• Published 26th Jun 2017
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The Teenage Life Of Spike - Spikemaster105

Spike fell into a deep depression after his girlfriend broke up with him. He moves away with his uncle 3 years later he reunites with his family and old friends but falls in love with a old friend and deals with a psycho ex trying to flirt with him.

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School Singing Competition Coming Up

The next day, Spike woke up with a smile, he sat up and stretched he groaned and grabbed his stomach, "it hurts when i stretched", he said getting out of bed and changing.

After he washed up, he went downstairs to eat, "morning everyone", he said with a smile, sitting down at the table.

"Morning Spike", they greeted back in union.

Twilight turned to him, "hows your wounds", she said eating.

Spike lightly touched his stitched wounds, "it kinds hurts when i shower", he said with a frown.

After Velvet set a plate in front of Spike, he started to eat and after he swallowed the food, he groaned holding his stomach.

Twilight saw him and asked concerned, "Spike, you ok?"

He nodded, "it's nothing Twilight, it just hurt a little to eat", he said taking another bite.

When he was done, he walked out with his friends to School as they were planning what to do after School since it was a Friday.

Sweetie Belle thought of something, "we can go to the mall after School", she said as the rest of the girls agreed.

Spike and the guy's got visions of themselves holding bags and shook their heads, "nope, i'm not carrying bags again", Button said remembering the last time they went to the mall.

The girls pouted, "why not Button", Sweetie Belle complained.

"Because the last time we went to the mall, my arms felt numb after carrying your bags", he said with his arms crossed.

Spike and Rumble laughed, "we weren't complaining about carrying bags", Spike chuckled.

Rumble laughed, "dude like we said before, you need to start working out", he said with a laugh as Button glared at him.

Sweetie Belle went up to him and draped her arms around his neck, "come on Button, for me pleeease", she said with big pleading eyes and a pout.

Button looked away and somehow fought the pleading look off, "nope", he said backing up a little.

Sweetie Belle thought of something, then she slowly grinned with a blush, "Button, its a Friday..so if you do this for me..", she whispered the rest in his ear as Buttons eyes slowly turned to pinpricks and a smile grew on his face.

"The mall it is then", he said walking ahead of the guys as they stared at him confused, wondering why he changed his mind all of a sudden.

They follow him as the girls stood behind and stared at a giggling Sweetie Belle, "what did you tell him", Scootaloo asked as they grinned.

Sweetie Belle blushed as she told them, "have any of you showered with Rumble or Spike?"

Both the girls blushed red from that, never showered with a boy before, "n-no, i haven't showered with Spike", Apple Bloom said looking away.

Scootaloo grinned, "but it sounds fun", she said as she got a thought about one day asking Rumble to join her for a shower when Rainbow Dash is not home.

They followed the guys to School Sweetie Belle was thinking, "Rarity told me that she will be on a date with Thunderlane, and won't be back till later, so me and Button can have our alone time together, i just hope those pills i found in Raritys room works", she thought with a blush and smile.

It was lunch time and Spike and his friends were eating, and Spike saw Silver Spoon walking nervously towards them, he glared, "what do you want Silver, did Diamond Tiara sent you".

Silver Spoon stopped and looked away, "since i'm no longer friends with Diamond Tiara, i was wondering if i can sit with you guys for now on", she said holding her lunch tray.

The girls thought about it, then Sweetie Belle scooted over, "sure you can Silver", she said with a smile.

Silver Spoon sat down with a smile, "thanks Sweetie Belle".

Spike stared at her, "am i missing something here", he said confused.

Scootaloo turned to him, "when you were in the Hospital yesterday, Twilight found out it was Diamond that payed those punks to attack us", she said with a frown.

Rumble asked confused, "how did she know it was her?"

Sweetie Belle turned to him, "simple, who is the only one that Spike has a problem with", she said with a smile.

Spike was thinking, then it hit him, "Diamond Tiara", he said with a glare, holding hit stomach.

The girls grinned, "when Twilight found out, she was so close to putting Diamond Tiara in the Hospital herself, but my sister and Applejack stopped her", Scootaloo told Spike as she ate.

Spike smiled knowing how protective his sister was when it comes to him being in danger or hurt.

"And Silver Spoon told what happened to you, and stood up to Diamond", Sweetie Belle said patting her on the back.

Silver Spoon blushed in embarrassment, "i just had enough of her, so i did the right thing", she said with a smile.

Apple Bloom turned to her, "if you want Silver, you can hang out with us for now on too", she said with a smile.

Silver Spoon smiled, "i like that very much, but i don't want to be a 7th wheel to you guys", she said with a frown.

Sweetie Belle patted her back, "don't worry about that", she said with a smile as the bell rang signaling the end of lunch.

As they girls and Spike walked to their next class, they saw a crowd of students, they went to check it out and saw that it was a school flier for an upcoming singing competition.

"School singing competition next Monday, first prize get 2000$ cash, second gets 1000$, third gets 500$, who ever came up with this..is a genius", Scootaloo said with a grin.

Sweetie Belle put a finger to her chin looking at the flier, "why would the School have money for a prize, can they do that", she said with wonder.

Diamond Tiara walked in the crowd mad, "because thats my money, my father grounded me for what i did and as a punishment, he talked to Principle Celestia and vice Principle Luna and convinced them to hold a singing competition and put my allowance as 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize", she said with gritted teeth.

Apple Bloom smirked, "serves you right for what you did to my boyfriend", she said with a glare.

Diamond shrugged, "so Silvey, i see your hanging out with the losers and Spike", she said turning to her former friend.

Silver Spoon glared, "don't call me Silvey no more, and yes i'm hanging out with them, what you did to Spike was wrong Diamond and thats why we are no longer friends", she said with a frown.

Diamond smirked, "whatever, be a loser like them then, but i'm gonna sign up to get some of my money back", she said grabbing the pen and signing her name.

She turned to Spike, "i gonna sing a special song for you Spikey", she said walking away while giving him a flirty wink.

Spike groaned, "the bitch don't know when to quit, even after she had me stabbed and put in the Hospital", he said getting frustrated with her, but saw the flier and got an idea.

Apple Bloom gritted her teeth with a glare and was gonna beat the living crap out of her, but Spike stopped her with a smirk.

"I know a way for you and me to get back at her", he said pointing to the prize as Apple Blooms saw it and smirked as her and Spike sighned their names on the list.

Sweetie Belle sighned her name also, shocking her friends, "Sweetie, your gonna sing", Scootaloo asked surprised.

Sweetie Belle blushed in embarrassment, "i sing too, but only in the shower", she said with a smile.

Then she smirked, "plus if i get second or third, it will really tick Diamond off, knowing i got her money", she said smiling.

Scootaloo sighed her name and Rumbles with a smirk, "i want Diamonds money too", Scootaloo said with a grin.

"No hard feelings whoever wins girls", Apple Bloom said sticking her hand out.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo shook her hand and said in union, "no hard feelings", they said with a smile.

After School, the group were waiting for Silver Spoon, when they saw her, they were surprised to see her walking over with a boy around their age.

"Sorry i took so long girls, i was talking to Thorax", she said with a blush.

The guys looked at him, "your the guys that stood around and did nothing when i got stabbed", Spike said as the guys glared at him.

He looked down gritting his teeth, "i wanted to help you, but i was too scared", he said with a frown.

Spike shook his head, "whatever man, lets just go", he said as he and the guys walked ahead of the girls.

Thorax continued to look down, "Thorax, don't be afraid to do the right thing, like i did", Silver Spoon told him with a smile.

Thorax looked up with a small smile, "Thanks Silver", he said walking towards the guys as Silver Spoon stared at him walking away.

She turned and saw the girls giggling at her, "what", she asked.

Sweetie Belle grinned, "is something going on between you and Thorax", she said causing Silver Spoon to blush.

"N-No, why", she said looking away.

Apple Bloom giggled, "don't worry, you won't be a seventh wheel for long", she said with a grin.

Silver Spoon blushed, "i hope you don't mind girls, but i bumped into Thorax and asked if he wanted to join us".

Scootaloo shook her head, "not at all, i just hope the guys won't mind eather", she said as the girls nodded following there boyfriends with Silver Spoon.

After the mall, Sweetie Belle walked back to her place where her and Rarity liv, with a struggling Button Mash carrying bags, it was like a Boutique on the bottom and living space on top.

Sweetie Belle opened the door for him as he walked in, she closed the door, "put those down over there Button", she said pointing to an empty spot, she noticed Rarity wasn't home so she smirked.

Sweetie Belle and Button went upstairs to change, Sweetie Belle walked in her room and closed the door, she opened up a small container and took a small white pill, "hope it works, because i don't wanna be a teenage mother", she said with a frown, then she started to take her clothes off.

They came back out in robes only, Sweetie Belle walked by Button and smacked his butt, making him jump in surprise, she walked to the bathroom and opened the door, she turned to him and called him with her finger with lidded eyes and a smile, telling him to join her.

Button grinned and ran to her as she giggled, "this is my reward to you for carrying the bags", she told him as she closed the bathroom door.

1 hour later, Thunderlane was walking Rarity up to her house with an arm around her, "i really had a good time Thunderlane, you are such a gentleman", she said kissing him.

Thunderlane smiled and kissed her back, "and you are such a lady, a beautiful and sexy one too", he said with a smirk.

Rarity blushed and gave him bedroom eyes, "careful dear, i might show you a unlady like side of me if you keep that up", she told him with a smile.

He smirked, "but didn't you show me the night your sister was camping with her friends".

"Thunderlane", she shrieked with a red face.

He chuckled, "i'm joking, but it was our first wasn't it", he asked with a smile.

She smiled, "it was and it was magnificent", she said hugging him as she reached her home.

Thunderlane kissed her goodbye, "bye Rarity, love you", he said with a smile.

Rarity smiled, "i love you too Thunderlane, bye", she said watching him walk away.

She unlocked her home and called, "Sweetie Belle darling, i'm home", she got no answer and noticed the bags on the counter.

She heard the shower running and walked upstairs, as she got closer she put her ear on the bathroom door and can hear moans of pleasure, her eyes widen, "Swe-Sweetie Belle", she mumbled before she fainted in front of the door.

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