• Published 19th Sep 2017
  • 588 Views, 4 Comments

A Different Maestro Spectrum - The REAL Mister Pkmn

A universe where my main OC has a different backstory than usual.

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Chapter The Eighth: Advice to the Heart

Maestro awoke the next morning feeling refreshed, yet also worried. Yesterday’s little experiment with Brilliant Dawn opened up opportunities for many things that Maestro often felt that he was far too busy for. Dates, a wedding, perhaps even his own genetic children someday down the line. If he managed his time just right, maybe he could do all those things. Yet the personage to fill such a role as his wife would have to be somebody that was worth it. Somebody that looked past the fame and fortune, to the person he was. Sure, there were a few people that might fit that criteria, but he was pretty certain that all of them had somebody else that they were with. Maestro shook his head. He was still rather young; he had time to think on these things later. He would just keep a good portion of his schedule open if another opportunity arose, and adjust accordingly- Though he couldn’t exactly cancel the plans he had for today. He considered it again though as he got ready to move house again. Would it be so bad if he delayed it a bit? He was remarkable with his track record for scheduled events so far though, and a delay this close to the time he was planned to go was bad form. He sighed, and got himself and Prism out of the house before activating the spell again. Once done, he slung the portfolio over his shoulder, and made to leave.

Before he could, Trixie managed to catch up to him. She was a bit sad to see him go. “Leaving already? But I have another show today! I don’t know if I can pull it off without your support!”

Maestro smiled, chuckling a little. “You’ll be fine, Trix. I’ll always believe in you- even if I’m not there at the show. If you ever feel overwhelmed, just remember this- You have the power on your own. You’re a full bag of tricks, and you have the ability to wow the crowd.” He waved a bit. “Knock their socks off, okay? I’ll be rooting for you.” He then walked away from Hoofington, Prism in tow.

After they were a fair distance away from Hoofington, Prism spoke up. “So things didn’t pan out with that fan last night? Honestly dad, what will it take-”

Maestro cut her off abruptly. “Prism. Last night was an experiment. The date with Brilliant Dawn may not have worked out, but this is the start of a new way of thinking for me. I will make a conscious effort to make time for such opportunities in the future, but I have an expo in Manehattan to get to.” He offered his foreleg, and she linked her arm through it. “Hold on tight. It’s time to cut out.”

Maestro lit his horn, and focused really hard. He didn’t like doing this honestly, but any time saved was very much welcome. His magic aura encompassed himself and Prism, and in a flash, he teleported them to Manehattan. His horn’s light cooled down, revealing that they were in a back alley. He was a little light-headed, to be honest, but he would recover given time. He and Prism then proceeded to leave the alleyway, getting onto one of the main streets of the city. He went over to an empty lot that he had secured access to for the purpose of selling his wares. He set down his portfolio, and expanded it to become his store using his magic. As he was about to enter to ready the storefront more, he heard somebody come up to him. "Bro! I'm glad to see you! Just defended my title of Chess Champion again. How've you been?"

Maestro smirked at the sight of that aquamarine coat. “Hey, Chessmaster. I’ve been well. I’ve travelled all over, and I think that people really are starting to like me.” Maestro looked around a bit, trying to find something. “Say, is Janice here? It’s certainly been a while…”

Chessmaster shook his head, his red-orange mane swaying a bit. “Nah. She’s over in Las Pegasus. Quite the successful venture she has over there, selling her jewelry. When you get there, say hi for me, okay?”

Maestro nodded. “Sure. Always good to see you, Chess. If you have time later, perhaps you could drop by my shop? I want your opinion on something.”

A mix of mirth and curiosity flashed in Cessmater’s red-orange eyes. He smirked knowingly. “Sure, bro. I’ll stop by around lunchtime. See ya!”

Maestro sighed and shook his head. Even though they weren’t blood-related, Chessmaster still considered Maestro his brother- but Maestro didn’t quite think the same way. Chess was a friend, sure. But a brother? Maestro hadn’t really taken to considering any of them family, even though they had raised him. Some part of him just felt that his real family wouldn’t appreciate being replaced. He cast those thoughts aside as he got his store ready for the day, and opened up to the masses. Many came in to buy his art, and he was happy that they appreciated his work- though none of his old work from before he got his education would sell. It was good in his eyes, but most just didn’t see what he saw in it. He was knocked out of his thoughts when a thestral mare came into his store. Maestro blinked. Thestrals were known to be nocturnal, so seeing one in the daytime was rather rare. She removed her sunhat, glad to be out of the natural light. She had an indigo coat, and teal mane and tail. Her eyes were blue, and her Cutie Mark was of a paintbrush with a seven-colored rainbow cloud coming off of it. Maestro’s eyebrows raised. A fellow artist? And judging form the mark, she excelled in sky art. He decided to treat her like any other customer, though. “Welcome! You interested in any of my wares?”

The thestral mare looked around a bit, and was about to make her way to the counter when one of the customers attacked her. “Out, bat scum!” the Thestral mare let out a yelp, covering herself with her wings.

Just as the customer was about to attack again, he was encased in a turquoise glow. The thestral mare opened her eyes to see that she was safe, and everyone in the store saw Maestro’s eyes full of rage. “Nobody and I mean Nobody is to attack my customers. If you do this again, I will premaban you from my store. Is that clear?” The customer nodded vigorously, and Maestro glared at him for a little while longer before setting him down. “Good. Now…” He turned to the thestral mare, and bowed his head. “I’m sorry about him.” He raised his head and had a sympathetic look on his face. “Are you alright, miss?”

A stunned look was on her face for a good while before the she got herself together. “Y-yes, I am alright. Thank you, Mr. Spectrum.”

Maestro scratched the back of his head bashfully. “Please, call me Maestro. Mr. Spectrum just makes me feel old!” He chuckled good-naturedly afterwards.

Blushing a bit, the thestral mare pawed at the ground a bit. “O-oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

Maestro shook his head. “No, no! It’s fine, really. I get it. No harm, no foul.” He smiled gently. “So miss, what would you like to buy?”

Gathering her facilities, the thestral mare approached the counter. She pointed to one of the older paintings in the back. “That one. It’s a beautiful piece, to be sure.”

When Maestro turned to see which one she was pointing at, his face lit with shock. He levitated it out from the back room, and set it on the counter. He then looked at her, a serious look on his face. “You really want this one? It’s never been sold, and is one-of-a-kind. It’s a pretty hefty price on this one.”

A bag full of bits landed on the counter, and the thestral mare smiled. “Will this be enough?”

Maestro took the bag in his magic, and ran the numbers. He sorted through the bag with a speed-counting spell that marked clearly which ones he’d counted before. Once done, he set the bag down. He looked to her, shocked. “You’re willing to pay 100,000 bits for it? I am flattered, miss. Nobody else has even given it a second glance. Out of curiosity, why do you want it?”

A bit startled at the question, she gathered her thoughts for a bit. “Well, those buildings of metal and glass feel taller than anypony has ever flown. It gives me this sense of freedom, and a bit of challenge, too. It makes me feel like I want to reach higher than ever before!”

Maestro never thought it would happen. Somebody gets it! She understands it like I do! Maybe… “Well, how would you like it signed? I’ll make this out to you alone. What’s your name?”

The thestral blinked, and the crowd gasped. Maestro only signed very special pieces, such as the stain glass window he provided when Luna was cured of Nightmare Moon’s influence. To hear him offer to sign a piece for somepony was unheard of. The thestral mare managed to respond after a while. “Sarah Von Stokenheimer. Um, do I have to pay extra, or…?”

Maestro shook his head. “Oh, heavens no! You well overpaid for the painting anyway. Think of it as getting your money’s worth.” He lit his horn, and carefully turned the painting over he then engraved on the back:

“To Sarah Von Strokenheimer,

May you always have the drive to create what you love, and never lose heart.


Maestro Spectrum

He hoofed it over to her, and she admired the message. “Do you like it?”

Sarah nodded vigorously. “Yes! I’ll treasure it always! I’ll become a famous sky artist one day, and I’ll thank you for your faith in me then!” She leaned in, and pecked him on the cheek. The crowd gasped, and Sarah withdrew. “Farewell!” She put on her sunhat, and left the store.

The crowd looked to Maestro, who was a bit in shock about that. Had she just…? He just couldn’t get his mind off of it. She certainly was a looker, he couldn’t deny that. But he was looking for more that just skin-deep beauty. Maybe she had that, but he wasn’t sure. If he saw her again, he might just ask her out. He regained his composure though, and asked that everyone leave the store- it was lunchtime. They grumbled a bit, but complied anyway.

Once they all had left, Chessmaster came in as the sign turned to “Closed for Lunch”. Chessmaster wandered over to the table that Maestro had dragged out, and was sitting at. Chess sat across from him, and saw the look on his face. “What has you deep in thought, Maestro? You seem troubled.”

Maestro sighed deeply. “Well, yesterday I went on a date with a fan. It didn’t pan out, but it’s opened many doors that I thought I’d never have time to open. And now, there’s another mare that popped into my store today that has caught my attention, but I don’t know if I should pursue. Then Prism is trying to set me up with mares, and… to say the least it’s been hectic.” He paused for a while, unsure how to proceed. After thinking for a while, he looked up at Chess. “Am I doing it right? Or is there something I’m missing? You have experience with the ladies, what’s your advice?”

For a good while, Chessmaster had a thoughtful look on his face. He nodded, and went in for it. “Brother, when it comes to finding who you love, there is something that you must consider. You have flaws, and so does the one who you might marry. If you expect perfection, you will be disappointed. You must find somebody that you love for who they are, flaws and all. I haven’t found who that is for me just yet, and it may take me years. But you must never quit. So my advice to you is… date around, and find who it is. It may take a while to figure out who it is, but you will find her.”

Maestro sighed, nodding slightly. “Thanks, Chess. Your advice means a lot to me. I wish you luck on your search, as you have confidence in mine.” Chessmaster left the store, and Maestro finished his lunch. He didn’t know exactly what was in store for his future, but no matter what, he would persevere. He took a breath, and faced the day. The rest of the day was rather uneventful, aside from Prism pestering him for details on this new mare. He did get a letter from Trix saying that her show went well. He responded that he knew that she could do it, and that he would always believe in her. Night came too quickly, it seemed, but he didn’t mind. He had a bit of free time before his next expo. He stayed up making new pieces, his mind on Sarah. Maybe he should pursue her. It wouldn’t hurt to try and see where that ended up. After all, he had said that he’d put himself out there. Nodding his head, he resolved to find her sometime tomorrow- he was rather tired. He turned off the lights in his house, and went to sleep for the night.

Author's Note:

Chapter 8! It seems that Maestro really is going for it! As for Chessmaster, he will show up again later. As for Trixie... You'll see later. :p