• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Jak and Daxter: Children of Eco - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie and Jak grow up together, and with Daxter's help they work to save the world from the dark forces that seek to do it harm.

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Exile: The Precursors

Jak steered the Precursor vehicle as Daxter made sure that his father didn't bleed out before they reached the location that the Precursors were waiting at, while at the same time following after Pinkie as she sat on Raven's back. He found it amusing that Raven could even fit inside the tunnel that had been made so long ago, making him wonder if Raven's father had designed him in such a way so he could have the ultimate weapon in his war with the Precursors. One thing he didn't have to worry about was Raven turning on them, as he always told them that he hated the path his father tried to put him on when he was born, which meant that Raven would greet the Precursors as friends instead of enemies. He did, however, have to chuckle as Raven opened his mouth and loosed a blast at some of the security drones that were supposed to guard the catacombs, obliterating them in a matter of seconds.

He could easily determine that it was good to be on Raven's good side, as when he was angry he was a force to be reckoned with, especially since he was a dragon and could easily dismantle enemies that wanted to kill him... exactly like how he was demonstrating his power as he chased after Veger.

Eventually Pinkie and Raven pursued Veger out of the tunnel they had been riding through and floated out into a wide, spherical space filled with endlessly rotating rings that had to be tracking the movement of celestial bodies, or something like that. There happened to be a massive Precursor Statue in the center of the spherical space, one that happened to be resting on a floating platform that was levitating at the moment, though as Pinkie stared at all of it she determined that it wasn't through the use of Eco, as one might have expected. The only thing that made sense was the possibility that the platform and statue rested at the exact center of the planet's gravitational field, so it had nowhere to fall... though that was if her guess was correct, which would make this the core of their planet.

Veger stopped his vehicle near the statue and jumped into the platform that was in front of it, though that was followed by Raven landing between him and the statue, preventing him from reaching the one thing he desired above all else, while Pinkie climbed off Raven's back and stared at Veger. Not even a few moments later Jak pulled up beside the platform, to which he climbed out and helped his father onto the platform, though as Veger raised a gun towards the King of Spargus Pinkie was the first to react. She pulled her Eco Blade out of its sheath and swung at Veger, though she was really aiming at his small gun and cut it apart, to which Veger staggered backwards and was smacked by Raven's tail, where Raven used one of his claws to pin the count to the floor.

"Get off me you idiot!" Veger snapped, though at the same time he used his hand to punch the side of Raven's hand, which Raven didn't feel at all considering that Veger was tapping his scales, "The power of the Precursors belongs to me! I will not let you take what is rightfully mine!"

"You should be thankful that I haven't killed you yet!" Raven growled in return, as he knew that the man had been the one to put Damas in the condition he was in, but at the same time he had respect for the Precursors and wasn't about to kill someone without their permission, "Now sit still, because great things are going to happen."

Jak and Pinkie nodded as they stood before the large Precursor statue, though at the same time they both held onto their father while doing their best to prevent him from bleeding out and dying before he could meet the Precursors, while Daxter rode on Jak's shoulder and stared at Veger with a grin on his face.

"Greetings, great warriors." the statue said, though Jak and Pinkie were unsure if it had been waiting for them to settle down or if it had been turned on after they stood in front of it, while at the same time the glowing image of a Precursor, which they had seen when Young Jak opened the Precursor Stone, appeared before them, "Before it is too late, you must power up the planet's defense system."

Jak nodded and remembered all of the Eco Crystals they had collected on their journey, though when he had Daxter pull them all out they spun around each other until they merged into a single entity, one that looked like a large Power Cell, and floated down into Jak's hands. He then carefully let Damas lean on Pinkie for a few seconds as he walked over to a waiting receptacle and placed the sphere into the slot that was waiting for something, to which the sphere started spinning as the two weapons started to power up... allowing him to return to his father's side.

"The Eco Sphere has begun its energy conversion, though it will take some time for the weapon to fully charge." the Precursor commented, though at the same time Jak and Pinkie could feel the eyes of the image staring at them, even though the image didn't actually eyes and was likely seeing them though whatever Eco rested around the platform they were standing on, "You have proven your worth, warriors, and for one of you a place among us awaits you, while another reward awaits the other."

"Get off me!" Veger demanded, though once again he found himself unable to move Raven's claws, meaning that he was still trapped where Raven wanted him to be, "I will be the one who evolves into a Precursor. The right is mine!"

"No, you hold no claim to the honor we talk about," the Precursor replied, though at the same time the group, save for Veger, had to resist the urge to laugh at the count, because he had been barking about how possessing the Precursor's powers were his privilege and now he had been shot down by one of the very beings everyone had been searching for.

"Listen, I know you want to reward Jak and Pinkie for their efforts, but Errol is still a problem for this planet," Daxter said, causing the eyes of everyone to fall on him for a few seconds, though at the same time he stared up at the statue as a new thought came to mind, "Say, why don't you reward them by healing their father?"

"We could, but that would require changing his very essence for such a thing to work," the Precursor answered, though at the same time the image disappeared and the front part of the statue's stomach area began to open before their eyes, to which they discovered three ottsels, all wearing white robes and happened to be standing on floating platforms, resting inside a command center of some kind.

"Oh my god..." Jak said, voicing what he, his father, and Daxter were likely thinking, though at the same time he knew that Pinkie was struggling to control herself before she started laughing, as this wasn't what they were expecting when they thought about the Precursors.

"Not what you were expecting?" the ottsel in the middle, the one that appeared to be the leader, said, though when he spoke through a device in his hand it came out as the statue's voice, though when he spoke without the device he sounded old and wise, "Don't worry, we expected such a response the moment we considered opening the door to spear with you."

"I'm just shocked that I look like you," Daxter commented, though at the same time he was sure that everyone else was thinking the same thing, or at least he hoped they were thinking that.

"Don't look so upset." the leader said, though the group had to wonder if he was addressing the silence that Veger was giving off, as it appeared that he had stopped struggling once the ottsels made their appearance, "If you knew we Precursors were a bunch of little fuzzy rats, would you worship us? Could we run our portion of the universe? Well, we were able to do so until a certain Metal Head decided to screw things up, though we'll discuss that later as well."

"You idiots!" Veger finally shouted, once more forgetting who was on top of him while he focused on the three figures that were standing on the platforms, "Get down from there and stop defiling that glorious machine!"

"I said quiet!" Raven growled, applying more pressure to Veger's body and crushed him a little bit more than he had been doing mere moments ago, effectively cutting off the former count's words and causing him to shut up.

"Do not let our size fool you." the leader said, though at the same time he tapped his staff on the platform he was standing on, where some Eco energy rolled off of him and touched everyone that stood in front of him, "We are some of the most powerful beings in the universe. I would have said we were, but the balance of power in the universe is shifting once more... and we'll get to that later as well."

"Question; why does Daxter look like you?" Jak asked, though at the same time he also gestured to Raven, not even caring that the dragon was crushing Veger, "And why does Raven take on your form as his disguised form?"

"Ah yes. All Eco contains the source of our essence, our code so to speak." the leader explained, to which he gestured to Daxter for a moment, indicating that he was talking about him, "When Daxter touched the Dark Eco, he was actually blessed when he thought he was cursed. Raven has likewise been blessed as well, as when he was mortally wounded we offered him a very small fragment of power that allowed him to transform into our form, despite the fact that he had never seen one of us before. This form allowed him to remain hidden from his terrible father, so he could bring about the end of the evil Metal Heads and install good ones to help protect your city... and we are very proud of him for everything he has been able to do so far."

"These creatures are the great Precursors?!" Veger demanded, though his tone indicated that he was in shock and was still trying to figure out whether this was real or not, "And I wanted to evolve into th..."

"I said shut up!" Raven growled, this time putting enough pressure to crack a few of Veger's ribs, which put him in enough pain to prevent him from talking again, "Um, forgive me for asking, but can I just eat this guy and be done with him? I'm getting tired of listening to him talk."

Jak, Pinkie, Damas, and Daxter watched as the three ottsels turned towards each other and traded looks, not even bothering to say a single word for a few seconds, before they turned to Raven and gave him the go ahead. Jak and Pinkie, remembering what Raven did to Krew, closed their eyes for a few seconds as they listened to Raven tearing Veger apart, while the former count screamed no less, before swallowing the pieces he had torn off. When they opened their eyes they found that Veger was no more, save for the blood that was resting where he had been laying, before Raven turned towards the Precursors and bowed his head in respect.

"So what is this about helping our father?" Pinkie asked, though at the same time she accessed her Light Eco and pressed some of it against the wound, trying to keep Damas alive for a few more minutes.

"We could easily transform him into one of us, reducing his natural strength while granting him abilities more suited towards a Precursor," the leader said, though at the same time he pointed the tip of his staff towards Jak and Pinkie, "but there is another way, one that we originally wouldn't have considered without a certain someone standing before us. For a long time both of your abilities, those that you started with when you began in Sandover, have been inaccessible due to your exposure to Dark Eco and Pinkie has only begun to rediscover those abilities. Now that you are here, standing before us, we can at last restore you to your former selves, in a manner of speaking anyway... and I think you can figure things out from there on your own."

A bit of power leapt from the leader's staff and slammed into Jak and Pinkie, though as they were knocked backwards the leader also extended another hand to stop Damas from being hurt again, as the last thing he wanted was for the father of their heroes to die before the world was saved. A few seconds later the siblings were lowered back to the platform they were standing on, though when Jak opened his eyes he found that the ability to access the other four colors of Eco had returned, allowing him to use all six of them now. Pinkie, on the other hand, still looked the same as she had been before the power surged into her, though this time there was a gray robe resting over her body, opened in the front so people could see her armor. As Jak looked at his sister he could tell that she was concentrating on something, as when she glowed white the robe turned into her wings before she reverted back to normal... though that was before six spheres, all modeled after one of the six colors of Eco, appeared around her back while her sword turned into a staff.

As Pinkie opened her eyes and looked at herself Jak noticed one other thing that was interesting, there was a new emblem resting in the middle of her chest piece; a blue balloon that looked like it was made out of a Blue Eco crystal.

"There, your former abilities have been restored," the ottsel leader said, to which he smiled at his handiwork, though at the same time he beckoned towards Damas for a moment, "Pinkie, go ahead and do what comes naturally to you."

Pinkie nodded and held a hand out towards Damas for a few seconds, allowing the Light Eco Sphere to glow as her robe unfurled into her wings once more, though that was followed by the piece of the buggy gently pulling itself from Damas' body and the wound closed once it was out of the way... as if it had never existed in the first place. Damas looked down at his body in surprise, as he hadn't been expecting such a thing to happen, but he looked relieved now that he wasn't going to die anymore.

"We would love to give you a moment to relax, but there is more work to be done," the ottsel leader continued, causing the group to turn towards him, while at the same time he and his fellow ottsels channeled their energies into a portal that opened beyond where the platform was resting, "Errol and the Dark Makers must be defeated... so we'll send you to the Dark Maker ship and you can deal with him before he awakens the ship's terrible cargo, while we prepare the weapon and fire it when its ready."

Jak and Pinkie nodded before they turned around and jumped towards the Eco portal that the Precursors created, where they knew that they would be fighting Errol and bring an end to his terrible plans... before he awakened the ship's cargo and destroyed the entire world.

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