• Published 13th Jul 2017
  • 4,215 Views, 461 Comments

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Squee ( A Comment Driven Story) - Down with Chrysalis

You, a brony, are sent to Equestria. The problem is, you're now a mute...good luck!

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Episode 9: Ice Cream With a Dragon

You and the purple dragon stare at each other

And stare…

And stare…

And stare…

You know the drill.

Denneylaw's Comment

Okay...just one wrong move can end badly for me considering dragon fire and all that. So by the power of Greyskull, do NOT startle him…

You gulp in fear at the thought of Spike (of all people) melting your face off with his fire and Skeletor's origin in the 2002 He-Man cartoon springs to mind.

As much as I want to be Skeletor, I'd rather achieve being all mighty and powerful in the hammy villain arts without having my face melted off. Wait...is there magic involved in dragon fire? Because if not then I'm pretty sure I'd just die or end up looking like Freddy Kreuger.

As you contemplate the logistics of dragon fire (wouldn't be the first time), Spike breaks out of his stunned state somewhat.

"He-hey! We-were you the one who got Alabaster Foxtrot and Alexander O' Carroll sick?"

Spike flinches when you gain a glare at this question, probably thinking he angered you somehow. But that's not the case, in reality you’re just pissed off that your escorts were friendlier with a dragon of all things, but not you.

Great, they even introduced themselves to this universe's punching bag before me!!! On the upside, now I at least know the male guard’s name now. I swear when Gilda's episode starts I'm having Pinkie prank them extra hard! If I can't do that then I swea-

Your rant on revenge is cut short and you freeze in shock when you finally notice how scared Spike looks.

I'm...I'm not that scary...am I?

His shaking just confirms your fears.

Better do something quick before he uses that fear to fry me!

MagicLover2128's Comment

Your mind rushes to find a good enough response and reaction in hopes of avoiding said fate.

Should I try and jump out of the window? You look to the window in consideration before shaking your head.

Na, that won't work. I’ll just hurt myself falling out, and I’m done jumping through glass. No, if I’m getting out of this, it’s showing this kid what happened and hope for the best.

You then quickly take your notepad and scribble as fast as you can how you ended up on Twilight’s bed. He watches you sketch in slight awe at your speed. You never were an expert at drawing, but the more you use it, the better and better your images are getting.

The first is a caricature of you running from a ticked off Twilight, conveyed by her mane and tail being on fire.

The next is of you finding the box to hide with your image self cowering and a question mark above Twilight’s head.

Then you show yourself hearing about the book from Twilight as she speaks to Spike with a speech bubble showing a book open and some random scribbles and pictures placed in the drawn book image.

You then show you going to find the book and now leading to where we are now.

Spike for the most part seems only slightly confused now, and less fearful.

“Alright, if I’m getting this right, Twilight was angry, so you hid, and then heard about that book she was yapping about?”

Dead on kid! You nod and point at him.

"Wait...you were able to hide from Twilight by hiding in a box right outside the library?"

Not the thing I thought he'd focus on, but hey I can work with that. And of course it worked! Cartoon logic and video game logic dictate it so!

You nod your head at Spikes question.

"Geeze, Twilight must be more out of it than I thought if she missed something that obvious," he sighs and shakes his head. “She was expressly looking for you for goodness’ sake.”

You take slight offense at the insult to your hiding skills, but at the mention of Twilight being out of it you get flashbacks to Lesson Zero and shudder.

Oh you poor thing, you have no idea what’s to come…

Stilling your fears of Future Twilight Snapple, you notice that Spike has once again gone back to staring at you, but you are slightly thankful that there's less fear in his gaze than there was before.

Alright good, risk of face melting going down. Though the thought of being scary to these guys makes me feel...ugh.
You’ve already scared Applebloom half to death earlier, and now here is Spike to add to that misery.

This will not do. No sir, it shall not! I’m going to wipe that fear off your face, end this awkward silence and staring, and make you smile just like my poofy roommate would. But how should I accomplish that…?

After a few moments of thinking you hear a lightbulb go off as you smile and...

BrownDog's Comment

Bestiebest's Comment

Do the most logical thing.

You draw on your notepad a picture of you and Spike and an arrow pointing towards an ice cream cone.

"Uh...you want to get ice cream?" he asks with a raised eyebrow.

You nod.

"Uh...Okay?" he sputters a bit nervously. “We have a few different flavors in the fridge. Do you like Rocky Road?”

Oh Heck Ya! Rocky Road For the Win!!! You smile widely and stand up. The sudden movement causes the poor drake to back up in startlement and you think a bit of awe.

"Whoa, you are giant!" he gasps.

You give him a blank look, surprised by his compliment. True you’ve towered over these ponies for a week, but considering you’re usually made fun of because of your height back home (smallest in the family) it’s still a bit endearing to be called tall. You’re not overtly short or anything, but at the same time you’ll never be chosen for a basketball team.

Uh... Your brain fails to come up with anything witty or sarcastic. It’s still running high on the compliment.

At your blank look Spike just chuckles nervously before making a 'follow me' gesture at you. This manages to shake you out of your little mind blank as you follow the drake out of the room.

He then nervously leads you to the kitchen where he gets the ice cream out.

You then start eating ice cream together in awkward silence, before he starts trying to make small talk.

Kazuma Michishige's Comment

"So um, why were you in Twilight's room?" Spike asks as he shoves a scoop of strawberry into his mouth.

Right to the point eh? You think as you bite down on the wonderful Rocky Road. You proceed to hold up the book you were skimming.

"You were reading?"

You nod and you hear your neck crack.

I’ve really got to work out my neck muscles…and all of my muscles for that matter.

"But I thought you couldn't read our language. That’s what Twilight said anyway," Spike points out.

Very astute, hatchling. You nod and wince from the pain and flip through the book pointing at all the pictures.

"Oh, I guess that makes sense. Though Twilight doesn’t usually look through books with pictures in them anymore, not since I was little…" Spike mutters.

Silence reigns as you both take a bite of ice cream. Well, he takes a bite, while you shovel 6 bites worth into your maw.

Another issue, You think, The silverware and dishes are freaking tiny. You stare at the baby sized spoon in your hand. I feel like a good portion of any money I eventually get (If any) will go to food just so I have enough to feed myself properly. If Pinkie didn’t eat the same proportions as me, I’d have probably wasted away by now.

You take another tiny bite, Now that I think about it, if I plan on becoming buff like Skeletor my diet is going to need a good portion of meat. I don't know how they view meat eating here, and for all I know, it could make things even worse. Also, what kind of meat would be available since a good portion of livestock have been shown to be sapient? I hope to God pigs are still just animals, I don’t know if I can handle not having bacon ever again! Your head is starting to hurt from thinking about this.

Wait, never mind it's just a brain freeze from the ice cream. You react normally and clutch your head and wait for the pain to fade, causing Spike to chuckle.

"Brain freeze huh? Even aliens get it I guess. Try pressing your tongue to the top of your mouth, it helps a lot."

You do just that and the pain goes away.

Huh. I can’t believe I had to get sucked to a cartoon horse dimension to learn that life hack from a dragon.

Spike chuckles at your dumbfounded face, and you give him the thumbs up, and since he’s got finger like claws, he understands your gesture.

To this, a thought strikes you,

It’s refreshing ‘chatting’ with a non hooved person. Maybe I should try to make friends with the guy. I already had ideas to make his episodes better, and that can be made easier by being bros. I mean, punching bag he might be, but he's also extremely loyal to his friends.

While you ponder this solution, Spike takes another bite of his ice cream and asks you…

Allstar13521's Comment

"So why was Twilight so angry with you in the first place anyway? You didn't do anything...you know, evil did you?"

You try and fail to hold back a snort at that.

I haven't done anything evil the entire time I've been here! Everything has just been a huge misunderstanding!

“I mean, she said something about you poisoning Foxtrot and O’Carroll, and knocking out Applejack…”

Okay, Mostly Misunderstandings…Mentally sighing at your uncanny bad luck you flip through the sketches you’d made at the Apple Farm.

You show him what you showed Twilight, though you have to add in you getting kicked by Big Mac, and Applejack drunkenly yelling at you, followed by table flip and bravely fleeing.

Next chance I get, I’m asking Pinkie for colored pencils to help speed this up, you think overlooking the boring grey pictures you’ve drawn.

Spike chuckles at the image of you flying through the air from Big Mac’s kick to which you just give him a deadpanned glare. This ends his chuckling and causes him to gulp nervously.

Ah come on! I'm not that scary dang it! You cringe and loose the glare.

A few seconds go by before Spike looks up at you. He more or less understands the situation, some things are lost in translation obviously, but for the most part he understands why you were running away.

"So...how did you know Twilight was looking for you anyway? I mean from what you...uh 'said' you booked it out of there pretty fast."

To this you just give him your best 'are you serious' look before showing him the pictures you showed him when you were both in Twilight's room. This causes him to chuckle nervously as he scratches the back of his head in embarrassment as he says,

"Hehehehe oh yeah...forgot you already told me that. Sorry."

You just roll your eyes at him before you suddenly get an idea. You smile at Spike as you draw out your plan before showing it to him.

"Wait...you want me to bring you to Sugarcube Corner?" he asks after studying your drawings a bit.

You nod your head at this and wince slightly as you think,

Yep, and by extension to the one pony that can keep me from being lectured. Plus if we stay here I’ll end up eating all of your ice cream.

This is true, the entire time the two of you have been talking you've both been eating the ice cream non-stop. You’ve already gone through three tubs by yourself.

"I don't know...” Spike says in confliction. “Wouldn't it be a better idea to just wait here for Twilight to come back? I mean I was supposed to contact her if I saw you, and she'll probably be cooled off by then...maybe."

And be given a lecture by Purple Smart? No thanks! You stare at him in deadpan. Besides she’ll probably have me go apologize to Applejack when she wakes up, and I'd rather avoid that problem till she's sobered up and this episode is over.

After that thought you draw a picture that roughly means that Spike could just be watching you for Twilight. You'd figured him being her number one assistant would make this seem like a more doable idea if he thought he was doing it for Twilight.

Of course you figured wrong as Spike seems even more conflicted then before.

Looks like the safety of Pinkie is out, you sigh. Maybe I can just bribe him with manual labor in exchange for his silence?

You start to draw out your idea of doing his chores in exchange for his secrecy, but what the little drake says next stops you dead cold in your drawing.

"I don't think Twilight would want me watching you. How do I know you won’t just up and hurt me like you did with Pinkie and Applejack?” he sputters nervously.

Oh come on! We had ice cream together! I'm not that bad...right? you wallow in somber. Spike’s accusations actually sting you a little.

You quickly shove away your doubt and decide to follow through on your plan of making Spike not fear you. You quickly draw on your note pad before showing the picture to Spike with what you hope is a reassuring smile. The picture you showed him...

Level Dasher's Comment

Has you and him high fiving, with the peace symbol in the background. Spike raises an eyebrow at this.

"So...you’re not going to hurt me?"

You throw you hands up in an 'I mean you no harm' way as you continue to smile at him reassuringly. His conflicted look lessens slightly, but it’s still there as he says,

"Well even if you say that, how can I know you’re telling the truth? I mean you did knock Pinkie out before, and now Applejack and those two guards."

You grimace at that as you think,

God I'm never going to be able to live that down am I? Come on little guy, please just trust me! Twilight won't listen to me so long as she thinks I'm even slightly evil! You’re my best chance of having an interpreter! You’re literally the only other guy in this entire town with fingers, finger bros have to stick together man!

You try to convey your thoughts to the drake, but your drawings just seem to confuse the dragon even more.

God I'm never going to get on your good side am I? Am I doomed to only have Pinkie and Luna as friends!? You sigh in defeat as you put down your notepad and look sullenly at the floor.

Before your thoughts of doom and gloom can get too overbearing Spike suddenly gains a determined look. Well...maybe more of a false-bravado look, but still he gets a look as he asks,

Kazuma Michishige's Comment

"Hey, do you like comics?" You can almost hear the fear and desperation in his voice and without thinking you nod, your neck protesting as you do so. Spike brightens up immediately. "I thought so. I could tell by some of these awesome drawings.”

You look down to his claws and he is holding your notepad, which is open to some of your doodles you did for fun. The best of which is Skeletor battling He-Man in different poses and backgrounds.

Those aren’t comics. Those are real life…or they will once I achieve my destiny and-

“Let me show you my collection! I’m sure you’ll appreciate them. They got lots of pictures." He grabs one of your fingers and starts pulling you from the table.

Dang, this guy has a grip, you grimace as your pointer finger feels like it’s being crushed. But it’s all good, you can ignore that and the sudden change in attitude because you feel relief that he isn’t terrified of you anymore.

As you pass the Havoc Staff, you look at it forlornly.

Soon. You mouth, and the Staff's eyes glow a faint blue for a second in response. You blink, not sure if you saw that correctly. Then you lose sight as Spike keeps pulling you up the stairs and back into Twilights room.

As you enter the room Spike drags you over to his little corner of it where his basket bed sits. In said corner you see something that makes your jaw drop. You see a good couple of mountains of comic books almost as tall as you. Spike sees your awestruck look and chuckles.

"Yeah I know it's a pretty neat collection. I haven't really had the time to put them anywhere just yet since Twilight needed my help reorganizing the library, then her personal collection, then her lab, then her-look there was a lot of organizing and reorganizing so I haven't really gotten to putting my stuff away."

That does sound like something Twilight would do, you chuckle and nod at his explanation. As you do, Spike walks over to one of the comic book mountains and looks though it. Eventually he lets out an 'aha!' as he picks one out and walks back over to you.

From the look of the cover it seems to be the first edition of the pony version of what you think is Batman. You are guessing this since you only have the picture to go by, still unable to read Equestrian. Spike notices your confusion and smiles, before sitting down and motioning you to sit next to him.

"I figured we'd start off with a classic, Batmane. And since you can't read, I figured I could just read it to you." You smile at this as you sit down next to the drake. As he begins to read the comic and show you the pictures, you can't help but think,

This better do the Batman justice, or there will be a very angry human at the comic store ranting!


Twenty issues of Batmane later and it is safe to say all nearby comic shops are safe from your nerd rage. You don't know exactly how much time has passed, but you know it has been enough that Spike is comfortable enough to sit in your lap as he read the comics.

You admit you may have had an adorable induced stroke when he first sat down, but you managed to keep it under control. You used to read like this with your little sister, and it brings back warm fuzzies. Spike, unlike your sibling, has a talent for narrating, and really knows how to suck someone into a story. He changes his voice for the characters, does the sound effects, and he even does a pretty decent impression of the caped crusader.

However, as much as you have been enjoying your time with Spike, you can't help but feel like you’re forgetting something important. Like there was a reason you came here in the first place....

Oh wait! The book!

With that thought you...

Greatness942's Comment

Place your hand over the comic book much to his surprise and you think disappointment. You smile apologetically at the little guy as you take the book from Twilight’s bed out of your poncho. You flick back to Megan's entry and since you can't read Equestrian you show the pages to Spike.

"Oh! It's that biped Twilight was talking about. Let me see!" he says, taking the book and looking at the pages. "Hmm...ah, it's just boring studies that Twilight would totally look at. I can't even understand half of these words," he continues, before flicking to the next page.

While he still looks uninterested, you notice something...peculiar. Underneath another childlike picture of what you assume is Megan, this time sitting on a picnic blanket with ponies, is what appears to be a map with multiple red Xs printed on it.

Wait...is Twilight or whoever had this book searching for Megan? Why? Because she's human? How would that work? She’s from the Eighties…and another dimension to boot.

There are, in fact, only four spots on the map that are instead marked with green question marks. One in the badlands, one in Neighagra Falls, one in the Smokey Mountains, and finally, one near Pinkie's rock farm in the San Palomino Desert.

Ooh, plot hooks. I do so love getting caught on those...or do I? Nah, Skeletor loves adventure! NYEH! You point to the map, which Spike looks at for a second.

"Oh! Could this biped be on one of the spots on this map?" he asks, to which you just shrug your shoulders at. "Well whatever these spots mean, they seem pretty remote. Twilight probably won't take you to them without trusting you first."

Yare yare daze...wait, that's Jotaro Kujo, not his grandpa Joseph. If I’m going to emulate someone, it’s gonna be best JoJo…though with my drawing skills, I’m more like Rohan Kishibe… You then shake your head from thoughts of having an OP stand like Heaven’s Door, and get back on track.

This isn’t going to be a problem. I have a lot of time to figure this stuff out, and plenty more to get on everyone’s good side.

To this, you simply close the book, causing Spike to look at you curiously.

It's like you said little guy, I won't be going anywhere till Twilight trusts me. No point in studying this thing till then, if we're lucky she'll get so curious she'll look herself. Probably drag me along for the ride. You convey this by shrugging like it’s no big deal, and pointing at him.

"Yeah you’re probably right. Well if that's it we still have plenty of comics to get to. You stopped just as it was getting good you know?"

You chuckle at the little dragon’s excitement as you think,

Hehe, reminds me of myself when I was a kid. In fact...

You smile at the drake as you...

Sunbro4life's Comment

Flip to a new page on your pad, and borrow some of his nearby crayons.

You've shown me some of your world’s pop culture, time to show you some of mine.

With that you motion Spike to watch as you proceed to draw to the best of your abilities, characters from one of the greatest shows of all time, Avatar: The Last Airbender.

You draw out scenes of the Gaang fighting enemies with their different bending powers, flying on Appa, and put into comic form the beginning narration from every single episode.

“Wow. Are these magical warriors from your world, or are they comics too?” You tap his comics in response and smile at his excitement.

Having this little guy on my side is going to be awesome. Maybe when I'm not always under constant watch we could play some D&D. I know it exists in this universe, and actually being able to see the people I'm playing with will defiantly be more fun than normal.

You never really went out to play D&D with what few friends you had, instead you would usually just play with them online. Less of a hassle on both yours and their end, but it always felt less...fun without seeing their faces.

We could even make it a weekly thing, with ice cream and an ever changing storyline! Your smile widens at that thought, but it soon disappears.

Then again it probably wouldn't last long. Being the universes punching bag tends to make the fun end eventually. But that won't matter once I have the Havoc staff. Then I can have my own snake mountain with minions and then I’ll be able to capture Castle Greyskull and be the master of the universe! Then I can play all the D&D I want with a dragon! Nyeh!

"Uh...dude?" Spike snaps you out of your thoughts as you look at the little drake. Of course you then notice that you started drawing your thoughts instead of the story of the Avatar, complete with Skeletor standing above a defeated He-Man.

“Are these part of a different story or something?” You nod, but then point from Skeletor to yourself.

“Huh? That’s you?”

You nod again.

“But it looks nothing like you. It looks kind of like a villain character if anything.”

You huff indignantly at that and continually point at the cartoon villain and yourself while holding your thumb up.

He’s what made that show buddy. He never gave up on his goals and he had much better sidekicks. Beastman may always be at fault, but at least he isn’t freaking Orko!

"So . . . Yeah I thank that's enough ice cream for you," Spike nonchalantly says as he takes the tub out of your flailing hands. Yep, even now you two were still eating ice cream. Yeah, you’re going to have to cut out on that if you ever want to reach your desired body form.

Spike shoves the ice cream away from you and him before he looks from you to your notepad, then the comic books. He seems to have a thoughtful look on his face.

Huh...wonder what's on the little guy's mind?

Your question is soon answered as he says,

When Twilight comes back, Spike is trying his best to teach you what he can about how to read, since Twilight hasn't taken any time out of her day to help.

"Hey...since Twilight hasn't really gotten around to it. Why don't I teach you how to read and write? I mean I may not be able to help you with really big words, but I think I'm still pretty good at it." You gain a smile at Spikes suggestion.

And to think you were scared stiff of me earlier. Now you’re offering me help with your language. Truly the power of comic books can bring any nerds together, no matter the species!

With that thought you are about to give Spike your answer, when the downstairs door is kicked open, followed by a shout of,

"Spike! Are you okay little dude?!”

“Rainbow Dash?” Spike calls out in confusion.

Oh God! Not that one!

Immediately after his response, a whoosh of air is heard, before a blue blur materializes at the top of the stairs.

“Spike, some ponies on the street say they saw that monkey thing entering the library and…” She takes in Spike sitting with you, with the comics and ice cream everywhere.

“Yeah, I know. I kind of already figured that out,” Spike says cheekily.

“Uh…” she sputters in confusion.

Then from up the stairs bounds an excited Pinkie (when isn't she?) followed by Applebloom.

“Hi Skeletor! I see you’re making friends with Spike huh? See Rainbow Dash, I told you you didn’t have to worry about anything,” Pinkie says cheerfully, bouncing the whole time.

You just kind of nod her direction, but your vision is placed squarely on Applebloom, who gives her own nervous wave.

I'd be a lot more worried if I wasn't so confused as to why Applebloom is here. Seriously why!? You then point to Applebloom while looking at Pinkie Pie.

"Oh she’s here for plot convenience silly!" Pinkie snorts and giggles while leaning against the still stunned Pegasus.

You can feel your eye twitch at Pinkie's disregard for the 4th wall as you think,

This is going to be a long conversation, I just know it. My poor aching hand...


Author's Note:

Look at the Brightside, if Rainbow goes all out you have Pinkie's fourth wall breaking powers to help you now!

And yes, this was my way of saying 'Pinkie can break the fourth wall like this, go crazy' to you guys. Just don't go too overboard with the jokes alright?

Lot's of answers from last episode's question. Allstar is pretty on point (seriously I cringed at that, poor little guy), and Level Dasher has a point with those pets. I don't think anyone can last with those monsters under Angels command.

For me? Rarity using him as a pin cushion. I mean yeah he has scales and all that, but come on! He's a living being, and a kid. Sticking needles in a breathing kid should not be something accepted by the general populous!

This episode's question is...

What is the best fourth wall break in media history?

From cartoons to movies, what was the best instance of fourth wall breaking goodness? You tell me, although I expect half the answers will be Deadpool related.

This is DWC, signing off!

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