• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Jak and Daxter: Children of Eco - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie and Jak grow up together, and with Daxter's help they work to save the world from the dark forces that seek to do it harm.

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Precursor: Mountain Pass

With everything in the Rock Village taken care of, and all of the villagers helped in the ways that they told Jak, Pinkie, and Daxter, the trio made their way across the wooden planks and approached the Blue Sage's machine. Now that they were sure that they had the necessary Power Cells to power the machine, and were definitely over the number by a fair few, they were eager to take down the monster that was firing boulders at the village. Oddly enough the creature seemed to be taking a break at the moment, because as Pinkie followed behind her brother she noticed that Klaww, as the warrior had told them the monster's name as they walked passed him again, was not standing on his perch at the moment.

She wondered if the creature knew that challengers were coming his way and was conserving his strength for the approaching fight, but she merely shrugged and followed Jak to the machine.

"Great job guys, you have the necessary Power Cells to power the machine." Keira said, clearly impressed that Jak and Pinkie were able to gather so many Power Cells in such a short amount of time, "They ought to provide enough power to lift that boulder."

"Then its a good thing we collected a few more, just in case forty-five aren't enough to do the job," Daxter commented, to which he found Keira, Jak, and Pinkie glaring at him, though he could have sworn that he felt Samos' disapproving gaze as well, "What?"

"The Blue Sage designed this machine to 'do the job' what that number," Keira replied, shaking her had, as she knew that Daxter had no idea what would need to happen if forty-five Power Cells weren't enough, "if it didn't work we would have to redo his calculations... and that could take hours, if not days, that we don't have."

Daxter promptly shut his mouth as Keira turned on the machine and aimed at the thirty ton boulder that was blocking the way, to which they all hoped that this was going to work. After a few seconds a beam of Blue Eco energy shot out of the machine and lifted the boulder into the air, opening the path for them to progress onward once more.

"There we go," Keira said, a smile appearing on her face as she pulled herself from the controls, to which she turned to the trio once more, "Now be careful fighting that monster Lurker at the top... and remember to activate the Warp Gate in the Red Sage's lab when you reach the next village."

"Let's go teach Klaww a lesson," Pinkie said, to which she and Jak quickly made their way up to the location that the Lurker had been standing at the last time they had laid eyes on him.

When they reached the top of the path that had previously been blocked off, and giving them a decent view of the village, they turned towards the mountain pass they would have to cross in order to reach the next village, where they found Klaww standing in the lava and just waiting for them. Now that Jak, Daxter, and Pinkie were able to see the creature up close they could tell that the armor he was wearing was some sort of Precursor alloy, like everything else in the world, but there were some parts of his body, like his belly whenever he raised his arms to conjure a boulder. The trio also spotted three small stone platforms, arrayed in a triangle pattern, that they assumed they would have to stand on before they figured out how to damage their foe.

The moment they jumped down onto the closest stone, and then separated so that Jak was standing on the left one while Pinkie was on the right one, Klaww lifted a hand and started firing smaller boulders at them. Oddly enough Klaww only launched one boulder at a time, firing at either Jak or Pinkie, causing them to jump to the middle stone until they were targeted again, to which they would return to the stone they had previously been standing on. After about ten boulders, all missing Jak and Pinkie, the last one broke open and dropped a cluster of Blue Eco, who allowed Jak to summon an old Precursor platform as Klaww sunk into the lava and appeared near the end of the area they were in.

As they ran towards the end of the platform Klaww launched larger boulders at them that rolled down the platform, but there were easy to dodge and soon Jak and Pinkie had reached the end. There they found two clusters of Yellow Eco waiting for them, though as they gathered the Eco Klaww started to form a large boulder above his head, revealing his weakness for them to target. After a few shots at Klaww's weakness the Lurker dropped the boulder on his head, to which Jak and Pinkie had to run back to the trio of stones before the large boulder hit them. Once the boulder sunk into the lava, after destroying the platform again, Klaww got up and attacked them again, repeating the motions he had used the first time.

Jak and Pinkie went through the same plan of attack they had gone through the first time, though when they summoned the Precursor platform again they found parts of it missing, to which they eventually damaged Klaww again. The third time Jak and Pinkie repeated the pattern they had developed, and damaged Klaww once more, they expected that they were going to have to run away, but this time the boulder sunk with Klaww, to which a Power Cell landed near them as several smaller stone platforms appeared for them to continue through the mountain pass.

With Klaww defeated, and the Rock Village secured for the near future, Jak and Pinkie gathered the new Power Cell that had been given to them before making their way towards the end of Klaww's roost, where they found the zoomer waiting for them... which was followed by three Lurkers flying in on their flying machines and Keira announcing that they had rigged the entire passage to explode with a large number of explosives.

"Jak, take the controls," Pinkie said, hopping inside the sidecar as Daxter joined her, as she knew that her brother was likely the fastest of the two of them when it came to using the machine.

Jak nodded and took the main seat, to which he gunned the engine and shot off the teleport pad that the zoomer had been resting on, though the movement caused the three Lurkers to begin their flight towards the switch that would detonate the entire passage. For the beginning of the chase Jak merely stayed behind the Lurkers, though oddly enough they didn't get too far ahead of Jak, almost as if they were taunting him or something. The fact that the Lurkers were going slow, when this was a race to the finish line, actually allowed Jak to run into all the Scout Fly boxes that happened to be in his way, as well as collect the vast majority of the Precursor Orbs that were in front of them.

When they drew closer to what he assumed was the end of the track, which was because he spotted a lot more explosives lining the walls of the tunnel they were in, Jak went at the maximum speed the zoomer would allow and continued forward... eventually slamming into the Lurker that was standing by the demolition switch, destroying the switch and causing the Lurkers to leave. With the threat taken care of Jak reversed his direction and collected any orbs or Scout Flies he had missed, to which he collected another Power Cell, in addition to the one the Lurker had been holding, before returning to the end of the passage.

Once Jak and Pinkie had climbed off the zoomer, and Daxter had returned to Jak's shoulder, they climbed up the ledge in front of them and made their way into the Red Sage's village... which was apparently just his hut that was sitting in the middle of a volcanic crater, with some mine carts moving nearby and a gondola that was idle at the moment. They carefully made their way towards the opening of his hut, as several pieces of the walkway were missing, though when they activated the Warp Gate they made sure to step back. Samos, of course, hurt himself when he came out of the Warp Gate, though his bird and Keira were able to avoid injury entirely, to which he simply levitated himself into an upright position.

"Oh, I always wonder if I'm losing body parts in those things!" Samos said, dusting himself off before noticing how wrecked the Red Sage's hut looked, "...Holy yakow! The Red Sage's lab looks worse than the Blue's!"

"Well, it definitely looks as though there's been a struggle here." Keira stated, agreeing with her father while wondering what new technology the Red Sage could have been working with.

"I'd hardly call it a struggle," a voice with an echo said, to which the group turned towards the hut's ceiling and found the two strange people that Jak, Daxter, and Pinkie had seen back on Misty Island before Daxter had fallen into the pit of Dark Eco, though it was easy to tell that the male of the pair had spoken, "Would you, dear sister?"

"Certainly not!" the lady proclaimed, though she seemed more interested in glaring at Jak, Daxter, and Pinkie, though none of the trio liked the way she was staring at them, "The Red Sage gave up with so little effort. No fun at all."

"Gol? Is that you?" Samos asked, though at the same time he fiddled with the glasses that he was wearing, as if expecting a change in his sight would change what he was seeing.

"Wait, if that's Gol Acheron... then that means that she's Maia Acheron." Daxter said, though he decided to keep his discovery to himself, as he was sure that everyone else had figured it out as well.

"I was hoping that I would never have to see the three of you again," Maia commented, her eyes focused on the trio and no one else, "especially after the last time my brother and I visited your village. Oh don't look so surprised, you did a horrible job hiding behind that rock that neither of us bothered to acknowledge your existence... and I was hoping that the Lurker that had followed you would have done you in, but yet here you stand."

"Look, can we just cut to the chase?" Pinkie said, looking up at both Gol and Maia for a moment, which was also when she picked up Daxter and held him up for a few seconds, "We were kind of hoping that you could reverse Daxter's dark Eco transformation."

"And why would we do that?" Maia asked, though her tone suggested that she likely knew more than what she or her brother had told the trio by this point, which clearly didn't sit well with Daxter.

"Because I don't want to be cursed to live like this!" Daxter declared, looking up at Gol and Maia as they looked down at him, though something told him that he wasn't going to like what they said.

"You are not cursed," Gol spoke up, to which he and Maia actually floated down to get a better look at Daxter, "Most people who are unfortunate enough to fall into a pit full of Dark Eco do not survive the fall, while sometimes others are mutated into seemingly mindless creatures, such as the Lurkers inside the Precursor City that you must have explored at this point. You, on the other hand, are actually blessed with some abilities that are like what Jak is capable of... though any abilities you might possess are in their infancy. It could be years, if not decades, before you begin to show the talents that Jak has..."

"Okay, but answer another question." Daxter said, causing the two dark beings to look at him in the eyes for the moment, to which he pointed back at Pinkie, "Explain why she can do the same thing that Jak can do, because even Samos can't come up with a reason as to why she can harness Eco in the same manner that Jak can."

Gol and Maia shared a glance with each other, as if they were silently debating whether or not to answer the inquiry, during which Pinkie placed Daxter back on Jak's shoulder before they all stared at the duo.

"...Truth be told, we have no idea." Gol admitted, to which he and Maia turned back to the group, "As far as we are able to tell Pinkie Pie has the same abilities as her brother, though it is odd for two people, both of whom have an incredible gift for channeling all four colors of Eco, to exist at the same time. If we had the time, and the patience, we would have most certainly enjoyed experimenting on the two of you... or testing your abilities to their full potential."

"Indeed, we have a robot to finish constructing and a silo to open," Maia added, though before anyone could say anything she and her brother disappeared as quickly as they had appeared.

"I knew the situation was dire, with the Lurker armies moving around and the Sages suddenly disappearing, but this is so much worse." Samos said, to which he turned to Jak, Daxter, and Pinkie, "The only way to Gol and Maia's Citadel is through the Lava Tubes, which means that we'll need more Power Cells to get the job done. You know the drill, go out and collect any Power Cells you can find... oh, and do be quick about it, because the literal end of the world is upon us!"

Jak, Daxter, and Pinkie nodded their heads before heading outside, though as they did so Daxter continued to moan about the loss of his pants... to which Jak and Pinkie ignored his whining as they go underway once more.

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