• Published 1st Apr 2018
  • 27,817 Views, 772 Comments

How many lovers have you made today? - Sarcastic Brony

With things improving, Celestia is now interested in trying to court Anon but things are never that simple when it comes to Anon.

  • ...

New dawn

A sudden jolt brings Anon from rest and into the black void of his dream. He looks around rapidly in a daze, trying to understand where he is. A moment passes before his thoughts return to him, and the events of last night gradually sink in. All by his lonesome is he left to wonder and question what could be next. If he wasn’t in the void right now, he’d be questioning if last night was a fever dream.

It’s bizarre for him to think that no more than a week ago he realized his love for Celestia, and in a heartbeat, she confessed to having felt the same way. Longer, in fact, did she keep her desire from him. Months of feeling what he believed was agony over the past week. While in hindsight, he did recognize the signs, he above all wanted to believe otherwise, due to his own concerns.

This matters little to him now; it’s hard to come to terms with the idea that they’re together... If it weren’t for the words they shared, he would’ve played it off as a joke. A cruel, sick joke. But she kept says those three words, over and over. It’s troublesome for him to repeat them; he doesn’t believe he’s worthy of something so grand. A tired sigh escapes him.

He’s grateful that he’s been afforded some time to reflect until morning. Once the sun rises and he wakes up beside her, things will never be the same between them. There’s an unfamiliar shift in his negative thoughts. Now he finds himself concerned with what duties a lover has to their companion. The fact is, he’s never dated anyone before, no one that he can remember, at the very least. Sure, he knows about the standard movie stuff, but that’s not real life, right?

Should he take her out? Are they dating, or is it already beyond that? They’ve been friends for a long time, and he knows a lot about her, so what would they even talk about on a date? Overwhelmed with the prospect of this new relationship, Anon is losing himself on what it all means. Not to mention the intimate aspects of this development. Is it alright to just spontaneously kiss her, or should he ask first?

There’s also the fact she’s a princess. What of her subjects? Anon isn’t a political person, but if one pony sees him kissing Celestia, that’ll spread like a wildfire. He’s sure that all the ponies would know about it by the end of the day, if not within the hour. So how would that affect Celestia? Anon’s thoughts continue... What about Luna? It’s only a matter of time before she knows about this. He has no idea how she’d react.

This is too much for him to think about right now. He just needs to calm down and try to be happy for once. She said she loves him... That calms the rising storm of thoughts immediately. She loves him and he loves her. It’ll work out, he dreams, at least. A knock enters the void, seizing his attention. Yes, Luna did say she’d come around to talk.

“Come in,” Anon beckons.

Materializing from the darkness, Luna stands a few feet from Anon. She studies the void of his dream, somewhat miffed by the familiarity it has to Nightmare’s prison. Usually, Anon livens the place up a little, but he has been occupied with things.

“It’s been a while.” Luna walks up to Anon and embraces him.

He hesitates slightly but welcomes her embrace. “Yeah, lots to get ready for the festival.”

She noticed that hesitation. It appears he’s disturbed by something. “Are you doing well?”

Anon moves away as Luna lands on all fours. “Well enough. So, I imagine you want to talk about Nightmare?”

Shifting the discussion. Well, Luna will put this aside for now. “Regrettably... Was it her?”

Knowing this conversation may take some time, Anon summons a pair of chairs. “Couldn’t have been anyone else.” He takes his seat, glad he can move his thoughts to something other than Celestia. “I’m grateful she was there to help. I have a vague idea of what the dream was about and there’s no doubt in my mind it was a strong one.”

Luna’s tail whips from side to side in frustration. It shouldn’t be that parasite helping Anon! “This is why I am confused and bothered.” Luna walks over and sits, trying to calm down. “Nightmare feeds off nightmares. It is the root of her capabilities. The fact she has gone out of her way to rid yours is baffling to me. I have no idea what she has planned, but it can’t be anything good.”

Luna’s distressed, it makes sense but he still stands by his opinion on the matter. “We’ve already discussed this. I don’t believe she’s evil. Not entirely, at least.”

“That is not all that bothers me,” Luna insists. “She shouldn’t have had access to your dream world. I separated our connection, making it impossible to escape the void or draw magic from me. So, I’m left to ponder how she managed that. Has she been hiding her power from me this entire time? Maybe some outside force is at work? These are things I have to think of, Anon.”

Anon doesn’t understand what Luna is talking about. His knowledge of dream magic is basic at best. “I can’t help you there, Luna. I don’t know much about dream magic... However, why would she use something she’s been hiding from you just to help me?”

Luna grunts. “That is the question, isn’t it? Her motives are a mystery, but I can’t shake this pit that sits in my stomach.” Sighing to herself, she stands up and summons a doorway for them to pass through. “In spite of my beliefs, I am a mare of my word. Come, you shall commune with the beast, as you’ve requested.”

“Actually...” Anon catches Luna attention. “Can we start tomorrow? I have a lot on my mind right now.”

Luna turns to face Anon anew. It’s peculiar that while he appears troubled in mind, his demeanor is calmer than usual and by no means is he trying to hide his emotions. Curious is she on what could’ve brought about this change. “Do you wish to speak on what bothers you?”

As much as he’d like to say something, he’s sure this should be discussed while Celestia is there. “Um... I’m sure Celestia will fill you in.”

Hmm, that certainly has her attention. “Very well, I’ll leave you to your thoughts for the night. Rest easy. I have other dreams I must attend to.”

“Goodnight, Luna. See you tomorrow.” Anon waves as she departs his world. He collapses on the couch, feeling exhausted. “What is Luna going to think when she finds out I’m dating her sister?” He groans, closing his eyes in hope to ease his mental fatigue. “One step at a time.”

Celestia yawns as her internal clock tells her it’s time to raise the sun. Licking her dry lips, her eyes lazily drift open. Her magic already reaching out to the sun and moving it into the proper orbit. Still in a dreamy haze, she looks around her room as the thin rays of sunlight begin to find their way through the balcony door and across the room. What’s this odd scent in the air? It’s familiar and soothing to her.

She looks down and finds Anon pressed firmly upon her barrel as he holds her in a firm embrace. Her heart skips as the memories of last night come flooding back. She did it. She actually did it! Her face is completely red as she replays that night over and over in her head. She looks up to see the ring he gave her still snug on her horn. A smile passes her lips. He loves her... Gazing down, she can see how content he seems while resting next to her.

With their feelings understood... Would it be alright to indulge in a fantasy of hers? Certainly Anon wouldn’t object, right? They kissed last night so this should be fine... Though, he may still be shocked by everything. Well, if he doesn't fancy it, then she won’t do it again, but this is her only opportunity and she’s been wanting to do this for a long time now.

With her thoughts settled, she leans over Anon and rests her lips lightly against his. An innocent kiss, but one that causes Anon to stir awake. His eyes meet hers and there’s a flash of panic but he calms down, carefully returning the kiss. Pulling away, they’re both red as can be and nervous as they gawk at one another.

“Good morning,” she whispers sweetly, cutting the silence.

“...Morning,” Anon answers, still taken aback by this intimate display. “So, is that normal?”

“I don't know, but I wanted to give it a try. Did you not enjoy it?”

“It was fine. Just, you know, still new to this.”

“So am I.” Celestia sits up in bed as Anon does the same. “We’re both inexperienced here, but I want to explore these feelings together freely.” She scoots closer. “If you are uncomfortable with something, then let me know. But if you want to do something, then do it and we’ll figure it out after.”

She rests her forelegs onto his shoulders, wraps them behind his back and draws him into another kiss. Anon’s heart is racing but his mind is blank. He’s not sure what to think about it. He’s not uncomfortable with this. At least, not when it comes to her. Celestia pulls away with an ever-growing smile.

“How was that?” she asks.


This is going better than she expects, but she must press this advantage to continue healthy growth of their budding relationship. “Excellent! Because this is all new and scary, I’m sure you have things weighing on your thoughts. Tell them to me and I will try my best to ease these worries.”

Looking into her big, beautiful eyes is enough to calm him as is... Still, he’s fearful of so many things, and it’s because of these that he’s disturbed about the future between them.

“My mortality,” Anon blurts. “I... I’m afraid of how that’ll affect you, should we grow closer.”

Moving her hooves back to her lap she nods a few times. “It’s a troubling thought, one I cannot find an answer to. There are no known life-extending spells out there.” Celestia nuzzles him. “That doesn’t mean we can’t look. Perhaps we may find a way to prolong your life, to which I will give you that choice, as it’s not one I’d accept without your full approval.” She moves away, somber. “Though, should the worst come... I will miss you dearly, but I don’t think I could endure the thought of never having you.”

That’s about what he expected, and continuing on that line will only run him in circles, so he’ll move on to another topic. “What about the other leaders? Will this cause problems?”

Celestia shakes her head. “A leader has the right to date. It is no business of theirs, and I can assure you it will bring no negatives to the table.”

“What about your subjects? Many of them think I'm a monster.”

“Again, it is no concern of theirs who I fall for. I love you, and should trouble come, we will face it together.”

There’s gotta be something Celestia isn’t considering here. Those toxic thoughts are seeping in. “What about me? What if I don’t want this? What if I push you away for one reason or another?”

“...That’s why I want us to be honest. I don’t want to pressure you into this if you truly do not want it, but I won’t stop trying unless I know what you feel is true.” Anon falls speechless at her words. She knows it must be demanding for her to lay so much on him, but he’s not the only one here that has concerns. “Are you interested in this?”

He can still hear that voice in the back of his head telling him to let her go for her sake, but that’s not going to work anymore. “I am.”

She smiles in relief before another thought strikes her. “How did you figure out my birthday?”

Anon blinks. “Twilight came to me asking for help some time ago... In return for helping, I had her find out when your birthday was. As fate would have it, she discovered it one week ago.”

Celestia’s eyes widen. “You spoke to Twilight again?”

“Yeah. I’ve helped her with a few things already, but she wants me to tag along with her for a little longer before it’s done.” He purses his lips. “I may loathe Twilight, but I admire you more than that. If I can assist her, then things will get better for you, and ultimately, she’ll head on back to Ponyville. At least that was my thought at the time.”

Celestia allows herself a moment to let that sink in. Her mood lifting considerably as a smile spreads across her lips. “That’s why I love you, always thinking of me before yourself.” She rests a hoof on his hand. “I will not tell you which path to take; that is for you to choose. Though you are correct: I care for Twilight and want nothing more than to protect and nurture her. She is lost, Anon, like you were. And she needs someone to guide her. I failed her many years ago, but perhaps I was never the one to teach her in the first place.” She looks up to face him eye to eye. “Again, the decisions you make are your own and I will respect them without issue.”

“I can’t describe it, Tia...” Anon turns to look away. “There are fleeting moments when I see a side of her that has long since been tainted for me. The stupid way she talks about the things she’s learned. Her embarrassment when she recognizes no one knows what she’s talking about. It’s these things that remind me of a time before she did what she did and it makes me sick.” Anon lets out a huff. “I’m doing this to make sure she doesn’t harm anyone else. Once she’s done, I hope she goes back to Ponyville.”

Celestia doesn’t want this to spoil the mood, so she uses a hoof to bring Anon back to face her. “Kiss me.”

That instantly changes his frustration to confusion. “W-What?”

She smiles. “I said, kiss me.”

This isn’t what he expected, and if Anon is being honest, he forgot what they were talking about a moment ago.

“Um... Alright.”

Slowly leaning in, he can feel his heart racing as fast as it did yesterday, not that he’s surprised. This is still new and jarring for him. But, as their lips meet, he’s content with this. She’s gentle, soft and the kiss is simple. Nothing like the forced tongue-fest Nightmare gave him and he’s okay with that. After a time, they pull away, the both of them with full blushes over their face as they gaze at one another.

Though, with Nightmare in his thoughts, Anon drifts to another concern. “What about Luna? Do you think she’ll be upset?”

“She was the one I confided in when I began feeling this way about you.”

“...Oh.” Anon shifts uncomfortably. “Um, who else knows about… y’know, us?”

“Cadance. She contributed some sound advice to get you into intimate situations, but as it turns out, you were the one to set up the perfect scenario for me to share my love.”

Wow... This is a lot for Anon to take in. “So, this entire time you’ve been thinking about this stuff?”

“I have. Troubled about how you felt, how your culture would determine your choices.”

“...The questions at the park. Was that―”

“Y-Yes...” Celestia reveals, embarrassed. “I wasn’t sure how you’d view dating a pony. I know you have your reluctance to being nude, though that’s been getting better.”

If they’re taking this time to ease worries, he might as well support her too. “I’m fine with dating a pony,” Anon admits. “Again, it’s not so much the appearance I care about, just who they are.” He chuckles. “And, uh, as I said before... I like who you are.”

That redness is creeping down Celestia’s neck from both listening to what Anon's saying and another question that’s on her mind. “W-Well...” She clears her throat. “As far as appearances go... Are you, well, not interested?”

Oh, wow... Anon wasn’t anticipating this type of talk so early. “I-uh... I’m fine with your looks. Other than nervousness, I don’t think I’d turn you away, should the proper time come.”

Celestia hides behind her hooves. “Why did I just ask that?”

Anon rests a hand on her withers. “It’s fine, but, yeah, give me some time on that part...” He chuckles nervously. “How about we put that behind us and get ready for the day?”

Celestia peeks past her hooves. “Alright.”

Taking a moment to calm after that awkwardness, Celestia gets out of bed with Anon by her side as they walk to the door that leads to the bathhouse. Just as they get to the door, Anon freezes up, realizing something.

“Um, Tia.” Anon grabs her attention. “Since we’re, you know, a thing... Do you think it’s appropriate for us to bathe together?”

Celestia gets what he’s talking about, but she’s also embarrassed to admit that she’s already been checking him out during the other times they’ve bathed together. “I’m fine with it if you are,” she admits. “We’re just bathing, nothing more.”

“I guess you’re right,” Anon agrees, once again standing beside her.

Celestia leans close to his ear. “Not that I don't appreciate the show.”

With that said, she walks past Anon, flicking her tail up to hit his face. Anon takes a second to himself, just to calm down before taking a step inside after her.

Luna enters into the bathhouse at the same time as Celestia and Anon. Celestia looks over at her sister, glowing far brighter than Luna has ever witnessed before. Curious by this and the words Anon left her with, she walks over to greet them both.

“Morning, Sister,” Luna says. “I take it you’ve slept well?”

“Better than well, Luna.” Celestia smiles, bumping Anons lightly with her hip. “Wouldn’t you say the same, Anon?”

Celestia makes it a show to move her head around drastically for her sister. It takes but a moment for Luna to catch the ring at the base of her horn. Her eyes swell as she looks from her sister to the red face of Anon and then back to her sister that waggles her eyebrows at Luna.

“I-Is that what I think it is?” Luna asks.

“Of course not.” Celestia playfully uses a wing to pull Anon to her side. “This was solely a gift for my birthday.”

“Birthday?” Luna stiffens up... Of course! My sister’s birthday was yesterday!

“Don’t fret, dear sister. I forgot myself, but Anon here was generous enough to throw me a private party.”

“W-What do you mean by private party?!” A certain jealous spark ignites inside Luna, her face turning red.

“~Oh, you know~”

“Will you just tell her?” Anon pleads, being the subject of this entire topic.

Celestia looks down at Anon with a smirk. “Alright, I was just having fun.” She turns back to her sister. “I finally told him and we’re exploring these feelings together.”

Luna calms for a moment before it all comes together. “S-So...” Luna looks over to Anon who’s turned away in humiliation. “Is this what she was to tell me?”

“Yeah, we’re going to see how this love business works out.” Anon sighs. “I’m starting to regret it.”

Celestia nudges him. “Come now, don’t be so grumpy.”

“I’m not grumpy. It’s bizarre for me.”

Alright, Luna needs to calm herself. This isn’t what she foresaw but it’s setting a great mood for the day going forward. Her sister has finally taken a step forward; now it’s only a matter of time before she gets the same opportunity to admit her affection to him.

“This is great news. Good job, sister,” Luna praises.

Celestia looks to Luna with an understanding of what lies ahead. “Thank you, Luna. We can talk more about this as we bathe. So, please, let us get ready for the day.”

“Finally,” Anon says to himself as he gets naked and immediately gets into the bath.

Celestia makes sure to take her time to watch him, unashamed by her apparent desire to see his anatomy. Looking back at her sibling, she gives her a wink before following Anon in the bath. Luna is stunned by her sister's behavior. It’s nice to see her enjoying herself, but Luna will admit she’s somewhat jealous she must wait before she’s given the same privilege. Putting that aside, she joins them in the bath.

Anon tries his best to relax as the two sisters talk about what happened. Celestia is speaking about the day they shared together, the restaurant, park, and whatnot. She talked about everything in an excited tone, as if she still can’t believe this is true, but Luna listened all the same, and intensely, too. Finally, the story comes to an end. Anon is thankful, as overhearing it fills him with embarrassment.

“So, here we are!” Celestia ends.

“Quite the tale.” Luna nods a few times. “So, what are your plans for the day?”

Celestia turns her gaze to Anon. “Well, if you’re not busy, I’d like you to accompany me for morning court.”

“I’ve got nothing to do this morning, but I’d like to stop by the shop around lunch to talk to Bonbon and Lyra.”

“That can be arranged.” Celestia looks at her sister. “What about you, Luna?”

“As I said before. I have guards to train for the week. Speaking of which, I can’t fill in on day court during this time. My apologies.”

“Hmmm...” Celestia taps a hoof to her chin. “I’ll get Cadance to help. Considering her relatively free schedule, I’m sure she’s bored to death.”

“That is up to you, sister.” Luna gets out of the bath. “For now, I must depart for training. Have a good day, you two.”

“See you tonight,” Anon comments.

“Tonight.” Luna nods before walking off.

“Bye, Lulu!” Celestia shouts.

Luna recoils somewhat before shaking her head while leaving. “Bye, Celly.”

Now Anon and Celestia are left alone in the bath... He prefers Luna not leaving. She was like a buffer for the awkwardness of this situation. Now that he’s alone with Celestia, he can’t prevent his mind from straying.

“Anon.” Celestia looks at him. “I’m hesitant to admit that during our times bathing together I’ve taken more than a few opportunities to appreciate your... unique body.” Anon has no idea what this is about or where it’s going. “S-So I believe it is completely reasonable to grant you a gander at what I have as well.”

Is this happening? “I... I already saw Luna’s.” Ok, that sounds much worse than he expected it to be. “Y-You know when she showed it to me months back when we bathed. So you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

“Again, I think it’s only fair,” Celestia declares, standing up from the bath and turning her hind end to Anon. “J-Just one quick look, ok?”

Anon swallows hard. “I-um... ok.”

Celestia’s heart is hammering in her barrel, but she’s already made her decision here as she flings her pink tail to the side. Just as suddenly as Anon sees it, she’s covered it up with her tail and returns to her seat.

“S-Should you desire to see more, you only need to ask,” she asserts.

Anon decides to clear his mind of that particular offer... “Good to know.” He takes a second to calm his nerves. “So, morning court?”

Celestia is not faring much better than Anon is after having done that. “Yes. There’s not much listed for today but tomorrow is the festival.”

“Yeah, that’s why I want to go to the shop real quick.”

“Very well.” Celestia scoots close to Anon. “I love you.”

Will he ever get used to hearing her say that? He's not sure, but he can't find a reason to complain about it. “I love you too.”

“Can you help wash me?” she asks, hopeful he may continue to indulge her.

Anon sighs, unsurprised. “Sure.”

She squees to herself before pulling him into another kiss. Anon is stunned for a moment as she lets him go and floats over all the soaps. This is going to be challenging to get used to, but curiously enough, his mind is free of any protest.