• Published 13th Jul 2017
  • 4,215 Views, 461 Comments

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Squee ( A Comment Driven Story) - Down with Chrysalis

You, a brony, are sent to Equestria. The problem is, you're now a mute...good luck!

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Episode 1: It was an Accident!!!!

As the full force of what just happened finally hits you, you can't help but wonder just what deity hates you so much to make this happen. You also question just how unlucky you are for not only breaking an Element of Harmony on accident, but to do so in front of the six ponies who represented them.

You honestly would have gone on a tangent about this in your mind if you didn't remember that you have six very angry ponies in front of you who will more then likely pummel you into submission if you don't diffuse the situation right now.

With that in mind you do the first thing that comes to your head. You...

Wave at them seeing their unamused faces slowly back away try running for the door but before you get there the door shut by purple glow

Harness your inner skeletor wave your arms about in a wild fashion while trying to yell about He man

Wave your arms about wildly with a toothy sneer while attempting to say,

You Cannot Hope To Stop Me You Fools! I Have To Defeat He-Man! Nnnnyyyyeeehhh!!!

You were hoping that by showing that you are semi-intelligent they wouldn't outright attack you and instead try to talk, or rather in your case do charades, about the situation. Unfortunately, in your panic, you channeled the Lord of Snake Mountain, evil laughing and all (Not That They Could Hear It).

Your hopefulness is quickly squashed into paste by the very unamused faces on the ponies. Clearly showing that you're semi-intelligent with a hammy sneering face right after destroying their one hope of defeating any and all evil beings had the opposite effect on them that you were hoping for.

NO! Curse My Skeletor Complex! This always gets me into trouble! Just like the Walmart Incident! you lament, thinking over the many times you spoke in a high pitched nasally voice at the worst of times.

However before you can even think about making a run towards the door, Rainbow Dash suddenly breaks the silence that has been going on with your little staring contest with the ponies.

You are accused of working for Nightmare Moon/being Nightmare Moon in disguise, and Twilight attacks thinking that the end of the world is nigh.
Dodging out of the way of her magic spell, another Orb gets destroyed.

"What is this thing Twilight!?"

Twilight just glares at your semi-naked form in pure anger as she answers,

"I don't know Rainbow, but what I do know that this creature must have been sent to destroy the Elements of Harmony! The only pony who would want that has to be NIGHTMARE MOON!"

Your eyes widen at the accusation and, while the other ponies gasp, you just think in panic,

Wha-! Me work for Nightmare Moon! Lady I didn't even think she was real an hour ago, how the hell would I be working for her!? Then again I did just accidentally destroy an Element of Harmony and act like Skeletor so...

Your thoughts are interrupted as Twilight suddenly sends a blast of magic your way. Your eyes widen as you think/'say',


You do just that and dive out of the way, and the magic blast just misses you. However before you can even sigh in relief you see the blast of magic hit one the Elements in your stead. Yours and the ponies' jaws drop as the sphere is sent flying into the wall and shatters.

"NOOO!!!" Twilight screeches as she grips her face in horror.

Glancing at the shocked ponies you can't help but feel like if you could still chuckle nervously you would. Instead, all you manage is a nervous gulp.

“Watch where you’re shooting Sugarcube! There’s only three of them things left!” Applejack says.

“I know, I know!” Twilight says panicked. “That thing made me miss!” Magic then starts to form around her horn again.

God Dang it He-Ma- I mean Twilight. Curse you and your magic! There has to be some way to defuse this situation...!

Suddenly you get an idea as you…

Point to Fluttershy, gesturing her over to you. (use puppy dog eyes at need)

Quickly throw your arms out in the classic 'Stop! Whoa! Whoa!' motion. You closed your eyes while doing so in fear of more magic being flung your way regardless of your gesture.

“Um, I think it doesn’t want you to shoot it,” Pinkie points out causing you to open your eyes.

“Of course it doesn’t want her to shoot it, who would?” Rainbow snarks.

Even still, you put your hands up, without waving them this time and give them your best panicked and scared look.

“Perhaps this vicious brute is attempting to explain himself?” guesses Rarity, to which you nod furiously.

The glow around Twilight’s horn is still there, but she hasn’t fired and is giving you an inquisitive look.

“Alright, Explain Then!” she growls.

You can't help but sigh in relief as you think,

Oh thank God that worked! Now let’s just hope this next part works just as well.

With that thought you point over to Fluttershy, causing said pony to eep in fear. Ignoring the ponies deepened looks of suspicion you make a come here gesture. In hindsight picking the most timid pony to do this isn't the smartest of plans, but in your defense you figured she'd be more likely to come over since you’re a new animal to them.

However when she doesn't move you decide to get desperate. You muster up the best puppy dog eyed look you can think of, and while you’re sure your sister (and any female or adorable creature really) has you beat by a long run, you can't help but feel like your look was pretty good.

It does get Fluttershy to start walking towards you, albeit very nervously and shakily, so that must mean something. Of course you can't stop the swell of curses flowing out in your mind when Twilight pulls her back.

“No Fluttershy! It’s too dangerous!” she declares.

“Oh…right…” Fluttershy concedes before Twilight affixes you a glare.

“I won't have you corrupting Fluttershy with your hypnotizing gaze Servant of Nightmare Moon!"

You honestly can't keep your brow from rising at that.

Hypnotizing gaze...really? That has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard, what am I a vampire?

Facepalming you shake your head, before looking down and noticing the dust made from the shattered Element Orb.

You then gesture to the dust as you get down to it and start writing.

‘It was an accident; I’m not a servant of Nightmare Moon. Please don’t-‘

“Cut That Out!” Twilight shouts as a blast of magic hits near your foot, causing you to jump back in surprise.

“What the heck was it doing?!” asks Rainbow Dash.

“I don’t know! I’ve never seen those symbols before. It must be trying to make a spell with the remains of the Element!” Twilight theorizes.

Never seen…? You’re speaking English right now!...Aren’t you? You think in confusion before remembering the symbols on the banner you found.

Oh come on! You stamp your foot, and it looks like the ponies are about to charge you when you hold up your stop gesture again.

Okay, I have one last shot at this. Please work, Please Work.

Fortunately you know a little bit of Sign Language from recently going to a triple-feature of the Planet of the Apes reboot trilogy. Unfortunately this just makes things worse as Ponies don't have hands and assume you're casting some dark spell.

You quickly sign out in ASL,

'Stop' 'Me' 'Friend'

A few months ago, you had decided to learn some sign language after going to a triple-feature of the Planet of the Apes reboot trilogy. You figured that if apes ever did take over the planet via humans messing with nature when they shouldn't (again), then it would be helpful to tell your new primate overlords that you were not an evil human. Yes you have skewed priorities, but here you are now, in a situation very similar to what you prepared for.

But of course, in this scenario, you overlooked one important detail…these are ponies not apes.

Basically they have no idea what hands are (well besides maybe Lyra if Fanon was to be believed), so they would have no idea what sign language is nor would they understand it. So while you try to say the classic 'I come in peace' sign the unnerved ponies react accordingly.

"Twilight what in the hay is that thing doing with it’s…uh, claws?" asks Pinkie Pie.

"It must be trying to cast some sort of dark magic spell on us with the spell it wrote in the Element's remains. Quickly girls we have to stop it!"

Your eyes widen in panic as you quickly swing your arms back and forth in the negative fashion, but it’s no use as the ponies continue to charge at you. Knowing that negotiations have broken down, and you’re going to be subject to some murder magic from Twilight and Co, among other things, you decide to do what any person in this situation would do.

Run for you life!

Kazuma Michishige's Comment

Curse You He-Man!!!

You turn around, bust open the door you came in from just as Twilight tried to close it, and run like a b***ch down the hall, making a mad dash for the other side of...well anywhere away from the mares.

After the third step a purple bolt flies by your head, singeing your hair.

"Get back here!" You hear Twilight yell.

You redouble your efforts, and your attention is drawn to one of the mirrors near the end of the hall. You're not sure why, but you get the idea that maybe one of these mirrors could secretly be a door to another dimension. Hey, who ever said that there was only the one from Equestria Girls? With this Completely Logical Conclusion in mind, you aim at one of the mirrors, and run straight towards it. New world here you-


Or it could just be a completely normal mirror. You think in pain as you crash through it and tumble down some stairs.

After you reach the bottom, you groan and look down at your now lacerated body from the obviously stupid decision you have made. Shards of the mirror are now stuck in your upper body, legs, and arms. Though your feet and face have been spared, it is still extremely painful and you are also bleeding profusely. As the pain registers, you curl up on the floor and start screaming silently, of course curling up shoves the shards deeper in your body, making it even more painful.

Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Oh No, No Cute Magical Girls, Just Pain!

After you finally calm down and uncurl you realize that while the mirror didn't lead to an alternate world, it did however lead to a secret room, which explains the stairs you fell down. The place is somehow even more decrepit than the castle, as evidence by the giant hole in the middle of the room.

After painfully getting up you see the mares galloping down the stairs, apparently you being injured isn't enough for them to stop chasing you. Seeing no way out of the secret room you back up, more of a limp with all the glass, till your at the very edge of the hole.

The ponies enter the secret room, and you can see Twilight smiling smugly as she says,

"We have you now creature! Wait a minute why are you covered in-"

Not noticing Twilight's confused look or question you quickly preform the last thing you can think of to save you from your untimely demise...

Perform a Dogeza!

You bow before your dearest pony overlords, head pressed into the ground, hoping with every fiber of your being that your extraordinary display of servitude and apology will ease their rage. You get the shit kicked out of you.

You call forth your inner Undertale fanboy and preform a Dogeza!

You bow before your dearest pony overlords, head pressed into the ground, hoping with every fiber of your being that your extraordinary display of servitude and apology will ease their rage. It hurts like hell with all the glass pressing into you, but you ignore it in favor of survival.

"Nice Try Pal!" Rainbow growls as she lands in front of you and lifts your head head up menacingly with another hoof cocked. Compared to you, the Ponies are a little bigger than a dog, but even smaller dogs can mess you up.

"Tell us how to fix the Elements or I'll knock your block off!" she snarls, and spit flies into your eye.

AH! Horse Spit! It's in my eye! Ew! Ew! Ew! You panic as you throw your hands up to your face and accidentally slap Rainbow back.

"Don't you push me you chump!" she says indignantly as she gives you a shove back...which she realizes a little too late was a bad move as your body leaves the tender love of the ground.

bestiebest's Comment

There is a momentary feeling of weightlessness, before you suddenly feel the air rushing as you fall into the hole below. You wish you can give a cry of fear, but as usual all there is silence. As you fall you can't help but think,

Dang...300 deja vu much?

The last thing you hear the ponies say before you fall too far to even see them is Twilight shouting,


With that they disappear from your sight and you continue to fall.


Thankfully for you the author-I mean whatever deity above that made your life hell isn't heartless as you find yourself landing on a bed, though this does serve to double the pain of the glass in your body. Groaning, you get up and try to ignore the pain from the glass as you look around.

Looks like that hole led to a basement...at least all the old furniture suggest that. Whatever, at least I'm away from those crazy ponies.

As much as you want to hate them for attacking you, you know they were sorta justified for it. If you saw some strange creature destroy the key to your world's salvation you would probably attack it too.

Now if only I had my freaking voice so I could actually sort things out! Now some of my favorite characters hate me...Sigh...

Grumbling over this you realize that Rainbow has wings, and will use them, and that the hole isn't going to save you from her, so you limp out of the room and into a hallway. Closing the door behind you, you feel your way along the dark tunnel, until you come to another room with a lit torch.

By The Power of Grey Skull! You think happily, before your brain can register why there would be a torch down here. As you limp closer to the light, you notice a mirror, and learning your lesson, you don't jump through it. Rather, you look at your damaged body.

There is plenty of cuts and blood over your chest, arms and legs. You look as though you just came out of a Zombie movie.

Oh Jeeze, I gotta get this glass out and get some bandages on these. Maybe I could use the sheets on that bed...

You trail off on your medical attention plan as you notice a pair of draconic blue eyes behind you in the mirror.

"Well Well Well. What do we have here?" comes the dark feminine voice you heard laughing in the hallway earlier.

Gulping in fear, you realize exactly who this is.

And then Nightmare Moon happens.

If Nightmare Moon shows up, pray to Celestia for guidance. Hope she isn't snarky.

The Mare in the Moon, Nightmare Moon Herself!

Oh Dear God, Celestia, Hasbro, or whoever's listening! Please tell me this isn't happening, and if it is please tell me she's just a cliché villain and not a snarky clichéd villain!

Face to mirror with Nightmare Moon, you can't help but wonder just what you can do to save yourself.


Author's Note:

Only day one and you're already injured and cornered by one of the main villains. That has to be a whole new record!

Two days early and its all thanks to you all! I know I said five days, but I also said or till I get enough comments for a chapter. I just so happened to have enough, plus this story isn't really that popular yet so I don't have to worry on anyone missing out...I think

Now for those wondering why some comments are the actual comments, and others are just the name of the commenter, it is simply because those ones were too long and I didn't want to add a huge chuck of text that had to be read twice is all.

For those of you new to my style of ANs I usually put a question at the end for you all to answer. My way of keeping the interactivity alive you see. But I think I won't ask anything till at least the 4th chapter (episode 4), to let you all get used to the story first.

Anyway, this is DWC signing off!

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