• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Jak and Daxter: Children of Eco - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie and Jak grow up together, and with Daxter's help they work to save the world from the dark forces that seek to do it harm.

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Renegade: The Life Seed

After both Jak and Pinkamena obtained their very own Peacemaker modification for their weapons, and were done with staring at them, they both put their weapons away and walked outside the building the gun course was housed in, though instead of riding their zoomer to the Hip Hog they decided to walk this time. It gave them, as well as Daxter and Raven, a chance to enjoy the scenery and reflect on why they were working to save the people of Haven City, even if a fair number of them seemed to glare at them for a moment or two when they walked by. Jak suspected that it was because they were constantly visiting Krew, as the way he saw it the people knew that they were helping the fat bastard out and that likely put some marks against them... though, once again, Pinkamena didn't seem to care about that at all.

Jak would have asked his sister why she was so uncaring about what the people thought about her, though as they reached the entrance of the Hip Hog, however, Pinkamena stopped in her tracks before they reached the door... though she was staring at the building with an intense amount of hate in her eyes.

"Pinkamena... is something wrong?" Jak asked, as he had no idea why his sister, despite the fact that she had been consumed by the Dark Eco inside of her, would suddenly hate the building that Krew owned.

"Errol is inside that building," Pinkamena replied, to which she spat on the ground, indicating that, thanks to the new knowledge she had on the Baron's plans for her, Errol was just as bad as her adoptive father, "I don't care what he's doing in there, but I want nothing to do with it."

"Then let me go inside the Hip Hog and deal with him," Jak said, though at the same time he placed his hand on Pinkamena's shoulder, to which she simply stared at him for a few seconds, "Look, why don't you take one of the single person zoomers and go fly around the city... maybe the Shadow will have something for you to do while I'm dealing with whatever race Errol has in mind. Once I'm done with him, and you are done with whatever mission the Shadow sends you out on, we can regroup somewhere and move on from there."

Pinkamena looked at her brother for a few seconds, wondering how he knew that Errol would demand a race of some kind, before she simply sighed and nodded, allowing him to enter the Hip Hog while she made her way away from the building. She turned around before she turned the corner and watched the building, where she eventually saw Errol walk out and call for some guards to get some of the single person zoomers for him and Jak, though as the Krimzon Guards did that she walked away from the area. As she searched for her own zoomer, however, she got a communication from the Shadow, exactly like Jak said she would, to which she walked into a corner and turned the communicator on.

"This is Samos." the voice said, telling Pinkamena that it was the Samos that she and her brother knew, and not the one that had been here before they had arrived from the rift, "Who is this"

"Pinkamena," was Pinkamena's reply, as she felt that time was of the essence and that there wasn't much she needed to say at the moment, because she had the feeling that Samos' mission would be a vital one.

"I was expecting to get Jak, but I know you'll do well on your own," Samos replied, to which Pinkamena heard a sigh on the other end of the line, "Pinkamena, I need you to go out to the ruins in Dead Town and visit my old hut. It's now time to retrieve something I hid there long ago. Good luck!"

Pinkamena stared at the communicator for a few seconds before putting it away, climbing onto the zoomer that she had spotted and secured for her own use, and started moving towards the entrance that would take her to Dead Town, while making sure that Raven was holding on tight. Thanks to Jak and Errol racing through the city, and knocking most of the traffic out of the way until their race was over, she was able to reach the security door that she was heading towards. When she arrived at the door she parked the zoomer and climbed down into the ditch it was in, to which she patiently waited for the door to open until she was in Dead Town... where she quickly spotted a robotic suit that looked like it had the strength to punch through walls.

"This must be one of those Titan Suits that the Krimzon Guards were talking about, back when I was searching for your brother and Daxter," Raven commented, hopping off of Pinkamena's shoulder and onto the suit, to which he moved his hand over one of the places near the back and opened up the hatch to let his friend enter the suit, "Samos likely had this brought out so we can get to his hut all the easier... and I will ensure that we get there without too much trouble."

As Pinkamena climbed into the Titan Suit, and allowed the back to close behind her, Raven jumped to the ground and shifted into his hybrid form, allowing Pinkamena to maneuver the suit forward. The auto targeting systems told her to smash through the wall in front of her, though as the rubble fell down she spotted a beast Metal Head waiting on the other side. Raven, true to his world, leapt onto the Metal Head and tore it to pieces, allowing Pinkamena to move up to the next wall and break it down, where two more enemies waited for them, but neither of them lasted very long as Raven tore them to shreds as well.

When she smashed the third wall down Pinkamena found that she was being prompted to grab onto a large piece of rubble and move it up to the wall, allowing her to jump up to the next part of the path and continue forward. Before she turned the corner, however, she indicated to Raven to check it out, though a few seconds later she heard the sound of Raven tearing a Metal Head to pieces. When he returned Raven told her that it was one of the shooter Metal Heads, with a weapon and no shield, and that it hadn't been expecting to find something like him here... to which Pinkamena moved the suit forward and smashed through the wall that was in her way. In the next area Raven moved ahead as Pinkamena started to move another large piece of rubble into place so she could move forward, where she met back up with Raven and discovered the bodies of two more Metal Heads scattered everywhere.

Pinkamena heard the sound of a third Metal Head in the area, where Raven moved out to find their enemy while she moved something into place so she could move the Titan Suit closer to Samos' hut... though after a few minutes of walking she had to smash down a pillar, cross over to where Raven was waiting for her, and throw a large piece of wall at a second pillar so she could reach the hut. When she finally reached the hut, and smashed the final pillar down, she exited the suit and touched the ground once more, to which Raven arrived and reverted back to his ottsel form... where he mentioned that he felt something powerful inside the hut, something that he had missed the last time they were here.

When they walked into the hut, however, Pinkamena immediately spotted a large glowing green seed, one that seemed to radiate the power of Green Eco, though she held out her hands and allowed it to glide down into her arms.

"Good work, Pinkamena and Raven!" Samos said, apparently feeling that they had obtained the item that he had sent them to obtain, while also getting ready to explain what it was, "Before we came through the rift long ago, I was nurturing that Life Seed from the Great Tree. It seems the Metal Heads are attracted to its power. Take the seed to Onin now. She will prepare it for the Shadow."

"Right... the younger version of yourself," Raven commented, remembering that the Shadow was actually a younger Samos, while at the same time staring at the seed for a few more seconds, "So technically we help you become the sage you are today... we had better not tell Daxter that, otherwise he'll freak out and demand to be thanked in some manner."

"Agreed. The sooner you get this done the sooner you can move onto the next mission." Samos told them, though the communicator floated there for a few more seconds, indicating that there was more they needed to be told, "I also heard that Jak beat Errol in a race, after being told to throw the third race by Krew, and that he's already started the Class 2 race. He won't be available for some time, so you are on your own for now."

Pinkamena nodded and let Raven return to her shoulder as she pocketed the Life Seed inside her bag, to which she returned to the Titan Suit and walked back to the entrance, just so whoever had left it here would be able to find it much quicker than if she left it behind. With that done she walked through the security door and climbed back into the zoomer, to which she headed to Onin's hut in the Bazaar district.

When Pinkamena and Raven arrived at Onin's hut they found the old lady and Pecker patiently waiting for them to arrive, though at the same time Pinkamena guessed that they might have skipped lunch or something.

"Onin says, 'What took you so long?' We had to skip lunch waiting for you two!" Pecker exclaimed, turning towards the pair as they walked into the hut, though at the same time he felt Onin's blank stare bore into the back of his head, to which he quickly changed his tone, "Ugh. Okay, okay. She really says, 'Thank you for saving the Life Seed.' But I wouldn't say that if I were her! Give Onin the seed, and she will prepare it for Samos."

Pinkamena nodded and allowed the Life Seed to float out of her hands and move until it was floating in front of Onin, who started weaving signs in the air as the seed was surrounded in Blue Eco, which Pinkamena assumed meant that she was waking up whatever power was inside the seed. Pecker and Raven seemed to have a discussion about being hungry while Onin was working, mainly because Pecker was hungry from having to wait for them, though when Raven tapped his necklace, and the blue stone that represented his Skull Gem, Pecker seemed to understand what he was saying.

"By the Precursors! You are who Onin was referring to when she meant 'Metal One'!" Pecker exclaimed, shock appearing on his face, while at the same time Pinkamena noticed that Onin nodded her head in understanding, as if she had come to that same conclusion herself, before she started signing again, "Onin says that it is good to meet you and that she would like to speak with you at some point in the future, when we aren't trying to stop the collapse of the entire city due to the Baron's schemes. She also says to take the energized Life Seed to young Samos in Haven Forest; it will give Samos the power he needs to finally see the forest from the trees!"

Pinkamena nodded and collected the Life Seed, before she and Raven climbed back onto the zoomer that they had used to reach this area and started moving once more. She moved them in the direction of the ruins that were connected to Haven Forest, as she needed to use the warp gate to get to the forest, but she was glad to find no resistance in her path as she made her way towards her destination. When she reached the security door she and Raven passed through the circular door, jumped through the warp gate, and climbed onto the platform that would take them down to Haven Forest... though once they arrived in the forest they followed the pathway to the great tree that they had been near before.

It was there that they found the Shadow standing in front of the large tree, apparently preparing himself for what he was about to do with the Life Seed, though he smiled when he noticed Pinkamena walking towards him, indicating that he had been briefed on who was coming to aid her.

"The Samos from the past told me to bring you the Life Seed," Pinkamena stated, her words immediately telling the Shadow that she was talking about the version of him that had raised both her and Jak, before she pulled out the Life Seed and let it float over to him.

"Thank you, its power will help me speak to the plants and ask them vital questions about the future." the Shadow said, though at the same time two Krimzon Guard containers flew into the area and stopped near them, indicating that someone wanted them both dead, "And now you'll have to..."

Before the Shadow could finish his statement, and tell Pinkamena that he needed to guard him until he had the answers he needed, the Krimzon Guards started to climb out of their ships and touch down on the ground. The moment that happened Raven grinned as he noticed a large number of figures starting to appear from the shadows, to which the Neo Metal Heads surged out of their hiding spots and started killing the guards that chose to fight them. The Shadow was surprised to find Metal Heads in this area, especially after he had sent Jak and Pinkamena to clear the area for him, though he was equally confused when he called for Pinkamena to do something and she just stood there and watched what was going on.

She found it amusing that the Krimzon Guard would so brazenly attack the Shadow when she was here, especially when she was here, but their shock at discovering that Metal Heads were in the area allowed her to route them without doing anything. Raven also jumped in on the fun, shifting into his large dragon form and smashing several of the guards under the weight of his body, which really shocked the Shadow... and made him thankful that Raven was on their side. Pinkamena grinned as the Krimzon Guards, those that remained, were taken down by the rest of the Neo Metal Heads, before they all calmed down and allowed the group to do what they had come to do.

She suspected that she would have to answer some questions later on, once the Shadow had finished asking the plants his own questions, but she patiently waited for the Shadow to be done with his questions... though this put them one step closer to beating the Baron and the Metal Head Leader, which made her grin as she imagined finishing off the Baron's schemes once and for all.

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