• Published 13th Jul 2017
  • 4,215 Views, 461 Comments

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Squee ( A Comment Driven Story) - Down with Chrysalis

You, a brony, are sent to Equestria. The problem is, you're now a mute...good luck!

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Episode 24: Time For Some Pink 'Talks'

As your pink friend stares sadly at you, a thousand thoughts run through your head as you try to figure out just how to explain to her that you thought you were going to become the town’s newest tourist attraction without freaking her out.

Which, all things considered, is harder then you'd think considering how surprisingly tense she is at the moment.

Okay, first things first lets calm down the pink pony!

With that thought you...

Allsmiles's Comment

Pick up the pink pony in a attempt to help lessen the tension. After all she is adorable, too adorable not to hug.

Adorable ponies get hugs. That's logic.

Your hug seems to do the trick as you feel her relax slightly as she hugs you back. After a few moments you set her back down, and she gives you a grateful look as you do.

"Thanks Skelly, I needed that. Now..." Her grateful look returns to her serious one as she continues, "are you going to tell me what's got you all mopey frowny lately?"

You scratch the back of your head nervously at her question, as while you did mentally give in to tell the pink pony what's up your still not too sure how to work this all out.

Jaro45's Comment

The way you see things, there are two ways to play this. One (the stupid way) is to tell Pinkie just enough of the truth to mollify her concerns and get her off your back, (Metaphorically, she'd love a piggyback ride anytime) but this plan will most likely come back to bite you in the ass harder than an angry Trap Jaw. On the other hand you won't have to explain to her how you knew you'd be stoned via the Elements without knowing howthe Elements could do that.

Plan two is to trust her completely and tell Pinkie everything. She will (probably) understand the seriousness of your words and actions and keep them to herself with a good ol'Pinkie Promise. You could practically see the exchange between the two of you now if you just told her the whole truth...

"Skelly, this is a whole lot to take in! But it sounds like you want to help keep Equestria safe, riiiight?"

Of course I do! All my stuff is here.

"Goodie! Now I promise I won't tell anyone, and it’s not like holding this secret from all my friends could possibly blow up in our faces down the line and cause untold amounts of avoidable drama and angst if you just didn't tell me the whole truth, right?"

Even in your mental projections of her, Pinkie still manages to say the worst case scenario and make you question your entire plan and if it was even a decent one in the first place.

Okay, maybe I should go the middle ground and give up bits of the truth?

You squint your eyes at that thought, since it wasn't exactly the perfect outcome you'd want. Saying only bits of the truth would help explain things for now, but if something were to happen in the future that could question those bits of truth...well let’s just say you've been in enough situations where that leads to massive future headaches.

"Skelly, don't leave a mare hanging here!" she harrumphs and you feel your brow twitch at that.

Pinkie, for all your awesome traits I can't help but forget just how little patience you have sometimes. Nothing compared to Rainbow, but ugh.

You put your finger up in the universal 'give me a few moments' gesture...but at Pinkie's confused look you can't help but facepalm as you think in annoyance,

Right, ponies. God I miss Gilda...

You quickly flip through your notebook to a clock ticking away, to which thankfully Pinkie understands and turns to stare off at some random thing in her room to allow you to think. You decide to ignore the slightly annoyed look on Pinkie's face at having to wait a bit longer as you...

EnderHooves's Comment

Do what you do best when stuck in a situation, go off on a mental tangent.

It might be good idea to just tell Pinkie about Discord and what the Elements did to him as just another future vision, say that it would have the same effect on me as on him. I doubt it would affect their interaction too much, heck me just being there will throw it off quite a bit anyway.

You can't help but get a slight feeling of dread on the inevitable meet-up with the lord of chaos. You may be a fan of him and all the crazy stuff he does, but that was after he was reformed. Before hand he was a pretty big jerk to everyone, and you personally wouldn't want to be discorded anytime soon.

Sadly, I doubt there would be a way to avoid him before his reformation since the Mane Six would probably have to take me with them when they get summoned since they're the ones in charge of me. I mean there is the chance I could be off on an adventure by then trying to finish my side quest list before all that happens.

At that thought you can't stop a deadpanned look from forming on your face as you think,

Course that all depends if I can gain the trust of everyone long enough to actually go on said 'adventure.' I shouldn't get my hopes up though, I could get railroaded into the plot or something. Maybe I could flip to my discord "prediction" and say that it was a flash into the past? Premonitory visions can go backwards sometimes, right? Maybe play it off as a bit of both fut-

"Alright Skelly, times up! Tell auntie Pinkie what's wrong!"

Before you could think too much into the possibility of using premonitory visions you are snapped out of your off-tangent thought with another Pinkie puppy-dog eyed look. Giving a sigh you just think,

Ugh, screw it. Thinking about it is getting me nowhere. Besides, if I start predicting things about Discord, that’s just going to change things up drastically since they’ll be expecting him. If all else fails, I’m just going to hang out with Zecora in the woods if I start seeing cotton candy clouds in the sky.

With that thought you...

BrownDog77's Comment

Allsmile's Comment

Strangephantasm's Comment

Heed the loud part of you screaming not to not lie completely to the bringer of smiles and take the Applejack approach. After all letting Hathorse down would just be terrible wouldn't it?

You flip to a page and start drawing yourself, of course you are decked out in your true gear and boney face, but Pinkie gets the gist since she's seen you draw yourself quite a few times.

You draw an angry Celestia pointing at you and then the Mane 6 blasting a Rainbow at you and turning you into stone.

When you show this to the hyperactive pony, her mouth drops.

"But...but why would Princess Celestia be mad at you? And why would we blast you with the Elements of Harmony?" she asks aghast.

You flip back to a picture of Trixie, and then gently mime out when you first yelled and scared the town.

"But...scaring ponies like that wouldn't be enough," she says confused. "And what's happening to you in this picture? Are we..."

She trails off and looks deeply disturbed, and since they don't know that the Elements can stone people yet, you can guess what she's thinking since you're drawing body is all greyed out.

No, no no, I'm not dying, you shake your head and look around for a visual guide. Surprisingly you see Rocky in the corner.

Well...at least he was already set up before she goes nuts, you shrug and point at the pile of rocks.

Pinkie looks back and forth between her rocks and your picture and you before she gasps.

"You think you were going to be turned into rocks?" she gasps.

Close enough, you nod.

"Can the Elements do that? I just thought they made ponies less evil or something!" she shouts and you cover her mouth and point at Tina.

"ZZZ-Don't wanna eat the tatzlworm-ZZZZ" she sleep mumbles.

"Oh, sorry," Pinkie whispers. "But seriously, how would...GASP" she looks to you in worry. "Was this one of your visions?"

You nod since it's convenient.

"Sooo...does that mean we're still going to blast you wi-"

"Nyeh," you cut her off and shake your head.

You then point to her, and to pictures of her friends and draw a stop sign.

"We...stopped that?" she guesses and you smile.

"GASP! We can change your predictions?" she says in amazement.

Well, I couldn't stop Trixie's fate it seems, but I did change Gilda's so...I guess? You ponder as you just nod.

"Oh wow, this changes everything...but if you saw all this, why didn't you tell me?" she says sounding hurt.

You really don't know how to convey that you didn't want her to cry or worry them since you "knew" that you could change fate, so you just pat her on the head and give her a sad smile. You think she gets it.

"Well, whatever your reason, show us next time," she scolds like your sister would. "Even if it's super scary and serious, let us know. We can help you change the future, you don't have to do it all on your own."

Well, after a certain season, I won't know any of the future or if it's changed myself...but thanks for the vote of confidence Pinkie.

"Nyeh," you nod and give her a hug.

As you hug the pink pony, a small part of you can't help but point out how in your favor this situation is. Not only did you managed to clear things up with your pony friend, but you also have a good excuse for whenever one of your visions go wrong due to your presence effecting the show's timeline.

Of course this fact, and the slight manipulative nature behind it, doesn’t really hit you as you are focused on something else, namely the fact that your head feels heavier than it did before you and your pink friend started hugging.

Ending the hug, much to Pinkie's confusion/disappointment, you look over to a nearby mirror. You can barely make yourself out in the dark, but what you do see causes your eyebrows to skyrocket in confusion.

What the hell!?

CroisSunnyPlay's Comment

You hadn't noticed it at first, but sometime during your talk with Pinkie, Gummy has climbed up on your head and sat there unmoving. How you did not feel that you don't know, and if there's something you know spells "DANGER" it's the unknown.

"Oh hey, Gummy is awake too," you hear your favorite cotton candy pony say.

But because of her voice, you're hit with a horrible, terrible realization. Remembering back to the show on the few instances the little alligator has appeared, it hits you how Gummy sometimes appeared out of nowhere, just like his owner.

Oh my God, the pinkie-ness is contagious! I have been exposed! SAVE ME, BEASTWOMAN!!!

But Tina only rolls over and shudders, mumbling something about "evil sprinkles".

Dammit Beastwoman, how dare you! To leave me to a fate such as this!

But then you pause that train of thought as another one runs it over, leaving no survivors.

But would that really be that bad? You rub your chin in contemplation. I mean, if I had the power of the Pink, then He-man would never see me coming! Yes, I can already see it! He-Man walking into a seemingly empty room, when out of nowhere, COMES SKELETOR! YOUR DEFEAT IS AT HAND HE-MAN, FOR I WIELD THE POWER OF PINK!!! NYYYEEEHHHH!!!

Yes! You're doomed now!


Your trains of thought crash, go up in flames and explode, then explode again as you swear the pony looking at you innocently just invaded your fantasy.

...Maybe I should just sic Pinkie on He-Man, would save me a lot of trouble.

But now that you're done with the obligatory unrelated tangent (and took a moment to mourn the passengers that were in the accident involving your trains of thoughts), you can focus on the matter at hand.

Literally, Gummy somehow got one of your fingers and refuses to let go.


After a few moments of desperately trying to get the toothless baby alligator off your fingers with a quietly laughing Pinkie watching your misfortune you finally manage to get him off. You carefully toss the little bugger with an annoyed grunt into Pinkie mane, to which he immediately chomps down on much to her amusement.

I know you can be random Pinks, but even I think laughing as a toothless swamp dino chewed on my hair is a bit of a stretch.

Ignorant to your thoughts Pinkie gives you one last smile before she says,

"Okay, that's enough serious talk! It's getting late and Pinkie needs her sleep to bake all kinds of deliciousness for tomorrow! Just remember Skelly, whenever another one of those meanie visions show up, just tell me and the others and we'll help you out lickity-split!"

Resadur164's Comment

Deciding you'd rather not give her a straight answer in case (when) something like this happens again, you just pat her head while giving a gentle 'nyehing' chuckle as well as another quick hug.

Pinkie gives you a look like she knows what you’re trying to do, but she just shakes it off and flops down on her bed. And as you'd expect of someone as hyper as Pinkie is, she's out like a light as soon as her head hits the pillow.

You can't help but wipe your brow as you sigh in relief.

Phew, glad that's over with. Now then, where was I? Oh right!

With that thought you go back to your notepad and...

Allsmiles's Comment

You quickly redraw the emblem you made for Tina's vest, seeing as how branding is veryimportant for keeping minions in line and for reminding those outside your rule just whose minions they're dealing with. You don't want to forget the emblem you chose since Rarity took the only pages with it on them for Tina's design, so you redraw it a few times to get the hang of it. Plus eventually you hope to get to the point of being able to draw it as fast as possible, in order to leave your mark quickly in case you need to run.

After some brand recognition and word of mouth, I’ll have more than enough minions spray painting this all over the world, you think in determination.

It is as you are redrawing the emblem for the third time that your mind begins to wander yet again to a familiar topic.

Speaking of minions I really need to peg down who Evil Lyn should be. Unless by some miracle an attractive human girl my age who likes cartoons as much as I do shows up, I’m stuck with only having candidates that can fill the hammy evil criteria. You ponder, briefly feeling sad over the few dates you had that ended because you talked too much about animated children’s shows.

And repressing those nights once more…Nyeh, there we go, you smile as you tap your pencil to your chin. But yeah, Trixie would, indeed, be a very good choice for an Evil Lyn, if only she hadn’t run away. With how wonky and fast these episodes are smooshed together, I have no idea how long it’ll be till she comes back for vengeance. But if I can win her over before that, I’ll have the perfect over the top henchwoman.

You write her name down as candidate number one.

Hmmm, Luna is kind of over the top in the early days with how she speaks and stuff…but she’s got duties and stuff, plus she’s still recovering. Starlight Glimmer was pretty evil when she was a cult leader…but then again, she’d be harder to control as she could kill me. Sunset Shimmer is emotionally unstable and got the sneering attitude…but she may not be cannon so…

You put a question mark next to her name, before looking back at your other three choices, imagining them wearing ponified versions of Evil Lyn’s armor.

Then there’s also Gilda, I bet she’d be a bro and join my evil army. I mean, she has the same voice actress as Revy from Black Lagoon, which is a good bonus. But yeah, her and the other three all work really well in the armor aspect, but that's probably just because they’d look adorably evil in any dark colored armor they wear.

You ponder some more as you try to figure out who would mentally fit your second in command the best. Your Beastman substitute is too lovable and happy and a female, so you’ve really got to balance it out with the hamminess.

Ultimately, Trixie's got the better show-presence and drama for a good right hand villainess, you conclude as you circle her name. But if I can’t get her, then I’d take anyone willing to fill that position. Really, the problem is going to be filling the OTHER roles, you think as you draw the symbol once more.

During your fixing up of the town it occurred to you that Skeletor had far more henchmen then just Beastman and Evil Lyn, and while those other henchmen weren't as popular or decent as those two you wouldn't be able to call yourself a true Skeletor unless all the rolls were filled.

I’m definitely going to need a Trap Jaw at some point, but that’ll be tough since ponies don’t exactly have prosthetic lower jaws…Maybe just someone who can bite really hard without the metal flair? You look over at Gummy who is still attached comfortably onto Pinkie’s mane and consider him. If there’s one thing you learned from Animal Planet, it’s that Gators and Crocodiles have the strongest bite force in the animal kingdom.

…Nah, you shake your head. He’s still a baby and has no teeth. Besides, it would be pretty scummy of me to use Pinkie's pet as a evil minion, Skeletor is a villain, not a fiend after all. Hmm, Spike can bite through gems like it’s nothing…but he’s not exactly villain material. But there are other young dragons out there…

You think about the group of teen dragons that Spike met/will meet in Dragon Quest, and a crazy plan does take place.

I’m willing to bet all I have to do is beat up the weakest of those dragons, kidnap them, and force them to be my minion. Even a weaker dragon has a strong jaw…though I’m definitely gonna need some fire proof armor or something.

It’s an insane plan, but a plan none the less.

And yet another side quest added. Although getting a dragon is going to be much easier than getting a Mer-Man. I wonder if Sea Ponies exist? The Dazzlings were the closest thing I guess, but again, questionable cannonity. But who knows, maybe I’ve been gone for a million years back home and the show has concluded and they just brought about every race from the old G1 show. It was the middle of Season 7 when I somehow got here…

You then let out a big yawn and you realize, you’re both mentally and physically exhausted from the day.

Nyeh, I’ll worry about you later Mer-Man, right now I’ve got a plan for the perfect Evil Lynn and Trap Jaw, so I’m gonna hit the hay.

As you lay your head down and blackness crawls along to claim your vision, one last thought enters your head.

Sunbro4life's Comment

Wait a second! The voice actress for Trixie was the same one for the 2000’s Evil Lyn! Your eyes dart open in excitement and you smile. Ha! I knew there was a reason she was at the top of my list, it’s perfect! I mean, Princess Celestia is voiced by the 2000’s Sorceress, so it all works out.

Your smile then lessens as another truth comes to you.

But then again, by that logic Twilight would be a good evil villainess since Tara Strong voiced Harley Quinn in the Arkham games and… You yawn once again. …Ah to heck with it. Trixie is number one spot for now, I’ll draw up a plan of action in the morning.

And just like that, you are out like a light.


You wake up the next morning feeling refreshed, as well as having the urge to kick yourself for not remembering such a crucial detail behind Trixie's voice actress much much sooner. However, before you can even blame Beastwomen for this obvious lack of memory on your part, you notice something strange outside.

Getting up from your futon and moving towards the window to investigate you see...

BrownDog77's Comment

That there's smoke in the air over Ponyville.

...Oh great, of course, you think in melancholy. Now I understand how Season 1, 2, and 3 were all in one year. How the heck do these ponies even have time for friendship when shenanigans happen day to day? Is it too much to ask for one day to recover before this happens?

“Oh good, master awake,” you hear Tina say. Looking behind you, you see your Beastwoman sitting patiently on Pinkie’s bed.

“Nyeh?” you ask as you point out window and she whines.

“Dragon up on mountain. Pink Pony and Friends going to talk to it. Stupid plan if you ask Tina,” she says.

“Nyeh,” you nod in agreement.

“She and the others say that it much too dangerous for you, and that we stay with guards today.”

Huh…maybe they won’t drag me to Canterlot when Discord shows up after all, you think impressed. You then open the window and peer out further, getting a face full of smoke for your trouble, but sure enough, you see the Mane 6 heading out of town, dragging a reluctant Fluttershy with them.

Time for her to shine and make a death lizard cry, you smirk. I haven’t done jack to mess this episode up, and the further I am from a giant dragon the better.

You then look over at Tina who is twiddling her paws on Pinkie’s bed.

“So, what we do now master?”

Good question, you ponder since you now have basically free roam enabled with mild supervision. You then get an idea as you flip through your notebook and look at your many quests.

Whelp, I’m not a statue, so I can make more headway on this Megan mystery…I wonder if Lyra’s got some free time?


After eating a nice breakfast of cake, cake, and more cake, we find you, Foxtrot, O’Carrol and Tina making your way to Lyra's place.

“I still think we should have shadowed them up the mountain ma’am,” he says.

“N-Nonsense! The Elements can handle themselves. Besides, it was a direct order from Princess Celestia herself,” she shoots back.

“It’s still a dragon Fox, and none of those mares have military training,” he argues.

“Yeah, and that didn’t stop them from depowering a living goddess,” she answers. “B-Besides, we have to ensure that he doesn’t get up to any trouble while they’re gone.”

O’Carrol lets out a sigh at that. “Whatever you say ma’am.”

The passivity in his voice has you curious.

She’s probably just making up any excuse not to go because of that whole giant monster fear, you conclude. You then draw a picture of an Ursa Major and a Dragon, and a overly dramatically scared Foxtrot and tap O’Carrol on the head.

“Huh?” he asks turning around and you show the picture. Once he deciphers your glyphs, he snorts and nods at you in agreement.

“What? What’s so funny?” she says turning around.

“Nothing!” O’Carrol says with a smirk as you quickly put your notepad away. Foxtrot raises a brow at the two of you scheming before she just shakes her head.

“Whatever. But yeah, no dragons for today thank you very much.”

You know, as much as I like giving you a hard time Foxy, I gotta agree. Unless I have a Stand, Hamon or my Havoc Staff, I ain’t fighting a dragon…well at least not a full grown one. I do need to get a teenage Trap Jaw one. But that comes later.

“So anyway Skeletor,” O’Carrol says changing the subject, “What’s so urgent that we visit Ms. Heartstrings today?”

“Nyeh!” you say as you flip to the Equestrian word Science that Twilight had written down.

“Again?” he asks. “Didn’t you just speak to her a few days ago?”

You nod, before you snap your fingers for Tina.

“Yes Master?!” she asks excitedly and you show her the picture of the shrine you drew.

“Oh, right, Master Skeletor wants to find more forbidden treasure pictures,” she says.

“Forbidden treasure?” Foxtrot asks as she looks at you two and you sweat a bit.

Oh right…I never actually told them or the others about the treasure and the Megan Shrine, you think. To be fair, you were stressed by the Celestia visit, and Lyra’s revelations left you a bit speechless (har har) but now that you have time, you suppose it’s time to let the cat out of the bag.

“Nyeh,” you nod as you walk past Foxtrot, leading the way.

“Hey! Slow down! What do you mean about forbidden treasure?” Foxtrot asks.

You roll your eyes and show her the picture.

“And this tells me what exactly?” she says at a loss.

“That treasure at my old home. It were Skele-Dog monster was that tried to kill me,” Tina says.

“Oh right, I remember Ms. Sparkle saying something about that,” O’Carrol says. “But that picture…it looks like he’s drawn one of his own kind.”

“Well yeah, he-“ Tina starts but you hold up your hand to stop her and she does, albeit a bit confused.

“What? You what?” Foxtrot asks suspiciously.

“Did you have another vision?” O’Carrol asks and you smile and nod.

Thank you for buying into my B.S. so much.

“Oh for…are you telling me you “saw” another one of you showing up? Am I hearing that right?” Foxtrot asks in trepidation.

“Nyeh,” you say as you shake your head, and you decide to enact another bit of a lie.

EnderHooves's Comment

You show a picture of the Stand Arrow, then a clock and then move your fingers counterclockwise around it’s face.

“…You rewound a clock the wrong way?” Foxtrot asks obliviously and you deadpan at her. “Oh don’t look at me like that! It’s not my fault you can’t just read and write!”

I’m trying on that end! Learning a language one-sidedly is tough!

You then just start doing the motions again and again, and while Foxtrot looks to Tina who shrugs, good ol’ O’Carrol gets what you’re saying.

“You had a vision of the past when you touched that artifact?”

“Nyeh!” you say with a smile and point at him.

Foxtrot just looks incredulously at her partner who just smiles smugly at her.

You’d come up with this idea after realizing that future vision might not be enough to justify everything you know, especially when it comes to ancient beings and how they act. So, to try and legitimize it a bit, you came up with the lie that you got past visions while touching things.

Basically you decided to add the main character’s power from My Babysitter is a Vampire to the list of fake psychic skills you have, which basically means if you touch something you 'get' a vision from its 'past,'

My brain is already scrambled trying to comprehend JoJo, Fullmetal and MLP magic being together, but at least if I come across some other magic system, this lie will help ease some explanation to the ponies.

“Are you for real? You can ‘psychically’ see things in the past now too?” Foxtrot says in disbelief, to which you just wave your hand side to side.

“Sometimes? What do you mean sometimes?” she grills but you just shrug and she groans in exasperation.

Heh, just you wait till I have a Stand of my own and I can explain exactly how it works with Pictionary. Actually, if I were to get a Stand, what would it look like? It has to be a rock reference obviously, but what music would be accompanied to Skele- Your eyes widen as that meme song enters your head and you shudder.

I swear, if I get a Stand and it looks like He-Man, I’m going to gouge my eyes out.

“Well however it works ma’am, I am intrigued,” O’Carrol says with a smirk and she rolls her eyes.

“Of course you are. Alright fine, let’s get this “Science” over and done with, it’s far too smoky to be walking outside,” she says waving her hoof in front of her face for emphasis.

That’s the spirit! You think with gusto as you again lead the charge.

Greatness942's Comment

As you do, you start to whistle a little tune.

And though it creeps out the two guards, you continue since besides Nyeh, it’s one of the few noises you can make.

Hmm, maybe there’s a way I could communicate via whistling? That would mean someone would have to invent a whistle system for words, and then I’d need an interpreter and-Oh, I’m here already.

Your tune and thoughts come to an end as you find yourself at Lyra’s door, your head above it by a good two feet.

Stupid tiny doors, you think as you knock on it.

A few moments go by until the door opens, and it is not Lyra, but Bon-Bon.

Or Agent Sweetie Drops. Or Agent Bon-Bon. Or just Sweetie Drops. Wow, I’ve gotta stop rambling so much even if it really has been a weird couple of days.

"Uh...hello, again," Bon-Bon says, waving slowly but politely.

“Nyeh,” you say as politely as you can.

“Skeletor?! Was that Skeletor I just heard?!” comes an excited cry from inside the house.

“Yes Lyra, he’s here with his Diamond Dog and guards,” Bon-Bon calls over her shoulder.

Lyra rounds the corner and you see the biggest smile on her face.

“Oh my gosh! You came to visit again!” she squeels. “Bonny! This time you get to hang out too!”

“Oh yay,” Bon-Bon says trying to muster enthusiasm.

“Well let them in then! I’ll go grab some snacks!” she yelps before you suddenly hear hoof falls and the sounds of plates crashing.

Bon-Bon just rolls her eyes before looking at you and ushering you all inside. "Hope you don't mind my best friend being a little kooky. Her Canterlot friends actually even her out if you can believe that, but now they’ve gone back home and I’m left with the usual shenanigans.”

“Nyeh,” you say in sympathy as you sit down on the couch, taking up the whole thing, whle Tina sits on the armrest next to you and your guards stand in the back of the room.

“Uh, do you two need a seat or-“

“No, we’re fine ma’am, just go about your business. We’re just his security detail,” Foxtrot says all business like.

“Alright then,” she shrugs as yet another crash comes from the kitchen.

“What was that?!” the earth pony calls.

“Nothing much! Just your fancy pepper shaker!” Lyra calls back.

“My mom gave me that!” Bon-Bon shouts back.

“Oh…well we’re gonna need some glue later…”

And as Bon-Bon facehooves, you can’t help but smirk.

Heh, just like a dysfunctional married couple. Hmm, if Lyra’s human obsession is canon, what about their relationship? Are they just friends? You ponder before shaking your head.

Well even if they are, it ain’t my business.

After another crash and a sigh from Bon-Bon, Lyra walks into the living room, all smiles and levitating a tray of cookies and iced tea.

“I hope you guys are thirsty!” she cheers and you nod enthusiastically.

"So, what is it we're doing again?" Bon-Bon asks as Lyra sets the drinks down.

“Oh...I don’t know, I didn’t know he was coming by today, but I would assume it has something to do with what we discussed last time right?” she asks you.

“Nyeh,” you nod as you pull out the picture of the shrine and her eyes widen. She inspects the image closely.

“Wh-where did you find this?” she asks in wonder.

“Apparently he had a vision of the past when he touched something in the diamond dog’s old home,” O’Carrol speaks up.

“Diamond Dog has name you know?” Tina huffs at the guard.

“Uh, sorry,” he says sheepishly. “At Tina’s old home.”

“That better,” Tina says satisfied.

“A vision of the past? Of the Rainbow Walker?” she asks excitedly and you nod.

“Oh My Gosh, Oh My Gosh!” she starts hyperventilating in joy.

“Yes…” Tina says unsuredly. “And when Master have vision, he see this picture by Forbidden Treasure.”

“YOU SAW THIS?!!!” Lyra shouts and you hold up your hands to calm her down as you nod.

Take a chill pill horsey!

“Wh-What was it? A mural? A shrine? Some sort of holy symbol?” she asks rapidly and you shrug. “Where is this? I have to see it! I must!”

To that you…kind of just shrug sheepishly.

“Huh? You don’t know where it is?”

You shake your head as you admit that you have no idea where it was that Rarity dragged you.

“How do you not know?” she pleads.

“From what I understand ma’am, Ms. Rarity dragged him off with that baby dragon,” Foxtrot says.

To this you nod and her face falls, but then you tap her on the head and point to the page with all the X’s from Twilight’s book.

“Huh? Grandfather’s exploration log? What about it?” You then hold your hands in a maybe gesture and point at several of the X’s.

It takes a few moments before something clicks.

“OH! MY! GOSH!” Lyra calls out before rushing out of the room and more crashing is heard and Bon-Bon sighs again.

“And today was supposed to be a relaxing day…”

Soon, Lyra rushes back in with a map of Equestria and places it on the table before looking to Tina.

“Tina! Where was your old den at?”

“Uh…somewhere not in Pony Town?” she guesses.

“Yes, but, what was the landscape like?” Lyra says energetically.

“There was lots of dirt and rocks and gems?” she guesses.

“Ms. Rarity and the others came back from the East the day he brought back Tina,” O’Carrol speaks up.

“East, thank you!” she says as she studies the map and looks at her grandfather’s X’d map.

She then tenses up as she looks back and forth at it and then pulls a pencil from somewhere and marks it on the big map. She then beams at you in absolute joy.

“If this is where you had that vision, then that means Grandpa actually did find it’s trail!” she says before her face drops.
“But if he did, why didn’t he write anything else about it?”

You just shrug before you point at the other X’s on the smaller map. Her eyes widen even more at that as she looks at you.

“You think there’s more out there?”

Definitely, That plaque she left said 3 of 6,vyou think as you nod. Though there are more than 6 X’s on that map.

“EEEEE!!!” she squees loudly, which causes Tina to hold her ears.

“Lyra, take it easy,” Bon Bon implores.

“No way Bons! This may be the lead to the greatest scientific breakthrough in history! All this X’s mean there’s something! We can start with that one in the Diamond Dog den, but the rest…” she starts cross referencing both maps.

“Wow,” she says in surprise. “Some of these X’s aren’t even in Equestria.”

Really now? Then where the heck are they? You think as you lean forward, head to head with the unicorn as you look over the maps.


Author's Note:

That's right folks, it is time! Time to set up future plot bunnies and hilarity!

Hey all, DWC here with another episode for you all!

Like my usual AN intro said, its time to set up some fun! You guys can comment literally any place so long as its on the planet! Time to scourge up those old fan maps and canon ones, cause tonight we explore!

Also, have I got some news for you guys!

For all you awesome people who have been enjoying the JoJo aspects of this fic, have I got a story for you all. The awesome Greatness942, a fellow commenter for the story, has started up his own comment driven story! And not only that, but its a JoJo one too! I've been having a blast adding my two cents into the tale so far, and I have a feeling all you fellow JoJo fans will to!

The story boils down to you all being a pegasus pony who gains a Stand during the season two premiere episodes. It has fights (of course), plenty of JoJoness, music references, and we also just got our own pony Speedwagon substitute!

So what are you waiting for!? Click on the link and enjoy some good ol'JoJo, and add in some fun too!

But seriously guys, I highly advise you all to check it out. It really is a great story, and I have no doubt we'll all have fun creating a story together.

Now with the exciting news done, lets move onto the usual AN stuff!

Oh, and to answer your question EnderHooves...all of them! MWAHAHAHA!

Thanks all to those who answered the last ep's question. Trust me the irony of it all is still fresh. Now, this episode's question is...

Should I Have a Side Quest List in the AN?

Usually these questions are just some fun stuff to ask, but this time its one I seriously need your guy's opinion on. You all know how we constantly reference Skeletor's Side Quest page in his notebook, and I've been thinking it might be a good idea to have one in the AN at the end of each chapter so you guys know what's up.

Course I've also thought about just leaving it in the comments too, but its all up to you guys. What do you all think?

This has been DWC, signing off!

NEXT EPISODE: Second week of May (5-11)

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