• Published 13th Jul 2017
  • 4,215 Views, 461 Comments

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Squee ( A Comment Driven Story) - Down with Chrysalis

You, a brony, are sent to Equestria. The problem is, you're now a mute...good luck!

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Episode 15: Can't Talk + Angry Mob = Problem

For some reason, you feel as if you've been staring down this angry mob for a week. But shaking off that impossible scenario you take a deep breath and...

Greatness942's Comment

With your best death glare you embrace and welcome the staring this time. As the ponies look at you, some get intimidated and back off. Most, if not a vast amount of them stick around. One of them says,

"Buck this! I don't have to be this creature's-" and walks forward. Your response is to take a single, fearsome step, which sends that poor soul back into the crowd.

You better run. I'm Goddamn Skeletor. As the crowd starts to back off slightly, you decide to take a chance and take your eyes off them to check on Trixie.

It's gonna be okay. The mean gullible mob won't get y-HEY! You see Trixie trying to sneak off while you’re staring down the mob. Deciding that that is unacceptable you...

BrownDog's Comment

Do the tried and true method of scooping up the dog sized mare and holding her wriggling form at your side.

"What are you doing?! Put me down!" she thrashes but you don't comply. O'Carrol looks at your antics and shrugs as he starts trying and failing to disperse the crowd.

"Alright folks, nothing to see here. Move along." They of course don't. Eventually, Pinkie, Gilda and Spike come to stand by your side to keep the mob from doing anything drastic.

As Trixie keeps trying to get out of your arms, you cradle her like a baby until she calms down, though she seems embarrassed by the attention all the crowd is giving to the scene.

"Please put Trixie down?"


"Believe me Trixie, when Skeletor likes somepony, he doesn't tend to let them go so easily," Pinkie giggles.

"Yeah, even if it's embarrassing as all heck," Gilda adds. She even tries to drop a smoke pellet, but you grab it from her hooves and put it into your poncho.

Score! If I can get Trixie to stay, she can supply me with more, and even FIREWORKS! Glorious wonderful fireworks. The wonderful combustible explosive goodness of-

"Trixie is concerned, it's got a weird smile on his face..." she shudders and you focus back on the mob instead of the explosives that constantly got you in trouble back home.

"Don't worry about that. Skeletor always gets deep into thought about random mysterious things that we can't comprehend since the only form of communication with him is drawings," Pinkie hoof waves.

"What do you mean move along? That bragger nearly destroyed the town!" You and your friends snap out of the conversation and turn towards the angry, and now annoyed, mob who aren’t listening to O’Carrol. This outburst causes you to scowl, and use the ultimate defense...

Double middle finger defense

You proceed to use the all mighty double middle finger technique! This technique has been passed down your family from generation to generation. It's mighty power can stop even a raging bull for fear of the double bird. There is a tense silence as the crowd stares in awe at your mighty digits. You see some of them begin to back off and smile smugly.

That's right! Fear the mighty double middle fi- Your thoughts are interrupted by Gilda's sudden laughing. You stare at the griffon in confusion, but once your eyes land on her claws you realize why she's laughing in the first place.

Oh right...ponies don't have fingers/claws. So they don't know I'm flipping them off, but since Gilda has talons...Must. Resist. Urge. To. Laugh.

As you try to hold back your own laughter at the situation, the crowd seems to regain its backbone once again as the loud mouth from before shouts,

Kazuma Michishige's Comment

MagicLover2128's Comment

"Hey get out of the way!" One of the stallions in the mob shouts at you, "It's her fault this happened!"

You shake your head and give the mob a glare

Look, just because she told a story about defeating a Ursa Major doesn't mean it was her fault annnnd I can't talk.

You sigh as you realize it will have to be simple charades again, since you’d need both hands to draw in your sketchbook.

“Quit jostling Trixie around so much!” she complains, as you shift her to under your armpit.

Ignoring her complaint you begin to use your fingers and hands to focus the now confused but still temperamental mob on you as you sign and show them that Trixie is not to blame as she was not the one to draw the bear to the town.

You point to a certain cowering pair of foals who freeze as you point at them with one hand and make a bunch of gestures with your other hand in an attempt to show them that those two brats were the ones who went into the forest to lure the Ursa Minor so that Trixie could supposedly deal with it from what Trixie claimed to have accomplished on her travels.

As you now point to the now visibly tired and exhausted appearance of Trixie and give your best charade of explanations to show them that Trixie was still tired and was exhausted from most of her Magic from the show she put on and used up earlier that day, especially when she competed against yourself and others.

You then lead on to try and get across how it would have been impossible for her to combat or deal with the bear in her condition.

You hope you did your best in explanations and somehow have saved Trixie from a bad fate.




"You have any idea what this thing just did?"

"Nope. Sure we can't just run them both out of town?" You can't help but facepalm while sighing in annoyance.

Is it too late to let Nightmare Moon bring eternal night?

"U-um perhaps you should draw it out?" Fluttershy says from next to you. You try not to jump from the sudden appearance,

Jeez Flutters! You're not supposed to be able to teleport! You then gesture to the blue unicorn in your arms.

“Oh, um…we’ll keep an eye on her?” she asks. Looking from the unsure Pegasus, then to the crowd you just shrug and set Trixie down between Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

Don’t you go anywhere little Ms. Showboat, you scold as you pat her had, messing up her mane.

“Stop treating Trixie like a foal!” Smirking, you turn back to the rather patient angry mob and whip out your notebook.

Stupid Foxtrot burning the earlier pages, now I’m gonna have to draw everything from scratch! You think indignantly, briefly wondering where the heck she ran off to. Putting thoughts of vengeance aside for the time being, you begin to rapidly draw your points in a manner that would make Rohan Kishibe jealous.

Your efforts are so grand and amazing that anyone looking at it would say it was an effort that revolutionized modern thinking in a way that proved your eloquence and talent in writing.

Unfortunately, you're facing an angry mob of ponies, in which logic and eloquence have no effect.

"What is that?" One of them asks.

"Dunno," another with a torch replies. "I'm kinda acting on herd and mob mentality right now."

"So, get Trixie?" asks another with a pitchfork.

"Yep." The mob starts shouting angrily and moves towards you.

“Hey! Royal Guard Here! Hold It Right There!” O’Carrol shouts, only to be ignored.

You have never felt more insulted in your entire life. All of that beautiful work just ignored. You feel this anger build up inside of you until it blows up.

You stomp your foot and let out a raspy snarl, baring your teeth at the mob.

The effect is immediate. All of them wilt under the display from an apex predator and stop in their tracks, looking at you with pure terror.

What the hell was that? You wonder, I haven't gotten that angry, or acted that way since...no no bad memoires. Focus on the here and now, worry about past mistakes later. You put it aside in order to find a way to calm everyone down before they regain their courage.

However before you can even get a chance to do anything, you suddenly hear Twilight call out,

BrownDog's Comment

"What is going on here?"

"The search party we'd gathered earlier for the Creature was angry and trying to kick the showmare out of town. He’s intervened, but they have yet to disperse," the royal guard reports.

"Why? This wasn't her fault," Twilight asks flabbergasted at the mob who give her looks of respect.

I guess being able to lift a freaking King Kong bear carries weight around here.

"No, but it might be ours," O'Carrol says apologetically. "We didn't heed the psychic warnings." Twilight's eyes widen in realization.

"The drawing in the dirt earlier...He Saw This Coming!"

"Yes Ma'am. I believe that also." She then looks at you.

"But why did you run off and steal the staff back from the Library?" You merely point to Snips and Snails who look sheepish,

“W-well, we did go out into the woods to find an Ursa Major so that Ms. Trixie could fight it,” Snails starts.

“And then we found one, and it chased after us, but Mr. Skeletor saved us,” the crowd look incredulous at that, as if they don’t believe it.

What? I did save them you unbelieving pony pricks!

“Why in the world would you do that?” shrieks Trixie.

“To show how cool you are,” both of them say apologetically. Twilight just shakes her head in disgust.

“That was highly irresponsible you two. Waking a giant monster like that. And that was only an Ursa Minor! Imagine if you’d awoken his mother.”

“Well, we didn’t actually wake it,” Snails says.


“Yeah, we found the cave, but then we heard yelping dog noises, and this big blue light-“

Before they say more to incriminate you, you act fast to avoid unneeded complications by...

Master of Shadows's Comment

Pocket Sand!!! Throwing the smoke pellet that you just got from Trixie at the two colts.

*POOF* and SOMEHOW they actually vanish preventing them from recounting your assistance in waking it.

However you don't really focus on that, as you and the entire populace stare at where the two foals once were in shock.

I...uh....okay I'm really hoping I did not just teleport two kids into the stratosphere. Also, HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN!?!?

“Ohhhhhh…” you hear groaning coming from behind you, and when you turn around you see both foals groggily exiting Trixie’s wagon.

“What happened?” Snails warbles before flopping on the ground, Snips falling on top of him soon after.

“Did anyone catch the number of that carriage?”

“Are…are you two okay?” asks Twilight worriedly.

"WHO CARES ABOUT THOSE FOALS!" interrupts a heckler. “Her black voodoo can teleport ponies, but she didn’t do a thing to stop the bear!” You look towards the mob as another member begins speaking.

Puzzling Frost's Comment

"Yeah! Trixie still had boasted about taking down an Ursa Major, if she wasn't such a bragger she wouldn't have put it into those colts’ heads to go looking for one to prove her worth!" Many ponies nodded in agreement and look back at her seemingly angrier.

"Now wait just a second! I didn't tell them to go look for a giant bear! I was performing! Don't you know that exaggeration is a part of a performance?! How else do you think I gather audiences! Saying I'm the average and normal Trixie doesn't attract crowds or get me bits to eat!" an annoyed Trixie defends stepping next to you away from the “protection” of Fluttershy and Pinkie.

Half the mob seems to back down at that statement, but it still seems to not be enough. You even see the Elements in the crowd and next to you putting their heads down in shame for interrupting her show.

But before you could think over that the mare from before steps forward revealing herself to be…

HE-MAN NUMBER 5! The Bad Mother He-Man!

Spoiled Rich herself as she proclaims, "It's still your fault that those colts went off and brought a monster into town. Foals are easily impressionable after all! I was in the middle of my beauty sleep for Celestia's sake! You are still to be held accountable!"

POCKET SAND!!! You “screech” as you thrust your hands into your poncho pockets, only to find nothing but your implements. Damn It! Note To Self, Get More Pocket Weapons. I shouldn’t have wasted that smoke pellet on those idiots. This Rhino would be more deserving!

“And what are you staring at monkey thing?” she asks grumpily looking at your stink eye.

A Botched Nose Job Apparently!

The other ponies in the mob all still seem on edge, but the entire atmosphere stops dead when the sound of weeping is heard.

"It's not my fault! I didn’t know those kids would do this! I just wanted to rest so I sent them away. How could I have known?!" Trixie cries out tears in her eyes as she falls down next to you sobbing. That serves to turn a few of the faces sympathetic.

"I didn't bring in a bear to try and hurt anypony! All I've ever wanted was to bring joy to anyone who was willing to see my show, but nooo every time I perform it seems there's always somepony who wants to toss me out of town for my 'lame performances' and now I'm being accused of bringing a monster into town and endangering everypony! The only creature here who enjoyed my show and was willing to defend me wasn't even a pony!" Trixie looks up at you with such a heartbreakingly sad expression your own eyes start to well up.

Jesus… No wonder you went nuts in the show. You poor little-

She shuts her eyes tight and stands up with her horn glowing dangerously knocking you out of your reverie. She then opens her eyes and glares at the mob of now cowering ponies, with tears streaming down her face.

“Again and again I’ve said this wasn’t my fault, but you backwards hicks can’t get that through your stupid skulls! You want me gone? Fine!” she lifts a pellet up in her hooves.

"As far as Trixie is concerned you all can BUCK OFF AND GO TO TARTARUS!!!!" she screams as she throws the pellet down.

No Wait! I’ll protect you, don’t…go?

As the smoke clears, you see that Trixie and her wagon are gone. In the distance, you see her wagon disappearing down the road into the night.

Greatness942's Comment

BrownDog77's Comment

B-But…but I saved your wagon…I stood up for you. I…You stare at the spot where the wagon and the crying blue mare had stood not moments ago. A look of loss and puzzlement upon your face.

She still left, despite the deviations. Can I really not change things for the better? What the hell was all this for today then?! You begin to shake in rage.

“Skeletor?” Pinkie says nervously as you turn your burning gaze to the mob who all take a step back.

I just wanted to change it up a little. I hate reruns! But no! You little bastards just had to follow the timeline didn’t you? DIDN’T YOU?! Many of the ponies begin to shake with fear at your anger. Spoiled Rich especially seems drained of color in fright.

“Uh dude?” you hear Gilda ask with concern.

I hate when this place is too much like the real world. Judgmental jagoffs who think their Karma is in the green not listening to reason. Wouldn’t even give the time of day to someone different, someone who doesn’t fit the mold, SOMEONE WHO JUST WANTS TO BE LEFT ALONE WITH HIS CARTOONS!!! DAMN YOU ALL! DAMN YOU ALL HELL!!!

Then, you snap.

You thrust your fists outwards and scream your anger at their injustice to the heavens…and once again, the cosmic forces that be screw with you. For when you opened your mouth, you expected another piddly little yell, like your curse permits. So, you can imagine the shock when a blood-curdling scream emerges full-force from your mouth.

All of the ponies, from the Elements, to the background ponies, to even the resident dragon and visiting griffon, Every single one suddenly huddles together in terror as the previously silent human lets loose a raging scream of vengeance. And what does that fear inducing scream sound like?

"NNNNYYYYYYEEEEEEEHHHHHH!!!!" Of course it would sound like that, it’s who you truly are at heart. This yell is you, and it conveys the frustrations that have long plagued you before you even came to this Technicolor land. To these ponies, it is the most terrifying sound they’ve ever heard. It's so loud, and intense even dogs start barking. Eventually though, the air is exhausted from your lungs as your roar fades off and you start panting.

As you pant you rub your throat in realization of what you’ve just done. You try to speak normally... But of course, it yields no results.

Wow, real good cosmic joke. I can scream like a loon, but speaking? Nah, too much work. Just another thing in the long list of things making Lord Skeletor a butt monkey. You then turn to the townsfolk, who are either shocked, scared, or both. A part of you is grateful for this. It serves them right for how they acted, but a more overwhelming part of you is just tired.

Without even thinking, you turn and walk back to the Cake's Bakery.

Screw this. I'm headin' to bed. This whole damn day was a waste of time.

You turn and give everyone there one more long, disappointed look, as well as one more final middle finger salute before you leave, mentally grumbling the whole way.

Staadnauthursil's Comment

Sunbro4life's Comment

When you arrive at the bakery, it is dark and abandoned, which makes sense seeing as how practically the whole town was outside. Before you head upstairs, you raid the fridge since you hadn’t had anything to eat or drink since this whole nightmare began.

As you sit on your futon, eating leftover Macaroni and Cheese and stale muffins, you can’t help but fall further into melancholy.

Poor Trixie. Maybe I can convince the higher ups to put an APB on you before you go all revenge crazy. But I suppose that will backfire too somehow. Hell, knowing how the universe hates me Discord will get free early and turn me into a penguin or something. *Sigh*

After finishing your meal, you shut out the light and lie down.

I’ll talk with Pinkie later. I don’t think I can face her right now, not after how I scared everyone. *Sigh* I’m probably more unpopular now. Not to mention I lost another pair of hobo shoes, and Twilight will keep my Havoc Staff more locked up now.

You place your pillow over your head and pull your blanket over yourself.

It’s moments like these I wonder why the hell I’m even here…or how I even got here. If I can’t change things too much, then what’s the point? You let out one more sigh as you drift off to sleep.

I'm getting too annoyed for all this crap.


As you blearily come back to the waking world, you attempt to shield out the invading sunlight and fall back to the welcoming embrace of sleep. Unfortunately, someone’s having a conversation.

“Foxy, he stood up to that bear and stopped that mob from hurting that traveling show mare. Can’t we leave out his rage on the report in favor of his good deeds?” a male voice asks.

“You know as well as I do Oak that we have to report everything. Those were our orders. And don’t call me Foxy in public, somepony might overhear,” a female chides.

Hmm, Scandalous… you think drearily.

“S-Sorry m-ma’am,” the male stutters. “But seriously, we shouldn’t burden the princess unnecessarily. I’m sure we can still get this situation under control.”

“Too late on that front. The prized pupil has already sent her a letter. When it’s time to report, we will do so as Guards, not civilian hearsay. And the fact is that the creature scared an angry mob into submission.”

Okay, this is sounding less and less like a dream. Who’s in my… Room?

You don’t awaken to your futon in Pinkie’s room, but rather to a bunch of mattresses on the floor of a cell.

Pinkie?! What’s going on! Where Am I?! you silently screech in panic as you sit up.

You don’t see your favorite party pony anywhere, but what you do see is a downtrodden looking O’Carrol and a stern looking Foxtrot in front of your cage. They see you awakening and clear their throats before facing you.

“Good, you’re awake,” Foxtrot says. “Now I’m sure you’re wonderi-“

Kazuma Michishige's Comment

You get up from the group of mattresses and bang on the bars which causes them to jump back.

Let me out of here! I didn't do anything wrong!

Foxtrot looks at you with a somewhat apologetic, but still stern look,

"Look, I know you’re confused, and probably shocked, calm down and let us explain this situation.”

Calm Down?! How? I’m in jail again! And this time Sis isn’t around to post my bail!

“Look, Creature. Skeletor!” O’Carrol shouts and you look to him. “Really, everything’s going to be fine. You’re not in any trouble.”

I’m Not? You ask as you gesture to the cell.

“Well, not trouble in the way you’re thinking. This is for your own protection.”

Protection? You mouth with a confused face and Foxtrot speaks up again.

“It’s true. Listen, I acknowledge that you were a big help with the…Ursa Minor,” she says with a shudder before composing herself, “And that you intervened on behalf of the show mare, but the fact remains that you scared a lot of ponies with that stunt of yours. That roar of yours was…well…ponies all over town heard it.”

Of course they freaking did, you sigh in depression.

“Whether it was justified or not, and from what O’Carrol’s told me it was, we still needed to put you here. Some of the towns folk were close to accepting the idea of burning Sugar Cube Corner down while you were inside because they were that terrified."

You feel your heart sink at hearing this.

Did I really scare them that badly? I- You hang your head, feeling pretty miserable. You hear Foxtrot sigh,

"Look, no one got hurt, The Elements, O’Carrol and I were able to disperse the crowd before these talks could become a reality. Still, we felt it better to be cautious than risk it. You need to stay here for a couple days until things die down. For your protection and the Elements." You can feel her grimace, "I hope I never need to see Pinkie cry like that again."

You can't help but fall deeper into your misery. You made Pinkie cry, one of the Unforgivable Sins. You feel like the worst person ever.

“She uh…” Foxtrot stammers seeing your saddened expression. “She said that she would come by to see you later. All of them would…if that helps?”

A part of you can appreciate Foxtrot trying to make you feel better, but it doesn’t work.

"Um, Ma’am?" You hear O’Carrol urge, "Aren't you forgetting something?"

You hear her teeth grind,

"I-I was wrong about your vision of the bear. I'm sorry for burning your notebook pages yesterday…Even if I still don’t buy into it, I’m sorry about burning your art."

"Not that, the other thing,” he urges her. “Ya know, about the Princess?” you perk up at that as goosebumps hit the back of your neck.

Princess? What about the princess?

“R-Right. Look, Twilight Sparkle sent a letter to Princess Celestia last night. She’ll want to speak to us and you in person. Next week she’ll be coming to town.”

She will?! You think in dread at the Solar Horse passing judgment on you.

Seeing your fear, O’Carrol speaks up, “No no, she’s not coming just for that. She was already coming anyway as part of a royal visit.”

“Right, but while she’s here, she’ll be able to get our reports. While the town may give their opinions, we will give her the facts,” Foxtrot finishes thinking that will ease your mind. If anything though…

Royal Visit? Wait, if this was already planned, and we’re still in Season 1 then that means…your eyes widen even more. PARASPRITES!!!

You turn from the two guards and go back to your mattresses, facing the wall as you cradle your head and rock.

“I uh…I’m sure everything will be fine. The truth is the strongest defense after all,” Foxtrot says to your back, but you don’t listen. You wallow in your own self pity for scaring everypony, making Pinkie cry, and how ravenous little Navi’s will be here in a week’s time.

Some Time Later

After staring at your wall and muttering for who know’s how long, you hear Foxtrot speak up.

“Creature. You have a visitor.”

Pinkie?! You think as you whip around. But it isn’t your favorite party pony, it’s your favorite griffon looking a bit nervous.

“H-hey man,” she waves. You wave back and get closer to her.

She scratches the back of her head and says,

“Crazy night huh?”

You just stare at her incredulously.

“Yeah, that was pretty lame,” she then lets out a sigh. “Look, I’m not going to ask you how you’re doing because I think it’s pretty obvious. This town is kind of…bigoted.”

You nod in agreement.

“And I thought Griffonstone was bad. I mean, it’s still a dump but…nevermind. The point is, I’m thinking I’m gonna be bouncing out of town here soon.”

You shoulders slump at that.

You too cat bird? She sees your sad expression and sighs.

“I already talked to Dash and Pinks. It’s just that, well, after that showmare, your yell, and that Zebra this morning, I just kind of feel the atmosphere is a bit hot. I’ve already seen some jerks giving ME the stink eye.”

Stupid racist ponies. Friendship is Magic my a- Wait did you just say…

“So yeah, I came to tell you that I’ll be heading home soon. Not that I won’t come back or anything, but right now it’s just too- Huh?”

You interrupt her as you show her a picture you’d drawn of Zecora and point at it.

“The Zebra? Yeah, everypony in town was freaking out thinking she’d eat them or something and locking themselves inside. Then the cowpony’s little sister chased after her or something, and they rushed out to get her and when they came back they were saying how she said some sort of curse to them, but the purple one was like ‘There’s no such things as curses,’ and…” she is startled as you throw your hands to your head.



Author's Note:

Ah, it isn't a DWC story without some depressing situation for the MC happening then right back into comedy. Am I right guys or am I right?

Hey all, DWC here!

Sorry for the lateness. It completely slipped my mind to work on this during my little break, so yeah sorry about that.

Judging from the comments, everyone is in a general agreement that the Monty Python mob is the best. And I have to agree, now if only unicorns were seen as witches, then we could have a whole chapter just referencing that beautiful British comedy. Oh well, next girly turned all gender cartoon.

This chapters question is...

What cartoon show handle a adult topic the best?

We all know times are changing. This is most evident with cartoons now adays having a more mature edge to them, or even addressing some adult topics in a way that it isn't too adult but still good. But what cartoon does it the best, you tell me!

This is DWC, signing off!

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