• Published 4th Mar 2017
  • 2,562 Views, 213 Comments

From the Ashes - Dark0592

With Chrysalis in her endless sleep, Twilight is left to carry the burden of the Hive. Something she does magnificently.

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Chapter 15

Tensions at the Old Hive were running high, Bela hadn’t attended one in decades and she was having trouble adapting to things. Namely the new queens. She only recognized Mira. She was currently devouring her love infused meal ravenously, though most eyes weren’t on her anymore. They were on Twilight. More specifically, they were on the changeling standing at Twilight’s side.

“I wonder what they’ve figured out yet.” The changeling giggled. She seemed to be made up almost completely of Biometal, not Carapace. They could all detect arcane magic inside of her, in all honestly it was how her body functioned.

“The floor is open to delegation for those who wish.” Jordas said when they all finished or slowed their meals. Bela stood up then, recomposing herself. The Queen’s golden hair and eyes a stark contrast to the ebony and green of the hive around them.

“I want to extend my gratitude for allowing me to come here. I do not know most of you, but I would like to regain my position in our culture. I am Queen Bela and I have no interest in war or secrets. My focus is the history of our people and stopping the worst of it from being repeated… as best I can at least.” The Golden Queen said. Twilight stood after that.

“Then as soon as possible I will happily share my own archives with you if you would do the same for me. I am currently researching our history as well and have made some discoveries, I’d like to cross reference them.” Twilight said. The Golden Queen nodded. “Excuse my manners, I am Queen Twilight Sparkle. If you are disinterested in war then I would like to extend an offer of alliance from myself and my own allies.” Twilight continued, nodding to Mira who nodded in turn.

“What kind of Queen is disinterested in war…” Chrysalid grumbled. She was generally ignored until she stood as well.

“If you ally with That one and her ilk then you declare yourself as my enemy.” The Crimson Queen practically snarled. Twilight and Mira groaned.

“Chrysalid will you stop acting like a child.” Mira said with an exasperated tone.

“A Child?! This one has barely been out of her birthing pod a year, and a Queen for less!” Chrysalid started. She was going to go on before Greta stood.

“Chrysalid if you continue these hostilities I cannot support you any longer. You cannot hope to even scratch Twilight and her brood, yet you insist on antagonizing her. Frankly if I were in her position you’d be long dead.” The Emerald Queen snapped out.Chrysalid growled.

“I am disinterested in war as well. I have advised you time and time again, Chrysalid. I have no interest in interfering with you and yours as long as you do the same for me and mine. You’ve already broken part of that with your fuckups in Canterlot. Equestrians have died due to your disregard for the terms you were given. They’ve declared your brood enemies of the nation and their allies, the only reason they haven’t declared open war is because Princess Celestia believes you may be reasonable in time.” Twilight explained, more to Bela than Chrysalid. The Crimson Queen huffed.

“Then come and get me, little queen. I am not so foolish as to force myself feral trying to defend against you.” Chrysalid snarled back. Twilight pinched the bridge of her nose again.

“You also don't have a mountain fortress. If memory serves all you have is swamplands around your hives. Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m under the impression Airships don’t give a damn about trees and mud.” Mira almost laughed. Chrysalid growled even lower.

“You have to find us first. Chrysalis may have had the best infiltrators, but nobody has been able to root me out or even discover the exact locations of my hives. I’ll wear you down, little by little until we’re on even ground. Then i’ll come for you and raze your hive for what you did to her.” The Crimson Queen snapped back. That caused a bit of pause.

“Did to who?” Creta asked.

“Chrysalis! I don’t believe a word they say about her fate, if she’s even still alive then she’s being tortured or something. I know it, I can only imagine what you’re doing to Crystarium.” The Crimson Queen spat out. Twilight’s expression darkened at that.

“I would strongly recommend against saying anything about that, Chrysalid. For your own safety. Jordas tells us if any lies are spoken in this room.” Mira said, the slightest hint of worry in her tone as the aura emanating from Twilight could almost be felt. It was cold. And angry.

“Crystarium’s fate is none of your concern. As her ally I will give you the courtesy to tell you she is still alive and she is not being tortured. And don’t you DARE insinuate that I am causing Chrysalis harm.” Twilight growled out. Mira didn’t like that tone. The other queens didn’t know the lavender Queen well enough to know what that tone meant, but they didn’t like it either. They all silently hoped Chrysalid didn’t poke the sleeping bear any longer.

She didn’t poke it. She slugged it in the jaw.

“Bullshit, You’re so good with that arcane magic you probably did something to jordas to favor you. I wouldn’t be surprised if you have both of them strung up in your bedroom like slaves. Or maybe you’ve turned them into monstrosities like that thing next to you!” The Crimson Queen quipped. She seemed satisfied with the reaction. Twilight understood now, Chrysalid was trying to instigate a violent reaction from her so she could be declared rogue and the other queens would have no choice but to declare her an enemy.

“Jordas, I request your blessing to invoke the right of single combat.” Twilight said. Her tone was even and measured, but there were layers upon layers of emotion under them.It caused shivers to run down Mira’s spine. Bela was intrigued that Twilight even know of the old traditional right.

“Permission granted, and you have my blessing Queen Twilight Sparkle. You may dictate the terms of this duel.” Jordas replied mechanically. Greta and Mira returned to their seats as Twilight stepped up onto the forking table and walked towards the center. Chrysalid scoffed and joined her.

“You really think you can best me in single combat? I’ve been fighting wars longer than you’ve been alive girl!” Chrysalid exclaimed. She seemed to disregard the warning signs she was getting as scare tactics. “What an idiot, you don’t have any of your playthings to hide behind now.” She continued.

“There are no terms. The duel ends when one side is dead or concedes. Use whatever means you deem necessary.” Twilight said. Jordas nodded. They could begin whenever they liked. “Chrysalid, since you’re so dead set on acting like a child you will be treated like a child. I’ll give you to the count of three to concede.” She continued, standing there with her hands clasped behind her back. The Crimson Queen scoffed again.

“One.” Twilight said, holding out one finger. Chrysalid starting laughing.

“Two.” The count continued. Chrysalid laughed even harder and made to throw a punch. Twilight’s other hand was there to catch it in an instant. With a particularly nasty crack the arm was turned around and snapped nearly in two at the elbow. The only thing keeping it together was sinew and shredded muscle. Twilight held the two fingers up in the other hand, most of her battle plating having extended by now. Chrysalid hissed and her own extended as well, the ebony of carapace paled in comparison to the almost white of the Biometal. There was no comparison to be had.

“I’ll kill you for this!” Chrysalid practically screamed as she pulled a dagger from a sheathe hidden in her battle plating and made to stab Twilight in the chest with it.

The organic dagger snapped, not even scratching the plating. She screamed again and started fighting against Twilight’s grip, throwing blows with her bare fists and legs and probably hurting herself even longer. She really was acting like a child.

“Three.” Twilight said lowly. In one fluid motion, the arm holding Chrysalid pulled her close as the counter arm extended its blade and ran the Crimson Queen right through the abdomen. There was a pained gasp followed by a scattered yell as Twilight shot arcane energy through the blade to siphon all of the changeling’s energy to incapacitate her. Twilight pushed the queen off of her blade with a foot and retracted it, Chrysalid flumping the the ground. She was still alive, and conscious, but she was currently the equivalent of brain dead.

“Queen Chrysalid is incapable of fighting any longer and is forced to concede. No terms were specified so the winner may ask of the loser whatever they wish.” Jordas announced.Twilight picked the unresponsive queen up, surprisingly gently, and walked back towards her section of the table to hand the body off to Vera.

“I request nothing. This humiliation was enough. She will be healed at my hive and I will make her understand how wrong she is.” Twilight said, cleaning herself off with magic and moving over to the middle of the table to do the same. Jordas nodded as Twilight retook her seat.

“If there are any other delegations you may proceed.” Jordas announced. Everyone was silent for a while, but before Jordas could call an end Bela stood again.

“Queen Twilight Sparkle, I wish to know what has been done to the creature next to you.” The Golden Queen asked. There was hesitation in her voice. Twilight smiled though and nodded to the thing. It walked over to the table to speak.

“My name is Stella, I died during Crystarium’s invasion of my hive. Until recently I was a Guardian of our Hive Mind, dead individuals that stayed to help manage the hive mind rather than passing on. My consciousness was recycled into a mixture of technology and magic to create an artificial intelligence inside of an artificial body. My current function is to learn and assist my queen any way possible.” The changeling explained. Twilight smiled.

“Does this one produce love?” Mira asked. The other queens stifled their questions to hear the answer. Bela was beyond curious at that.

“No, we haven’t been able to reproduce that ability in any shape or form. Stella does not hunger for love, as her body isn’t a changeling body. She is immune to the effects of degeneration and the insanity it brings.” Twilight answered.

“But I can never forget the hunger. I can feel it from my living brothers and sisters and I wish I could help, but I can’t even partition some of it away as we usually do…” Stella added.

“I appear to have missed quite a lot…” Bela said, sitting.

“I would like to bring one final issue to the floor.” Twilight said after a moment. Jordas nodded. “The Equestrian Leaders have expressed interest in meeting the queens and extending their friendship to those who have not declared themselves enemies. This includes all but Chrysalid, for now. Equestria is a powerful ally, and even better friends. They are the largest source of love and I can’t keep being their proxy.” The Lavender Queen explained.

“They have become quite proficient in rooting out our harvesters and infiltrators… I suppose it would be wise to attempt peace with them instead of aggressive neutrality.” Greta said. Her sisters agreed.

“I will need some time to reacquaint myself with the times, but I am happy to oblige.” Bela said. Mira didn’t need to add anything, she was already allied.

“Then I request we recess for two weeks and return to meet the Equestrian Leaders.” Twilight asked. No objections were voiced.

“It is done. Population count requested.” The construct said.

“Queen Twilight, One hundred and fifteen thousand, five hundred and twenty three.” Twilight announced.

“Queen Bela… Nine hundred and seventy.” The Golden Queen said, dumbfounded by Twilight’s population.

“Queen Mira, eleven thousand even.” Mira announced proudly.

“Queen Greta, two thousand and ninety-seven.” The Emerald Queen announced.

“Queen Creta, three thousand and four.” The Malachite Queen said.

“Queen Meta, three thousand, five hundred and one.” The Viridian Queen followed.

“Queen Chrysalid was last reported to have a population of around one thousand.” Greta announced for her ally. Jordas nodded and went to sleep, signifying the end of the dinner.

“She never did recover from that battle helping Crystarium, did she?” Mira mused out loud as they all stood to leave. Twilight’s wraiths had to stop themselves from drawing weapons when Bela almost sprinted over to Twilight and caught her on the shoulder.

“Queen Twilight, I apologize but I believe we should start our sharing now. I’m overwhelmed with what I’ve seen today.” The Golden Queen asked, almost hysterically. Twilight smiled and nodded.

“If you’d like we can return to the area of my hive together and I can tell you what I know. After that we can set up a correspondence to share archives.” Twilight suggested as they walked. Bela sighed in relief and they talked as they went.

What a hell of a time to ‘wake up’ to.

Author's Note:

I lied, managed to get this one out before work.
Hope you Enjoyed.