• Published 1st Apr 2018
  • 27,817 Views, 772 Comments

How many lovers have you made today? - Sarcastic Brony

With things improving, Celestia is now interested in trying to court Anon but things are never that simple when it comes to Anon.

  • ...

Unacquainted love

Bonbon and Anon stand side by side as they look over his latest creation. Neither of them say anything as they simple mull over the entire piece, taking into account that neither of them have much experience when it comes to baked goods.

“It's certainly not the best-looking thing we’ve made,” Bonbon remarks, “but it’s unique and that makes all the difference.”

Anon steps forward, pacing around the table to view the cake from all sides. It annoys him that this is the best he could manage. All the hours he’s put in and yet something is missing. This is meant to be the centerpiece to Celestia’s party? It’s lackluster, basic as they come, but it’s the best he could do. Bonbon is right, he is not Pinkie Pie, and so his cake is elementary when compared to some of the things he’s seen her make.

A few times he entertained the thought of folding, to ask Pinkie to come over and help, or at least give him some pointers, but he couldn’t bring himself to do that. He wanted this to be special, to make Celestia something with his own hands and having someone else do that didn’t sit right with him. So, instead, he took on this task on his own... Well, with some essential guidance from Bonbon.

Neither of them have baked a cake before, so it was a learning process for the both of them. Anon will admit it was nice working in a kitchen with Bonbon again and at times when he wanted to give up she was there to push him to continue. This is the fruit of their labor. It may not look like much, but he can’t deny a touch of pride for having made this cake. Still, he could at least add a little something to it.

“Your idea about the cutie mark was a nice touch.” Anon admires the familiar cutie mark of the princess that takes up most of the top of the cake. Looking almost like an image printed on top. Lyra was very helpful in that regard. “Do you think I should add some icing here?” Anon traces the border of the cake. “Rosebuds, perhaps?”

“Anon, the princess is going to love it no matter what you add.” She steps closer to the cake. “But, if you must, a few roses wouldn’t hurt.”

Anon ponders this as he reflects on the choices he’s made while creating this cake. For the base, he went with chocolate, as it’s one of Celestia’s favorites, but there’s something very pedestrian about it. Then there’s the frosting dilemma; he elected to go with a lilac mix, seeing as those flowers are plentiful in the garden, and he could only assume they were her favorite. It gives the cake a subtle violet hue, which does help with the presentation, but that doesn’t mitigate the plainness of it all.

Though he knows his worries aren’t entirely on the cake either. “Maybe I should’ve invited a few others, but I didn’t want them blabbing and tipping her off. Do you think I should’ve taken the risk?”

“You’re overthinking this.” Bonbon playfully hits his thigh. “She’s going to be thrilled, so calm down and just let things happen.”

“Easy for you to say.” Anon grabs a nearby pastry bag and writes ‘happy birthday Tia’ at the top left corner. “You don’t have two alicorn princesses that worry about you or a certifiably insane mare that believes making amends is quickly solved.”

“You’re right. I just have an alien that blows things out of proportion, a significant other that’s in love with said alien, and a large-scale event coming up that I’m in charge of hosting.”

Anon flinches. “Touche.”

“Seriously, Anon... You’re overthinking this.” She rests a hoof onto his leg. “Just take it easy for once and go with the flow.”

Bonbon is right. He’s making something out of nothing before anything can happen. As hard as it is, he’ll try to relax and enjoy this day. Anon sets the pastry bag aside and grabs a candle from the counter, placing it in the center.

“I doubt they make enough candles for her age, so one will have to do.” Anon stands up and gives the cake a once over. “Maybe I should add those rosebuds?”

Bonbon smiles at Anon’s continued worried expression. So she stands on her hind hooves and gives him a hug from behind. “It’s nice having you back... What Lyra said is true; I missed you.”

“I can’t complain,” Anon agrees as Bonbon lets go and take a few steps away, then both of them look at the cake once more. “Rosebuds it is, then I’ll pack it up and head over to the castle.”

Bonbon relishes in the view of Anon making a new pastry bag and diligently work the small red rosebuds onto the rim of the cake. His precision work is impressive because despite his nerves, his hands are as steady as they can be.

“You know, we might need to consider adding a baked goods section to the shop,” Bonbon comments.

Anon chortles. “Yeah, right.”

“I’m serious!” She looks at her messy kitchen. “Well, maybe not now, but it’s an idea.”

Lyra’s head pokes in through the door. “Bonny, I really need a hoof with something. Are you busy?”

Bonbon cracks Anon a smile. “Well, no rest for us, it seems. Good luck.”

“Here’s to hoping I don’t need it.” Anon adds his finishing touches. “There...” He can feel his nerves starting to act up. “Just one step at a time.”

Well, here she is. One of the Princesses of Equestria, considered all-powerful and full of wisdom, slumped upon her throne with a sour look on her face. She does nothing more than face the door to her throne room, where not a single citizen has come to visit. It’s not surprising to her. The Wonder festival is but a few days away and with that comes last minute changes. Ponies purchasing new garments to doll themselves up as a means of showing off prestige.

Others focusing on their business, ensuring that their wares are cleaned, organized and readily available for the masses that will be passing through. A lot of creatures throughout Equestria and outside of it will be attending. So business will be booming. Though this is of little concern to the princess; she’s been in a crummy mood all week.

A single letter came from Anon a few days ago, beguiling her in a brief tale of how he’s made amends with his business associates, and due to their invitation to being one of the shops within the Coliseum, he needed to help them make sure everything was in order. She’s been pondering as to what led to this sudden change in what she believed was a very strained relationship between them.

Not that she believes he’s lying, but she would be remiss not to think that something else was ahoof. Celestia slams her hoof onto the foreleg rest of her throne in a fit of anger. She wouldn’t be as annoyed as she is if he at least came by to visit! He hasn’t come by to rest or even get a change of clothes, as far as she knows. Brooding, she crosses her hooves with a grunt.

Perhaps he’s keeping his distance after their intimate discussion? She collapses into her throne with a moan.

“Why must my thoughts misguide me?” Celestia questions herself. “What could he be up to?”

“I find myself falling into the same mindset.”

Celestia lazily glances over at her sister who’s standing alongside her. “Hello, Luna... Are you in need of something?”

“Solely looking to share my concerns.”

Celestia sits up to properly face her sibling. “Is he still not dream walking?”

Luna nods. “I’m afraid so. He’s either too fatigued to dream, or utterly rejecting my entry. Either way, I don’t like it.”

“Well, there is the festival,” Celestia attempts to reason. “I’m sure that’s why he’s so busy.”

“True, but several things have crossed my mind.” Luna recalls when she found Anon a week ago recovering from a nightmare, the stench of that vermin was all over him. “He’s still holding secrets, but I suppose we can’t expect him to always speak of what lies within his soul. I know you tried your best regarding that, but he’ll need time.”

Celestia nods glumly. “Agreed. Still, I can’t stand having him so far from me. My heart aches.”

“Mine too, Tia. Though we must give him time. Wouldn’t want to scare him away now, would we?” Luna jokes.

That helps lift Celestia spirit a little. “You are correct. So, what do you have planned for the day?”

“Blossom has notified me that a few recruits have come in. She wants me to test their mental fortitude.”

Celestia recoils. “Oh, no... Not the test, right?”

Luna smirks. “Yes, sister. The test.”

Celestia briefly recalls the one time she was subject to this test her sister concocted. It was brutal as it was efficient. A collection of tests to push a creature to their absolute limit of both body and mind. During their period of war, it was paramount to train soldiers as quickly as they could, but they didn’t want to send colts out there unprepared to die needlessly.

So, her sister created this test. Broken stallions and mares would be left behind and those who endured were fit enough to fight. The first few tests where a breeze, but the mental version was where most of them were scarred. Celestia didn’t want her sister to do these tests without having experienced them herself, and she will freely admit that parts of it still haunt her.

Because, as she now thinks back, those were the first signs of Nightmare moon. A dark abyss that drove a pony mad with their greatest fears and scenarios of taking a life. Celestia can still hear the laughter of the Mare in the Moon, but gave it little thought as she believed it was part of the test.

She shakes those memories clear as she addresses her sister. “Luna, you know I keep my distance from your knights, but don’t you think that training is a bit too harsh? It was perfectly fine considering the time but we’re at peace now.”

“Call me paranoid if you wish, Tia, but I want to assure my knights are always equipped for the worst.”

“Very well,” Celestia yields. “I’m to assume that training will keep you occupied?”

She nods. “Afraid so. I doubt I’ll get any rest or breaks.”

“Another day alone.” Celestia slumps again into her throne.

“Come now, I’m sure you’ll find something―” Luna’s ears perk up as she beams. “Or something will find you.”

Celestia raises a brow as the throne room door opens. Moving inside is none other than Anon. He gives both sisters a wave as he strolls up to greet them.

“Hey, there! Sorry for being so busy.” Luna swiftly grabs onto Anon and he embraces her without a fight. “Nice to see you too,” he states patting her back a few times.

“We need to speak tonight about you know what.” Luna whispers for only Anon to catch.

“I’ll be free,” he whispers in response.

Luna steps away. “I have some training to do. A pleasant day to you both.”

“Bye.” Both Anon and Celestia say as Luna leaves.

Anon is about to turn to face Celestia, but is immediately glomped from behind as she envelops him in her wings. “It’s been awhile.”

Anon is thankful he’s facing away from her as his heartaches. That filling is still present, and having her this close is painful. Nevertheless, he focuses on his task, turns around in her grasp and returns the hug. “Yeah, a lot’s been going on. Sorry for leaving without a word.”

“I understand.” Celestia sighs happily, taking in his musk as it calms her. “The festival is only days away. I’m glad you’re here.”

“Thankfully, things have calmed down.” Anon and her pull away. “Would you like to have lunch?”

Celestia glows at the idea. “I wouldn’t turn your offer away.”

This is working out as Anon planned. He wants to spend the entire day doing what Celestia wants just before finishing everything with the party. “I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to go out to eat this time.”

Celestia’s ears perk up. “W-What was that?”

“Would you like to go out to eat?” Anon offers with a faint smile. “We eat at the castle so regularly, I imagined a change of pace would be nice.”

“O-Of course...” When she thought they had left, her filly thoughts come rushing back. With reddened cheeks, Celestia tries her best to remain calm. “Do you have someplace in mind?”

“I’ve made reservations,” Anon answers, waving for her to join him. “Follow me.”

With Anon guiding the way, Celestia calms down by resting her head against his shoulder as they walk. For Anon, the gesture isn’t abnormal, but the pain inside of him unquestionably is. A week wasn’t enough time for him to overcome the overwhelming emotions Celestia causes him. It’s torture being this close to her, but he can’t stop now. He’ll endure this pain for now to ensure everything goes according to plan, and once the party is over, he can take time to snuff out the love he has for her... From there, things will finally return to normal.

“I can do this, I can do this.” Twilight drones to herself. “Hi, I’m Twilight Sparkle. Would you like me to watch your foal?” Her too long of a smile drops as she studies herself in the mirror. “Only a deranged pony would simply stroll up to a random family and ask that.”

“I don’t get why you want to start foalsitting,” Spike observes, setting a few books back onto the shelf.

“I told you, Spike. I need the bits. And after contemplating it for awhile, I deemed it would work out.” Twilight uses her hooves to move around her lips, trying to make the perfect smile.

With his claws clear, Spike turns around to face Twilight. “Twilight, you’re smart, but I doubt you can take care of a foal.”

Almost dropping the mirror held in her magic, Twilight whips around to confront Spike. “What does that mean?” In a puff of smoke the mirror she held vanishes. “I took care of you, didn’t I?”

“Well,” Spike thinks that over. “Yeah, I suppose. That’s beside the point. Wouldn’t you like a job you’re good at?” Spike taps a claw to his chin. “Why not teach at the gifted unicorns school?”

“Hmm, that’s not a bad idea. Still, their approval process is too long. I need these bits as fast as possible.”

“And becoming a foalsitter is the fastest?” Spike mocks. “You’d have a better chance performing magic on the street.”

Twilight grits her teeth. “Why does getting a job have to be so difficult!? I only need enough bits to get Trixie her permit so she can forgive me and we can make amends!”

Spike blinks a few times at her outburst. “Wow, that’s more than I expected... Seriously, Twilight, you shouldn’t rush this kind of thing. Maybe you can clean up around the castle for a little? I know Feather Duster could use a helping hoof.”

“Me, a maid?” Twilight thinks it over. “Well, I suppose it couldn’t hurt.”

“That’s the spirit!” Spike runs beside Twilight and drags her towards the door. “I know her pretty well. Let’s go see her now.”

Twilight can’t help her smile as she follows Spike. “Alright, no need to pull me, I’m coming.”

“Anon, table for two.”

Since walking in, the pony standing behind the podium has been staring at the Princess with a slack jaw and wide eyes. Anon would say this is standard, but he’s here for a reason, and having him gawk at Celestia isn’t going to move things along. So, he snaps his fingers in front of him to catch his attention.

“Excuse me, I said, ‘Anon, table for two.’”

“I... Terrible sorry, Sir!” With haste the pony looks over his ledger. “Y-Yes, Anon... Please, follow me.”

Putting on his best airs, the pony apprehensively leads Anon and Celestia through the restaurant. Anon scans the room, finding many of the ponies in awe as they follow their Princess as she gracefully walks past. Celestia is lost in this moment, but out of instinct, offers each pony a slight nod of acknowledgment before passing by.

On the walk there, Anon thinks over his plan one more time. After their meal, he’ll take her strolling through the park to unwind for a few hours, and on their way back to the castle, he’ll pull her off into a store that has a special order for him, but he’ll keep that from her till they’re alone.

Lyra gave him a great idea during their week together. The cake and party were fine, but she also suggested that Anon should get the princess a gift. He was so preoccupied with making sure everything was flawless that he almost skipped the most crucial thing about a birthday: the present. After some discussion, they concluded that a horn ring would be perfect, as Celestia doesn’t ordinarily wear anything other than her regalia, and getting her cake would be moot as he’s already made one.

So, Anon went looking around for the perfect gift, with Lyra and Bonbon in tow. It took some time, but he ultimately settled on one he felt fit Celestia correctly; it wasn’t elaborate, just a simple gold ring with a few purple gems set into it, like the ones in her crown. He even had it engraved with the date of her birthday so she’d never forget. It cost him a hefty sum of bits, as he needed to get it on the day of her birthday, meaning he had to pay the pony overtime. That was fine by him, as he had a lot of money, thanks to Bonbon stashing it into the bank account she got for him.

If this all goes according to the plan, then Celestia will be speechless. Indeed, a birthday she’ll cherish for a long time. At least, he assumes so. While Anon thinks, Celestia is preoccupied by her filly thoughts. She can’t believe they're together, having lunch in a public setting. It’s almost as if they’re on a date! An explosion of redness crosses her face as they take their seats across from one another.

“What can I get you two?” the waiter asks.

Despite her thoughts, Celestia can already feel the answer leaving her before it even registers in her mind. “He’ll have a hydra steak, medium rare.” Did I just answer for him? Celestia is concerned that Anon will notice her rapidly growing blush if she keeps this up but pushes onward. “I’ll have the rose petal salad.”

The waiter hesitates before scribbling down what she asked for. “Very well, Princess.”

Anon laughs a bit as he watches the waiter bolt off toward the kitchen. “They don’t serve meat here,” Anon informs Celestia. “Not that I’m complaining.”

Now her redness is more from embarrassment than anything else. “Well, I’m sure what they provide will be entertaining.” As things settle down, Celestia’s thoughts start romanticizing the situation. Anon will rest a hand on her hoof, perhaps even kiss her right in front of everypony. The fantasy before her fades as she buries her filly thoughts and tries to enjoy this rare occasion. “How have things been with your associates?”

Anon’s smile slips for a moment. “Uh, yeah, that... Sorry for disappearing so suddenly. It just happened and they needed my help.”

Celestia rests a hoof on his hand. “I’m not upset, just curious is all.”

Anon wants to tear his hand away from Celestia. Just having it there burns, but he remains calm and tries to play the part. “Well, things are better. We set everything out on the table this time, and it was nice getting back into the kitchen. I guess Fancy Pants sent them an invite to the festival.”

Celestia nods knowingly. “Fancy sent me a letter about it a few days before approaching them. So, two days until the festival. I hope you and your associates are ready.”

As subtle as he can, Anon pulls his hand away. “We have all our bases covered. We’ve been stockpiling candy just for that day, and even have additional ingredients, should we sell everything we have in stock.”

“Always prepared,” Celestia compliments.

“Bonbon had the plan. I just made sure things stayed on track.” Anon feels as if Bonbon already had everything under control, but he missed having something to do and the hectic nature of the festival provided him with some release from his thought of Celestia. “It’s going to work out, though. All in all, I can’t complain about how things have turned out.”

“I’m delighted to hear that.”

The both of them notice a waiter standing beside them with two plates being held in his magic. “Sorry to keep you waiting.” He sets them down before giving a bow. “Enjoy.”

Glancing over his steak, Anon allows himself a chortle at what’s before him. Calling it a steak would be a mockery of all the steaks he’s had. It’s burnt in numerous places, cut poorly, and he’s more than sure it’s undercooked. Taking his knife and slicing into it, he confirms that it’s more raw than rare. Well, he wasn’t coming here for himself anyways.

“So, how has your week been?” Anon asks, pushing his plate away.

“Boring.” Celestia teleports away his meal and summons a new plate for him. This one is properly cooked and seasoned. “Thank the chef when we get to the castle.”

Anon smiles. “I will, but thank you for having it prepped ahead of time.”

“We’re having lunch, I wouldn’t dare share it alone.”

“You’re too good to me,” Anon states, cutting into his steak.

“You deserve it,” Celestia remarks.

Anon’s hand slips slightly as he clutches his utensils before losing his grip... Dammit, that wince of pain. He takes a quiet breath to calm his tremors before continuing where he left off. “Something had to have happened. A week is a lot of time.”

“Other than the usual, not much to talk about. Ponies were complaining about something or other, land disputes and the like.”

“What about Luna?”

“She’s been training her knights.” Celestia pierces a pettle and eats it. “She watches over court every now and then, but seems adamant about adding a few more to her ranks.”

“Yeah...” Anon also eats a slice of his steak, excellent, as always. “I haven’t had much rest this past week.” Anon clears his throat. “Work and all.”

“My sister has noticed. Do not push yourself too hard,” she urges.

“After today, things will calm down, until the festival.”

Celestia perks up at that. “Will you be accompanying me throughout the festival?”

“Most likely. The store is already set for the event and I’m sure Bonbon can handle the rest.”

“I can’t wait. It’ll be the first time I’ve attended the event with anyone.”

“Well, it’ll be my first time going. So I hope it’s fun.”

Feeling her heart flutter, Celestia gets her mind back on track. “Let’s not let our food get cold.”

“Fair enough.”

As Anon eats, he can sense that pain slowly radiate. The day is just starting and he needs to get it under control before she starts to notice.

“It’s rare for us to share a day together like this,” Celestia sighs blissfully as she leans against Anon as they walk the park. “You’re always rushing off doing something or other.”

“Sorry, I don’t mean to up and leave as much as I do, but things just happen.”

She nuzzles him. “I’m not upset. I take it for granted that you are with me during most of my busy work. If you weren’t, then I’m sure I’d be the one constantly running off to work.”

“You’re a princess,” Anon notes. “That’s a lot of responsibility. Honestly, I don’t know how you manage so much.”

“It’s not easy, but you make it easier to bare.”

Anon gnaws the inside of his cheek. Why does she have to say things like that? It’s almost like she does love-... No, that’s just his emotions messing with him. Above all else, he can’t let that be true.

“What are friends for?”

That puts a damper on Celestia’s mood. “Y-Yes... What are friends for.”

Anon considers this isn’t going as well as he thought it would. They’ve been here for a few hours now, and the sun is gradually starting to descend. If he starts heading back to the castle now, then they’ll be there just before nightfall. Perhaps that’ll help bring the mood back?

“I’m kinda tired. Do you mind if we start heading back?”

“Are you staying the night?” Celestia asks with a clear pleading tone.

Just hearing her say that makes his heart burn. “Yeah, of course.”

“Very well, then. Shall we?”

“I have one stop before we get back.” Anon throws out there.


Celestia doesn’t question Anon as the two of them leave the park. He’s close now; just a few more steps and then he’ll be there.

“Hmm,” Celestia taps a hoof as she looks over the various jewelry before her. “Honestly, Anon. I’m not sure I’m the pony to help you with this gift idea. Is there any reason why you want to give something to your business partners?”

“Just a thought,” Anon lies, sneaking the gift the pony behind the register gives him. “As an apology.”

“All I wear is my regalia and this was made centuries ago...” Celestia says to herself. “Um, possibly this?”

Celestia floats up a twin necklace, each one with half a heart that matches the other. Anon’s brow raises... that’s not a bad gift idea. He walks up and looks it over. Should he get them a gift? No, but he will tell Lyra about this. It’s the least he can do to pay her back for helping with his present.

Anon turns to the jeweler. “I’ll be back for this.”

He nods. “Very well.”

“Ready?” Anon rests a hand on Celestia’s withers.

She can’t help the blush on her face. Something is unusual about this entire day. It practically feels like a date, but that’s most likely due to her filly dreams. He’s just trying to make her feel better for being gone for so long. Not that she’s complaining.

Celestia and Anon are finally at her room. The two guards give a salute to the princess before returning to their standard positions. This is it... A week's worth of preparation. The cake, present, and even convincing Blossom to distract Luna so he and Celestia could be alone. It’s all comes down to this moment.

“Um, Tia...” Celestia stops before entering her quarters. “Do you mind if I did something real quick?”

She cocks her head curiously. “Is something the matter?”

“No, not at all, just, stay here.” He walks past her and enters the room before closing the door behind him. Now, this is odd... What could Anon be planning? Before Celestia can question, Anon returns. “Alright, will you close your eyes?”

Anon is definitely up to something, but she can’t put her hoof on what it could be. “Anon, is something troubling you?”

“Just, please,” he urges.

“Alright.” Celestia closes her eyes. “You’re behaving strangely today.”

“You’ll understand why soon enough.” Anon gets close and leads her into the room. “Just, keep them closed until I say so.”

“They’re closed.” Celestia takes cautious steps forward as Anon guides her. “I’m not sure if I should be excited or worried,” she jokes.

“Alright, we’re here.” Anon takes a deep breath to soothe his nerves. “You can open your eyes now.”

Celestia opens her eyes and finds the room bathed in nothing more than the moonlight and a warm glow in front of her. A candle? She looks down and sees a cake with a single candle in the center, but, upon closer inspection, her eyes widen as she notices what’s written on the cake.

Happy birthday, Tia.

“It’s kind of a long story.” Anon breaks the stillness. “With some help, I managed to find out your birthday... So, for the past week, I’ve been learning how to bake a cake.” He looks down at his pitiful attempt. “It’s pretty basic and probably doesn’t taste as good as some of the other stores’, but I tried my best.” He sighs with his eyes closed, feeling as if he’s finally made it to the ideal moment. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Happy birthday, Ti-”

His eyes snap open as he feels something hold onto him tightly and mash their lips against his. He’s face to face with Celestia; his mind is rapidly working to understand the situation as he fumbles back some before catching himself, as to not fall onto the bed. Without thinking, he pushes Celestia off, his heart hammering in his chest as the love he locked away springs to fill his veins like a toxin.

Celestia is panting laboriously as she remains facing Anon... She just did that. When she saw the cake, it brought back so many memories. Her time with her sister, the Nightmare Moon incident, how each passing year she neglected her birthday until it was nothing more than a day for ponies to glorify her greatest failure. The fact Anon went through all the trouble to do this for her...

She couldn’t hold herself back anymore. She can’t. This has to be the perfect moment for her to lay it on the line. To honestly tell him how she feels.

“I love you,” she blurts out.

It’s subtle at first, but Anon is shaking in place. He’s not moving but his body trembles like an injured animal. That word, it gradually seeps into his very being... This can’t be happening. This isn’t what he wanted! He takes a few steps back, but almost falls onto the bed before catching himself. He continues to face Celestia with a look of sheer terror. Celestia’s heart drops at his response.

“A-Anon?” She tries to reach out to him but his trembling intensifies.

“This can’t be happening...” He says clearly. “Is this a trick?”

“Trick?” Celestia looks confused. “Anon, I lov-”

“Don’t say it!” he yells. “D-Don’t you dare say that word!”

Are her worst fears coming to fruition? “Do you not love me?” she asks, heartbroken. Anon grits his teeth as he keeps himself from revealing the truth. Seeing him hold himself back, she takes a cautious step forward. “I love you.”

“No, you don’t.”

Celestia is taken aback. “I do, Anon, I love you―”

“You can’t!” This feels like a losing battle for Anon, but he can’t do that to her. He swore to himself he’d not make this mistake. Anon covers his face, but that does little to hide what Celestia sees... He’s crying. Since arriving here, he’s never cried before, as far as she knows. His tears push through his fingers as they fall to the floor. “You can’t,” he declares pitifully.

“Anon, what’s wrong? Please, say something.”

Maybe it’s not too late for him. Perhaps he can convince her why this is a bad idea? “I’m going to die,” Anon states.

Like a bolt of lightning, Celestia feels her body freeze up. “What?”

Anon clears his tears, calms his nerves and faces Celestia. “I’m not ageless like you. One day, I’ll die. I’m not going to allow you to love me when the end is just going to cause you pain.”

He will not allow her to love him? Celestia is outraged by this. As his words sink in, her worry turns to passion. Anon is thrown off guard as Celestia shoves him onto the bed and climbs on top of him, her eyes brimming with tears. She doesn’t say a single thing to him, and instead leans into a forceful kiss. Anon tries to resist her, but she keeps him held down with her magic. There’s a desperation to this act, her eyes clenched shut as her tears run from her eyes down her cheek and then down Anon’s.

After a minute, she opens her eyes and there’s so much pain in them, the anger had long since passed.

“Please don’t fight this,” she implores. “Not this. Not for my sake. I love you.”

Looking into her eyes is agony. He can feel that love of his starting to burn his insides. He wants to reject her, to force her away, but his heart is crying out for him to let her in. He’s afraid, terrified of what could happen should he accept her love. How does she not see the negatives?

“What about when I di―” She rests a hoof on his lips to stop him.

“I care more about the present than the future.” She releases her magic and kisses him, gently this time. “I love you.” Another kiss. “I love you, Anon.”

“I-I...” He doesn’t want to say those words. If he says them then that’s it. “I love you too.”

Celestia lets out a huff of surprise, but gets little time to react as Anon puts his hand behind her neck and drags her back down into a kiss, one he shares with her this time. Tears of joy take the place of pain as they lose themselves in this moment. A sense of eternity passes as they move apart from one another, just to look into the other's eyes.

“How long?” he asks.

“Close to a month. You?”

“When we talked.”

“Are you afraid?”


“So am I... but I have you.”

“I’m trouble.” Anon feels his mind slipping back into persuading her not to do this.

“I can take care of it.”

“I’m not royalty.”

“You will be if we marry.”

“I can’t give you kids.”

“Magic is a wonderful thing.”

“I―” she gives him a peck on the lips. “I’m not going to convince you otherwise, am I?”

She shakes her head with a smile. “No.”

There’s a flood of emotions coming from the both of them, but Anon notices something jabbing the inside of his pocket. He reaches in and pulls out the small box with the horn ring. “So, this was your birthday present.”

Celestia’s eyes glisten as she finds the ring inside. She gives a squee as she levitates it out and places it on her horn. It slides all the way down until it reaches the base. A perfect fit.

“You know, it’s customary to give a mare you’re betrothed to a horn ring,” Celestia notes as she looks down at Anon. “How does it look?”

This all seems so crazy for Anon, but there’s only one way for him to answer. “You look beautiful.”

Celestia blushes heavily at hearing him say that. “Thank you.”

“So, um... Do you mind getting off?” Anon chuckles nervously. “Getting kinda hot in here.”

Celestia realizes her position as she hastily hops off him. “I-I’m sorry...”

“No, no need to be sorry.” He has to get his mind centered on something else, if only for a moment. “So, um, the cake?”

Celestia looks back at the cake and finds the candle has long since burned out. The smooth blue light of the moon is the only source for them to see. With a smile, she levitates a slice over to Anon.

“Say ‘ah’,” she teases.

Anon can’t fight the blush on his face. “Come on, Tia―”

She shoves the cake into his mouth to silence him. With a giggle, she kisses him, making sure to get a good taste of the cake in his mouth. Anon is shocked by this, but lets it happen as she pulls away with a broad smile.

“I think it tastes perfect,” Celestia teases.

“You’re, um, taking this better than I expected?” Anon comments.

“I’m frightened beyond belief.” Anon takes a closer look and notices her trembling hooves. “But I want you to realize that this isn’t a trick... I truly do love you.”

“I... I know you do.” Anon grabs a nearby napkin and cleans the chocolate off her lips. “This is a lot for both of us. So how about we just slow things down?”

Celestia nods. “I agree. Just, please tell me if you’re uncomfortable with anything. I don’t want us to bury our feelings.”

“Ok.” Anon stumbles slightly as the entire weight of the situation hits him. “I think getting some rest is a good idea.”

Celestia smiles as she lifts him with her magic and places him on her bed. She climbs in and wraps her hooves around him as he rests facing her.

“We have much to discuss tomorrow,” Celestia says, gazing down at Anon as he looks up at her. “I love you.”

This isn’t what Anon expected from throwing Celestia a birthday party, but despite the many questions he has, his heart is oddly calm at this moment.

“I love you too.”