• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Jak and Daxter: Children of Eco - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie and Jak grow up together, and with Daxter's help they work to save the world from the dark forces that seek to do it harm.

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Precursor: The Citadel

With Samos' orders received, those being to save the other three Sages before coming to his aid, the trio looked around where they were standing and took in all of the moving parts that they were going to have to jump around in order to reach any of the three Sages that had been kidnapped before Samos. At the same time, however, Pinkie smashed opened the first Scout Fly crate and released the mechanical bug from where the Lurkers had placed it, before returning to Jak's side.

"Okay then, which way should we go first?" Jak asked, looking at the spinning platform in front of them and seeing only two available paths at the moment, "Do we go the our left, or do we go to our right?"

"How about the left?" Pinkie suggested, though even as she said that both Jak and Daxter merely shrugged, because they had been told to rescue the other three Sages and that meant that the order didn't matter as long as Samos was the last one saved.

Jak and Pinkie carefully jumped onto the platform in front of them and waited until they were facing the bridge on the left of the entrance before crossing over to it, though they did so one at a time to make sure that if something bad happened, like one of them mistimed their jump or something, the other sibling could catch them before they fell into the seemingly bottomless pit below them. They then walked up the walkway they were on, taking out the lone Lurker that happened to be standing there, before jumping over to a platform that was missing a fourth of its circle. The next jump they had to do was one that required them to jump over to a platform that had been cut in half, with one half parallel to the platform they were on while the second was just above the first piece... though they seemed to be moving in opposite directions of each other.

Once they reached the top of the second piece of that platform they jumped up to the hallway that was in front of them, which quickly brought them to an area where they were going to have to use a certain number of Blue Eco jump pads to cross to the other opening... though while Jak picked up some Blue Eco Pinkie picked up the second Scout Fly at the same time.

"I'll cross the room first and then call to you once I'm on the other side," Jak said, though before Pinkie could answer he launched himself and Daxter off the platform he had been standing on, though Pinkie smiled when he landed safely on another jump pad.

Pinkie patiently waited for her brother to call out to her, pausing to use a bit of Blue Eco to open the Precursor Orb container that happened to be sitting near where she was standing, though after a few minutes she heard Jak call for her to join him. She quickly restored her Blue Eco and launched herself into the air, carefully angling herself so she could land on the next platform before throwing herself into the air once more. It didn't take her long to find her way towards the opposite side of the room, where she found Jak and Daxter standing beside another Precursor Orb container, though this one had already been opened before her arrival, indicating that her brother had opened it with whatever Blue Eco had been left in his system when he landed over here.

They walked through the door that was in front of them and found the machine that was powering the cell that the Yellow Sage was currently locked up in... though when they broke the machine, and powered down the Dark Eco bars, they were rewarded with a Power Cell for their actions.

"Who woulda thought I'd live to see the day I had to be rescued by a boy, his sister, and his muskrat?!" the Yellow Sage said, though he was an individual who had yellowish colored skin, a full white beard, and what looked like a large gun in his arms, "I'm gonna give Gol and Maia a little payback for these embarrassments! Then we'll see about cookin' up some muskrat stew."

Pinkie, Jak, and Daxter made some faces about the notion of eating Daxter when the Yellow Sage's back was facing them, as his focus was on channeling his Yellow Eco at the Dark Eco barrier, though all three of them shared the disgust before they powered up the small platform that was beside them. Pinkie stopped Jak from moving on without her, to which she carefully jumped on the moving platforms to the right of where the Yellow Sage had been resting, but when she returned a few minutes later she was carrying the third Scout Fly. The small platform brought them to a switch that brought up a walkway that consisted of a few different colored squares, though upon touching one color, like the clear colored one, all squares with that color fell back into the pit below.

Seeing how tricky the colored bridge system was both Jak and Pinkie agreed that one of them should go at a time, so that way they both didn't knock the bridge out in a few steps. A few minutes later they were back near the robot and were moving forward again, to which they jumped over a small gap, took out another Lurker, and summoned a larger bridge that they repeated the previous method on. When they were both across the bridge they opened the door in front of them and found another room that had no floor, though from what they could tell, from their first glance at what was ahead of them, they knew that they were going to have to be careful in this room as well.

Jak went first, jumping onto the platform that was in front of them and waiting until it brought him to the next platform, where he exchanged rides and jumped onto a rotating cube made out of metal. He paused to wait for the next platform to come his way, though when he rode that one as far as it would go he jumped towards another metal cube, but he quickly got off of the other side to avoid being hit by the beam of fire that occasionally hit the metal. Once he was on the other side he signaled to Pinkie, where he watched her repeat the process he had gone through before the two of them were standing side by side again.

The two of them then roll jumped towards a circular platform, one that was missing the center of it, before jumping towards another moving platform that brought them to an area that had a Blue Eco vent waiting for them. Jak waited for Pinkie to catch up, where they both absorbed the Blue Eco and activated the platforms that were in front of them, allowing them to move towards the top of the room before coming to a stop. They found the fourth Scout Fly after the last platform, though at that point they had to cross over a series of small platforms that were being blasted by the beams of fire, but it proved to be no challenge as the two of them reached the end unharmed... and unlocked another Precursor Orb container.

As they walked through the door they discovered which of the two Sages they were rescuing, because the man in front of them was tall and skinny, with a strange helmet on his head, a monocle on his face, and a blue tint to his skin... though when they broke the machine, and collected their Power Cell, they noticed that he was carrying a staff of some kind.

"Good work, fellows! Old Samos was right about you!" the Blue Sage said, making the three of them smile due to the praise, before he turned towards the barrier in front of him and gasped for a few seconds, "Great piles of Precursor metal! That insidious mechanical creation must not be allowed to wreak its terrible havok! I will try and actuate the shield door by eliciting a conduit of energy between myself and the vast portal below!"

The group figured that he meant that he was going to blast the barrier with his Eco abilities, as that was what the Yellow Sage had done, though once the Blue Sage was doing the same thing the trio activated another platform and continued on their way.

Once they returned to the circle around the Precursor Robot they continued to their left and came to another bridge made of colored squares, though Jak made his way across first and collected the fifth Scout Fly that was ahead of them, patiently waiting for a few seconds as Pinkie caught back up with him. They then jumped to a platform that was one fourth of a circle pointing at another four of a circle, though the jump after that brought them to another set of platforms that was one on their level and one above them, before they had to move through another set of platforms... which eventually brought them to the sixth Scout Fly.

The next challenge was yet another walkway made from the colored squares, to which Jak moved through the challenge first before calling Pinkie to join him on the other side. Once they were together again they walked through the door that was in front of them and found a Yellow Eco vent waiting for them, though the two of them grinned as they powered up and started throwing fireballs at the army of little tiny Lurker bunnies that were coming their way. Near the end of the tunnel they walked through they found a Red Eco vent as well, which allowed them to empower their fists and feet as they fought the enemies that were at the end of the walkway they had passed through... though once the machines had been deactivated, and the Lurkers taken care of, they continued on their way.

That was when they passed through a few more rotating platforms before they came to the cell that contained the Red Sage, who happened to be fatter than the Yellow Sage, though his armor made him look more like a blacksmith than a scholar... but the trio smashed the machine keeping him contained and collected the Power Cell, where they noticed that this Sage didn't have a focus for his Eco abilities.

"You've finally come to rescue me!" the Red Sage said, though while he let out a laugh the trio detected that he was the most laid back of the four Eco Sages, "Do you know how long I've been in here? What are your names?"

"I am Jak," Jak stated, knowing that Daxter would have cut in immediately after the Sage asked, but he felt the need to make sure the Sage knew who the main heroes were.

"Pinkie Pie," Pinkie said, a smile appearing on hear face, because she was glad that this particular Sage wanted to know who they were before speaking again.

"And I am Daxter!" Daxter declared, bouncing on Jak's shoulder for a second, though he made no effort to declare that he was the main hero, which he knew would have upset the others.

"You're real heroes, you three," the Red Sage told them, before turning his attention back to the Dark Eco barrier in front of him, "You've got to stop Gol and Maia before they can use their robot. I'll use my Eco Power to start breaking down the barrier."

When the Red Sage's power clashed with the barrier, and connected with the other two Sages, a new set of platforms appeared near the Blue Sage, one that would take them to the top of the massive chamber they were in... where Samos was no doubt being held.

They quickly made their way towards the new path and climbed up to the top of the none moving platforms, though once they were both up there Jak jumped towards the rotating platforms and carefully climbed to the top until he reached the wooden walkway that was above them. Once he was in position he called down to Pinkie and she stared climbing up the rotating platforms, though once they were together they had to carefully time their jumps because the next platform they had to jump towards was a rotating platform that moved around the entirety of the room. They decided that one person would do the entire thing before the other attempted the jumps, so Jak made his way to the top and only stopped once he had reached the wooden platform above the rings, to which he beckoned for Pinkie to join him and watched as she mimicked his movements until they were together.

They carefully collected all of the Precursor Orbs that were in front of them, to which Pinkie grinned and mentioned something about collecting all of them, before they freed the seventh Scout Fly and collected its Power Cell... where they eventually came to the final machine that was keeping Samos contained, gathering what Pinkie claimed was the last of the Power Cells as Samos flew out of his cell.

"Good work, you three! You're real heroes now!" Samos said, staring at the three of them at the moment as he congratulated them, and shook his head when he saw the look on Daxter's face, "I'll combine my power with the other sage's and together we'll open the shield door surrounding the Precursor Robot!"

Samos flew down to the barrier and immediately zapped it with his Eco abilities, though with the four colors striking the barrier it quickly came down, allowing him to return to the trio. Gol and Maia, who had been patiently waiting somewhere the entire time, used that opening to slip into the robot and exit the citadel, leaving Jak, Pinkie, and Daxter to take the elevator up to the top of the citadel. They silently prepared themselves for the coming battle, knowing that if they failed to defeat the Precursor Robot, and the insane people controlling it, the entire world would be destroyed... which was why they all agreed that they would not let that possibility become a reality.

None of them had any idea of how they were supposed to defeat a large Precursor Robot, but that didn't stop them from knowing that they would try their hardest to win the coming battle.

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