• Published 19th Sep 2017
  • 588 Views, 4 Comments

A Different Maestro Spectrum - The REAL Mister Pkmn

A universe where my main OC has a different backstory than usual.

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Chapter The Ninth: Premonition

Maestro looked around, a void surrounding him. “Where is this?” He was confused. Wasn’t he just in Manehattan? Nothing around him looked familiar, at least not at first glance. He saw a ball of blue and green with splotches of white and brown on the horizon. This ball was not the world he was familiar with, and yet it seemed so familiar in its own right. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” He turned, and saw a shadow figure in the void. This figure was unlike any creature on Mytharia, and yet the shape looked familiar. The tall shadow spoke again. “You haven’t seen it in so long, but you still recognize her, don’t you?”

Some part of Maestro wanted to answer the figure, but he had a question of his own to ask. "Who are you? You seem so… familiar."

The figure seemed to ignore the question at first. "Remember, Observer Spectrum. You have a mission to accomplish. Focus on that."

Frustrated a little, Maestro stomped a hoof on the ground. "You haven't answered my question! Who are you?!"

The shadow figure seemed to have a melancholic look as it answered. "Oh, my son. How much have you forgotten? Oh well. Just remember the objective. Assess the Ponies' capabilities. We will need to have them in mind when we arrive. Farewell, for now."

Shock was written on Maestro’s face, and he lunged after the shadow. Yet, he couldn’t reach it as it disappeared. "Wait, don't go! Please! I have... so many questions..." Maestro looked down, distraught. "He's gone..." He woke in a cold sweat. Some part of him knew who that had been. His father. Somehow, his father had reached into his mind, to relay a message in his sleep. Maestro understood what had happened now, but something was still missing. Mission? He had a mission? He hadn’t recalled as such, but apparently he did. Assess the Ponies’ capabilities? He could only guess as to why his father would want that kind of information. He tried to calm himself. He had seen his father in a dream, but yet couldn’t make out the details. There were so many questions he had, but he pushed them back. For now, he would oblige. “I promise, father. I’ll carry out the mission…. Even if I’ve no idea what that entails.”

He cleaned up the area around his bed, knowing that he wouldn’t be getting back to sleep. There were many questions that the dream brought to his mind, yet asking them would give him no answers. He only had guesses to some of them, and the rest of them he had no idea as to where to begin with them. He got himself some breakfast, trying to get at least some semblance of calm. He was alerted to something off when Prism lumbered into the room, bleary-eyed. “Dad? I had a nightmare…” Maestro blinked. It wasn’t often that Prism came to him for those anymore; must have been quite the disturbing one. He gestured for her to sit down across from him, and she obliged. She paused for a bit before laying her concerns before him. “I dreamt about my birth parents coming to get me and hurting you in the process. I know that likely wouldn’t happen in reality, but I just can’t help worrying…”

Maestro grasped her hand from across the table, and smiled gently. “Listen, Prism. I won’t let that happen. If we ever do meet your parents, I will try and get them to understand as best as I can. You have to trust me on that, alright?”

Prism smiled, nuzzling Maestro slightly. “You always know what to say, dad.” She drew back a bit, and looked at Maestro. “What are you doing up this early, though? Getting an early start on the day?”

Maestro shook his head slowly. “No. I had a bit of a distressing dream… Now I can’t get back to sleep.”

Prism had never heard him say something like that before. Naturally, her curiosity ate at her, demanding an answer. “What was your dream about, dad?”

Maestro fiddled idly with his breakfast as he cast his mind back to his dream. “My father. I’ve thought on my true heritage briefly in the past, but… This ‘dream’ has me asking many more questions about it than I had prior. And, among those things is… what am I, really? I’m clearly not ‘normal’ for a pony, even considering those who raised me. Maybe… I’m not supposed to be a pony. Maybe, I’m meant to be something else entirely…”

Prism had never seen her father think this deeply about anything before. He was usually pretty carefree, not worrying too much about where he came from. But to see him like this was something unfamiliar to her. She hardly knew what to say, but she had to try something. She went to his side of the table, and leaned against him, startling him a bit. “It’s alright, dad. Even if you’re some crazy alien trapped in a pony body, you’re still you. That’s all that matters. You are who you make yourself to be- It’s what you’ve always told me, and now it’s you that needs to hear it most.” She stood, and looked him in the eye. “So stop worrying about it. Just focus on the now- and the future will fall into place.”

Maestro smirked, then chuckled lightly. “When did you get so brilliant? I must’ve taught you better than I thought if you’re the one lecturing me.” He shook himself, and smiled. “Thanks, Prism. I really don’t deserve a daughter like you, but you’re mine. You really are too good for me.” Prism was flattered, to be sure. She was about to reply when the doorbell rang. Maestro got up from the table. “Now who could that be at this hour?” He made his way to the door, and opened it. He blinked, a bit surprised. “Sarah! What brings you here? My store doesn’t open today.” However, she remained silent, shifting from side to side. Maestro looked concerned. He stepped aside, and opened the door wider. “Would you like to come in?” She only nodded, and stepped inside. He shut the door behind her, and he followed her into the living room. She sat on a couch across from him, silent as the night. “So, what troubles you?” She remained silent, tears trickling down her muzzle. Seeing this, Maestro approached carefully. “What’s wrong? Please, tell me.” As he drew close, she broke down. She let the tears flow, and he did his best to to comfort the distraught mare. He had no idea what she was going through at the moment, but the least he could do was be there for her. He sat there comforting her until she had no more tears to cry, falling asleep in his arms. He looked upon her visage, now at peace. A stark difference from a moment ago. He carefully pried himself away, and set a blanket upon her. She’d clearly been through something rough. So, he decided to let her stay until she woke- and maybe then, he could get some answers from her.

Author's Note:

Well now, things are getting more interesting. A dream about his father? Maybe now he might get some answers...