal complete, any matters of state that must be addressed may now be addressed once more.” Jordas announced when the tables were emptied again. Mira took to the floor.

“I’d like to request aid in taking down the Feral Queen Bela. We can overpower her forces in time, but at great loss. I estimate at least two years of bloodshed, and by then more feral queens may join in or be discovered. I cannot offer any secrets in return, but I offer any aid I can give in future campaigns or current endeavors. I will also offer love now that we will all soon be capable of sharing it safely.” Mira explained. There was a general murmur as queens consulted their guards or hummed ot themselves.

“IN exchange for excess love, I will send five hundred warriors to your command. Any survivors will be returned immediately.” Chrysalid offered, raising her hand. Mira inclined her head in thanks, sealing the arrangement, and took her seat. The next hour consisted of similar matters. Chrysalid seemed to take any offer that promised food and love. Twilight wasn’t prepared for the last matter to be taken up, though, as Crystarium took the floor.

“I would like to officially declare war on Twilight Sparkle.” She said simply, almost politely. The room went silent. Twilight and her ilk had to concentrate on their composure to not yell out in question.

“As a new queen, she is weak and I wish to take advantage of that. I wish to expand out of my little mountain range, and their close proximity to the Equestrians means our love collection will be easier and regulated. I will also attempt to pry her secrets out of her, but there can be no promises of that.” She said with a confident smirk as she finally looked at Twilight.

“As a gesture of our friendship, though, I hope you realize this is nothing personal. I will adhere to the dinner’s tradition of ceasing hostilities a month afterwards, and extend it by another month so you may scramble to put up a fight.” She said directly two Twilight.

“You will have my support.” Chrysalid said with a sneer.

“Mine as well/” Greta said ,though her sisters did not agree. Twilight was shocked, and a little hurt, by the sudden betrayal. She glared at the cerulean queen she had known to call her friend and stood.

“You share the floor, Queen Twilight.” Jordas acknowledged.

“My people are already preparing, then.” She huffed. “And as a gesture of our friendship…” She started in almost a growl and looked up to Jordas. “I suggest we hold our population counts now.” She finished.

“The declaration of war has already been made, by tradition I can’t rescind my decision until we meet in battle at least once.” Crystarium said apologetically, but Twilight could see through it now. She seemed amused by Twilight’s attempt at intimidation.

“Very well. Population counts will begin to be recorded for records and for food to be sent out.” Jordas said. Everyone stood at that.

“Queen Greta, population of three thousand and fifty-two.” One of the emerald queens stated.

“Queen Creta, population of three thousand, five hundred and one.” Another spoke.

“Queen Meta, population of four thousand and seventy-three.” The last said.

“Queen Chrysalid, population of three thousand even.” The crimson queen said, obviously annoyed her numbers were lower.

“Queen Mira, population of seven thousand, nine hundred and forty-two.” Mira said happily.

“Queen Crystarium, population of eleven thousand, nine hundred and five.” Crystarium beamed, looking to Twilight. The combined population of her new enemies was just over eighteen thousand. She smiled though.

“Queen Twilight Sparkle, population of one hundred and nine thousand, five hundred and sixty-three.” She said, The room fell silent and every single queen gawked at her.

“Liar! With the curse, such a high population would cause your degeneration to accelerate!” Chrysalis growled.

“Not to mention the love required would be monumental…” Mira said. Crystarium and her other ally continued to gawk. They all looked to jordas, who hadn’t reacted. She wasn’t lying.

“All matters resolved, you are now free to leave.” Jordas announced and seemingly went to sleep. Everyone was staring at Twilight in fear, awe and curiosity.

“I do not require any food from you, you would starve yourselves to feed my brood. Crystarium, I thank you for the sound advice and teachings you’ve given to me and the friendship you’ve just destroyed was enjoyable. I will be ready for you, whenever you choose to attack. I may no longer have allies here, but my allies outside of our kind number many and powerful. I hope you come to realize the gravity of what you’ve just done, Queen Crystarium.” Twilight explained, summoning up her most regal and intimidating voice she could. Celestia would have probably been proud. To accentuate her point, she decided to reveal her newest secret. As the arcane energy slowly filled into her branded glyphs.

“Farewell, it was a pleasure meeting most of you.” She said, her voice sounding powerful with the energy coursing through her body. There was a flash and Twilight, as well as her guards and laborers, were gone. Chrysalid and Greta looked to Crystarium, snapping out of her awe and quickly turning to leave.

“Be a good girl and try not to get yourselves killed.” Mira said in an almost sing-song voice. “And you can rescind your offer of aid, Chrysalid, you will need all of your warriors.” She continued, turning to leave as well.

“What did you just get yourself into, sister…” Creta and Meta said in unison to their eldest sister. The emerald queen huffed and left as well, not even bothering to say farewell to her new allies.

“You still have my support, Crystarium… but if our forces can do nothing I will be forced to declare my neutrality. I will not turn on you, but I will not send my children to die for you if it means nothing.” Chrysalid warned her new ally before leaving as well. Crystarium was silent as she left, though everyone near her could feel the fury welling up. Suddenly she wished she hadn’t officially declared the two month grace.

Author's Note:

Sorry if names are samey, I don't want to give them just normal sounding names or use pony conventions for naming them so I'm pulling from a list of names I've had for characters in past stories or DnD games and pulling even more out of my ass.
Hope you enjoy.