• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 9,378 Views, 592 Comments

The Teenage Life Of Spike - Spikemaster105

Spike fell into a deep depression after his girlfriend broke up with him. He moves away with his uncle 3 years later he reunites with his family and old friends but falls in love with a old friend and deals with a psycho ex trying to flirt with him.

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Kissed By Diamond Again

Silver Spoon slowly woke up in Thorax's bed under the blanket with an arm across his chest in her grey underwear, "it does feel nice, i guess the girls were right", she said with a smile and a blush.

Thorax slowly woke up and saw Silver Spoon awake, "morning Silver", he said with a smile.

Silver Spoon smiled back, "morning to you too", she said giving him a kiss, then she remembered what Apple Bloom told her and decided to try it.

She climb on top of him as Thorax blushed with wide eyes, "Silver, what are you doing, what if my mom walks in", he said doing his best fighting the stiffness below his waist.

Silver blushed, "Apple Bloom told me that she does this to Spike sometimes and i wanted to try it", she said before she started kissing him.

Thorax kissed her back and soon it became making out, "Thorax, Silver Spoon are you up-oh my..", Chrysalis stopped when she walked in on them.

They broke the kiss and looked at her with red faces, "mom, this isn't what it looks like, i swear", Thorax said with a pale face as Silver got off of him.

She giggled, "you two are moving up the ladder fast, pretty soon i'm gonna have the TALK with you Thorax", she said closing the door.

They got out of bed with a blush as they stood in their underwear, "i'm gonna take a shower, you can wait in hear if you want", Thorax said getting clean clothes and walking out to the bathroom.

"You were right Apple Bloom, it was nice being on top of him while kissing him", Silver said with a blush and a smile as she grabbed her glasses and put them on.

Else where, a girl around Twilights age with red a yellow hair was talking to an elderly woman, "are you sure he live in Canterlot grandma", she said with a frown.

"I'm sure honey, i know it's been years since you seen him and i'm sure he will be happy to see you", she said hugging her.

The girl broke the hug and pick up her bags, "i promise I'll call you when i get to Canterlot grandma, i love you, bye", she said walking to the boarding area of an airport where a travel plane was waiting.

Her grandmother waved, "i hope you find him and i love you too", she said with a sad smile.

With the girls hanging out because it was a Saturday, "so you slept in your underwear with Thorax huh", Scootaloo asked as the girls grinned at a blushing Silver Spoon.

"Yes, i did and it was nice like you said", she said with a smile and blushing still.

"Next up, the shower", Apple Bloom said with a grin as Silver Spoon's face became red and her eyes widen.

"Girls, i-i ain't ready to go that far", she said looking away as the girls giggled.

"Trust me, it will be the best shower you ever had", Scootaloo said with a grin as Silver Spoon was doing her best to not think about it.

With the guys doing thier own thing, "so you slept in your boxers with Silver Spoon in her underwear", Spike asked with a grin.

Thorax nodded, "and my mom walked in on me with her on top of me", he said blushing from embarrassment.

Spike patted his back, "same thing happened to me with Apple Bloom", he said with a shake of his head remembering that day.

"Did you get in trouble", Button asked with wonder.

"No, she let me be and told me that she was gonna have the talk with me one day", Thorax said as they started to walk to the Mall.

"Good luck man, it's gonna be one awkward talk", Button said while shaking his head remembering the talk he had with his mom after he started dating Sweetie Belle.

Spike grinned, "yeah, and then you can have your fun with Silver on your bed", he said looking at a glaring blushing Thorax.

"Not cool dude", he said trying to shake the blush off.

Rumble grinned also, "or in the shower, it will be the best shower you have, trust me", he said as Thorax eyes widen.

Thorax got visions of Silver Spoon in the shower with him, "i need to sit down guys", he said sittings down at a bench they were next to.

They turned to him, "why are you sitting...come on man", Spike said with a shake of his head as the guys figure out why he wanted to sit down.

Thorax glared at him, "it's your fault i visioned her in the shower", he said sittings down and trying to think of something else to make his hard on go away.

The guys stood around and waited for Thorax, "you know guys, it's not that bad to have a least half the girls in School to have dreams and fantasies about me", Spike said with a grin and a chuckle.

Rumble turned to him, "you know if Apple Bloom was here, she'll kill you right".

Spike shrugged, "yeah, but what are the odds of having that many girls having those kind of thoughts about you, i really don't mind at long they don't have a shrine or pictures of me on their mirrors", he said with a shudder.

Button smirked, "you think Diamond has pictures or a shrine of you in her room".

Spike glared, "don't joke like that man", he said with a shudder.

Rumble decided to mess with him, "what if she starts calling you Senpai and starts stalking you at night hiding in the bushes", he said with a smirk.

Spike shuddered, "shut up Rumble, thats more disturbing then it is funny", he said glaring at him.

Thorax smirked while sitting down, "she probably thinks of you in the shower", he said with a laugh as Spike glared at him.

"Yeah, maybe she has a pair of your boxers and has it in a glass container", Rumble said as he laughed with the guys.

Spike walked away, creeped out and hoping Diamond doesn't do any of that, "i hope she doesn't", he whispered to himself with a shudder.

With Diamond Tiara walking around in the mall, "i wonder what Spike is doing today, he's probably wishing he can be in bed with me instead of that loser", she said with a smirk.

She stopped at a clothing store and looked through the rakes of clothes, "i wonder what outfit Spike with think i look cute in", she said with a smirk as she looked.

After a while she couldn't find anything and walked out of the store, when she did she saw Spike with his friends and smirked, "oh, the loser is not with him today", she said as she walked towards him.

Spike saw Diamond walking towards him and groaned, "what the hell you want this time Diamond", he said glaring at her.

She gave a fake pout, "i thought you will be happy to see me Spike", she said walking close to him.

"If Apple Bloom was here, i wouldn't stop her from kicking your ass", he said backing away with a glare.

She smirked, "theirs a lingerie store close by, do you wanna go there with me and maybe i can try a few on for you as you watch", she said with lidded eyes and wrapping her arms around his neck, he tried to get her off but she made a move and gave him a kiss on the lips.

Spikes eyes widen and pushed her off, "again, what the hell is wrong with you Diamond, what happened to me being a loser that cuts himself", he said giving her a death glare and wipping his mouth.

Diamond shrugged, "that was before the vote, so what do you say Spike", she said getting close to him and drawing circles on his chest.

Spike shook his head and walked away from her, "i hope you know Spike, that i love you", she called with a smirk.

He stopped, closed his eyes with shaking fists, he was fighting the urge to go over to her and punch her lights out badly, but he continued to walk away.

The guys stared at her with glares, "you messed up big time Diamond", Button said with a shake of his head as he and the guys followed Spike to check on him.

As they followed him, Thorax asked, "Spike use to cut himself, and what does he mean again, did that happened before?"

The guys turned to him, "she's Spike's ex and 3 years ago she broke up with him and admitted that she was using him to get stuff from him", Button said with a frown.

"Yeah, and Spike fell into a deep depression afterwards because of her and started cutting himself from a week", he said frowning.

Thorax shook his head, "that is messed up", he said looking at Spike thats at a distance from them.

"And not so long ago, Diamond kissed Spike at the park causing Apple Bloom to break up with him for a few weeks", Button finished.

With Spike, he was doing his best not to snap, memories of Diamond and him together when she was with him, telling him she loved him whenever they were together.

Spike gritted his teeth, "she has no dam right to tell me that she loves me", he said doing his best not to shed a tear in public.

At Canterlot airport, the girl was walking to a cab and put her bags in the trunk, she and the driver got in as they drove off, she pulled out a picture of her and Flash Sentry when they were little kids before he moved to Canterlot.

She smiled, "i miss you Flash, and I'm sorry for hurting you all those years ago", she said with a frown.

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