• Published 13th Jul 2017
  • 4,215 Views, 461 Comments

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Squee ( A Comment Driven Story) - Down with Chrysalis

You, a brony, are sent to Equestria. The problem is, you're now a mute...good luck!

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Episode 19: Skeletor vs. Skeleton Dog Guardian!

As you and the Skeledog stare each other down you can't help but wonder just what deity you pissed off to cause you so much trouble.

It's as if an entire universe is actively trying to make my life hell or something!

CroisSunnyPlay's Comment

Really, you seem to be running into a ton of problems lately. A skele-ton. Bad jokes aside, of which you're really hoping won't turn you into a mix of Sans and Skeletor later, you have another of your random thoughts.

I have been stupid! This isn't a badly written show, it's a badly written show trying to be a game! All of those difficulties to escape and the random happenings make so much more sense that way! And if my theory is correct, then this must be a mini-boss! You look behind you at your newly acquired Beast Man with a scowl. Damn it Beast Man, it's your fault that I haven't seen that sooner! You must have been long distance impairing my thoughts! Curse you!

However, despite your long mental tangent, the skeleton in front of you still seems to have a... Bone to pick with you.


No! I will not turn into Sans! This is your fault Beast Man! Nyyyyeeeeehhhhh!

You raise your arms in the air as per usual during your rants, which probably wasn't the brightest idea since it signals the Skeledog to attack you! It lets out another creepy chuckle before it charges at you.

Master of Shadows's Comment

Oh crap what do I do? What do I d-wait a minute! Maybe since I was able to predict that the skeleton was gonna laugh, maybe I can predict the rest of its actions too! Yeah, I'll pull off a classic Joseph maneuver!

Getting into a defensive position you study the charging Skeledog. Noticing it raising it’s sword arm to strike you think,

Okay it looks like He's gonna swipe with his sword! Now that I know that I can prepare a counter attack!

With that you prepare to block the sword swipe with your gauntlet, but just as it’s about to swing it’s sword at you, it suddenly stops mid-swing and punches you in the face.

The punch takes you off guard and sends you tumbling to the ground, groaning in pain.

Okay, clearly I should just stick with guessing people’s words. Damn do bones hurt!

You scramble to your feet and prepare to block whatever attack is coming next...only to notice that the Skeledog is completely ignoring you and is making it’s way towards your Beast Man. This of course pisses you off as no one ignores the mighty Skeletor in the middle of a battle!

Hey bonehead! Don't you ignore m-Wait a second...

BrownDog's Comment

You suddenly realize that the reason the Skeledog is ignoring you is because it's real target is the Diamond Dog, and it appears it merely saw you as a obstacle to its true objective. Why else would it only punch you out of the way and not finish you off?

Nyeh! I can't allow this bumbler to kill my Beastman, I went through a lot of pain to get him!

Getting up quickly you tap the Skeledog on the shoulder. Thankfully cartoon logic is on your side (for once) and the Skeledog actually turns around to look at you in what you think is confusion. (Kinda hard to tell due to the lack of a face and all that).

Pushing the thought of if skeletons can actually emote for a later ramble you rear your gauntleted fist back and punch the bag of bones across the face while thinking in a French accent,

Did you forget about me!?

Your punch sends the Skeledog's skull spinning. Literally! It spins round and round on it’s shoulders.

You know that looks a lot funnier in cartoons than it does in real life. This is just creepy.

Eventually the Skeledog stops its spinning head by grabbing it with both its paws, causing it to face the wrong way. It then forces its skull around to face you with a sickening *crack* sound.

…Yup! A lot more creepy than in cartoons!

The Skeledog glares at you in annoyance, at least you think it does. The whole no face thing is really making it difficult to tell what this thing is thinking, but considering it is now attacking you again you can assume he’s annoyed. The undead diamond dog strikes at you with his sword and you block with your gauntlet, a metallic ringing sound results from the collision.

That's a good bag of bones, focus on the overly buff human and not the dog.

Said Diamond Dog has backed away from you two, but has not run away, seemingly captivated by the fight.

Get out of here Beast Man you blibbering boob! Otherwise Mr. Bones will take you on a wild ride to Hell! You motion for Beat Man to leave, but the dog still watches, shaking the whole time.

Just go you dumb-*CLANG*YA!

You are thrown off balance when the skeleton bashes you with the shield while you were distracted with your Beat Man.

Stupid Dog! You made me look bad!!! You grit your teeth and counter the follow up sword swing and punch the monster’s face. The sword is the biggest problem, but you keep blocking the strikes with your gauntleted hand and keep using 3 hit combos on the thing, despite your right hand screaming in pain. After awhile, you realize you need a better plan. The thing’s skull is cracking but it’s nowhere near the amount of damage you want especially considering your own hand feels like raw hamburger.

ORA! OW! ORA! OW! ORA! OW! Okay I need a new plan! Like right now!

Before you can think of anything you quickly deflect another sword strike, this time though you manage to knock its sword out of its hands and behind you. And facial expressions or not, you can see it look at it’s hand in shock.

Ha! Not so tough now without your toy huh? Well try this on for size!

Kersey's Comment

MemeologistAI's Comment

You go for another classic Stooge tactic and try to poke the skeleton in the eyes... Only to further hurt your cut up fingers in the skeleton’s hard sockets since it doesn’t have eyeballs.

Ah! Why do I keep using my bad hand?! You groan and shake the bandaged appendage as the Skeleton tilts it’s head at you. Fine, if the Stooges have failed me, then it’s time to fight dirty!

And with that, you go for a classic nard shot...



You begin to jump around holding your injured foot as somehow even with your boots your toes still feel like they just kicked a really hard surface. Of course as you jump around holding your foot you realize that plan was doomed to fail seeing as how skeletons no longer have nards in which to kick.

Gah! Why didn't I pay more attention in anatomy class?! And why does this hurt so much, is it’s bones made of iron or something?! you berate yourself.

The Skeledog seems to have enough of your idiocy as it uppercuts you away from it. You soar through the air and land a few feet away from your opponent, who is making its way over to you.

You know for a dead guy you sure can punch hard, you think with a low airy groan.

Shaking your head to clear your thoughts you see the skeleton's sword near you. With the undead charging, you think quickly, grab the sword and...

Jaro45's Comment

Get up, and with a mighty war cry you charge. Not expecting this, the Skeledog leaves itself open, allowing you to stab the sword through its ribcages. It lets out a bark of shock, but you don't stop there, you keep charging forward till you stick it to the wall like a Hellish, horribly ugly butterfly. You then take your gauntlet hand and smash it's skull between the wall and your fist.

You do this a few more times before putting all your strength into one final smash! You can hear its skull crack as you think in a deep voice,


The Skeledog falls silent, and you start to back off it while breathing deeply.

Oh thank god that things finally dead...again! Now to claim my Beast Man!

Turning around you spot the Diamond Dog that started this whole mess looking at you in awe. You can't help but cackle slightly at its awed look.

Yes! Bow down to the mighty Skeletor and bask in my glory!

Of course all bravado you had instantly disappears when you see the Diamond Dog's look go from awe to terror. Gulping slightly you start to slowly turn around.

Aw please don't tell me...

And sure enough the Skeledog is glaring at you in cold fury that you can somehow feel. It's busy trying to dislodge the sword from the wall and you know you only have a few seconds before it breaks free.

Shit! I need a new plan...come on come on think! Think! You panic and nervously look around the pile of treasure.



Suddenly gaining an idea you...

Denneylaw's Comment

Jaro45's Comment

Wait until the Skeledog rips its sword out of the wall, and by extension its body. It sends you a glare, which you can actually tell is a glare due to the cracks forming on its skull creating pseudo-eyebrows for it. You just send it a smug look and make a 'come at me' gesture. It howls in rage and charges at you, but just as it reaches you, you dodge to the side and grab one of it’s arms. Before it has time to react you rip the appendage off and proceed to smack it around with its own arm.

Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself. Why do you keep hitting yourself!?

And, as you let out a victorious laugh, the limb somehow turns around and hits you. You feel like you're gonna have a bad time.

Darn it, stop thinking of Sans! I already have a skel-ton of-NO!!! I need to get rid of this arm, now!

Thinking quickly you shake the limb in the skeleton dog's face, then throw it behind you. Thankfully it seems to fall for it and goes after its arm and, not wasting time, you begin to make a strategic retreat.

Okay clearly physical might alone isn't enough to defeat the magical skeleton dog thing. Time to get out of here and find Twilight so she can zap this thing to dust! Come on Beast Man, tonight we run to fight another day!

You scoop up the Diamond Dog as you run past it, causing it to let out a shocked "eep". You ignore this as you begin to run down the corridors following the markings you left.

Okay, all I have to do is get back to where they were holding Rarity and the girls will come to me. Then a little drawing for the Skeledog and we are in the cle-oof!

While you were lost in thought you ended up bumping into the other dazed Diamond Dog you knocked out, which causes you to drop Beast Man, and all three of you end up in a pile.

“Ooohhh, what hit?” the other dog grumbles holding it’s head.

“EYAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!” the skeleton laughs madly and you hear the unmistakable sound of shifting bones on stone.

Oh I do not have time for this!

Ororon35's Comment

You quickly grab the dazed Diamond Dog, who is much bulkier than your Beast Man, and turn around. The second your boney friend rounds the corner, you rush forward with a cry of,

“NNNYYYEEEHHH!!!” as you mentally scream,


And you proceed to do just that by swinging the poor dog by it’s back legs into the skeleton. With no time to react from your bulky weapon, the Skeledog is struck and bursts apart into pieces. Dropping the now unconscious, and now probably severely concussed, Diamond Dog you wipe your brow and raise a fist into the air in triumph.

Huh, guess I was wrong. Blunt force trauma is the answer to everything! Go m-

Your thoughts are interrupted when you see the Skeledog's damaged bones start to shake before they begin flying back to its body slowly reform. None of the damage seems to be repaired, but its regaining its body.

Of course, it can reform after being blown apart. Why am I not surprised? You deadpan.

Sighing you pick up Beast Man once again and begin to blindly book it, accidently going down another tunnel instead of the one you marked towards Rarity. As you run you can hear the Skeledog begin to chase after you once again, so you start to pick up the pace. As you do your Beast Man asks you,

"Why you help Dig Dog? Dig Dog not important, just Dig Dog. So...why?"

Huh. Didn’t notice it’s voice was so light before…Ah well, I can get used to it. As long as it still speaks in dumb English, it’s a Beast Man through and through.

That random thought aside it’s not like you can just tell Beast Man that the only reason you’re helping is so that they can become your verbal punching bag and butt of your jokes, that's just rude after all. So instead you go with a simple shrug, which the dog interprets as,

"Just because?"

Sure lets go with tha-why is it suddenly way hotter than before?

Jaro45's Comment

Looking around you, and not noticing the look of admiration Beast Man is sending you, you find yourself in an orange tinted armory of some sort with spears and dog sized armor all over the place.

Weird, the only time you see an orange tinted armory is if ther-OH CRAP!

Ahead of you, you see a giant lake of magma spanning out as far as the eye can see. It's below you slightly, but it’s still close enough that you can feel the heat. Instead of questioning how so much magma can be this close to the surface, or how the Diamond Dogs make weapons using it, you are far more concerned with stopping yourself from becoming the next T1000.

Stop stop stop stop STOP!

Thankfully you come to a screeching halt just before entering the molten rock. Sighing in relief you turn around...only to see the SkeleDog staring you down from the entrance. In the orange light, you can see how severely damaged it is, with cracks and chunks of bone missing all over it, but apparently not enough for it to lay down and croak.

But definitely enough for it to be on its last legs!

Placing Beast Man down you shoe him out of the way of your final fight with the SkeleDog. The two of you stare each other down, each conveying that this will be the final round between the two of you. The staring goes on, and it doesn't look like it will ever end...till a bubble of lava suddenly pops! When it does you...

Treforce's Comment

Grab a spear off one of the nearby weapon racks and throw it at the SkeleDog...only for it to simply pass through its empty ribcage harmlessly. The SkeleDog actually sends you an 'are you serious' look and you just chuckle nervously.

Oh right, skeleton....forgot about that.

Your foe cackles mockingly before charging at you once again. Your eyes widen at this as you think,


Acting quickly you...

Kersey's Comment

Sunbro4life's Comment

Level Dasher's Comment

Punch the skeleton with a SHORYUKEN just at it reaches you and you try to follow up with a Hadoken... Only you don't have that ability. All you end up doing is thrusting your hands outward like a dumbass, which gives the skeleton time to stand back up. It once again judges your stupidity with a mock laugh.

Oh Screw You! You don’t even have lungs and can make more diverse noises than I can! Die! Er…RE-DIE!!!

You quickly try to save face and perform the snake edge combo, striking it with three well time kicks, followed by a powerful jab from your gauntlet which punches through the sword, and into your enemy. As the boney warrior flies backwards, it’s shield flies up into the air, and coming off your combo, you grab the shield before it hits the ground and fling it.

THE PIZZA HE-MAN! EAT IT!!! you mentally cry out in madness.

The shield flies out towards the skeleton…who dodges it completely as the throw was wobbly. He even snatches it out of the air and reattaches it to his skeletal arm.

WHAT? No! That ruined my combo finisher!!! You growl.

Before you can grumble further, the Skeledog sends the shield flying right at you, and unlike your throw, his more resembles Captain America’s. The shield impacts you right in the mouth and you fall flat on your back, clutching your lip.

Son of a Bitch! Literally!

Before you can get up from the floor, the Skeledog jumps on top of you, which causes your head to dangle off the small cliff over the lava. Feeling some of your hair singeing, you watch as the now weaponless monster rips off one of it’s own ribs and attempts to use it to gouge one of your eyes out, which you block. Thinking quickly, you uppercut underneath the Skeleton’s sternum into the rib cage and yank back, causing the entire rib cage to fly off and into the lava below.

This shocks the SkeleDog long enough for you to kick it over you into the lava as well. It lands on the surface of the molten rock and bursts into flames, but it doesn’t sink into the depths of the liquid rock like Gollum or Arnie did. In fact, it retrieves it’s burning rib cage and throws it at you, which you barely dodge. It then starts scrambling back up the wall.

You take a few steps back as the now brightly burning Skeleton crests the ridge and stares you down. Some of it is completely melted, and it’s missing it’s entire ribcage, but now it is even more pissed and on fire! Your eye twitches in annoyance and terror at how stubborn this thing is!


As if in response to your thoughts, it charges.

The hell I’m punching that thing while it’s on fire! You mentally scream as…

Metordragon's Comment

You begin to call upon all your Dark Souls training and start to dodge roll out of the skeleton’s attacks.

Just keep rolling! Never stop rolling!

This goes on for quite awhile until eventually you have to stop due to nausea getting the better of you. The Skeledog now has you cornered, and with it being on fire you can't exactly do anything to it.

Okay universe, a little help would be nice right about now!


Your eyes widen in surprise as water suddenly douses the SkeleDog's fire out. Seeing where it came from you see a scared Beast Man shakily holding an empty bucket. You smirk at this as you think.

Way to go Beast Man! Someone's getting a head pat later! you think with a grateful smirk.

Turning back to the Bonehead, you see that now without it’s fire advantage, it is on it’s last legs. It has no rib cage, one of it’s arms is missing, and half it’s skull is gone. With a viewing window into it’s former brain house open, you spy something glowing, which is the source for it’s glowing eyes.

A Rune made with what looks like blood is painted on the inside of the Skeledog’s thinker, and it looks shockingly similar to the one from Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

Holy Crap! So that's what's going on here huh? Who's the jackass that sealed this poor bastard’s soul into bones? And how is it even here? I’m in My Little Pony Damn It! Wrong World and Wrong Magic System!

Sighing and gaining a new sense of determination you glare at the SkeleDog and think,

At least I know how I can finally end this...

With that thought you...

BrownDog's Comment

Charge at the weakened SkeleDog and, with one massive left hook, demolish it's face and the Blood Rune with it.

The SkeleDog's remaining body twitches slightly, and its remaining arm moves up and gives you one last thumbs up...before it falls backwards, lifeless once again.

You hold your head down in respect as you think,

Rest in peace whoever you were, your soul is now free.

Opening your eyes and staring at the pieces of the Blood Rune you have a thought.

Celestia definitely needs to know about this. If this kind of mag-Alchemy exists who knows what else is out there. Hell, it was next to a Stand Arrow which was next to a shrine of some girl from the Eighties Universe ponies…Just what the Hell does it all mean?

Shaking your head and taking a deep breath you look over to where Beast Man is...and see him giving you a look of admiration. Beast Man walks over to you in awe and says,

"You...you beat him. You...you..."

Suddenly Beast Man gets down on both knees and kneels before you.

"You have bested beast and risked your life to save lowly Dig Dog. From this day forward, Dig Dog Tina swears eternal servitude to new Master!"

That's right Beast Man! You smirk and perk out your chest. Bow down to your mighty leader, Skeleto-wait a minute...Tina? That's a girl’s name...

Upon closer expectation of the Diamond Dog, you notice that it has a slimmer physique compared to the other dogs, with noticeably longer eyelashes and its chest has a noticeable bump. It takes you a few moments to process this information.

What? A BeastWoman? That's not...That's...That's blasphemous! Go away you stupid dog! But despite your protests, the Diamond Dog swears you as her new owner and there's nothing you can do about it. In fact she starts to mimic your going away gestures, mistaking them for a sign of you agreeing to her being your servant.

“My life for yours master. Tina will be good dog. Tina fight for and protect you for saving her from Beast of Forgotten Treasure,” she says with a sincere smile as she picks a spear off the wall and holds it at attention.

“NYEH!” you shout and point towards the tunnel for her to leave.

“Yes! Nyeh!” she mimics in joy. Sighing you can't help but face-palm and think,

Curse you He-Man! I know this irony is your doing!

Pushing aside thoughts of Prince Adam, you decide that if this female Beast Man is going to serve you, you might as well get some information. You immediately point to the skeletal remains before holding up your notepad with a huge question mark on it.

“Nyeh?” you ask.

“Beast of Forgotten Treasure?” Tina asks and you nod. She shrugs and looks at it. “Not know. Dig Dog team find cavern full of treasure, they try to take, but it not like that. Put down those that touch,” she shudders. “So Rover say leave alone. Say it old magic we not know.”

You nod at this and her smile returns.

“But Rover not Tina’s Alpha No More. Tall Master is.”

Ugh. I get a loyal minion and everything’s wrong with it. You’re not supposed to look forward to working for me… you groan.

Taking a deep breath before you start looking this gift horse in the mouth even more, you decide its best to make your way back to Rarity. As you prepare to leave you come across the now cooled rib cage of your fallen foe. With his head gone, you don’t have a suitable victory trophy. But a ribcage could be a good replacement.

Spying some harnesses and straps near all the weapons, an idea works it’s way into your head.



"So you’re saying Skeletor took off running after he was spotted?" Twilight asks, pulling her wagon of gems.

Rarity, dragging her own wagon, nods her head at Twilights question before saying,

"Yes, I do believe the poor dear was trying to distract them so I could escape. He's already hurt as it is, and I dread to think what those ruffians might have done to him."

"Please, with that jacked up body of his we should be more worried about the Diamond Dogs. They went down after you nagged them so much” Rainbow points out. Spike shakes his head rapidly at that.

"You don't get it Rainbow, he hurt his claws pretty badly punching rocks, and then he fell down a giant hole.”

“Plus all he can say is that one strange noise of his,” Fluttershy points out.

“And from what Rarity said, they weren’t as annoyed by it as her whining,” Applejack adds.

“I don’t know, if I had to put bits on the table, I’d still gamble on Skelly winning against those meanie pants,” Pinkie counters.

“That’s all well and good Pinkie,” Rarity says, “But Spikey Wikey is right about his previous injuries, so who knows what could have hap-does anypony else hear music?"

Strangephantasm's Comment

The other's begin to look around, and they do indeed hear a tone echoing throughout the cave. The Mane Six and Spike turn towards the entrance of the cave as the tone gets louder and louder.

"Oooh! This sounds really catchy!" Pinkie says bobbing her head.

Applejack just gives Pinkie a look before saying,

"If ya say so pardner,” Applejack shrugs giving Pinkie a weird look, “For some reason it gives me the cre-"

Applejack stops talking when they round the corner of the tunnel... and see you playing a diamond dog rib cage like a xylophone. That isn’t the most eye catching thing, no, you have scorch marks all over your clothes, cuts and bruises litter your body, and the bandages on your left hand are stained red.

Plus you have a female Diamond Dog following right next to you like some kind of body guard.

When you see the 6 ponies and 1 dragon, you smile and cheer that your impromptu instrument has in fact helped you find your allies, but when you notice all the weird looks you’re getting, you stop playing and give all the mares a confused look.

What's with the looks, did I miss something important?

“Oh no! Cover ears Master! Whiny pony bring back up!” your Beast Man named Tina squeals as she clamps her paws over her ears.


Author's Note:

Now this should be a interesting conversation, and I can already feel Foxtort's annoyance rising when she has to handle a Diamond Dog of all things along with Skeletor!

Hey all, DWC here!

Ah, to Strangephantasm I'm like 99% sure I'm referencing the wrong Dem Bones with your comment, but that was the first thing that popped into my head. Plus I couldn't find a decent video for the life of me of whatever your referencing so sorry about that.

So how was that folks? The first ever fight episode was a big success in my opinion! I had a lot of fun putting it together, and hopefully its as good as I think it is.

Concerning last episode's question I sorta realize, after doing my own research, that Sunbro's example was literally the only Skeletor video game thing I could fine. So...yeah.

This episode's question is...

How was this fighting episode?

As I said I thought I did a pretty good job, but there's always room for improvement. So tell me what you all thought about it. Things that seemed good and things that I can improve on for the next fighting episode. Stuff like that.

Anyway this has been DWC, signing off!

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