• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Chapter 25- Respite

Two of the Changeling guards were peeking their heads out in front of some of the green cover. Otacon's group was almost out of the woods and on the edge of the Apple Farm boundry line. Trixie and Otacon stayed behind a bit, at the insistance of the read guards. The light blue unicorn looked up at the doctor, wondering what she could do. They were so close, almost out of the firest. Maybe she could levitate a rock and throw...

Tap Tap Tap.

Otacon picked up his head and turn to the sound being made. That sounded a lot like someone tapping their fingers to knock on wood. It had come from behind himself, behind a few trees. Trixie narrowed her eyes, turning to look at the same direction.

Tap Tap Tap.

"Are you doing that?" A changeling guard turned to look at Trixie. He had his head pointing down, with his horn aimed at her neck. Trixie gulped and quickly shook her head to the sides. Otacon raised his left hand to his eyeglasses, pushing them in place back over his eyes.

"Someone should check that out..." the scientist said. Why did that tapping sound so familiar? He turned his head, turning to look as the forward guard walk back to the others.

Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap.

"What is making that noise?" One of the other changelings asked.

"Two of you go," Otacon ordered, now curious. The rear guard nodded, turning around to head into the deeper part of the forest. The others watched them go, staying quiet. A low growl was heard coming from the bushes. The doctor kneeled down to stay close to Trixie. "I think I know what is making that noise," he whispered into her ear.

"Please tell me that-” Trixie fell quiet, hearing the sound of an angry hiss. The changeling that had been to the left suddenly fell down on its side to collaspe. The other changeling that had gone to check on the noise quickly turned to look at his partner. There was a small metal object with a feather sticking out of the side of its head. When its head was turned, a dark shadow emerged from a bush. A faint “Ayiee!” was heard as the arms of the shadow picked up the changeling to drag it into the bushes.

“What is going on?” One of the remaining changelings asked. It stepped forward and morphed its form to look like a diamond dog. It growled, looking around, but staying in place. The other changeling quickly morphed form too, this one mimicking its partner. Both moved to get in front of Trixie and the doctor.

“We should get out of here!” Trixie yelled out, frightened. With all the gear she was carrying, she would not be able to run very fast.

“Don’t worry,” Otacon said, smiling down at her and wink. “I got a feeling we are in good hands.” Trixie blinked once and then turned to look at the doctor.

“Attack!” A deep and gruff voice yelled out. A pack of timberwolves jumped out from the bushes and throw themselves at the would be diamond dogs. Otacon fell back on his posterior, not expecting them. Trixie also took steps back, fearing the wolves. She turned her head to the sound of rustling. A large shadow stepped out of the foilage and walked forward into view.

Solid Snake had his M-9 drawn with both his hands, pointing it at the changelings. The transformed figures were screaming in pain, the bite of timberwolves making them bleed. One of the wolves managed to sick its teeth into the neck of the changelings to make it loose its form.

“Snake!” Otacon yelled, moving to prop himself up to stand.

“Kept you waiting, didn’t I?” Snake said, smiling behind his hands. The stealth agent pulled on the trigger, sending another hiss to hit a changeling. Its eyes went wide for a second, before quickly relaxing and falling unconcious. Snake then fired another, sending its partner off to la la land as well. With both changelings aparantly dead, the wolves stopped attacking to turn on Otacon and Trixie.

“Boys.. er.. Girls too. Stop,” Snake said, moving to holster his handgun. The wolves stopped in their tracks, turning to look at the new Alpha. They all turned back to look at their kills and then moved over to start feasting again.

“Oh my god Snake! Why are you here? What happened?” Otacon said, moving to the other member of Philanthropy. Snake lowered his head a bit, noticing how Otacon was limping.

“I have no idea really, when I spotted you with my camera, I thought maybe you had answers for me...” Snake said as he turned to look at Trixie. She made her way over to the two humans.

“You know each other?” She asked. They looked so different from each other. One smart and thin, other gruff and dangerous.

“Why can it talk?” Snake asked, lifting his eyebrows. The horse could talk, but not the wolves? How much sense did that make?

“It? My name is the Great and Powerful Trixie!” She saiod, lifting her head up to try and make herself look more appealing. Snake answered her with a punch across her face.

“Snake! What did you do that for!?” Otacon asked, turning to look at how Trixie moved her head back and wince.

“First, it talked. Second, its annoying. Third, we don’t have time to be talking here. I have no intel on the area, and she is going off shouting. I don’t want to give away our position...” Snake said. He had certain reservations against hitting women. But this was a horse, and animal cruelty, while not condoned or supported, was hilarious.

“Are you going to let your friend just hit Trixie?!” She yelled again, lifting her hoof up to her face. Again, Snake punched her.

“Stop talking!” Snake said, getting annoyed.

“Snake! Stop! We have to get out of here. What did you do to the other guards?” Otacon asked, concerned for the other two changelings not being feasted on. Snake relaxed his narrowed eyes, and then turned to look back at his friend. Maybe his only friend here.

“I knocked one of them out, the other... Well-” Snake left it hanging there. Snake’s stealth takedowns were sometimes lethal.

“Oh...They were my friends,” Otacon said in a low voice, lowering his gaze.

“I’m sorry, I had no idea. They looked like they were escorting prisoners....” Snake said. “I have no idea what these creatures are, they are like nothing I ever seen. It takes a lot to frighten me, but their eyes...” He said, shaking his head to the sides. “Their wings and those legs. Its like something out of one of those shows you make me watch.”

“Can we please go now?” Trixie asked, a bit disgusted by the timberwolves eating habits. Snake turned to face her and lift his right hand again. Trixie quickly shut both her eyes and moved away, not wanting another blow. This time, Otacon raised both of his hands at him. Snake stopped in midswing, turning to look at the doctor.

“Fine, lets get out of here. Where to?” Snake asked, moving his arm back. Trixie released a sigh. First those wolves looked at her like a peice of meat, and then this brute. How dare he hit her, the great and powerful Trixie! Even the changelings had been more gentle. Not even her own father ever laid a hoof on her. No one could be so uncooth! That gangly mullet! That muscular build under the darkened suit. She made him feel frightened and weak and...

Why did she want more punches?

“I think we are close to a farm... At least its out of the forest,” Otacon said, lifting his hand to point ahead. Snake nodded, a farm didn’t sound dangerous. The doctor begun to lead the way, with his limp, he would have to set the pace. Snake followed behind, and Trixie decided to stick close to the man. She decided to stay quiet.

Otacon made it to the last of the trees and poke his head out. Never had he thought he could miss sunlight this much! He smiled, lifting both arms out to let his skin feel the warmth. Being a shut in, he didn’t like the outdoors much. Just this once, he would make an exception.

Snake was almost out of the forest when he felt something brush against his left side. He stopped and turned to look down. It was that horse with the horn and huge eyes. The agent frowned a bit. He would prefer the wolves made from wood, at least he could relate with those. Trixie pointed behind her. Snake raised his eyebrows and turn to look back. It was the timberwolves. They had all stopped eating, and all had stood straight to look at the human. One of them whinned, taking a step forward.

“They won’t follow us?” Snake asked, turning to not look at Trixie, but at least address her.

“Oh, I don’t think so. To Trixie’s knowledge, they only live in the forest...” the unicorn replied. Snake blinked, realizing why they would not step forward. He picked himself to stand straight. His right hand moved up to salute the wolves.

“Go on. Dismissed,” Snake said, giving them a farewell. The wolf that had stepped forward whinned again. Snake released his salute and shake his head to the sides. “I can’t take you with me, your home is here, hunting in peace. Go on now, with any luck, we will meet again.” The timberwolves all raised their heads up to howl as Snake turned around to leave the forest.


"Alright, every..." The Doctor stopped right there, turning to look at Dan who was giving him a warning look. A warning look that had both and axe and a glowing red hand. "Right, Erhem- Everybody, round one is over. We will have two hours for lunch and giving the champions to rest and heal. Then the finals!" Dan smiled, nodding at the time lord. The Doctor released a sigh and stood up. Time to check on ole Sephiroth.

"Well done," Princess Celestia said to walk up to the humans. The gathered ponies in the stands got off from the bleachers. Most of them had lunch already, but the Apple family had set up a few stands for food. Apple pies and sweets mostly, knowing the ponies would want something to pick them up than a meal.

"Alright, the next round is the finals. This time though, we will let you decide on your partners. It is a serious thing, deciding on a leader. We do not wish to force this decision, but you decided on a resolution via tournament," Luna said, turning to look at her sister. "But we feel that the display of your prowress will inspire confidence and courage. May the best human win," Luna said with a smile.

"Before we let you plan for the final round, I am sure you all have questions reguarding Dan's cutie mark," Twilight said, turning to motion at the King Of Hearts mark.

"Cutie Mark? That's not a tattoo?" Ralf asked. While the first humans had no idea what to make of it, the new ones never noticed he never had it in the first place.

"No Ralf, that mark is a symbol of great significance. We believe that instead of getting a physical mark of an element, you will get a mark like this...." Twilight moved to walk in front of the crowd. Pinkie Pie moved her flank to have her cutie mark close to Dan's. She giggled. Another first for her and her partner.

"So... How did Dan get his?" Applejack asked, turning to look between the couple. Dovahkiin wondered as well, it seemed that gaining that mark had granted Dan a great power. Princess Celestia stepped forward.

"I had brought the Elements of Harmony for a reason. Twilight, Luna, and myself thought that in order for the Humans to gain their element- They would have to somehow be exposed to the original Elements. Originally, we thought it would give a clue as to where the Elements of Change could be. We had no idea that the Elements would manifest themselves as a mark," Princess Celestia said. "In fact, we are still not sure that will happen. We are missing a champion, and it is unknown how the elements will react to their counterparts. Dan's case may be unique."

"So how was it?" Phoenix asked, wondering about Dan's mark for the first time. He had assumed since they all had powers, the smallest human was just holding it back.

"I felt nothing, really. Pinkie Pie just blasted me with light," Dan said with a shrug. "Pinkie focused her chest necklace jewel whatever. I got mad because White Marshmallow Rainbow Queen here was telling me what to do. Next thing I know, when the blast is gone this thing shows up." He held up his hand, making a fist.

"How did you know how to use it?" Nate asked, wondering what excatly a blast meant. Still, if he could get one of those marks, maybe he could just stand a chance.

"You know, that's the strange part. I have no idea how I knew. Its like the angrier I got with Sephiroth, the more this thing glowed," Dan said. He raised his eyebrows, trying to get angry to show them. He was feeling too relieved and glad to be angry though."Its like I knew what to say to activate my own attack."

"So what are we waiting for?" Rarity asked. "Lets get our Elements and start blasting."

"Yeah, no," Phoenix said, closing his eyes a bit. "Thanks for the generous offer, but I think there is a reason Princess Celestia only had Pinkie and Dan do it..."

"Actually, Phoenix is right. You humans are still new to Equestria. We felt that only those with a closer bond should risk it. Their are still unknowns. If anybody could get blasted, it may be Phoenix since he's been here the longest next to Dan..." Twilight explained.

"So what, I was just your guinea pig?!" Dan said upset. His mark started to glow.

"Mr. Mandel, please stop. We already explained Harmony will not bring harm, only restore peace. In your case, anger is necessary. You would need a blast from all the elements just to try to change you," Luna said. Dan closed his eyes a bit, but then lowered his hand to pet Pinkie Pie. She gigled, closing both eyes to smile. Dan was petting her rear!

"Close?" Travis asked, finally getting interested. Was this small guy into animals?

"Oh well, we're engaged!" Pinkie Pie said, jumping up and down.

"Conditionally!" Dan added, turning to notice what part he had been petting. "Argh!" He took his hand back quickly.

"Back on point please!" Twilight said, shaking her head to the sides. She wished her champion would just appear. "We feel that the closer bond between the Elements, the better chances a more powerful Element of Change will become." Travis moved to his partner, Nate.

"I'll explain later," Nate said, nodding. The new guys will need a few more things to catch up on. Travis nodded. So far, the assassin had a better time relating with Nate than the other humans. Phoenix was too serious, Soma too young, Dovahkiin was meh. At least Nate had taken notes and shared with the rest of the class.

"Twilight... What do you mean by 'bond?" Fluttershy asked. She looked excited more than nervous. Soma turned to look at her, not sure what to make of the look in her eyes.

"We're not sure exactly. The Elements of Harmony required friendship, so we feel at least that much close. Maybe more. Its only a theory mind you, but these are not sister elements, but counter elements. It may need to be stronger than that," Twilight said with a shrug.

"Hey guys!" Spike said, walking over the group. "The Doctor sends news. Sephiroth is fine. Also, he mentioned that his "mental" state is also getting stable, whatever that means," Spike said with a shrug.

"Wait, mental state?" Ralf asked. He had his share of encounters of fighting dangerously unstable individuals. Especially those with god complexes. Never ended well.

"Well, one more point. I must go back to Canterlot to check on the supplies you all requested," the solar princess said. "We feel that after the tournament, it may be a good idea for you all go on a date. Twilight Sparkle has your first payment as army officers, and the Mayor has been given instructions to provide you all with vouchers for any supplies you may need. Please excuse me, I must take my leave. Princess Luna will be in charge, and she also has her own date..." Celestia grinned, looking at her sister and Travis.

Rainbow Dash had stayed quiet all this time. The moment Celestia mentioned "date" she froze. With Nix? Her eyes went wide and her head looked to the sides. He was her lawyer! He was also a dad! What could she offer him? He turned to look at the others, wondering what they were thinking. Twilight moved to hand each human a bag with bits in them.

Rarity looked fine, and it kinda made sense. She already had a date planned with Nate. Fluttershy looked happy as well, which confused the rainbow pegasus. She was sure that the butter yellow pegasus would be blushing like mad. Instead, she looked liked Twilight when she was ready to read a new book. Applejack had moved to sit on the ground. Her long tail moved to wrap around her feet, and her left forehoof was rubbing against her leg. The Apple mare had a big blush on her cheeks, looking away from Dovahkiin. She looked more shy than Fluttershy.

"Well then, I must take my leave. You may ask Luna or Twilight with any questions," Princess Celestia said. She turned to walk away with her guards. "Good luck in the finals." As she left, Ralf turned to look at Cherilee. A date? With the school teacher?

"Er.. why dates?' Ralf asked, lifting an eyebrow. "No offense Teach. I just don't date often."

"Oh none taken, though I'm not sure we would need to. I'm not an Element of Harmony," Cherilee said.

"Could we talk about this after the tournament? I need food and find a partner," Dan said. He was done and got his mark afterall. "Travis, you want to team up?"

"What, with me?" Travis asked, lifting his eyebrows. He was sure they were going to keep the same team ups. He turned to look at Nate and raised his eyebrows.

"You go ahead," Nate said. "I think I can do fine with Phoenix, I'd rather be on his team than fight him." The teasure hunter moved out to Phoenix and lift his hand in a high five. Phoenix shrugged, moving to slap the hand of his new partner. Why not? Its not like he had wanted to win. He was fine with either Dan or himself at the helm. This way, at least one of them would make it.

Dan grinned, this was perfect. He could say he lost thanks to Travis, and let Phoenix get the win. Who wanted to be leader of this bunch of rag tag humans anyway? At least they listened to him. Now to get Ralf to get some pointers. Burning Finger combined with Galactica Punch...

"Alright, that's settled. How about some food?" Applejack suggested. Maybe with some food, she could think properly. And with any luck, get some dating advice from Rarity, or from Pinkie. At least she had gotten somewhere with Dan. The idea did not sit well with her. Dating advice from Pinkie Pie.

"Something's been nagging me though..." Soma said as they all went to the food stands. "The first round of humans, there was supposed to be six of us. This time, I only count 3 new humans. Were there supposed to me more of us?" Fluttershy turned to look at Soma and raised her eyebrows.

"That's a good point actually. Princess Luna?" Twilight turned to look at the night princess.

"I am not sure. But I think I did summon more than four though, considering how many arrays I used..." Luna said.

"Where are the others then?"


"So Mayor... these other humans. Not zombies, possessed, or anything weird are they?" Asked a man in a faded blue shirt. He wore dark slacks, with a shotgun and a chansaw tied to his back. Ash Williams walked down out of City Hall, following the Mayor.

"Zombies? Mr. Williams, I assure you, no zombies." Mayor looked a bit annoyed. That metallic hand Ash had looked strange.

"Guess I am still not in my world. Klaatu Baranda Nikto my ass!"


"I'm sorry Sokka! I just don't know what went wrong!" Derpy said, hovering in the air. She was over the Southern Water Tribe member, who was inside a boat that sprung a leak. The gray pegasus had found the young human making a raft and volunteered to take him to the nearest town.

"Can... we just take the land route? I know you're a mail delivery um.. horse thingy. But I am hungry. Do you have any meat in Ponyville?" Sokka asked.

"Meat? No meat. But I got muffins!"


Zecora the Zebra and a man dressed in blue from head to toe were walking down a beaten path that lead out of the Everfree Forest. They walked in silence, saying nothing. Zecora raised her head to reguard her compion for a second before they came to a stop outside Fluttershy's house.

"This is my friend's home, Fluttershy. A most friendly fily, I cannot deny," Zecora said.

"If you rhyme again, I shall gut you like cornish game hen!" Spy said. He had grown tired of her always speaking in rhyme. It was a pleasant change of pace, but now- He sighed. "Forgive me, ma petite chou-fleur. Iz not my intention to cause you fear." He was in a strange land, and he could not afford to make enemies. Yet.

"I understand, no shame Mr. Spy. I would be strange, falling from the sky." Zecora turned to look at the house, seeing no one at home. Right now Fluttershy should be giving her animals their lunch.

"Mayhaps they are in this Ponyville you speak of..." Spy said, turning to follow the road. She nodded, and the two continued on their way.

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