• Published 4th Mar 2017
  • 2,562 Views, 213 Comments

From the Ashes - Dark0592

With Chrysalis in her endless sleep, Twilight is left to carry the burden of the Hive. Something she does magnificently.

  • ...

Chapter 16!

“My Queen?” Twilight heard, both with her ears and hive mind. She knew the voice and that who it belonged to had tentatively come to her in her chamber.

“I’m glad you’re finally feeling comfortable enough in the hive to be a little casual.” Twilight said with a soft smirk and a chuckle as she turned to face the Cerulean Royal. Crystarium was staring at the ground, hands folded in front of her.

“I... “ The Royal started but grumbled as she couldn’t find the words she wanted to say. Twilight remained silent. She abstained from digging in Crystarium’s thoughts to figure out what she wanted directly.

“I can’t find the words to what I wants to convey… It’s… frustrating.” The Royal finally growled.

“Then don’t use words.” Twilight simply said. Crystarium seemed confused for a second, but almost immediately smiled. She doesn’t know how it’s possible but she still sometimes forgets that the hive mind is a thing. Even if she’s finally gotten over how alien it is. She gathered up the thoughts and the feelings that brought her here to speak with Twilight and did her best to convey it all over the hive mind.

Twilight couldn’t help but smile.

“You really did need this fresh start, didn’t you... “ The Queen said softly, not even really asking Crystarium. There were profound feelings of relief and apology and gratefulness. Feelings of being content, happy. Thoughts that she was actually glad to have the burden of a Queen lifted, the feeling of being love stuffed for the first time in her memory. It was almost humbling.

“It will take a long time to redeem yourself, Crystarium, but this is a very good start. I still can’t bring myself to love you like one of my children, even though for all intents and purposes you are one, this is showing me that one day I will be able to. I’m proud of you.” Twilight said. Crystarium took a moment to let that sink in but wound up beaming.

“I’ll do my best not to betray that pride ever again…” The Cerulean Royal said softly. Twilight nodded.

“I’ll hold you to that.” Twilight started, almost playfully. Her expression shifted to a more serious one after that. “Things may change greatly around here soon. You know what I’m planning on asking of the Princesses. If that happens then you'll be one of the things keeping this hive together. You’ve betrayed me once, please don’t disappoint me again…” She continued evenly. Though the last part was a little misleading. It sounded almost like a threat or like a scolding mother, but really Twilight didn’t want Crystarium to disappoint her. It was a genuine plea.

Crystarium flinched. She could feel the emotion behind the plea, she could feel the exact intent behind it. She was still getting used to it all.

“I know what you’re planning, yes, and I want to go with you…” The Cerulean Royal said finally. Twilight blinked. She was genuinely shocked by that.

“You want to come with me… you do know where I’m going right?” Twilight couldn’t help but ask. Crystarium nodded slowly.

“You’re going to get yourself banished into the Primordial Abyss for up to a year in order to find the first Changeling and hopefully learn more about the curse. I want to be there. Not just for me, but…” Crystarium starts. She paused, again not able to find the words. She took a deep breath, Twilight again refrained from digging in her Royals’ head for what she wanted to say.

“You… gave me this second chance. I’m… enjoying this new life. No burden, no ambition expected of me… I’m just one of your drones, part of the flow. Part of the hive.” She pauses again, cracking a smile. “I always liked you as an individual, but I always felt that I was obligated to do what I did… That due to my position as the most powerful queen, I had to make sure it stayed that way… You destroyed that image, and my position, and I am grateful for it now. Because now I think I want to be your friend, but I know that won’t happen until I’ve redeemed myself. This seems like the most logical way to do it, do what you can’t allow your brood to do. Be your companion, your guard in the Abyss. Risk it all just to make sure you’re safe and all that.” The Royal continued. Twilight gave her an incredulous chuckle.

“Well when you put it that way it makes sense… I’ll consider it. You are correct, there is still bitterness tainting my perspective of you. I haven’t been able to snuff it out yet. If this is truly what you want then I will entertain the idea.” The Queen replied. Crystarium seemed satisfied by that and turned to leave.

“But on that topic, I’m not the only one you need to redeem yourself for.” Twilight said simply. It was an even tone, Crystarium knew exactly what she meant.

“THe safety of their daughter should at least begin that process, don’t you think?” Crystarium said with the ghost of smirk before exiting in full. Twilight couldn’t help but smile, she was a little impressed the Royal had thought that far ahead. Dawn had already forgiven Crystarium, as the end effect meant she could be closer than she ever hoped to be with her daughter. Her family and even her job still welcomed her back in Canterlot. This would cement that forgiveness.

It was Celestia they were worried about. The Princess may be able to politically and publicly approve of Crystarium once more, but on a personal level the Princess was a hard nut to crack. She STILL secretly hated Discord, even though the god of chaos had turned to using his chaos for the enjoyment of others rather than himself. And no matter how hard she tried, Twilight knew that she couldn’t completely understand just how happy Dawn is with her new life.

The Queen sighed as she returned to immersing herself in the hive mind, watching over her friends that were traveling to hte Hive right now. She was already preparing herself mentally for Dash’s tirade about not letting them visit and figuring out the best way to word her request from Celestia and Luna.

It was going to be a long day.

Author's Note:

A pretty short one but hopefully that'll change soon. Hope you enjoy.