• Published 19th Sep 2017
  • 588 Views, 4 Comments

A Different Maestro Spectrum - The REAL Mister Pkmn

A universe where my main OC has a different backstory than usual.

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Prologue: One Day, He Just... Appeared.

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At that moment, in Equestria…

A unicorn stallion with a black mane and tail was talking with his third wife. “Nimbus, we must move on. Harmonic was a sickly colt. We both knew that there wasn’t much we could do. It’s best we try our best to be there for the children we still have.”

A mare with bat wings with a dark gray mane and tail sat across from him, and looked away from his pink eyes to look to their children- the twins that she’d only recently had. They were sleeping soundly. Nimbus sighed. “I know Tempered, but… He was my first born. How am I supposed to get over losing him? I just don’t know if I can.”

Tempered lifted his wife’s face so he could look her in her royal blue eyes that had slitted pupils. Tempered’s maroon coat bristled slightly, but went down as he comforted her. “My sweet, you are the success of my life- The wife I’ve had the longest. To me, as long as we are together, we can make it work. It took time for me to come around to you after my second wife’s death, but I eventually did. I will always be grateful for that. And you know I’ll be here to help you through this tying time. We’ll survive this together.”

Nimbus’ tears were still staining her purple coat, and she buried her head into Temperd’s shoulder to cry. “I know we will, but… It seems so far off now…”

Tempered sighed. He wasn’t completely sure how they would get through this- after all, even though he was putting on a brave face, he’d never lost a child before. Servo and Chessmaster were both alive and well. His ovular platinum locket swayed in a gentle breeze- his anvil Cutie Mark engraven upon it. “I promise that we can get through this. I don’t know how yet, but we will.”

Nimbus lifted her head a little and smiled. “I sure hope so.” Just then, a loud BANG was heard coming from the nearby woods. The two shared a look of concern, and rushed off to find the source of the noise. When they reached the area, they gasped at what they saw.

It was a dark teal unicorn colt, who had a reddish-brown mane with a single turquoise streak down the center. His tail was a vibrant rainbow with all seven colors, and his eyes were heterochromatic- his right being blue, his left being green. He had with him a portfolio slung across his shoulders, but not much else. He didn’t even have a Cutie Mark, but that wasn’t all that odd considering his apparent age. The colt was rubbing his head with a hoof, and spoke. “Ugh. What hit me? I can’t seem to recall…” He was muttering incoherently after that.

Tempered whispered to his wife. “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?”

Nimbus nodded slightly. “Yes! He looks like Harmonic, but slightly different. Why?”

Tempered sighed. “It could be something dark in nature. Just let me-”

But, they were soon interrupted by the colt. “Um, excuse me…” The two then turned their attention to the colt. He then continued. “I’m not exactly certain where I am… Or of much anything else, really. All my memories seem to be pretty scrambled…” He then tilts his head slightly. “Do you think you can help me? I think there’s something I’m meant to do here, but… I can’t quite remember what it is.” He then leveled his head, and put a hoof up to his chin. “If I only knew…”

Nimbus spoke first, her Cutie Mark of a nimbus cloud with a checkered racing flag popping out of it becoming visible. “Of course we can help you! We may not know where you came from, but we can take care of you until you sort things out!”

Tempered shook his head, and voiced his concerns. “Now Nimbus, I know that he looks somewhat like our son, but taking him in like this? We don’t even know if he’s safe to be around! And taking him in would mean trusting him with the family secret! He’s an outsider!”

Nimbus looked Tempered squarely in the eye. “Weren’t your first and second wives outsiders? Wasn’t I? And yet you let us in. You trusted us. They took the secret to their graves, just as I plan to.” She then pointed a hoof to the colt. “That colt is alone, with virtually no memories. He doesn’t know where he is. He is innocent to the world at large. I think we should give him a chance.”

Tempered looked like he was about to argue, but he looked into Nimbus’ fierce eyes, and sighed in defeat. “Alright. We can try.” He then turned to the colt. “Say, how’d you like to become a part of our family? At least, until you regain your memories. What d’ya say?”

The colt pondered this for a moment, then nodded. “Something’s telling me that acclimating myself to my surroundings is paramount to why I’m here. Thank you, mister…”

Tempered blinked, and sighed. He pointed to himself with a hoof. “I am known as Tempered Steel.” He then gestured to his wife. “This is my wife, Nimbus Speedfang.”

The colt bowed his head a little as he followed them back to their house. “Thank you for your hospitality, Mister Steel, Missus Speedfang.”

Nimbus chuckled at the colt’s formality. “Oh, there’s no need for that. Since we’re going to adopt you anyway, why not call us ‘mom’ and ‘dad’?”

The colt stopped as they reached the house, and they gazed back at him expectantly from the doorway. He hesitated. He barely knew these ponies. Why should he call them such things? He shook his head. “I’ll… think about it.”

They brought him into the house, and introduced him to their children. The foals were different from each other in slight ways- for one, they were different genders. Their colorations were very similar, both having pale blue coats. The filly had bat wings and fangs, and her mane and tail looked like an aurora. The colt had dark blue stripes, and his mane and tail were white as snow. The foals both had hazel eyes, but the colt... was blind. The new pony blinked. He’d never seen blindness before… had he? He shook his head, and looked to those that took him in. They looked back. Tempered then spoke. “So… We can’t just call you colt forever… What would you like us to call you?”

The young colt pondered for a moment, and recalled something. He smiled. “Spectrum. Maestro Spectrum.”

That day, everything changed. The ponies known as “Tempered Steel” and Nimbus Speedfang took in the travelling unicorn who’d taken to calling himself Maestro Spectrum, to raise him as their own. And now, our story begins...

Author's Note:

So any thoughts? And yes, I know amnesia is a tad "overused" sometimes, but I didn't want the main difference to be immediately apparent. And yes, the Wingdings 3 font does have importance to the story. Decipher it if you can. I'll be seeing you for the next update.