• Published 1st Apr 2018
  • 27,865 Views, 773 Comments

How many lovers have you made today? - Sarcastic Brony

With things improving, Celestia is now interested in trying to court Anon but things are never that simple when it comes to Anon.

  • ...

Day ahead

Anon is pleasantly surprised by how ordinary this is. Well, almost. For the better part of morning court, Celestia has been acting like her typical self. The ponies that came by took notice of her horn ring, but none commented as to why she was wearing it. Things were discussed, and business dealt with, as usual. Though, between the time a subject left and the guard brought another, things changed. She would nuzzle, embrace, and even kiss him just before they entered her court; return to her usual stoic demeanor, proceeding as if none of what she did had happened.

There have also been the guards watching them from the corner of their eye. They remain diligent in their task, facing forward and waiting for orders from the Princess, but Anon knows their attention is on what is going on between the two. There’s no doubt in his mind that this will quickly pass down until it gets to Shining Armor, but that is of little concern to him.

No, what Anon is concerned about is just how empty his head is. There’s little thought on why he should cut ties with her and save them both the pain of his passing. No, those thoughts have long since passed. Things like how ponies will react and what it means to be a partner have taken its place. It’s troubling, because he wants to give to her as much as she’s given, and yet what could ever compare to the love she’s given?

Sure, he loves her, but it's not as important when compared to hers. There has to be something he can do to make this right!

“Are you alright?” Celestia asks as the latest pony leaves.

“Just thinking about this relationship,” Anon admits.

Celestia turns her full attention to him. “Anything I should be worried about?”

Anon takes a breath to calm himself. “So, I know this isn’t a competition or anything, but I feel as if I’m not bringing enough to the table here. You’re a princess, you give me anything I ask for, and, well, you love me too... All I do is hang around, and I can’t offer you as much as you have. So, I don’t know, it just feels one-sided.”

Despite the nature of his concerns, Celestia can’t help the smile it brings her. Knowing that he’s so worried about how things are between them makes it clear that he’s taking this as seriously as she is.

“Anon, I don’t need anything other than your love.” She nuzzles him. “That means more to me than my title and all that comes with it.” Celestia feels a mischievous spark inside of her. “However, if you want to indulge me, a kiss would do just fine.”

That shock of embarrassment is palpable to Anon. Nevertheless, she’s right. For the most part, Celestia is the one initiating contact, while Anon is just along for the ride. Maybe he can be a bit more impulsive with this relationship? Take charge of a few things to put it out there that he’s trying to make this work.

“Um, alright.” Anon leans in for a kiss, but just before their lips meet, the door to the throne room opens.

“Aunty, you summoned me to courtㅡ”

Cadance freezes in her tracks as she fears she may have interrupted a pivotal moment between her aunt and Anon. Anon can’t believe the timing of this pony. It’s as if the world is testing his resolve. He can’t stop now, so he pushes his reservations aside and leans the rest of the way into the kiss. Celestia is pleasantly surprised by Anon’s initiative, despite being the center of attention. They share a short kiss, and once they pull away, Celestia looks to her niece with a broad smile.

“Correct, Cadance,” she answers without skipping a beat. “Anon and I are going to be busy during lunch, and unfortunately, my sister cannot watch over day court. Are you available?”

Like the heat of the sun, Cadance can feel her aunt's love radiating from her. Despite her aunt's imposing aura, what grabs Cadance’s attention is how strange Anon’s love is. It’s like nothing she’s ever experienced before. The only way she can explain it, is that his love is only existing because Celestia is nearby. Like the moon that reflects the light of the sun to glow, his love for her is only there because her love shines onto him.

It’s enough to cause Cadance pause. She believes he’s still at odds with what he feels, but that’s understandable, considering who he’s with. A smirk grows on Cadance. This is going better than she expected.

“I have nothing planned,” Cadance answers. “I can take over day court if you wish. I’m sure you and Anon are very busy.”

“Thank you, Cadance.” Celestia looks out a window. “In fact, it appears to be that time.” She looks down to Anon. “Ready?”

He sighs. “Yeah, ready.”

Cadance just waits as her aunt and Anon get up and walk past her. “Love the ring,” she comments.

“I believe it fits me perfectly.” Celestia gives a titer. “Good day, Cadance.”

“~Good day you two.~” Cadance gives them a small wave as Anon ignores the entire situation.

Once the two are gone, Cadance giggles uncontrollably as she hopes a little in place. “She did it!”

“Excuse me. We have ponies waiting,” a guard says.

Cadance shakes off her excitement as she walks over and takes a seat on her aunt's throne. “Very well, send the first in and get Shining over here as well. I have a few things I’d like to discuss with him.”

“Understood.” The guard salutes and walks off.

Cadance can feel her heart racing. This isn’t what she expected when she woke up today, but she’s beyond happy that those two have gotten together. Now, all that’s left is her Aunt Luna. If that works out, then everything will be perfect.

Luna looks before the broken griffon before her. “Admirable, but foolish. In a contest of wills, it’s better to hold defense than attempt a strike.” With a small flourish, she puts her sabre back into its sheath. “You are strong, but that matters little when faced with technique.” Luna looks to Blossom. “What others are there?”

Blossom chuckles as she looks over the many injured creatures she brought in. “That’s all of them.”

Luna nods. “Very well. That will conclude training for today. Heal their wounds and we’ll start fresh at first light.”

“Well, you heard the Princess!” Blossom shouts. “Medics, heal the requisites with ninety-nine percent efficiency. If any of you waste magic, I’ll have you lifting the entire battalion for an hour!”

The medics give a salute before rushing over to the injured. Blossom walks over to Luna and gets close to whisper to her. “You were sloppy. Something happen?”

Luna smirks. “Let us speak in private.”

Blossom leads the princess to her office as she closes the door and takes her seat. “I guess it has something to do with Anon?”

“Yes, I’m glad to say that my sister has finally made the first step.”

Blossom’s eyes widen at that. “So, they’re actually a thing?”

“So it would seem. My sister was more than happy to indulge in the night they shared.”

“Yes, her birthday.”

“You knew?” Luna is taken aback by Blossom’s response.

Blossom rubs the back of her neck nervously. “Sorry about not telling you. Anon made me promise.”

Luna calms as she relaxes in her seat. “I’m not upset. I tasked you with protecting him and you’ve certainly gone beyond that. I’m grateful.”

“So, what happens now?”

“Now I wait for them to grow closer. It’s new for them, and if I were to intervene too soon, then it may backfire on the end goal. They will bond, and hopefully in no time at all, I may approach Anon with my desires.”

“Good to know the plan is still in effect,” Blossom admits. “What about me?”

“You will return to protecting him once our training here is done. While my sister may be dedicating more time to him, she cannot be there all the time. For those moments, he will need you.”


Luna glances behind her to the closed door. “Was I too harsh?”

“It’s to be expected, considering the training.”

“Maybe my sister is right. Perhaps I’m too cautious? But I know I couldn’t sleep at night if I weren’t sure my knights were ready for anything.”

“I feel the same way. Enjoy the peace, but prepare for war.” Blossom remarks. “Speaking of, I have intel on a possible threat.”

Luna’s brow raises. “A threat?”

“Yeah, it’s just a whisper right now, but I’ve been informed a small group of insect-like ponies are gathering. Perhaps something or maybe nothing.”

Luna grits her teeth. “Changelings. Of all the things I’ve faced, those are the creatures that haunt me the most.”

“...Yeah.” Blossom shakes those memories away. “Again, it was just a whisper, but I’ll be sure to keep tabs on any further activity.”

“Good. Should anything develop, come to me immediately.”

“As always.” Blossom leans back some. “Forget about that stuff. I want to know, if things go well between your sister and Anon, when will you approach him, and how?”

Luna feels those butterflies in her stomach. “I would like to ask him in the company of my sister as soon as it’s appropriate. Nothing fancy, just how I feel.”

“I didn’t expect anything less.” Blossom sits back up. “Since training is over for the day, I suggest you go enjoy yourself. I’ve got paperwork to do.”

Luna gets up from her seat. “Very well. Take care, Blossom.”

“You too, Luna.”

Blossom is left by herself as she looks over her paperwork. This change between Celestia and Anon is both a good and bad thing. Changelings are attracted to love, so that paints Canterlot as a potential target. She’ll need to be diligent about any possible invasion or spies. No rest for her, it seems.

“How're the grandchildren doing?” Lyra asks as she levitates a bag to the elderly pony before her.

“Fine, just fine. They’re always looking for something to do around Canterlot to get their cutie marks.”

Lyra giggles. “We had a small trio of fillies back in Ponyville who did the same thing.”

“It’s rather common. Why, I was in a group like that when I was their age.” The mare looks around the shop. “Where’s that tall fella? What was the name... Anoon?”

“Anon, Mrs. Hazelnut. He’s been busy with a few things,” Lyra answers.

“Been busy for quite some time,” Hazel comments. “Though, I guess ponies these days are busy with something or other.” She takes her bag and puts it on her back. “Thanks again for the order. Toodaloo!”

Hazel slowly walks to the front door, but just before she gets there, it opens up to reveal Anon and the Princess, side by side... In fact, Lyra notes from afar that they’re uncomfortably close.

“Last time, stop it,” Anon warns. “I can barely walk with you pushing into me.”

Celestia pouts. “If you wish.”

The both of them pause as they spot the elderly pony standing in front of them. Mrs. Hazelnut goes wide-eyed for a moment before trying to kneel before the Princess. Seeing how wobbly the old mare is, and the bag on her back, Anon quickly grabs the bag with one hand to keep it from falling and the other to steady her out.

“No need to bow, Mrs. Hazelnut.” Anon lifts her. “How’s the hip?”

“I may be old, but not too old to show respect!” She pushes Anon away. “Sorry, Your Highness.”

Celestia giggles. “I agree with Anon. No need to go out of your way to bow. I’m not offended.”

Anon takes the bag and puts it into her saddlebag. He takes note of the color of the container. “I wasn’t aware you were allergic to sugar, Mrs. Hazelnut.”

“Oh yeah, I forget all the time. When I first bought your candy, I almost put myself in the hospital! Then I remembered you saying something about special orders, so I came and that nice little mare there told me all about it,” she says, pointing to Lyra, who nervously waves at Anon.

“Good to know.” Anon gets up. “Take care.”

“Good afternoon.” Hazel gives a head bow to Celestia. “Princess.”

Anon turns his attention back to Lyra as he walks up to the counter. “Bonbon in?”

Lyra finds her gaze drifting to the princess as she spots the ring on her horn. She’s thankful that his party has gone off without a hitch. However, there’s also something strange about them. It’s almost enough to make Lyra’s fur stand on edge. The princess is looking at Anon in what she can only describe is a loving way.

“Lyra.” Anon grabs her attention. “Is Bonbon here?”

“N-No...” Lyra can’t shake an odd feeling in her stomach to attack the princess. “Fancy Pants and she are going over a few last minute details before the festival tomorrow.”

“Dammit.” He whispers under his breath as he looks over Lyra. “You’ll have to do. Come on.” Anon doesn’t say another word to Lyra as he walks past her to the back kitchen. “Dipper, register please!”

“I’m on it!” She hops off her chair and walks to the storefront.

Anon guides Lyra and Celestia to the back room but doesn’t sit as he wants to make this quick.

“Is something the matter?” Lyra asks, taking a few steps away from the princess.

“Tell Bonbon that I need her to get a few crates of honey. Last time I was here, I noticed we were getting low and forgot to tell her.” Anon takes a deep breath in and slowly lets it out. “Also, go to the jeweler we went to for Celestia’s gift. He should be holding an item I think would be perfect for you to give to Bonbon.”

Lyra’s eyes widen. “W-What?”

“Think of it as thanks for that.” He points to Celestia’s horn.

“Is that all?” Lyra keeps sensing something is different between these two.


“Actually,” Celestia speaks up as she looks down at Lyra. “I’d like to say something.”

Anon wasn’t expecting Celestia to say anything. “Uh, sure...”

Celestia hasn’t turned her gaze from Lyra. “Anon is my stallion.” She proclaims. “You dare touch him and I’ll turn you to ash.”

Lyra’s eyes widen, as well as Anon’s. “Little uncalled for.” Anon throws out there.

“I find it appropriate,” Celestia remarks, “considering her past transgressions. I know you’ve made amends, but her desires are still there. However,” Celestia leans low, pushing her muzzle against Lyra’s. “He’s mine.”

Lyra’s teeth grit as her hoof paws the floor. That’s why she’s been feeling this way. Her entire being is screaming at her to strike the competition before her, but she can’t... She loves Bonbon.

“Understood,” Lyra says, holding herself back.

Celestia smiles as she pulls away and just as a show, she leans over to Anon and kisses him. That alone sets everything into stone for Lyra. Celestia pulls away just to nuzzles Anon. “All done?”

He’ll have to ask about that later, but it's probably got something to do with that weird pony relation stuff. “Yeah, all done.” Anon looks down at Lyra as she just stands there, almost on the verge of tears. He pats her on the head a few times. “See you later, Lyra.”

“Yeah, see you later,” she answers.

With nothing else that needs to be said, Anon leaves with Celestia in tow.

“Was that necessary?” Anon asks as they pass through the kitchen and into the storefront. “Thanks again, Dipper.”

She nods. “No problem boss!”

“I find it entirely appropriate, given your past with her,” Celestia remarks as they step out into the streets of Canterlot. “She needs to know you’re not free on the market anymore.”

“I know, but she’s still a friend.”

Celestia’s ears pin back. “Sorry, it just felt like the right thing to do at the time.”

Anon sighs. “I get there’s a lot about your people I still don’t understand, especially when it comes to dating, but can you at least give me a heads up before doing something like that?”

“That’s fair.”

“So, what can you tell me about this dating stuff? Anything I should keep an eye out for?”

Celestia nods. “A few things. I’ll try my best to explain them. First, as the mare you’ve accepted as a lover, that makes me the lead mare.”

“Lead mare?”

“A lead mare is a mare that keeps things together in a herd.”


Celestia blushes. “Um, yes... If you ever become interested in another, we could form a herd and agree to be with you.”

Anon didn’t think he’d fall into this conversation again and so quickly. Though, it’s far different than what Lyra proposed. For her, it was already going to be a herd. While Celestia is simply explaining the option is always on the table.

“Is this... Is this a normal thing for ponies?” Anon asks as his thoughts fray.

“I wouldn’t say normal, but it’s there, should you have an interest.” Celestia realizes she needs to be as clear as she can here. “I’ll start from the top and try to explain everything to the best of my ability.” Celestia thinks over how to put this. It’s seems like a no brainer but that’s due to the cultural differences. “Lead mare is a symbol. It represents who was accepted first by the other. It’s an unspoken rule that should a partner desire, they may entertain the thought of bringing another into their fold. It’s a herd’s job to protect their stallion and the lead mare is the one that manages things.”

Despite the conversation, Anon can’t deny a certain curiosity in the topic. “Such as?”

“Well, where they go, how much time each herdmate gets with their stallion, but the most important job is being the diplomat of sorts for any potential new partners that wish to join. Centuries ago, lone stallions would be hounded by mares. If a lead mare was established, they would calm down or else ensight rage from the entire herd.”

“This is a lot more complicated than I thought it would be,” Anon admits. “So, other mares keep their distance?”

Celestia nods. “I know I seemed rather harsh to your friend, but it was necessary to establish that I was in charge and that her actions were no longer acceptable. She’s still very much in love with you, even I could see that, and that could prove a problem with our own relationship if she were allowed to roam freely. So, by taking the initiative, I’ve asserted that you’ve accepted me as the lead mare. So any further advances are now delegated to me.”

“So, she’s not going to try and hit on me?” Anon asks confused.

“Yes. Again, to ignore this basic rule is to bring ire from the herd.”

Anon takes a moment to let that soak in. “This is all so confusing.”

Celestia chuckles. “I know the feeling. To explain this is like asking you how you breath. It’s difficult and much of it is purely instinct. However, I believe this is a good thing. Your friend is now faced with a wall she cannot pass, and this will keep her in check. So there’s no need to worry about any unsavory behavior from her anymore.”

Anon is still reeling from this information overload as he continues to walk beside Celestia toward the castle. With the silence building, Celestia finds her thoughts drifting to her sister and their own plan of creating a herd.

“What are your thoughts on a herd?” Celestia asks.

Anon snaps out of his stupor. “Tia, this thing between us... It’s already a lot to take in. I don’t think I can handle the idea of throwing another partner into the mix.”

Celestia can’t shake her worry for her sister, but there’s also something else there as well. “...To be honest, I agree that it’s too early to think of things like that. I want to enjoy you all to myself for the time being.”

Anon can’t stand when she says things like that. “Y-Yeah, well, let’s get something to eat. I’m starving.”

“Very well.”

Twilight is walking around the castle with cheer as she floats her duster and cleans a passing vase. Once done, she skips off to the next vessel in line. She never thought having a job could be so exciting! Spike was right in recommending her a job to Feather Duster, a young mare who’s scrutiny almost made Twilight back out at the last second, but overall is sweet and takes pride in what she does. Though if Twilight had one complaint, it would be the outfit.

She glances at her attire from the reflection of a window. She rarely wears clothes, but this Prench maid outfit is a size too small, so it pushes and hugs various features she has. Feather Duster was adamant about her wearing this getup. Stating that all maids are required to wear it and that she’ll make sure to fit her with the proper size later. So, she accepted her terms without a struggle.

The fact is, Feather Duster knew Twilight never worked a day in her life and was mostly taking Spikes word for Twilight’s commitment. So despite the costume lifting her rear and slimming her midsection to the point of it being difficult to breath... she’s okay with this. The pay is decent, too, but after some research on the cost of a permit in Canterlot, Twilight will be doing this for quite awhile.

However, she’s enjoying this new feeling of independence. She’s got a job and she feels as if she’s doing something with her time, as opposed to sulking in the library.

“Twilight!” a voice shouts.

With a salute, Twilight turns around to face the pony behind her. “Yes, Ma’am!?”

“The princess is having lunch right now. I want you to serve her.” Feather Duster informs her.


“It’s something we maids do from time to time. I suggest you get used to it.”

“A-Alright.” Twilight relents. “Anything else after that?”

“Take your break and come see me after. I’ll have plenty more work waiting.”

“I’m on it, and thank you again for giving me this job.”

“Don't make me regret it,” Feather Dusters states as she walks away. “Don’t keep them waiting!”

Once Feather is gone, Twilight starts walking toward the dining area. After a few hoofsteps, she looks down to her uniform for a brief moment... Oh no, this is going to be embarrassing. She can’t afford to think about this right now. She’ll focus on her job and worry about that stuff later.