• Published 1st Apr 2018
  • 27,817 Views, 772 Comments

How many lovers have you made today? - Sarcastic Brony

With things improving, Celestia is now interested in trying to court Anon but things are never that simple when it comes to Anon.

  • ...

Listless Nightmares

With the day now coming to a close, Celestia and Anon are getting ready for bed. It's been a taxing day for both of them, but now they have a moment to relax. Anon is getting undressed as Celestia takes off her regalia. With each article of clothing that Anon takes off, his nerves grow frayed.

"You know, this will be the official night we sleep together as lovers," Celestia remarks.

Anon drops his shirt and turns around to face Celestia, but she's already waiting in bed for him. He's overthinking this too much. They've been sleeping together for a while now, just because they're dating doesn't change that.

Anon takes a moment to shake his nerves away before climbing into bed beside her. Celestia is quick to grab hold and pull Anon to her barrel.

“Today has been great,” she whispers, nuzzling him.

"I prefer being back here," Anon admits as he relaxes in her embrace.

A sharp pain shoots through Anon's heart for a moment. So many doubts and fears flooding his mind. Having her this close is painful in a way he's never felt before.

"I don't deserve you," he adds.

It's true, no matter how he tries to rationalize it, he doesn't deserve her. She's perfect in every way possible, and he's nothing more than a burden. Anon's thoughts pause as a hoof rests under his chin and lifts him to face Celestia. She looks somewhat annoyed by what he said.

“I swear one day you’ll see just how magnificent you truly are and why I want to love none but you.” Celestia leans in and kisses him briefly before pulling away. “Tomorrow is the festival. Get your rest while you can.”

Anon doesn't know how to respond to that. So for the first time in a long time, he puts his thoughts aside and returns to resting on her chest. The two now lay beside one another, Celestia holding Anon firmly to her barrel. It's rare, but Anon tries his best to relish in this little moment he’s been given.

Just like when he first arrived in Equestria, he questioned his sanity at every turn and wondered if he’d wake up from the world he found himself thrust into. Now, if this is indeed a dream, he wishes to never wake from it. It’s a terrifying thought, but as her fur sits on his skin, he knows Celestia is real, and his mind would never give him something that’s nice and caring.

However, to accept these events so blindly would fly in the face of what he’s been taught. To question and keep others at arm's length as a means of protecting himself because of the inevitable betrayal that will come. He believed that back when he first arrived but being with Tia has changed things. He wants so desperately to dive into this relationship without a single care, but like a dog on a chain, he can feel that tug on his neck.

Anon looks up at Celestia as she looks down at him with a gaze that’s overflowing with love, utterly content in the broken mess she chose to love. He doesn’t understand how she can love him and he most likely never will. Love is illogical, and she is very much in love with him.

“You’re still a mystery to me, Tia.”

“I hope you enjoy the time spent getting to know me,” she quips.

Anon notices that urge to kiss her rise into his throat. It’s odd how unnatural it feels, to want to display where words cannot physically but he allows his actions to speak for him as he leans up and kisses her. Pulling away, she’s smiling at him, and he can feel a smile on his face as well.

“Goodnight, Tia.”

“Goodnight, Anon.”

Luna and Anon stand before Nightmare’s door. The time has finally arrived for Anon to talk to this parasite. Even now, Luna questions her sanity in allowing him this freedom. Her suspicion of what Nightmare may try is grating at her, and it’s because of this that she will try once more to convince him to forget about this and focus on more meaningful things.

“Anon, I implore you to reconsider this. You gain nothing more than a satisfied curiosity in communing with that demon. Is it worth the potential risk? Is it worth the stress? You have my sister to worry about, do not gamble what you’ve gained for something that has no value.”

Anon takes a moment to let Luna’s words sink in. He can’t dismiss where she’s coming from, but even with everything that’s been happening lately, he can’t forget about Nightmare. Just like his love for Celestia, something he can’t explain is urging him to investigate whatever Nightmare is keeping from him.

“Luna, I know you’re right, but I can’t give up that easily.” Anon looks away from the door and to Luna with a smile. “It’s funny in a way. I’m scared to go in there, to risk the possibility she may do something to me, just to follow a path I’ve chosen to go down.”

“Why? Why not chose to ignore this path?” Luna challenges.

Anon walks up to Luna and rests a hand on her cheek. “I know you’re going to despise this, but I believe she wouldn’t hurt me.”

Luna sets her jaw. How can he have so much faith in a beast like Nightmare Moon? The way he speaks about her is nearly reminiscent of his thoughts on her sister! Still, that look in his eyes, it’s enough to tell her that anything else would be nothing more than a waste of breath.

“Very well, ” Luna forces out as she pushes Nightmare’s door open. “If she does anything, call me.”

“I will.” Anon rests his hands onto Luna’s head and pets her. “Don’t worry; I’ll be fine.”

Despite the attention, it does little to calm her. “I’ve already said my peace. I will return in an hour to retrieve you. Do whatever you must in that time.”

“Got it.” Anon looks at the door before giving Luna one last glance. “Wish me luck.”

Without another word, he steps inside, leaving Luna alone in the hall of doors.

“Goodluck,” she whispers to herself before fading back into the waking world.

Luna opens her eyes and looks before the single griffon standing in front of her.

“I commend you for holding fast against something most ponies could never begin to imagine,” Luna delivers with pride. “In the face of your nightmares, you have discovered strength and peace. Even if you decided to leave this very moment, the fear of death holds no weight, no obstacle appears vast, and no judgment is ever second-guessed.” The Griffin before her doesn’t say a single thing as he waits for his princess to command him. “For that, I am grateful to have found someone strong to join my ranks.”

Luna turns to Blossom. “He’s all yours.”

“Very well.” Blossom nods before focusing on the Griffin. “As of now, we are investigating a small group of insectoid ponies. Follow me while I brief you on the situation.”

“Understood!” The griffin salutes, following Blossom after bowing for Luna.

Once those two are gone, Luna lets out a sigh. She imagined this testing period would be long-drawn, but many of the beings that signed up couldn’t manage what she threw at them. Several dropped out during the physical exam and the rest fell to Nightmare’s mental barrage. As much as she hesitates to agree with that leech, she’s correct in her observation that many are soft nowadays...

Ignoring this, she at least managed to find one that could withstand it all. Another time will come to add others, but for now, she has more pressing matters to attend to. Mostly, Anon and Nightmare. Without pause, she makes her way to her sister's room, so that she may rest comfortably and the walk will give those two enough time alone for her to pull him out.

Anon lands into total blackness. He knows that she’s waiting for him, but his mind drifts to how this reminds him of how they first met. Darkness seemingly impenetrable and the unknown of what would come next. Even though he can’t see anything, he can hear the swirling of something ahead of him.

“So, you’ve finally come.” Nightmare’s voice gently breaks the silence. “Word has it you’ve been rather busy as of late?”

He’s not surprised she knows about Celestia. Luna and her share thoughts and experiences to a certain extent. There’s also the possibility Luna spoke to Nightmare and told her. Anon isn’t sure, but it matters little to him.

“No need to beat around the bush. I’m dating Celestia,” Anon boldly states. “That’s not why I’m here.”

A substance begins snaking up his body. It even comes up to his throat, but soon settles onto his shoulder. Looking over, he finds Nightmare’s head resting there, just her head. It appears as if the rest of her body is comprised of dark smoke that’s keeping him in place.

“Still playing this game?” Nightmare muses. “I have a few we can play.”

Shifting her form into a cloud of smoke, she lands in front of him, the thick darkness from before fading away as the mass begins to change and take a form Anon is very familiar with. Standing before him is Celestia, but it’s far from the mare he knows. The typical look of joy and love have been replaced with disgust and annoyance.

“How could anyone ever love a beast like you?” she mocks. “I can assure you that I welcome no such emotion towards something so worthless. The only reason I’ve tolerated you these past few months is that of pity, nothing more.” Celestia raises her head in a brief laugh. “You’re just damaged goods! I doubt you’d ever find a mare willing to deal with you! You’ll always be alone and estranged from this world. My world.”

Nightmare knows that her words will cut deep, but as she watches for any reaction, he just smiles dejectedly at her.

“Nightmare, I doubt you can say anything that would make me feel worse than I already do.” Anon takes a few steps closer until he’s inches away from the imposter Celestia. “Everything you’ve said... I tell myself that every waking moment.” He reaches up and rests his hand on Celestia’s cheek. “Why do you love me?” He asks, losing himself in her confused expression. “You’re wasting your time on me. I’m broken, trouble and I don’t deserve you. You could have any creature on this planet, and yet you chose me?” Nightmare notices some darkness seeping from him as his hand drops. “Tell me something I don’t know.” There’s a pleading to his tone. “Why does she love me?”

Nightmare didn’t notice it until now, but she’s taken a few steps back as soon as his hand left her cheek. She was lost in his eyes for a brief moment. She doesn’t understand what is wrong with this creature. When their eyes met, she saw how much love was there, but that love was just as potent as the pain that’s eating away at him. He’s miserable to be with the sun goddess, and yet he’d never consider being somewhere else.

Nightmare is irritated by him; he’s nothing like the creatures that call this world home.

“Why is love a chore to you?” Nightmare questions, shifting back to her form. “Wouldn’t most beings be thrilled to have the love of another?”

The darkness trickling from Anon’s body fades away as he chuckles to himself.

“I’m sure they’d be ecstatic to be with the princess.” A heavy sigh leaves him as he locks eyes with Nightmare. “We’re not like that, are we?”

Nightmare leers at Anon. “What do you mean by we?”

“Nightmare, we have more in common than I’m willing to admit.” Anon turns away and gazes off into the abyss of her world. “Just glancing around this place tells me more than you’d ever say. I also find comfort in nothingness. It’s why I appreciate Luna for having taught me dream walking so that I don’t need to dream as often.” Anon takes a breath, hesitant in wanting to share with Nightmare. “Do you know why I avoid dreaming?”

Nightmare is studying Anon closely. She can’t get a bead on his thoughts or emotions. Even the topic leaves her unsure where he is leading.

“Is it the nightmares?”

“No, those are normal for me.” Anon chuckles to himself. “I’m terrified by happy dreams.”

The sneer that was on Nightmare’s face relaxes some.


Anon turns from the abyss and looks over at her with a sad smile. “Because eventually you have to wake up.” Out of the corner of Anon’s eye, he notices a door materialize into Nightmare’s world. “Guess it’s already been an hour.” Anon looks back to Nightmare and finds her looking off into the abyss with a blank expression. “Goodnight, Nightmare.”

That’s all Anon says as he walks past and out of her world. Nightmare is now left to her thoughts as she gazes into the blackness she’s always known. Nightmare lies down on the floor as that last comment of his continues to play over in her mind. She wanted to manipulate him, to turn him into her pawn and yet a particular string is being pulled from within, one she hasn’t felt in a very long time.

“Goodnight.” Is all she can whisper before closing her eyes to rest.

Once Anon steps out of Nightmare's dream and into the hall of doors, a wave of sickness washes over him. Luna is there waiting for him, and she catches the strange shift in his body as his breaths become shallow for a moment.

"Anon, are you doing well?" she asks, taking a few steps closer.

Anon quickly pushes down the churning in his stomach and gives Luna a hesitant nod.

"I'm fine," he answers before standing up straight and facing her. "Its already been an hour?"

Luna wants to press him on what she just witnessed but keeps silent on the matter. Chances are he wouldn't tell her anyway, and at the very least he doesn't appear to be injured.

"That it has. As per our agreement, I shall now teach you more advanced dream manipulation techniques.”

Finally feeling like himself, Anon nods. “A deal's a deal.”

“Follow me. I have much to show you and little time.”

Despite the task that lies ahead, Anon finds his thoughts drifting back to Nightmare Moon. Should he have been that honest with her? He doesn't know, and it'll haunt him until he can see her again. Coming back to reality, Anon catches up to Luna before she leaves him behind.

He must focus on the tasks put before him because today is going to be a busy day.

Spike walks into Twilight's room to wake her up for the festival today. However, as he enters, he finds her slumped over her desk, face in a book. Sadly not a sight that's rare by any means. He shakes his head as he walks beside her and pushes her some.

"Twilight, it's time to get up." All he gets in response is a mumble. "Twilight?" Nothing. "Twilight!"

“W-Wha?” Twilight’s eye slowly flutter open as the blurry figure of something looms over her. It takes a moment before Spike enters her vision. “S-Spike?”

"Yeah, that's me. It's time to get up."

"G-Get up?" Twilight's mind instantly goes into overdrive. "I'm late!"

A blurry mass flies from the desk and runs over to the dresser as Spike finds Twilight quickly squeezing her maid uniform on. He's confused as she puts it on and then zips across the room in search for something else.


“Where’s my duster?” She lifts a large stack of books with her magic before tossing them to the other side of the room.


“I swore I put it here last night.”

“TWILIGHT!” Spike shouts, catching her attention.

"What?" Another set of books she was floating fall from her magic and bury her under a pile of books.

“Today's the festival,” Spike remarks.

Digging her way out, Twilight looks over to a calendar and finds a large circle around today's date.

“Oh... So, no work?”

Spike shakes his head. “No work. If I recall, the princess wanted to talk to you about something.”

“Oh, almost forgot." Twilight uses her magic to organize all the books quickly she tossed around. "Yes, she wanted me to do something at the festival. What time is it?”

“Just enough time to clean up and get ready before breakfast,” Spike says looking over Twilight's sorry state. "You could use a bath."

Blushing, Twilight rubs the back of her head. "That's true." She takes off her uniform and walks over to her clothes drawer, pulling out a dress. "Are you excited for the festival?"

“Am I? Of course, I am!” He smiles broadly. “I wonder if the princess will give me some bits to spend?”

“I’m sure if you ask her nicely, she’ll give you some, just don’t overdo things like last time,” Twilight says walking over to her bathroom.

“That’s for future me to worry about.”

“Spike...” Twilight glares at him some.

“Alright, I promise I won’t go overboard.”

“Good, let's get ready and head over to meet the others for breakfast.”

"What are you talking about, I am ready?"

Twilight shakes her head. "I don't think so, mister. I haven't seen you bathe in a few days." She quickly snatches Spike in her magic and drags him into the bathroom.

"I don't need a bath! I shed!"

"For one, Spike. That's gross. Two, what's this?" Twilight picks off a piece of skin that didn't entirely shed.

"Ugh, whatever." Spike is resigned to his fate.

"It won't be that bad. Now let's hurry, we don't want to be late."

Anon once again finds himself being woken up by Celestia as she kisses him. His heart is racing and mind trying to catch up on what’s happening but like before, he settles down before returning the kiss. Though, unlike previously, there’s something else holding him from behind. Confused by this, he breaks the kiss to find Luna in bed with them.

This shouldn’t be strange, but Anon can’t dismiss being taken aback by her being here. Before he was close to both sisters equally, so while bizarre, it wasn’t weird that they shared a bed. Now, now that isn’t the case anymore. With him and Celestia dating, having Luna so close while they’re intimate is throwing him off. It’s one thing to kiss Celestia in public; it’s another thing entirely to kiss her in the privacy of their room.

Anon turn back to Celestia but avoids eye contact; Celestia instantly picks up on that. She can sense that he’s uncomfortable with her sister's presence. She wants to say something but with Luna now stirring awake, that conversation is put on hold. Anon is so disturbed by this that his body acts on its own, throwing him out of bed as he hastily walks to the bathroom.

“I’ll be in the bath,” are the only words out of his mouth as he leaves.

Silence builds as Luna finally wakes up with a yawn, glancing around the room in search for something.

“Where’s Anon?” she asks.

Celestia remains silent for a moment as she tries to understand what Anon was feeling. Is he perhaps uncomfortable with being intimate with her while Luna is nearby? She can only guess this has to do with his nerves about this relationship. To which, she can understand. It’s about comfort and while in this room, just the two of them, she can freely admit that it’s nice and private.

“Sister?” Luna waves her hoof in front of her sister's face grabbing her attention. “Is something bothering you?”

“Luna, I would like to request a favor but do not take what I ask as a slight against you.”

“What is it?” Luna sobers up quickly due to her sister's tone.

“I would like it if you were to sleep in your bed from now on.” Celestia can see Luna fall to a more neutral expression. “This is not a request of selfishness, Luna. I believe your presence in our bed slightly perturbs Anon.”

“Why would that be?”

“That I cannot say for sure. I can only note that his reaction this morning was one of unease. I’ll be sure to talk to him later about it, but for now, I believe it’s related to how new this relationship is and how we can express ourselves to one another comfortably. I know you understand the difference between the public eye and the privacy of our chambers.”

Luna wants to protest, but she cannot deny the logic behind it. There’s also the fact that pushing for something so little could overall ruin her chances of being with them.

“Yes, I do know how vast those two things can be. Very well, Sister. I shall grant your request.” Luna gets out of bed. “Should I refrain from bathing with you two as well?”

"I'm sure he's fine with that." Celestia pauses for a moment. "Though I believe we should give him a moment to himself before joining. It’ll take some time before things settle between us, I’m sure he’ll be a lot more open in the future.”

“No need to continue explaining yourself, I understand.” Luna walks over to a mirror and looks herself over. “We shouldn’t tarry, today is the festival after all.”

“Yes, the festival. Let us hope things go well.”

Anon is sitting alone in the bath lost to his thoughts. Why does it feel wrong to have Luna in bed? She’s still his friend, the only thing that’s changed is that he’s dating her sister.


Yeah, that about sums it up. Why does dating have to be complicated? Why can’t he enjoy something for once? It’s not like Luna is judging him silently about this relationship, he thinks. Judging him over the Nightmare stuff, yeah but not the dating stuff. However, no matter how logical he tries to be about this, he can’t shake the feeling away. He wants to express to Celestia without words, to do things without questioning if its wrong or right.

Anon’s face collects a shade of red. Celestia has also been direct with the idea of doing more physical stuff. What if one thing leads to another? He can’t do that with Luna around. Not that he expects it to happen anytime soon, but the possibility is still there. Having Luna around for anything else is fine, but Anon also believes that there should also be a line too.

He’s tried to blend in and understand this new world he found himself in, but this is one thing he may have to put his foot down on. Though he fears that he may not be able to relay how he feels, that it’s not because he doesn’t like Luna but because he wants some privacy with Celestia. Anon rests his head in his hands.

“What am I going to do?”

“Problems?” A voice calls out.

Anon jumps as he instinctively backs away from the voice he wasn’t familiar with. It takes him a moment, but he recognizes Cadance as she sits in the bath.


She nods with a gentle smile. “That’s me.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I use the royal bath from time to time.”

Anon eyes her wearily. He is on the fence with Cadance. She did confront him about Twilight when they first met, but he knows it was out of love and seeing as he’s now helping Twilight; it would be wrong to hold it against her. Still, he barely knows her, and with everything in his thoughts revolving around Celestia, he’s not sure how to react here.


Cadance can see from his demeanor that he’s hesitant. Not that she’s surprised, they hardly know one another. However, she knows that he’s facing some inner turmoil when it comes to his relationship, to which she wants to nurture.

“I’m guessing you’re having some issues with your relationship with my aunt?”

Yeah, he almost forgot she knew. That feeling from before starts to well up. He doesn’t want to talk about this stuff with anyone but Celestia.

“I’d prefer if we dropped the subject.”

His unsure nature quickly turned hostile. If she pushes him, this won’t end well.

“That’s fine. I get it; it’s none of my business. No hard feelings.” Cadance sinks a bit lower into the water to cover most of her neck. “Are you excited about the festival?”

“Not really.”

“Even with my aunt there?”

Anon doesn’t like her. It’s as if she’s prodding him for a reaction, though he’s sure that’s most likely in his head. She’s curious; it’s understandable but still annoying. He knew this would be the case when dating Celestia and this is only the start. Once it becomes public, all that privacy is gone. Anon smirks, he’s sure Twilight will have questions too. He better get used to it.

“She’s the only thing I care about.” He says honestly. “Just to put it out there. That’s also why I’m helping Twilight. I hate her, so much so that it hurts, but I love Celestia more than my hate. So, I’ll help Twilight, and if all goes well, she’ll be back in Ponyville in no time.”

“I expected as much.” Cadance sighs as she looks up at the ceiling. “I’d like to apologize for how things went when we first met. I was insensitive to what happened to you, but I believe we have something in common.” She looks over to Anon as he looks at her. “I love something enough to put my thoughts aside to make it better. I hope we can help Twilight in the end.”

Anon scoffs. “Right.”

One of the double doors open as Celestia and Luna walkthrough. For Anon, everything becomes muted as the three greet each other. There are many ponies in play here that he must consider because while Celestia is on the front of his mind, he can’t deny that there are three other ponies that are unaccounted for. Perhaps that’ll be something he will face months from now, but he was never one to expect fate to play by the rules.