• Published 19th Sep 2017
  • 588 Views, 4 Comments

A Different Maestro Spectrum - The REAL Mister Pkmn

A universe where my main OC has a different backstory than usual.

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Chapter The Second: A Kindred Spirit

Things had been going smoothly so far in Maestro’s career. Year’s end was approaching, heralding the start of the 1,000th year since Nightmare Moon was banished to the moon. Some may think it silly of him to believe in such “old mare’s tales”, but his adoptive family knew the truth- it wasn’t just a story, it actually happened. They knew this because of their meticulous history keeping, to unbiased accuracy. These records had never been published- after all, who knows who would try and tarnish them if they came to light. He knew that by the Summer Sun Celebration though, all would remember the truth. He shook himself out of his reverie. He was having a stroll in the Everfree during the winter, one of its safer times. It was a little after Hearth’s Warming, so things were rather quiet. He liked to walk in the brisk cold air to think. It was peaceful. He sighed in contentment.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!” This single scream shook him out of his reverie. Was that a young mare? What were they doing in the forest? He decided to break into a brisk trot at first, seeing as it seemed a little urgent. “SOMEPONY HELP!” Now, when he heard the second cry, he broke into a full gallop- after all, with the level of fear in that scream, he needed to get there as soon as possible. He weaved around the trees until he came into a clearing. Backing up against a tree was the mare he’d heard, he was sure. Her powdery blue fur was standing on end, a sign of genuine fear, along with the wide look in her pink eyes. Her silvery blue mane and tail were a bit frazzled, but otherwise fine. He took note of her Cutie Mark- a star-tipped wand that emanated a smoky crescent-shape with white pinpricks.

He then looked across from her and saw what had frightened her. His eyes widened. “An Ursa Major? But I thought that they were all in hibernation with their cubs!” He turned his eyes to the mare as he came further into the clearing. “How’d you wind up waking one of these brutes up?”

The mare looked abashed. “It’s not my fault, exactly… Well it sorta is, but I only went in there because some idiot had the brilliant idea of taking my magician’s cape and hat!”

Maestro noticed that she held a cape in her hooves, a purple star-studded pattern that looked a little worse for wear. He then looked back at the Ursa. He hadn’t noticed it before, but there was a hat that matched the cape’s pattern placed atop its head, making it look a bit like it had a horn. Maestro shook his head. “Alright. Let’s see what can be done here…” He may have looked calm on the outside, but on the inside, he was terrified. After all, he’d read about how dangerous an Ursa Major could be when awoken in the middle of hibernation. Then, his face lit up with an idea. It then fell a little. Would such a thing work? He shook his head. No time for doubt. I’ve got to try. He looked to the mare. “I know this might sound forward, butI’m going to need to borrow a bit of your magic.”

She balked at that. Asking to borrow magic was kinda a big deal to unicorns; it was like entrusting a piece of yourself to somepony else for a bit. It simply wasn’t done lightly. “Why? What do you need it for?”

Smirking a little, Maestro explained. “Illusions. You’re good at them, right?” At the mare’s nod, Maestro continued. “I need to use that, combined with my magic to pull off what I’ve got planned.”

Blushing a little, she stammered. “C-combined!?! D-don’t you have decency!? We barely know each other!”

Seeing her flustered face, Maestro sighed. “Listen, it’s the only way to get the Ursa to leave us be. I promise I’ll only use your magic for what I need, then give it back, alright? No illicitness, I promise.” Seeing her hesitation, Maestro decided to sweeten the deal. “If it makes you feel better, I’ll make it up to you later. But for now…”

She saw his outstretched right front hoof, and finally gave in, lighting her horn with a pink aura. “You better keep your word by not doing anything weird to my magic.” She focused, and fractured off a portion, sending it to her right front hoof. “Otherwise, I won’t forgive you, alright?”

Smiling and shaking his head, Maestro accepted her hoof, and felt the magic exchange. “Gotcha.” After he let go of her hoof, he lit his horn with their magic, sparking turquoise and pink. A pink-turquoise mist surrounded him as he started to change shape. He needed to focus, otherwise this wouldn’t come out right. He felt his bones shifting and extending as his fur became coarser and his body grew larger. His coloration became darker as his eyes gained slitted pupils. Tendrils sprouted from his body, growing wispy like a shadow. His tail shifted to become silver, solid and sharp like a knife. The mist dissipated, and he growled to get the Ursa’s attention. As the Ursa saw the massive behemoth that Maestro had become, its eyes widened. It let out a whimper, and darted off fast enough to leave the magician’s hat behind. In a puff of pink-turquoise smoke, Maestro returned to his default state. He smiled, and turned back to the young mare. “See? I kept my word.” He focused on the foreign magic, and forced it back into his hoof.

The mare took back her magic eagerly, and sighed in relief. “Thanks for saving me. How did you know that would work?”

Chuckling nervously, Maestro explained. “I didn’t. I just took a few things I knew scared Ursas through what I’d read in books, and amalgamated it into one form, and hoped for the best. Simple enough.”

The mare shook her head as she grabbed her hat with her magic. “You’re certainly something, I’ll say that much. Didn’t expect Maestro Spectrum to be like this…”

Quirking an eyebrow, he responded. “Oh? Has my reputation spread that far already? Heh, sometimes it feels so surreal…” He shook his head. “Well. Let’s get you out of this forest.” they started walking, and he decided to ask her something. “Say, what’s your name? I never did ask earlier…”

Shaking her head and sighing, she replied. “Honestly, you’re expected to do at least that before asking for a lady’s magic.”

Maestro chuckled awkwardly. “Sorry. Wasn’t really thinking of that, you know. Just focusing on trying to get you out of that mess.”

Smirking, she continued. “And I already thanked you for that.” She adjusted her cape before offering her hoof in a shake. “Trixie Lulamoon.”

Maestro accepted her hoof gingerly. “An honor, to meet the heir of house Lulamoon. I hope your exploits of stage magic become legend enough to usurp Hoofdini!”

After the hoofshake, Trixie looked away, abashed. “You really think I could do that?”

Nodding, Maestro answered confidently. “Of course! I’ve got an eye for talent, you know. As long as you put effort into your illusions and slight of hoof without relying on tall tales, you’ll do fine!”

Trixie blinked. “Tall tales? Why did you mention that?”

Shaking his head, Maestro replied with confusion in his voice. “Not sure. It’s just… I seem to have strange advice for many I meet. They’ve often thanked me for it, but I don’t know why I say it any more than you do.”

The pair walked in silence to the edge of the forest, where they went their separate ways; Trixie back to her home in Canterlot, and Maestro to his next destination. However, that night, both thought that they had made a valuable friend indeed.

Author's Note:

So here's the first portion of the current-day Maestro's life. Yes, it does start before Nightmare Moon's return, and that's the whole point. I'm not going to change too much of the show's cannon for this, save for a some minor things. Yes, Maestro will see some events form the show, but not interfere too much in the real important ones (Like whenever Equestria is saved). I've set things up so that Trixie and Maestro are friends before the show's first episode for a very specific reason, that I'll get to in a later chapter. Anyway, that's all for now!