• Published 19th Sep 2017
  • 589 Views, 4 Comments

A Different Maestro Spectrum - The REAL Mister Pkmn

A universe where my main OC has a different backstory than usual.

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Chapter The Fifteenth: Ambition For Change

After closing up shop for the day, Maestro took Prism out of there before shrinking down his portfolio. Prism looked concerned. “Dad, wh-” She was quieted by a hoof to her mouth.

He turned towards her after checking thoroughly for if they were being watched. He whispered to her. “Listen. We’re going to have to be a bit more careful now. Brace yourself.” He worked his magic, and Prism was inlaid with the enchantment that he had put on himself earlier. He spoke again. “Keep your voice down. We don’t want to draw undue attention.” He activated the invisibility as he took his daughter’s claw. He led her to an out-of the way location that he had listed on the pamphlets, out of the sight of prying eyes.

He set pown his portfolio, and worked a different spell, one that he had made only for emergencies. It transformed into a plain house with the correct address listed. He took Prism inside, and closed the door. He let the enchantment down, and explained himself. “I never told you about the other mode of my portfolio. This- is a sound-proof bunker. None can hear us from outside. This is where I’ve called our revolutionaries to, for the first meeting. It’s time to start moving.”

Prism looked confused. “Dad… what’s going on?”

Before he could reply, he heard the doorbell that he had installed. He donned a royal blue cloak, and tossed her one. “Put that on, I’ll explain later.” he drew up his hood, and went to answer the door. All the ponies he had hoofed the pamphlets to in his shop filed in, two by two. He greeted each in turn. “Welcome to the Conglomerate of Progress. Please, take a seat.” after he addressed each one, a chair would magically appear for them to sit upon. He kept greeting them like this, until the last one. It was Trixie, and he gave a smile as he let her in. “You made it. I knew that you would come. Welcome to the Conglomerate of Progress, Trixie. I think that you’ll like it.” He shut the door behind her, and locked it.

She learned in, and gasped. “Maestro?! What are you doing here?”

He chuckled. “It’s my house. It just… looks different. Come, sit. All will be explained.”

A chair near the front of the audience was summoned, and she went to sit. He summoned a stage, and he took his daughter’s claw. “Showtime. Let’s do this.” They then were teleported behind the curtain, and a silence went upon the audience. The curtains parted, and He spoke from the podium. “Brothers. Sisters. Welcome, to the future. You may be wondering who I am, but some of you might already have some kind of idea.” He looked across the audience briefly before addressing them. “Before I reveal who I am to you all, I must stress this- anything discussed or revealed within these walls is strictly confidential. All of you must promise to not speak of anything that happens here, no matter what.” They all gave a Pinkie Promise, aside from Trixie, who opted for the promise that Maestro had taught her.

Maestro gave a nod. “That will be sufficient for now. Allow myself and my confidant to reveal ourselves to you.” Prism and I pulled down our hoods, and much of the crowd were surprised for a split second, that was until they realized that the stories in the news about Celestia and Maestro not seeing eye-to-eye must be true. He held up a hoof, and calmed them. “Yes, it is I. the one that gave you the pamphlets earlier today. I come before you today to enlighten you about Equestria’s situation.

He paused to let that sink in before continuing. “Equestria is in danger, my fellows. As we are now, we will not withstand the war that is potentially coming. To protect this world we love, we must change it, make it better.”

He let one in the audience speak. “How? What can we do?”

Maestro smiled. “I’m glad that you asked that. My fellows, we have been granted gifts. From immense brain power regarding certain matters, to a grand talent with some medium of entertainment. We have the means to convince the people of Equestria that the incoming revolution is not to be feared, but embraced. We shall encourage them subtly to swing in to embracing the improvements that I plan to set into motion. If we are to survive what might come, we must rapidly accelerate the rate of technological growth.”

Trixie stood, and asked a question of her own. “I’m all for getting Equestria out of a stagnate state, as are many here, I believe. But what’s coming?”

Maestro paused to gather himself. “Beings unlike any of you have seen before. I was once among them, long ago. But I am lucky to have forgotten that time when I became a pony. It allowed me to see the beauty of this world, to see that what he might be planning would come at a cost to weighty to bear. Maestro looked across the crowd before continuing. "To stave this off, we must work together. If we do, a new future will be on the horizon for ponykind! Now go, and find those that agree. Find them, and encourage them to take the plunge towards making that future real! As for me... I'll lead the charge from the shadows, until the time is right."

The crowd cheered, and took to chatting about ideas they had as to how to pull this off. Trixie came up onto the stage and followed Maestro as the curtains closed. She spoke with concern. “You’ve heard from him then? Your father?”

Prism looked slightly startled, but Maestro sighed. “Sorta. He sent Supervisor Bronze to me today, one I had met before. I didn’t like the sound of the plans, so…” he gestured to the crowd. “Revolution.” Maestro smiled. “Now the future changes.”

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

The silent stampeded is coming...