• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Jak and Daxter: Children of Eco - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie and Jak grow up together, and with Daxter's help they work to save the world from the dark forces that seek to do it harm.

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Exile: To the Rescue

Jak, Daxter, Pinkie, and Raven rested for a few minutes to regain their energy, as some of them had gone through quite the ordeal in the war factory, namely Pinkie with what she called her 'Multiform Army', which was something that she really couldn't explain to Jak. Her brother was fine with not knowing anything about the technique, as he had stopped questioning what his sister could do and was fine with knowing that she was using the skill to their benefit in the war against Errol. While they rested their friends told them that the Freedom League didn't need their assistance at the moment and that they could leave, so they could do whatever they wanted for the next mission to come up, but they were fine with waiting around and gathering their energy.

That was until their communicator sprung to life and floated around them, to which they determined that Damas, Sig, or even Seem had to be contacting them, to which they moved away from their friends, so the sound didn't bother them, before having the message come through.

"Jak, Pinkie, please help us!" the communicator said, though the group could easily tell that it was Seem that was speaking to them, to which they started heading towards the elevator, as this was going to be something important for the monk to contact them, "Errol is attacking the Monk Temple. He wants the secrets we have kept concerning the Dark Makers. Please hurry, if he finds what he seeks, it could undo this world."

Once the communicator returned to where they kept it, however, Raven braced himself until they were outside the building, to which he transformed into his dragon form and commanded Jak and Pinkie to climb onto his back, though Daxter had to hold onto Jak in the process. The moment they were in place, and the civilians were giving them some space, Raven opened his wings and took to the sky, where he turned in the direction of the Wasteland and flew in its direction, though he intended to turn towards the Monk Temple once he reached the area near Spargus. Jak, Daxter, and Pinkie pulled their goggles over their eyes before the bugs and wind got in their eyes, though as Raven moved through the air they wondered how Errol found out about Seem and her monks... but they couldn't only hope that they arrived in time to stop the assault in its tracks.

Even with Raven flying through the air, with speeds that matched the transport that usually rode between Haven City and Spargus, they arrived at the Wasteland in the same amount of time, though when they neared Spargus Raven turned to the north and took them right to the Monk Temple... where he reverted back to his ottsel form the moment they landed in front of the main entrance, and everyone was off his back as well.

When they walked passed the main entrance, however, they were immediately assaulted by a group of creatures, who happened to look like they were made out of pure Dark Eco and could summon shields whenever they desired, appeared in front of them and opened fire. Jak and Pinkie returned fire immediately, though one of the first things they did was Jak jumped up to a higher area as Pinkie slammed the base of her palm on the ground, to which she activated the Mass Inverter that was in her bracelet. It was then that the duo discovered that Ashelin had been telling the truth, as the moment Pinkie started manipulating the gravity around her their enemies floated into the air, though while their enemies were confused Jak was completely untouched by the Mass Inverter.

Pinkie grinned as she leapt into the air and kicked one of the Dark Maker minions, to which her target sailed through the air before collapsing into a heap, though that only made her chuckle as she repeated the tactic with the other targets until the first group was defeated.

As the first group fell a second one phased into existence and launched their attack, to which Jak loosed a Peace Maker charge and struck one of them down, before switching the to Reflector so his shots could get behind the shields that their enemies were using. It didn't take them long to defeat the second group, to which they walked towards the door and entered the passage that was in front of them, though the few enemies they encountered along the way were really easy to take care of with a barrage of Reflector shots. Since her brother was the one shooting at the moment, and she felt that there was no reason for them to completely overpower their foes, Pinkie accessed the Light Eco inside her and summoned a shield to protect them from the shots that reflected back towards them.

They found another trio of Dark Maker minions, Troopers as Pinkie decided to call them, standing around the Dark Eco Vent they had discovered the last time they had been in the temple, though since they were occupied with the Eco Jak and Pinkie took it upon themselves to attack them from behind. It was rather amusing to sneak up on their enemies and strike at them without them noticing, especially since these were supposed to be the fearsome Troopers of the Dark Makers, but all Pinkie could do was laugh at how easy it was to take them out at times. Once the enemies around the Vent were taken care of, and no more teleported into the area, Jak and Pinkie paused to regain some of their lost Dark Eco before they continued onward.

As they entered the chamber where they has used Jak's medallion to reach the second trial they were assaulted by more Troopers, though at the same time Pinkie noticed that the passage they had unlocked earlier had been broken and was completely covered by rubble. As they fought their enemies, where Pinkie discovered that her weapon could harm her opponents much easier than most of her weapons, she also discovered that the first door they walked through, for the first trial, was locked to them as well... though it had a fair number of cracks on it. Jak, noticing the door as well, jumped back and transformed into his Dark Form, which he immediately followed up with a Dark Strike that tore through both the door and the Troopers that were foolish enough to stand in front of him.

When they entered the first room of their first trial they were, once again, assaulted by more Troopers, though this time around Jak took great pleasure in releasing a few more Dark Strikes, which tore into their enemies and cleared the way forward... until they realized that the door on the other end of the chamber was locked and that they needed to take a different path. Pinkie was able to correct the situation, as she found a cracked wall that was definitely begging to be blasted apart, to which Jak restocked his Dark Eco, thanks to the nearby Dark Eco Vent, and loosed another Dark Strike at the cracked wall, opening the way forward once more. At the other end of the short tunnel they found an area, one Pinkie had spotted when they were running over the falling bridge earlier, and discovered that the place was crawling with Troopers... to which they separated from each other and attacked one side of the area.

Jak, still burning with Dark Eco, couldn't help but mow down his targets with some Dark Strikes, as it appeared that the shields that the Troopers used wasn't enough to prevent them from taking damage, because when his attack hit them he grinned as the shields shattered and his opponents were struck down. Pinkie, on the other hand, used her Mass Inverter to her advantage, which meant that she messed with gravity in the area around her and kicked all of her opponents away from where she was standing, which killed whoever she hit. It was a somewhat slower process than what Jak was doing, but she found this to be much funner in her own opinion, especially since it appeared that her alter ego was leaving her alone at long last.

When Jak and Pinkie got back together they discovered that the door blocking their way could be busted down like everything else that they had encountered so far, to which Jak used the last bit of his Dark Eco to launch one more Dark Strike, allowing them to enter the new area once the door was out of their way. They then came to another Light Eco Vent, which were more rare than the Dark Eco ones, to which they healed any wounds that they might have collected on the way here and restocked their Light Eco. Once they were finished Jak and Pinkie continued down the passage that was to their right, which took them right to the third face of the large Precursor statue they had seen the last time times they had been in this area... which made them wonder what it was going to give them this time around.

Together Jak and Pinkie approached the platform that was right in front of the statue, while at the same time Daxter and Raven kept their eyes open for anything that might try and attack them.

"Once again you stand before me, brave ones, and once again, your heroism shall be rewarded." the Precursor statue said, though at the same time both Jak and Pinkie were lifted into the air by the light that the statue called upon, "I give you a new light power, one which will help you reach new places; places only in your dreams."

Jak was engulfed in light for a few seconds, like he had been the last few times they had been granted powers, though when the light faded he found that his body was glowing, meaning that he was in his Light Eco form once more and started trying to figure out what was new. That was swiftly followed by him noticing that he had a set of tendril like wings coming out of his back, though they appeared to be made of energy since they didn't rip holes in his clothing. He had to chuckle for a moment, because now the statue's words about this power allowing them to reach new places made that much more sense to him. Once he discovered what was new with him, and Daxter finished staring at the wings as well, they turned to see what was new with Pinkie, as the Precursor statue had been responsible for transforming her into her current state.

When the light around Pinkie disappeared Jak noticed that she was now wearing a full set of Precursor armor, much like what he had been collecting since they arrived in Spargus, though oddly enough Pinkie's new armor showed off her midriff, much like her Wastelander clothing had done, which was actually still beneath the armor. Another interesting thing he discovered was that the coloration of her armor was strange, as the arm, hand, leg, and foot pieces on the right side of her body were dark purple colored, though they were a few shades lighter than Dark Eco. The same pieces on the left side of her body, however, bared a color that almost looked like Light Eco, though they were a few shades darker to match the other side of her armor. Pinkie's chest piece, however, was a merging of the two types of Eco, as both the Light and Dark Eco swirled around each other until stopping just above her heart... though Jak suspected that the image was supposed to mean harmony between Light Eco and Dark Eco.

The other thing that Jak noticed was that Pinkie, who was in her Light form as well, also possessed a pair of wings, though hers appeared to resemble the wings of a bird, or like the white coated pony with wings he had spotted in a corner when Pinkie used her Multiform Army against Errol... though Pinkie grinned as she noticed what her new ability gave her.

With their new ability to fly, named Light Flight by Pinkie, the two siblings took a few moments to practice in the area around the statue, as it proved to be a great place to practice, before they followed the path on their right and walked up to a level that was above the area they had passed through a few minutes ago. The siblings stood there for a few seconds, looking for the way forward, before Pinkie spotted a set of ruined pillars and walkways they could use to reach the other side of the chamber they were in. Jak, spotting the path for himself, quickly praised Pinkie before flying over to the first ruined pillar, to which he turned around and beckoned for his sister to follow him... though once she landed beside him, and smiled in the process, Jak moved onward and they repeated the process several more times.

Eventually they came to a stop near a warp gate, which rested on the side of the chamber they had been heading towards, though when they landed they found Seem staring out the ruined roof, no doubt looking at the Day Star... though as they approached the monk both Jak and Pinkie released their Light Flight forms and reverted to normal, where they discovered that Pinkie's armor had been a gift and wasn't linked to her new power.

"Errol has learned how to connect with the Dark Maker ship." Seem commented, almost as if she had been waiting for the group to arrive, which was followed by her turning to face the group, "If he can awaken its terrible cargo, he will unleash horrors beyond our deepest nightmares. Not all is lost, however, as I hid the most important artifact from Errol. Jak, Daxter, Pinkie, and Raven, it seems that I was right to put my faith in the four of you when we first met. You have the balance needed to save us all."

"As rubber-wearing, completely freaky, beyond bizarre, paint-faced, super weird monks go, you're all right." Daxter said, though while someone else may have been insulted by such a comment, and Jak was sure that some of the other monks would have taken offense to it, Seem was unfazed by his remark.

"I have now seen the truth, and I am at peace." Seem replied, to which she gently placed the artifact she had been carrying, a Time Map, in Jak's hands, though she followed that up by her rubbing both Daxter and Raven's chins for a few seconds, "At least I was granted the gift of seeing the face of my creators. Thank you, little ones."

"Uh, okay." Daxter commented, though at the same time he glanced over to Raven, who actually smiled by what Seem had done, before he officially decided to give up on figuring out what was wrong with the monks.

With the Time Map in hand, and Seem saying that she and the other monks were fine, Jak and Pinkie accessed the nearby Warp Gate and headed back to the entrance of the temple... though before they could determine what to do next their communicator became active once more.

"Jak, Pinkie, we need you both back at Spargus City." the communicator said, though they could easily tell that Damas was speaking to them at the moment, which led Raven to morph back into his dragon form and let the others climb back onto his back, "The scope's picking up major movement out over the water. It's not a storm, it's... something else. My guess is it's connected to those dark satellites we've seen. You're the best gunner we've got Jak, this is your chance to repay your life debt. Get back here as soon as you can!"

The moment the communicator was back where it belonged Raven let out a roar as he took to the skies once more, though this time the trip to Spargus was much shorter than the trip from Haven City to the Wasteland. Raven managed to reach the city in a matter of minutes, though when he arrived he made sure to scout over the water to see if he could find anything that might have appeared on the radar... though after a few moments he returned to the ground and let the others climb off of him. As he did that, however, they noticed that the city was under attack by Troopers, so while Jak made for the gun Pinkie and Raven turned to the city and started hunting down their enemies, though Raven used his hybrid form to avoid hurting the Wastelanders.

Once Jak hopped into the turret he discovered that a new type of enemy, a large mechanical construct that appeared to walk on two legs and fired missiles at him, was walking towards the city, to which he shot down the missiles and focused on finding a weak point that he could exploit. As it turned out parts of its legs, both near the water and near its head, were definitely vulnerable to taking damage and weakened the construct, though when he target's the construct's head he ended up blowing the entire thing to pieces. The destruction of the first construct made Daxter cheer a little, though Jak focused his mind and followed all of the constructs that shot out of the air and landed in the water in front of him, because he knew that this was an assault force and that if he was taken out the entire city would suffer until Spargus was no more.

It took some time, effort, and a couple of destroyed constructs before his scanner told him that some were falling on the city, to which he turned the turret around and continued firing at the enemies that thought that they could catch him by surprise. One of the things that he noticed was Pinkie happened to be using her Light Flight ability to actually fly like Raven could, which was mainly her confusing her target before her Light Eco empowered blade cut through the legs and head of her target, reducing the construct to a pile of pieces. Jak chuckled at the sight of his sister smashing the Troopers and the one Walker, to which he turned his attention back to his own targets and took them out in the same manner as the ones that had been in the water.

A few more minutes passed before his scanner indicated that there were no more enemies for him to fight, though he did a quick sweep of the area to be absolutely sure before he climbed out of the turret, to which he found Damas and Kleiver waiting for him... and that Pinkie and Raven were standing nearby.

"Excellent shooting Jak!" Damas said, though while he spoke he made eye contact with Jak, who was pleased to have defended the city so well with his sister backing him up with her strange abilities, "This victory is a sign of possibility. Times are grim, but when I was the leader of Haven City, times seemed grim then too. Take hope. Even the smallest weed finds shelter within the rocks."

"Wait a minute, when were you the leader of Haven City?" Daxter asked, because when he remembered that they knew that Damas had been the leader of the city they had no idea when he came to power.

"I came to the throne during the middle of the Metal Head Wars." Damas explained, though at the same time he let out a sigh, as he had to be remembering some terrible memories, before he spoke again, "Baron Praxis betrayed me and banished me to the wasteland. The rest, of course, you know by now... Anyway, here is your third and final battle amulet. The two of you are Wastelanders now, and that war amulet is a beacon. If ever the two of you need us, use it to call, and we will be there. And from me, a welcoming gift."

It was at that point that Damas snapped his fingers at Kleiver, who had been studying some sort of armor piece, though that was followed by the fat man reluctantly handing the chest piece to Jak.

"This rare Precursor armor is said to have been worn by Mar himself." Damas continued, though at the same time he smiled as Jak slipped the chest section of the armor on, "I have been saving that piece of Mar's armor since I found it, intending to give it to you, my son, whenever we reunited with each other."

"Thanks." Jak said, as he couldn't believe that Damas had been holding the last piece of Mar's armor, the very set he had been building since he and Pinkie had been found by the Wastelanders, before he looked up at his father, "I don't have anything for you."

"You give us all hope, Jak. That is gift enough." Damas replied, to which he turned towards Pinkie, who glanced up at him for a moment, "Pinkie Pie, there is only one thing I can say to someone like you... I would be honored to have you be Jak's sister, officially I might add."

"I... I would be honored..." Pinkie said, to which some tears formed in her eyes, because not having a father had been something that had been bothering her since their banishment to the Wasteland, "dad."

"Jak, Daxter, Pinkie, and Raven," Damas said, to which he wrapped his arms around both Jak and Pinkie, who smiled at him in turn while their ottsels grinned at Kleiver, "Welcome to the clan."

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