• Published 26th Jun 2017
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The Teenage Life Of Spike - Spikemaster105

Spike fell into a deep depression after his girlfriend broke up with him. He moves away with his uncle 3 years later he reunites with his family and old friends but falls in love with a old friend and deals with a psycho ex trying to flirt with him.

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Hangover And A New Enemy

The next morning at Silver Spoons house, the place was a mess just like Diamonds house party, plastic cups and paper plates everywhere with a trashed house.

In one of the rooms, Lyra was asleep naked on top of a naked sleeping Snips that had a smile that said he had a great time, he slowly woke up groaning and saw Lyra naked on top on him with her hair a mess.

"Ha, wait till Snails hear about this, i can't believe i lost my viginity to a hotty", he said with a grin.

She slowly woke up rubbed her head groaning and not knowing what happened last night, she opened her eyes and sat up to see she was on someone.

She noticed it was Snips looking at her naked body with a grin as her eyes widen and screamed covering herself.

They got out of the bed with a mean headache but didn't care, Lyra couldn't believe she slept with one of the most doofiest teens in School.

They put their clothes on and walked out of the room as Lyra was disgusted and Snips had a grin.

They bumped into disgusted Bon Bon and grinning Snails in the hallway, "i think i slept with Snails last night, my god the horror..lets never drink again Lyra", she said with a shiver as Lyra nodded as Snips and Snails high fived and congratulating each other with grins for losing their viginities to hotties.

Lyra looked at the time to see it was 12:00 in the afternoon, they felt mean headache and decided her and Bon Bon should go home and lay in bed together untill the headaches stop, the 4 of them started walking downstairs and saw 2 angry adults walk upstairs pass them.

The adults opened their daughters room to find her asleep and naked in bed without her boyfriend, her father quickly turned around as her mother walked up to her and shook her a little to wake her up.

"Uhh, what happened last night..mom..dad....MOM DAD, uhh i can explain", Silver Spoon said covering herself and putting her glasses on with a sheepish smile as she realised Thorax wasn't in bed with her.

"Your grounded for 1 week, go take a shower so you and your friends can clean this place up", her mother said with a stern voice untill they heard a scream and her husband.

"What the hell your doing in my room", they heard him say as they saw him run passed the door after a naked teen boy and girl covering themselves.

Silver Spoon looked down and got out of bed to put her robe on, she walked to the bathroom with her head down as her mom called her friends folks and see if her daughters friends can help clean the house up.

At the Sparkle residents, Spike was barely waking up slowly with a mean headache and groaning, he looked around and saw he was home in his room in bed, "whatever the hell happened last night, i don't care because that bitch is gone", he said with a smile before he groaned grabbing his head.

He got out of bed and saw he was in his boxers, he put his clothes on and walked out the room with a headache, he walked downstairs to find his folks and Twilight eating, he walked in the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"I see your finally up sweetie", Velvet said with a smirk knowing he has a hangover.

"Mom, not so loud..and how did I get home", he said groaning and grabbing his head.

"We found out you were at Silver Spoons party and picked you up, and your grounded for a week mister, after you shower up your going to her place to help her clean up after the party cause her mom and dad called", she said scolding him.

"Ok mom..what else happened last night", he said as he was drinking water.

"We caught you and Apple Bloom in bed in one of the rooms going at it, you were wondering if Sunset was with us so she can join you guys, hell you guys went at it in front of us with the door opened", Night Light said with a stern look.

"What, my god I can't believe my parents and sister saw my junk and having sex in front of them", Spike said disturbed by it.

"Relax Spike, we seen you naked from a new born to 7 years old..you took a bath with your sister more then once when you both were little kids", Velvet said with a smile.

"Yeah, but that was when we were kids and we are teenagers, hell i'm glad i haven't caught Twilight naked with Flash in bed", he said disgusted by the thought as he held his head.

"Spike", Twilight shrieked with a red face glaring at him and also glad he hasn't done that.

"What else happened after that", he said going back on topic of what happened.

"I was helping you upstairs and you thought I was Apple Bloom and told me you wanted to make a woman out of me and kissed my cheek", she said looking away as hus eyes widen in shock that he told his sister that.

"After I was trying to help you in bed when you were in your boxer's..you pulled me on it with you thinking I was Apple Bloom and...you grabbed my butt from under my skirt and tried to pull my panties down saying lets have some fun", she explained to him remembering that disturbing thing her little brother did.

Their parents turned to their wide eyed son, "Spike, she is your sister..why would you pull her on the bed with you and tried to have sex with her", Night Light said giving his son a disgust scolding look.

"Twilight, i'm sorry..I didn't mean to grab your butt and tried to pull your underwear down...damit I must of been drunk off my ass celebrating Diamond moving away", he said feeling disgusted with himself for committing incest with his sister by pulling her on the bed with him and tried to pull her panties down thinking she's Apple Bloom.

"Its ok Spike, I forgive you cause you were drunk...I stopped you before you could pull my underwear down and quickly got off...then you fell asleep", Twilight explained to him as he sighed, glad that he didn't.

"Thanks Twilight, anyways i'm gonna take a cold shower", he said holding his head as he can still feel the headaches.

A hour last, Spike and the group were helping Silver Spoon clean her place up and trying not to throw up from the hangover, they found out that they got caught yesterday at the party drunk in bed by their folks or older sibs and taken home and helped to bed.

He saw Apple Bloom as they were picking up trash and asked, "guess you got grounded for a week too huh", he said chuckle as she nodded.

"I feel disgusted with myself Spike, Big Mac told me that last night when he was trying to get me to layed down in bed so I can sleep, I thought he was you and told him to make a woman out of me and wrapped my legs around him", she said covering her face disturbed.

"I said the same thing to Twilight thinking she was you before I kissed her cheek, and I pulled her in bed with me and grabbed her butt from under her skirt and tried to pull her panties down", he said shaking his head disgustingly as the group heard him.

"You grabbed your sisters butt and nearly had sex with her thinking she was Apple Bloom", Thorax said with a wide eyes as Spike nodded shamefully.

"My mom told me that i was so wasted, i thought she was Sweetie Belle helping me to my room and...smacked her butt telling her lets have some fun in it, i feel disgusted with myself", Button said covering him face as everyone looked at him with wide eyes disgustingly.

"I'm glad my mom didn't help me to bed, because if she did then i would have done something worse thinking she was Silver Spoon like...grope her or something", Thorax said feeling disgusted at the thought of that.

"Yeah, Big Mac told me that i tried to take his pants off and give him a blowjob thinking he was Spike as I told him that theres something I wanted to try that's big long and hard that I wanna taste and put in my mouth...I feel so disgusted with myself", she said feeling disgusted with herself again for trying to take her big brothers pants off thinking he was her boyfriend.

"Well, it was all worth getting caught partying and celebrating because Diamond moved away and i don't have to worry about losing you ever again", he said with a smile and giving her a kiss.

"Yeah, and me and Sunset can be the only girls to put our hands on this sexy body of yours", Apple Bloom said with a smirk as she put her hand on his chest kissing him back.

They started cleaning up the rest of the house and taking small breaks because of their headaches and trying not to throw up.

With Pharynx and the Changeling gang in their hidout, he was talking to them as they were pissed about getting set up like that a few days ago.

"Thorax, you and rest of those assholes just made a bad mistake, all of you's just made and enemy you wish you didn't", he said rubbing his shoulder.

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