• Published 4th Mar 2017
  • 2,561 Views, 213 Comments

From the Ashes - Dark0592

With Chrysalis in her endless sleep, Twilight is left to carry the burden of the Hive. Something she does magnificently.

  • ...

Chapter 16?

Chrys walks into the room, it’s the stark white of the meeting room in Equestria’s outpost in the Scarred Forest. She has a comically large stack of papers, to which she hands out pieces to everyone in the room. Everyone being Twilight’s closest friends and allies. Mira, Celestia, Luna, Bela, and the Elements of Harmony. Twilight had been absent from most of their lives for the better part of the last three months and they've been asking to visit or get a visit. Some of them weren’t happy that this was all they were getting for now.

“The whole list is in there, but I’ll give you a quick summary. We apologize for our lack of communication, but we’ve been making extraordinary progress on all facets of our research and development. We’ve perfected a less organic strain of the Biometal that can be produced through normal alchemy. The formulae of which will be sold or gifted to allies. Our work on combining Technology and Magic has come to two impressive results. The first is the Guardians, the living essence of the deceased maintained through magic and given a body to inhabit through technology.” She pauses to tidy up her stack of papers.

“The second is what we’re calling ‘Arcane Engines’, the industrial big brother to Arcane Batteries. Contrary to the name, they can come in all shapes and sizes. The first prototypes at using them to power airships and create thrusters were a complete success. The technology is incredibly difficult to create, so we’ll only be selling complete products until we figure out a way to tame down the process. Any problems during creation could result in something akin to an annihilation field in collateral damage. We’re still rebuilding that half of the lab.” She continues, flipping the page.

“The advancements and gifts from the Elements of Harmony have finally been finished and perfected. Rainbow Dash’s wing designs have been optimized and have been proven in the field. I’ll be forwarding the formulae to you for safekeeping since you are its creator. Fluttershy’s work on adapting modern medicine into our healing salve has borne magnificent fruit. We now have three toxin glands. One for the anesthetic toxin, one for the healing salve, and the new one that can reproduce organic based medicine. Synthesized ingredients cause stomach aches and fevers. Rarity’s chitin optimization blueprints were incredible, we’re already seeing less injuries in our Defenders and Hunters. Applejack’s help went into the creation of the Arcane Engines. Pinkie Pie’s blaster technology has been expanded and adapted, we’ll be cautiously giving out designs and products in times of emergency. Otherwise we’ll only be using them for self defense.” Chrys listed out more recent projects and flips to the final page.

“Chrysalid has since recovered from her duel with Queen Twilight and has now returned to her hive. She still refuses to ally with us, but has dropped her stupid grudge and has begun seeing things more objectively. Baby steps. Crystarium and Dawn Sparkle have been rebirthed successfully. Dawn Sparkle was successful in creating her ‘colony’ in Canterlot. Her family is overjoyed to have her back, especially looking more like Twilight’s brood. She chose to keep a bit of blue in her hair though, so she could never forget where she came from. Crystarium remained very similar in appearance as none of our major secrets were inscribed into her formulae. She is currently making progress as a huntress, similar to when our queen first started out. We were surprised how anxious and eager she is to be part of something that isn’t her own.” Chrys went on, collecting her stack and looking up at everyone.

“And lastly, our research on our kind has slowed to a dead halt. Bela’s archives have confirmed that the only way to learn more about this curse, if there is more to learn about it, is to ask the one who created it.” She finished. Celestia’s expression fell.

“Yeah well that’s all good but can we PLEASE see our best friend? It’s been MONTHS.” Rainbow Dash, wearing a heavily worn Wonderbolts uniform, practically yelled. Her inner wings buzzed in irritation.

“Sorry for the social inactivity, it’s been a little dangerous in the Hive with all of our experimentation. We were sorry we had to kick you out so suddenly, but when a chunk of hte hive explodes your safety was our concern.” She replied to Dash first and then finished towards Bela.

“The Everfree is as good a place to start a hive as any, my brood are stronger in numbers now and your home has more than prepared us for the forest.” Bela reassured the diplomat. Chrys smiled and nodded. She stood.

“Thank you all for coming. Things are finally slowing down so expect to see more of my Queen. She’s personally requested and audience with the Equestrian Princesses at their convenience and extends an invitation to the Elements of Harmony to visit.” The Diplomat said as everyone else started to stand.

“Well we were going to anyways!” Dash said and was already out of the door. Applejack snorted and was quick to follow. The others, save for Pinkie Pie, were far more polite in their departure. Pinkie was just the last to leave because she couldn’t bounce past the other two.

“Audience granted of course. Your place or mine?” Celestia replied casually. Chrys giggled.

“Ours if you have the time now, otherwise we’ll work it out as soon as possible.” The girl replied.

“Now’s as good a chance as any” Luna shrugged and the two left for the Hive.

“Your diplomats in my hive are still there, let Twilight know I’d be happy to chat if she needs a break.” Mira said happily. Chrys nodded with a smile.

“The same for me, though I’d like to request a bit of aid. We’ve finally started growing again and our harvesters haven’t had a chance to settle in yet.” Bela asked somewhat hesitantly. She didn’t like the idea of mooching off of Twilight any more than she already has.

“We’ll send a few of ours your way, just enough to get you on your feet. Call it an apology for the sudden ousting.” Chrys answered. Bela smiled, happy with that, and the last of the visitors left. Chrys let out a relieved sigh and made to return with those heading towards the hive if they weren’t in the air already.

Author's Note:

Who needs filler when you have implied spreadsheets!
I'll be expanding on a few of the summarized things but I needed to get this stuff out and I know I don't have the drive to keep going with the filler. It would have been like at least 6 chapters' worth.