• Published 26th Jun 2017
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The Teenage Life Of Spike - Spikemaster105

Spike fell into a deep depression after his girlfriend broke up with him. He moves away with his uncle 3 years later he reunites with his family and old friends but falls in love with a old friend and deals with a psycho ex trying to flirt with him.

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Old Flame And Maybe New Feelings

Author's Note:

I also was able to fix this chapter and change it up alittle please let me know what i missed

The sun was peaking through the window as Spike opened his eye's with a smile, and sat up, "time to go to school", he said to himself before yawning and stretching.

He heard Twilight's voice from the other side of his bedroom door, "Spike, get up because its time to go to school".

"I'm already up Twilight", he called as he got out of bed and got clean clothes ready, he exited his bedroom and headed to the bathroom to shower up.

After awhile, he went downstairs with a smile, "morning mom dad Twi".

"Morning sweetie", his mom greeted from the kitchen as she was making breakfast.

"Morning Spike", his dad greeted while reading the news paper with a cup of coffee.

"Here you go Spike, some pancakes", his mom set the plate on the table, Spike sat down next to his sister as she was eating.

Twilight saw the smile on her little brothers face and told him, "wow Spike, you sure are happy to go to school".

Spike looked at her with a smile, "you know Twi..I am for some reason".

He started to eat, he heard his dad say, "really? That's the first, you use to hate mornings".

"I know dad, Spike hated school", Twilight told her father.

Then she looked at Spike and thought, "if Spike doesn't run into HER, he will be fine", she continued to eat.

They heard a car horn, "that's Flash, bye mom bye dad".

She turned to her brother and asked "wanna ride Spike?"

"No thanks Twi, I'm gonna walk", he declined her offer as he saw her walk out of the kitchen.

Twilight glared and told him, "ok, but you better be on time Spike".

She opened the door and heared her father called out from the living room, "tell that punk to keep his hands to himself".

"Night Light dear, I thought we talked about giving Flash Sentry a chance?", he heard his wife say from the kitchen.

"Hey, it's my job as a father to protect my daughter from boys", he told his wife.

"Besides, you did the same with Spike when he brought that Diamond girl over", he said again not seeing his sons reaction to that.

As Spike finished his breakfast, they heard a knock a his dad opened the door and called out to him, "hey son, your friend is here".

Spike walked to the door and saw that it was Apple Bloom "hiya Spike, I was wondering if you wanna walk to school with me?", she asked with a smile.

Spike looked at his dad who was grinning and nudged him forward, he shrugged saying, "sure, I don't mind".

Spike grabbed his bag saying, "bye mom bye dad", and walked out.

As they walked side by side, Spike asked, "hey Apple Bloom, how did Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo end up with Button and Rumble?"

Apple Bloom smirked, "that's easy, Button lost a bet to Rumble at the Arcade and had to ask out Sweetie Belle, Rumble just asked Scootaloo out with a bet he lost to her", she said chuckling, remembering the face Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo made when they were asked out.

The she frowned and looked down thinking about how she felt lonely after her friends got boyfriends.

"Hey Apple Bloom, you ok", Spike snapped her out of her thoughts as she answered "of course Spike, why wouldn't i be".

Spike raised an eyebrow. "Apple Bloom can i asked you something?"

She looked at Spike "sure Spike what is it?"

"You been spending less time with Sweetie, and Scootaloo? why", he asked remembering what they were talking about yesterday in the club house.

Apple Bloom looked away frowning, "ever since they been dating Rumble and Button, we just hung out less..I didn't want to look like a fifth weel".

The red headed apple farmer didn't want to look awkward, being the only one who didn't have a boyfriend with her friends.

Spike gave her a concerned look, and hugged her as the girl gasped in surprise, he told her, "well, I'm back now..so you don't have to feel alone anymore, if you ever feel like hanging out and the girls can't, just come to me ok".

Apple Bloom hugged back and saying, "thanks Spike".

He pulled back, but keeped his hand's on her shoulders, Spike looked down on her as he was admiring her orange eye's.

Then they heard the School bell ring and walked to the school yard as Apple Bloom told the boy, "see you at lunch".

Spike said back, "see you at lunch AB".

Spike was walking to class, but he couldn't stop thinking about Apple Bloom eye's "huh.....never knew she had such beautiful eye's", he thought with a smile as he entered his class and took a seat.

The teacher greeted, "good morning class, today we are going to learn about WW2 history", the class groan, but Spike smiled happily because history was one of his favorite subjects.

As lunch time came around Spike got his food and was looking for a table, untill he heard some one call his name, "Spike, over here", he turned around and saw the Apple Bloom Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle with two boy's his age he reconized.

He walked over saying happily, "Button Rumble, whats up".

The boys first bump as Rumble told him and asked, "Spike, glad your back man, we're going to the Arcade after school, you in?"

"Yeah, I need a challenge, and I'm sick of just kicking Rumble ass in Marvel vs Capcom 2", said Button Mash.

Rumble glared at him and said through gritted teeth, "you got lucky!".

Button scowft saying, "luck has nothing to do with it, my friend cause it's all skill", he smirked.

Spike shook his head, "man, I missed you guy's", he chuckled as he sat down and ate.

As Spike and his friends were laughing and talking, he heard a voice he wish he didn't hear, "well well well, if it isn't the cry baby loser", he turned around and there stood two girls his age he wished he didn't see again.

He glared daggers at them, "what the hell do you want Diamond Tiara!", he yelled as old memories of his ex started coming to him.

"Oh nothing, just wanted to see the boy that cuts himself", she said smirking and looked at her friend Silver Spoon

"Was it true Silvy", she asked her friend who nodded, eventually she found out what the boys dark secret was before he moved away.

Spike clench his fist before he turned back around, "I don't do that no more, so leave us alone Diamond..you done enough to me".

The girl smirked saying, "or what? Your gonna cry? maybe cut yourself in the boys bathroom again".

Spikes friends looked at him confused and concerned while they can see he was grabbing his wrists.

He clenched his fist and asked in a low voice, "why..why you hurt me Tiara, I loved you and I gave you everything".

He turned around to face her and spoke up, "why did you have to use me?"

Diamond Tiara smirked while she spoke in a cruel voice, "cause you a loser, and still are...plus I never loved you", she laughed.

Then she stopped and saw Applebloom stand up with closed fist and glaring at her ready to pounce, the red headed girl told her, "you better get the hell outta here Diamond".

The rich girl smirked saying, "oh looky here Silver Spoon, a little talentless orphan sticking up for her loser of a boyfriend".

The she looked at Rumble and Button and gave a flirty wink, "If you boys feel like hanging out with real beautiful girls like ourselves".

She gave a smaug look to Sweetie and Scootaloo who was giving her death glares for flirting with their boyfriends, "give us a call", she smirked.

Then she heard people whispering, she turned around and saw everyone glaring at her and shaking there heads in disapproval, but she can care less of what people think of her.

She saw something much worse, four big sisters walking towards her, "so this was the girl that broke poor Spike's heart and caused him so much pain", Rarity said glaring at the rich girl.

Silver spoon hid behind her friend, the Main 6 heard everything, but Diamond stood her ground, "you touch me, I'll make sure my daddy let your parents know".

She smirked at Applejack, "If they are still around", everyone in the whole cafeteria gasped while the apple farmer restrained herself from ripping her head off.

Suddenly Spike was in the rich girls face in seconds, clinching his fist so tight his knuckles turned white.

"Now listen you little bitch...you can hurt me all you want...but if you talk about my friends parents like that again..I won't hesitate to do something that will get me expelled, and you a trip to the nurses office..now leave us alone".

The rich girl glared, then smirked and turned around and said, "you should tell your loser friends and family about those scars on your wrists", she walked away with Silver Spoon following her.

Twilight turned to her little brother confused asking, "scars?...Spike, what does she mean about Scars?"

"It's nothing Twilight", he said in a shakey voice trying to calm down as the bell rang, he walked away leaving his friends and sister concerned.

Rainbow put a hand on Twilight's shoulder and told her, "don't worry egghead, I'll have a talk with him during gym since I have it with him".

Spike walked into the boys bathroom, then put his head against the wall and punched it hard enough to leave a crack, he wanted to cry to let out year's of pain.

"Why..why now..everything was looking up for me until she opened her mouth", he said to himself through gritted teeth.

He shut his eye's as he thought about what Diamond said, "you gonna cry? maybe cut youself in the boys bathroom", her word echoed in his head taunting him.

Spike groaned, "your not like that no more..your not", he said to him before turned on the sink then rolled his sweater sleeves up and washed his face try to get his mind off of her.

He looked at his wrist that had cuts on them, then grabbed them remembering the pain he went through of realising how stupid he felt for being with the rich girl that admitted to using him.

Button and Rumble walked in the boys bathroom and saw the boy grabbing his wrists, Rumble asked confused, "hey Spike, how you get those cuts?"

Spike pulled his sleeves down and said, "It's nothing guys".

He walked past his friends exiting the bathroom, they looked at him concerned and confused, "you ok bro", Rumble asked as Spike sighed.

"Yeah...I'm good, come on lets get to class before we're late", he told them putting on a smile.

As they we're walking to class Rumble asked, "what class do you have next Spike?"

"Math, then gym", the boy replied with a smile, gym was one of his favorite subjects, he entered his math class as he saw he had the same class as Sweetie Belle Scootaloo and Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom was in the middle roll as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were two desks over.

Spike sat between Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle as the boy told them, "geuss we got the same class, huh girls", they nodded as they started to chat with smiles.

As the bell rang a teacher greeted, "good afternoon class".

"Good afternoon Miss Cheerilee", the class greeted in union.

She started writing problems on the board, Spike was thinking, "If Apple Bloom or Twilight finds out about my cuts, they will start asking Questions and wont let it be", the started during class work.

Next was gym as this is Spikes favorite class, as he got to the gym lockers, he was meet with Rainbow Dash as she asked confused, "hey Spike, what happened at lunch? what did she mean about cutting yourself in the boys bathroom?"

Spike stopped and looked down as he tugged on his sweater sleeve, "like I said, it's nothing Rainbow", he told her before entering the boys locker room to changed into his gym shirt and shorts.

With Rainbow outside even more concerned, she entered the girls locker room as she thought about what he said and decided to talk to Twilight after School.

As he walked out, his gym couch Iron Will called, "alright maggots, today we are running two miles", the students groaned, all except Rumble Scootaloo Rainbow and Spike as they made there way to the track and got in running positions.

Spike smirked and looked at his sisters friend asking, "you ready to be owned Dashie?"

They looked back at him with smirks of there own as Rainbow answered, "bring it on Spikey-Wikey".

Rumble and Scootaloo snickered at his nick name Rarity gave him when he was eight years old, they got ready as couch Iron Will yelled, "READY...SET...GO!!", they took off, but Spike was behind jogging.

Rumble looked back and laughed, "ha, Spike ain't that fast is he?"

As they got one mile done, Rumble Rainbow and Scootaloo were slowing down exhausted, "I'm getting tired", as Scootaloo said this, Spike ran pass them not tired at all.

Rainbow looked on in shock of how fast he was, "what the hell...how is he not tired".

Class was done Rumble and Spike walked out of the boys locker room dressed as Rumble turned to his buddy, "dude..when did you get fast and how did you not get tired?"

Spike chuckled and answered, "simple..slow and steady wins the race..and for how I got faster, I exercised when I was gone..to not think about that bitch Diamond", he said that last part through gritted teeth.

Rumble put a hand on his shoulder, "hey take it easy Spike, don't let her get to you".

He smirked, "besides...I think you might forget about her soon with Apple Bloom around".

Spike glared at him, "she's just a friend Rumble..besides i'm not sure if she likes me".

Rumble laughed, "man Spike, you have no idea do you?", the boy looked at him confused as Rumble walked away.

As School ended for the day Spike Rumble and Button met their girlfriends and friend at the front of the school, Sweetie belle asked, "hey guys? we we're going to head to the mall and we were wondering if you boys like to join us".

Button sighed saying, "we loved to Sweetie Belle, but we had plans ourselves", the girls pouted at that, then smirked as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo draped there arms over there boyfriends, and Apple Bloom put a hand on Spikes cheek.

"Button please...for me?", Sweetie Belle said pecking his cheek as Scootaloo did the same with Rumble.

All three blushed as this happened, the girls let go and gave them a guy's kryptonite...pouting face and big pleading eye's, they gave in saying in union, "fine, we're join you".

Then the girls cheered and high five each other, Spike interrupt them, "under one condition..how you do that?"

Apple Bloom looked at him, "what do ya mean Spike", she said confused.

The boy scratched the back of his head looking away saying, "you know..girls getting guys to do what they want, by giving a pouty face and big eyes?"

The girls giggled telling them in union, "sorry boy's, thats a secret that guy's will never know".

Hours later, they were walking around in the mall, the boys were wishing the could die as they were carrying bag and following the girls, "can we stop to rest, we been walking for hours", Button wined ready to drop the bags.

Sweetie belle rolled her eye's and told him, "Fine, just don't-THUD-drop the bags...(sigh)..you got thirty minutes".

Button turned to Spike and Rumble saying, "lets check out that Game Stop".

As they walked away, Scootaloo told her friends, "we should reward them for helping us", she turned to Apple Bloom and saw that she was staring at Spike with half lidded eyes.

Sweetie Belle smirked as she decided to tease her, "he's got a nice butt huh?"

Apple Bloom to distracted to know what she said and sighed with a smile, "he sure does", then her eye's went wide as she covered her mouth blushing realizing what she said.

Her friends giggled as she try to defend what she said, "I-I wasn't checking him out.. honest".

Scootaloo nudged her and said, "you need to ask him out".

With Spike Rumble and Button they walked out of the Game Stop and saw the girls talking, they decided to wait untill they were done so they sat at a bench nearby, they were watching them talking as Spike was staring at Apple Bloom with a smile.

Button caught this and smirked, "dude, you need to ask her out?"

With the girls, Scootaloo asked, "you still like him huh?", Apple bloom was looking away with a blush and rubbing her arm as she nodded.

Eventually Apple Bloom had a crush on Spike, before he met Diamond Tiara, but she was to scared to tell him from fear of being rejected.

With the guy's, "dude you are so clueless", Spike glared at Rumble.

"You know she had a crush on you before Diamond Tiara right?", Button told him as he was looking at the cover of Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

Spike turned to Button and asked, "how do you know if Apple Bloom has a crush on me or not?"

With the girls, Sweetie Belle told her friend, "don't tell Button this...but Spike looks cuter taller and stronger".

Apple Bloom turned to her, "he does?"

Scootaloo nodded and told her, "I love Rumble, but I aint afraid to tell what I think about other guy's, hell with him back..we can do things together now...maybe a triple date?", this cause Apple bloom to blush, but smile a little.

Sweetie belle saw the guys walking back she asked, "hey, what game did you buy?"

Button showed Sweetie Belle the game, she smiled as she looked at it, "Breath of the Wild..meh Orcarina of Time and Majoras Mask is still better".

It was already dark and they were walking back home, Button walked Sweetie Belle home and the same with Rumble and Scootaloo, now it was Spike walking Apple Bloom home.

As they reach her front porch, she turned to him, "thanks for coming with us", she said taking the bags with a smile.

"No problem Apple Bloom, if you ever need help with anything, just let me know", they stared at each other for awile, then looked away as they couldn't say anything else.

Spike was about to leave, but froze when he felt a pair of soft warm lips on his cheek, he turned to Apple Bloom who was blushing with a smile, "bye", she said before walking inside.

Spike smiled as he turned around and walked home, happy that maybe thing will
be look up for him, as he got home he called out "I'm home".

Twilight came from the kitchen with a smile asking "hey Spike, how was today?"

Spike answered with a smile, "bad at first, but good", he headed upstairs to his room to lay down.

He was in his room laying down staring up at the ceiling, he thought about today, "everything went ok, untill she ruined it a lunch..but Apple Bloom made that all go away", he smiled as he closed his eyes thinking about seeing Apple Bloom again, but the one thing he didnt realise, is he was falling for Apple Bloom little by little.

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