• Published 26th Jun 2017
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The Teenage Life Of Spike - Spikemaster105

Spike fell into a deep depression after his girlfriend broke up with him. He moves away with his uncle 3 years later he reunites with his family and old friends but falls in love with a old friend and deals with a psycho ex trying to flirt with him.

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Close Call

With Twilight and the girls, she was cooking getting dinner stuff out when she thought she saw something outside in Flash's back yard, she stopped what she was doing and checked to see what it was, after awhile she shrugged thinking it was nothing and continued to do what she was doing.

As the girls were talking to Sunset trying to make her feel better, Silver caught something outside in the corner of her eye, she got up looking at the backyard to check what it as everyone looked at her confused.

"What wrong Silver", Apple Bloom asked confused.

"I thought i saw something in the backyard, i think it was a person", she said hoping it wasn't Pharynx, she took her glasses off clean them with her shirt and put them back on again, the girls started to become worried as they started texting their boyfriends.

As they were doing that, they heard a cooking pan hitting the floor as they jumped at that, the girls became scared as Rarity Applejack and Rainbow Dash got ready to defend their little sisters.

Then their worst fear came true as Pharynx walked out of the kitchen with his hand over Twilights mouth with a smirk, "hey girls, miss me", he told them as the girls can see that Twilight was scared.

The girls got ready to defend themselves knowing he is outnumbered, they heard knocking thinking it was their boyfriends, but instead found the rest of the Changeling gang with smirks as they became scared and backed up as they walked in and shut the door.

"What do you say fella, she we have some fun with them", Pharynx said as they nodded, Fluttershy and Sweetie Belle and Sunset felt tears in their eyes as they was scared now.

Applejack made a move and punched Pharynx in the face causing him to let go of Twilight and put a hand over it in pain, the girls ran to Flash's room and locked themselves in it.

Pharynx shook his head and glared at the door saying, "i want that cowgirl, she's tough and when we get them, pick a girl to have your fun with boys", they grinned as they walked up to the door trying to break it down.

The girls heard what they said and felt tears in their eyes, including Rainbow Scootaloo and Applejack knowing they never been this scared before, the started looking for a place to hide as they called their boyfriends phones.

With the guy, they were on the second floor of the building looking for the Changeling gang when their phones went off at the same time, they jumped at the sudden noise and answer the phone, when they did they can hear the panicking voices of the girls and a door being slammed.

"Apple Bloom, whats wrong", Spike asked concerned.

"It's Pharynx and his crew, he's at the house", he heard Apple Bloom say in a scared voice, then the guys heard the door break open and the girls screaming, they hanged up and ran down stairs and towards the back entrance concerned for their girlfriends and sisters.

With the scared girls in tears, they were looking at Pharynx and his crew grinning as they were looking at them, "alright boys..pick a girl", Pharynx told them as the girls eyes widen in fear.

"Hmm, i choose..this one", one of the crew members said as he grabbed a frightened Sweetie Belles arm as she was crying and reaching out for Rarity and being dragged away.

"N-No, not my little sister please", Rarity begged in tears as she tried to get up to stopped him, but only to get shoved back down.

"Next", Pharynx told his crew.

"I choose this bookworm as payback for what that asshole did to me", one of the crew members said as he grabbed a frightened Twilights arm and dragged her off as she was in tears.

"Screw it, let's all pick a girl at the same time", Pharynx told them as he grabbed a frightened Applejacks arm as his crew did the same thing with the frightened girls.

The guys made it to the house as Flash quickly unlocked the door and ran in with the group, they saw Pharynx and his crew holding the scared teary eyed girls by the arms as they noticed Sweetie Belle and Twilight were missing.

Flash took his baseball bat out and rushed them, they let the girls go in a panick as they dodged the swings and fought their way out with the guys, they ran out the door leaving two of their crew members behind.

"Please stop", they heard Twilight cry as Spike and Flash's eyes widen and rushed to the room where they saw a crew member on top of her with his pants unbuckled.

He was trying to pull her panties down from under her skirt with one hand and trying to hold her down with the other, they gritted their teeth in rage and pulled him off and started kicking his ass.

"Let me go please", they heard Sweetie Belle cry as Buttons eyes widen and ran to where he heard it, there he saw his girlfriend with no shirt and bra on and in tears, he rushed the guy and started beating the crap out him.

Sweetie Belle was putting her bra and shirt on scared as Rarity rushed into the room and hugged her sister as she hugged back in tear's.

An angry Button dragged the Changeling crew member out to the living room as an angry Spike and Flash dragged another crew member out as Apple Bloom Scootaloo and Silver Spoon checked on Sweetie Belle and group hugged her.

Twilights friends group hugged her as the two Changeling crew members looked around and realised they are surrounded and the rest of the crew left them behind, "l-listen..can't we talk this out", one of them said with a sheepish smile.

After awhile, police were at Flash's house as they took the two Changeling crew members out the house with handcuffs as Flash was telling a cop what happened, the groups parents came running or driving up to the house concerned.

"What happened, is everyone alright", Velvet asked concerned as her and her husband checked on Spike and Twilight as the other parents checked on their daughters or sons or little sisters.

"After what happened to Sunset, me and the guys went to go look for those punks for what Pharynx did, we couldn't find them and as we were looking for them we got a call from the girls saying that they were in the house", Spike told his folks as Twilight nodded drying her eyes.

"They tried to drag us off to the rooms and tried to rape us, one of the guys was trying to pull my underwear down from under my skirt as he held me down, and then Spike and Flash stopped him and beat the crap out of him", Twilight told them as she hugged her brother and thanked him as he hugged back glad she was alright.

Cookie Crumble and Hondo Flank was hugging and teary eyed Sweetie Belle and Rarity, they found out that their youngest daughter almost got raped and glad it didn't happened.

Big Mac was hugging both of his teary eyed little sisters, glad that nothing bad happened to them.

Windy Wistles and Bow Hothoof was group hugging both their teary eyed daughter, glad that nothing bad happened to them, they know how tough they are but it must of been something really bad to get them teary eyed.

Melanie Mash and her husband was checking on Button as he was telling them what happened, "so that awful boy was trying to rape Sweetie Belle", she said as he nodded.

Chrysalise and Discord were checking on Thorax as he was telling them what happened.

A teary eyed Fluttershy was hugging Comper since her folks and brother live far as he was glad she was alright, "i'm glad they didn't hurt you Fluttershy", he told her as he kissed her head.

Silver Spoons parents were hugging their teary eyed daughter, they were glad nothing bad happened to her because of those punks, "i'm glad those punks didn't hurt you Silver", Mr Spoon told his daughter frowning.

Flash finished telling the cop about what happened, he even told him about the time they jump him and raped his sister and stabbed and attacked his girlfriends brother.

After the cop wrote everything down, he thanked him for the information and promised to keep a look out for them, he got in his vehicle and drove of to the police station with the other cop cars.

Sunset hugged her brother as he told her that he's glad that she's alright and glad Pharynx didn't try to finish what he started, the parents and big brother of the girls thanked the guys with hand shakes or hugs for saving their daughters from being raped.

The girls hugged and kissed their boyfriends with frowns as they were glad they made it to the house in time, the girls asked their parents or big brother if their boyfriends can spend the night, they let them knowing their daughters need their company tonight.

At the Sparkle residents with Spike Apple Bloom and Sunset laying in bed in their underwear in his room, "i'm glad they didn't do anything to you girls", he told them both as he gave them both a kiss each and pulled them close as they had an arm across his chest holding him with frowns.

At Flash's place, he was in his room with Twilight laying down in bed holding each other close, "thank you for saving me Flash, i really thought he was gonna do something", she told him feel tears in her eyes as he kissed her head.

"They won't hurt you again, I'll make sure of it", he told her as he pulled her close, he was thinking of an idea of attacking them after School tomorrow with the guys.

All the guys were at their girlfriends place holding them close in bed, they were thinking the same thing as Flash, and that is to look for them after School and beat the crap out of them.

With the Changeling gang, they realised two of their members got busted and won't be out for year's maybe, they decided to call the other Changeling gang in another town.

After they finished talking to the other Changeling gang, Pharynx had a evil smirk knowing those girls are gonna get hurt because of the guys, "we almost had our fun, but maybe we should let the female Changeling gang from out of town have their fun with the guys", he told his crew as the murmured among each other.

"You sure that's a good idea Pharynx, letting the female gang hit and flirt and seduce those assholes in front of their girlfriends", one of the crew members told the leader as the rest nodded wondering the same thing.

"Of course it is, maybe they can lead them into a trap and we'll make them pay", Pharynx told him as they opened their hideout.

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