• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Interlude II

Dear Reader- A mini character guide. I already mentioned which games/series a lot of these come from in the other chapters. But with luck, this will help others keep track of the characters. If you don't want to spoil too much, just control+f to find the character you want. Chapter Warning: Lots lots of images.

Interlude II- Roll Call

"Spike! The spells are being crossed! I am going to get sent back to the Tardis, but the spell is now going to summon others! I will try to make my way-" As The Doctor had been speaking; his entire body had been fading away from the visible spectrum. His mouth continued to move, but no words came out.

It appeared that Spike was trying to tell him something, but The Doctor couldn’t make him out anymore. He left that particular plane of time to end back inside the Tardis. Lips moving no longer, the humanoid with two hearts moved to stand in front of the controls of his time machine.

“Well, it looks like that alicorn filly is trying to impose another life lesson on a pony. Time to find out about what exactly,” The Time Lord moved both hands to rub them together. The game was afoot. First, think. Celestia’s spell was made to call on him in case of an extreme emergency. So, what could be wrong? And why Twilight Sparkle?

“Celly either could not cast the spell, or was trying to teach Twilight how to summon me. First things first then. Eliminate possibilities,” The Doctor moved his hands to the controls and send the Tardis to Canterlot. “Let’s see...” Thanks to the screwdriver, he had gotten a lock on the time so he would not worry about finding the right date.


One time skip and a half later...

“Alright then. So your kingdom is in trouble thanks to the changeling uprising. The Crystal Kingdom repelled Sombra, and you feel these incidents are a sign of trouble yet to come,” The Doctor held his cup of tea, sitting across from Celestia in her private balcony. A lovely view really, and the day was so nice. Then again, it was always nice when you were the champion of the being that controlled the sun.

“Oh yes. I’m sorry the spell was confusing for Twilight. It is a lot similar to the spell used to summon Mr. Phoenix Wright,” Celestia said as she lowered her own teacup to the table.

“So then, it is very possible this “Phoenix” fellow may be brought over instead?”

“I believe so. It was only supposed to summon my humanoid champion. I will have to find out what exactly changed when Twilight casted the spell herself.”

“Well then. Do you still want me to get the original champions?” The Time Lord asked. He set his tea down, moving to stand up.

“No, at least not now. I wish to see what champions Twilight calls upon instead. I do however, hope for your assistance with this threat,” The solar princess said. Her head turned to follow her movements.

“Like how I was able to tip you off all the other times your kingdom was in trouble?”

“Believe me, if it wasn’t for you... We wouldn’t even know that the changelings tried to invade us. If it wasn’t for Twilight, Equestria would have fallen, and so would have the Crystal Kingdom,” Princess Celestia lowered her head in sadness. “Though, I did not wish to place it on all her shoulders this time. It would be so much to bear, especially now- She is in a critical stage of her lessons.” She picked up her head, her eyes relaxing from the sad state they were before. “Tell me, how did you manage to find that out about the trouble ahead of time anyway?”

“Time travel,” The Doctor rolled his eyes with his explanation. “Well, let’s see what I can-” Interupted, both near immortal beings turned to look at a purple skybolt. “Danger sign?”

“Twilight?” Princess Celestia stood up and narrowed her eyes. “I must go.”

“Go ahead. I will see you in the evening to make sure things went alright. I will search for the catalyst.” Both figures nodded their heads and took off. The time traveler took off, heading to the garden maze. After a few minutes of traversing the castle, he arrived at his destination. It was where he had set his Tardis down as well. His true intention, was to find his source.

“Discord? I know you are out there. Come on out now,” The Time Lord called out.

“Ah, Doctor. I was wondering how long would pass before you showed up,” The voice of the spirit of chaos spoke out from a statue. The statue was once a pony, and now changed to have the draconequus on it.

“How is my favorite Equestrian informant? Still keeping Celestia in the dark about your love?” The Doctor teased.

“Never a dull moment with you around...” Discord rolled the eyes of the statue. “The changeling threat persists, though it has been slowed down considerably. You had no idea how much time I spent transformed in the body of an insect to bug them.” With that said, a poof of gray smoke appeared from the statue to have it return to it’s original state. A fly now landed on the Doctor’s left shoulder, with Discord’s face still on it. “It took me a while before I could find a sleeper agent, and even longer to find out Ponyville was the HQ.”

“Sounds like the most obvious place to take over, considering the pony Elements of Harmony exist there...”

“Because it was the most obvious place, I thought no smart creature would use it. Last time I overestimate a changeling,” The Discord-fly said, using its wings to take off. After flying a few feet from the Time Lord, the fly poofed back into Discord’s true form. “In any case, you should do your future thing and find out what humans Twilight summoned.”

“Oh Discord, so you are the one that gave Twilight the wrong spell...” The Doctor sighed. “Even when helping, you add chaos.”

“Sue me, I’m hungry. Phoenix Wright is definitely the only one I know for sure that will be summoned. Hope is needed, more than anything else. In the meantime, I will get my champion,” Discord said to cross his eagle and lion arms on his chest. “I suggest... yes, Spike’s diary.”

“Spike? Really? Not the Canterlot Archives?”

“Twilight’s diary... is not the place for info. She actually sets separate books to take the right notes you need. The Canterlot archives will be...” Discord stopped talking. “Well, you saw how they mucked up my previous relationship status with Celestia. Still, you may want to look.”

“Point taken. I will meet you back here... Tomorrow sounds good? Anytime is fine for a Time Lord,” The Doctor grinned.

“Better make it two days. I’ll have to get my champion to speed things up,” Discord mused to himself. “Will most likely have to get my trapped power back.”

“I will arrange that with Celestia. It will speed the process up.”

“Make it so.”


A few time skips later and after talking to Celestia in the Golden Oaks library...

“I refuse to let this happen...” The Time Lord spoke, shutting the book closed. He turned to look back at his team.

Deadpool held Vinyl as she cried. Jay and Silent Bob stayed quiet, looking at how the spa ponies, Aloe and Lotus, hugged each other. Indiana Jones and Daring Do looked at each other, nodding. The Question lowered his head, finding Mare-Do-Well lifting a hoof up to his sleeve quietly. Natural Harmonia Gropius (Also known as N) crossed both arms on his chest as Sapphire Shores cried a little. Hay Fever coughed once, breaking the silence. Guo Huai moved a hand to comfort his partner.

“I think I speak for all of us...” Roland stood up, pushing his seat back. Fleur De Lis picked herself to stand, nodding with him. “That we will fight.”

“I promise that you all will be compensated. But no one will know you helped. You must keep this to yourselves. There will be no honor or glory. You won’t be heroes. Are you sure about this?” The Doctor asked.

“Tell us what to do.”

“I’m going to send you to find out more about the champions. My past... or future self will need the info about them,” The Doctor spoke. “This is the info I managed to obtain from the diaries of Spike, Discord, Nathan, and Otacon:

(Showing up in order of appearance- Mostly)

The Elements of Change- Ultimate Bromance

Name: Dan Mandel.

Element: Anger.

Partner: Pinkie Pie.

Skills: Manipulation, Debating, Riot inducing public speaker.

Weapon Proficiency: Axes, Dance combat.

Brand: King of Hearts. Able to convert rage into blasts or energy.

Name: Phoenix Wright.

Element: Hope.

Partner: Rainbow Dash.

Skills: Investigation, Logic Reasoning, Negotiation.

Weapon Proficiency: Lawyer-fu, Turnabout.

Brand: Double Phoenix Emblem. Channels hope as a shield.

Name: Nathan Drake.

Element: Equality.

Partner: Rarity.

Skills: Linguist, Rock Climbing, CPR, Pilot, Salvager, Owns a pub (Lots of cheers there...).

Weapon Proficiency: Unarmed fist to cuffs, Most firearms common to the world.

Brand: Burning Spirit Insignia. Able to create drills or weapons.

Name: Dovahkiin (Jokull Freysson).

Element: Resolve.

Partner: Applejack.

Skills: Alchemy, Sneaking, Thieving, Smithing, Cooking, Destruction Magic, Dragon Shouts.

Weapon Proficiency: Archery, One handed (swords).

Brand: TBA.

Name: Soma Cruz.

Element: Acceptance.

Partner: Fluttershy.

Skills: Soul Domination.

Weapon Proficiency: Not truly proficient with any weapon, but he can also use anything.

Brand: Soul Skull- Powers TBA (though I think he’s a soul reaver now).

Name: Otacon (Dr. Hal Emmerich).

Element: Science.

Partner: Twilight Sparkle.

Skills: Nanotech, Robotics, Pilot, High IQ.

Weapon Proficiency: Small firearms (handguns).

Brand: Science’s Edge- Powers TBA.

“That’s it for the First. The next are summoned by Discord, Princess Luna, or that hole left behind by Twilight when the spell was mucked up...”

Name: Solid Snake (David).

Element: Responsibility.

Partner: Trixie.

Skills: Stealth, High IQ, Survival techniques, Trained soldier, Multilingual.

Weapon Proficiency: Small to large firearms, explosives, QCQ combat.

Brand: N/A.

Name: Sephiroth.

Element: Ender (Resolution).

Partner: Lyra Heartstrings.

Skills: Trained soldier, Commander, Mako and Lifestream manipulation.

Weapon Proficiency: Long blade.

Brand: N/A.

Name: Travis Touchdown.

Element: Indifference.

Partner: Princess Luna.

Skills: Motorcycle driver, Dark Side powers, Formally trained in combat under a master.

Weapon Proficiency: Laser Katana/Saber, grapple/wrestling moves.

Brand: Burning Spirit.

Name: Ralf Jones.

Element: Bravery.

Partner: Cheerilee.

Skills: Trained Soldier, Artillery driver, Survival methods.

Weapon Proficiency: Assault weapons, explosives, knife, unarmed Commando Savate variant.

Brand: N/A.

Name: (Blue) Spy.

Element: Subterfuge (Deception).

Partner: Zecora.

Skills: Saboteur techniques, stealth methods, multilingual, assassination.

Weapon Proficiency: Small arms fire, Knife.

Brand: Double Phoenix - Powers TBA.

Name: Ash (Ashley J. Williams).

Element: Bravado.

Partner: Mayor Mare.

Skills: Technical/Mechanical/Chemical knowledge, Smithing, Improvise Weapon Creations.

Weapon Proficiency: Moderate Hand-to-Hand Combat, Modified Chainsaw, Prosthetic Gauntlet, 12 gauge Remington Arms shotgun.

Brand: N/A.

Name: Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe.

Element: (Logic) Reason.

Partner: Derpy (Ditzy Doo).

Skills: Commander, Smithing, some science and engineering, boating, hunting, fishing.

Weapon Proficiency: Moderate Weapon User (Clubbed Weapons), Mastered Weapon User (Boomerang and One Handed Swords).

Brand: N/A.

Name: Samus Aran.

Element: Reserved.

Partner: Big Macintosh.

Skills: Hacking, Space exploration, Resistant to diseases, Hunting, Stealth.

Weapon Proficiency: Weapons and Bombs unique to her battle suit, Plasma Weapons and some Hand to Hand combat. (Final Smash is just eye candy...)

Brand: N/A

Name: (Samurai) Jack.

Element: Wisdom.

Partner: Spike.

Skills: Hunting, fishing, survival training, meditation, commander, trained in various combat arts.

Weapon Proficiency: Katana, swords, shields, spears, kung-fu.


Name: Merchant “Creeper Pasta”.

Element: Obsession. (Chaotic Champion)

Partner: Junebug.

Skills: Negotiator, Businessman, Bullet and explosive maker.

Weapon Proficiency: Various Firearms, explosives.

Brand: N/A.

I’m not in any group mind you- But for the sake of understanding...

Name: The Doctor.

Element: Manipulation- Of time and space, not people... Don’t look at me like that!

Partner: Princess Celestia.

Skills: I will skip myself, if you do not mind...

Weapon Proficiency: I abhor violence.

Brand: That would be spoilers...

Name: Severus Snape. (Chaotic Champion)

Element: (Devoted) Love. (Charming fellow, if you can get him to talk.)

Partner: Discord (A.K.A. Distant Star).

Skills: Potions, Subterfuge, Magic, Teacher.

Weapon Proficiency: Wands, Potions, Curses.

Brand: N/A.

Just kidding, this is Snape:

Names: Sweetie Bell- Number 1, Nigel Uno.

Rumble- Number 3, Kuki Sanban.

Applebloom- Number 2, Hogarth "Hoagie" Pennywhistle Gilligan Jr.

Scootaloo- Number 4, Wallaby "Wally" Beatles.

Pipsqueak- Number 5, Abigail "Abby" Lincoln.

Element: Dreamers. (The ponies are Harmonic Dreamers, the KND are Chaotic. Personally, I think they are all little monsters.)

Skills: Various. (I am not going through them all.)

Weapon Proficiency: Also...Various. (Seriously, it’s a lot. They have a weaponized baby skunk...)

Brand: N/A.

Name: Vergil Sparda.

Element: (Filial) Love.

Partner: Shining Armor.

Skills: Demon Heritage, Devil Trigger, trained in Budo and some kicking maneuvers.

Weapon Proficiency: his signature katana: Yamato, Beowulf gauntlets.

Brand: N/A

Name: Terra Branford.

Element: (Maternal) Love.

Partner: Princess Cadence.

Skills: Magic, Trance (or Morph).

Weapon Proficiency: Sword and Shield, Daggers, Maces, staves.

Brand: N/A.

Name: Johnny Bravo.

Element: (Chaotic Champion) Luck.

Partner: Prince Blueblood.

Skills: Model, strength training.

Weapon Proficiency: “Karate” (although mediocre, unless you can get a chipmunk in his pants).

Brand: N/A.

Name: Vash the Stampede.

Element: Calamity (Chaotic Champion).

Partner: Braeburn.

Skills: Enhanced senses, Above human physical traits, Desert Survival Training, Mechanic, Plant powers. (He’s a power plant? Get it? Oh, jokes are lost on you all...).

Weapon Proficiency: .45 Long Colt, Angel Arms, Interchangeable Arm gun, Knife in boots.

Brand: N/A.

Name: Toph Bei Fong.

Element: Strength.

Partner: Little Strongheart.

Skills: Survival, ability to bend Earth and metal to will, Diplomacy.

Weapon Proficiency: None, uses her skills in Earth and Metal bending for combat.

Brand: N/A.

Name: Kratos.

Element: Ruthlessness.

Partner: Octavia.

Skills: Demigod magic; God-slayer, Spartan commander.

Weapon Proficiency: Blades, bows, spears, shields, gauntlets, unarmed combat.

Brand: N/A.

Name: Zeke Jebediah Dunbar.

Element: Resourcefulness.

Partner: Fancy Pants.

Skills: Amateur engineer, parkour, driver of all types.

Weapon Proficiency: Pistols and other small firearms.

Brand: N/A.

Name: Angelo.

Element: Reluctance.

Partner: Photo Finish.

Skills: Healing and Offensive Spells, Templar Knight, Charisma powers.

Weapon Proficiency: Bows, Staffs, Swords.

Brand: N/A.

Name: (Red) Medic.

Element: Innovation.

Partner: Red Heart.

Skills: Healing with his medigun: Kritzkrieg, A fully accredited doctor at one time.

Weapon Proficiency: Syringe Gun, Bonesaw.

Brand: N/A.

Name: Eddie Riggs.

Element: Dedication.

Partner: Iron Will.

Skills: Demon magic, Stealth, Roadie skills, Music, Chauffeur, Demon Transformation.

Weapon Proficiency: Axes, Guitar, How about The Power- To move you. History of Wonderboy, and Young Nastyman, Riggah-goo-goo, riggah-goo-goo.

Brand: N/A.

Name: Barry Steakfries.

Element: Excitement.

Partner: Caramel.

Skills: Able to fly with jetpacks of all types, driver, above average endurance, come and go invincibility.

Weapon Proficiency: Rainbow Blaster, Gadgets, shotguns.

Brand: N/A.

“And that’s all I have to this-”

“Are you telling me there might be more?!” Deadpool interrupted. “I know I’m good, cause ‘ya know- I’m the best. But I got my limits, Doc...”

“I’m with red mask there,” The Question interjected. “Deadpool is here because he has traveled through realms before. I’m a detective, Dr. Jones is an anthropologist and also an archaeologist. Roland is a soldier, and even N has lead large groups and has had training. But who are those two?”

“Oh hey, I’m just as good, if not, better at kicking ass, mask face.” Jay defended himself and his heterosexual life mate. Silent Bob nodded vigorously as the spa ponies turned to look at the relaxation humans.

“Jay and Bob are prophets, believe it not. You all bring invaluable skills to the table- even Mr. Huai, whom none of you know ancient Mandarin. He is a politician, and knows martial arts.”

Guao picked up his head, hearing his name. He didn’t know a lick of English, but he could somehow understand his partner when he spoke. It seems they both spoke “Coughneses”.

“You will all be dropped off as agents. You must find out info for me about the people in the list. The whole reason I gathered you all was to reduce the time needed,” The Doctor explained.

“The question here though, Doctor, is, why is this info necessary?” The Question asked.

“All humans have skeletons in their closets. These closets are what must be exposed to the world for them to be truly accepted. The lifelink bond can’t grow stronger while these persist...”

“Are you telling me these humans,” Fleur picked up her head. “Can get even stronger if the link grows?”

“Doesn’t all, love?” The Doctor smiled, placing the book down. The ponies all picked up their heads, nodding in understanding.

“So... Are we enough?” Indiana looked around.

“When you are a Time Lord- only your mind is the limit. Now then, pick a name. The Tardis will drop you off-”

“Hold yer’ horses Doctor,” Shores said. “How do you know where-”

“Afraid not entirely. Which is why this will take a while. I have some coordinates, but I can only approximate, not get one hundred percent entirety. I’m hoping the prophets here will actually help us pinpoint the location further. Are you with me?”

“Let’s- *cough* do- *cough* for... *wheeze* pony!” Guo Huai managed to say. He moved his hand out. Hay Fever moved his sickly hoof out. Soon enough, Jay and Silent Bob moved in, smiling at their ‘partners,’ who were now covering their mouths to prevent giggles from escaping before moving in. Indiana moved his hand in, though he had to wait for Daring Do’s hoof.

“Really?” The Question moved his left arm in, getting Mare-do-Well to join. Roland saluted them all, before grinning and joined Fleur in the huddle. N and Shores looked at each other and smiled, moving their appendages together in.

“I’m in!” Deadpool said, getting caught up in the excitement. He placed his hand in, though they all looked at the mercenary. He had somehow gotten himself into a horse costume.

“Why am I the back end?” Vinyl frowned.

“Get in here already!” Deadpool moved to grab her out of the costume so they both joined. The Doctor moved his own hand in on the top.

“For pony!”


“Exuvia? What are you doing?” Pharate asked, lowering his head to look over at the ex-general.

“I’m doing an assessment of the champions Sombra summoned for our King... And Queen,” She added reluctantly.

“Let’s see who you have...”

Name: Vegeta

Title: Prince of all Saiyans, Sombra’s Champion.

Partner: Sombra.

Skills: Royalty, Interrogation, Martial Arts, Chi manipulation and projection, flight.

Weapon Proficiency: Hand to hand combat.

Brand: None.

Name: Lex Luthor.

Title: Businessman, Smith.

Partner: Sombra (Though would make a good partner for me.).

Skills: Robotics, Engineer, Businessman, Negotiation, Manipulation.

Weapon Proficiency: Explosives, Weapons unique to his suit.

Brand: Darkbrand- Powers: Covenant.

Name: Gilgamesh.

Title: General .

Partner: Sombra (Would fit perfect with that dunce, Sphragis).

Skills: Weapon appraiser, Soldier, Commander, Dancing, Morphing powers.

Weapon Proficiency: Seemingly all.

Brand: Darkbrand- Powers: Covenant.

Name: Kefka Palazzo.

Title: Jester.

Partner: Sombra (I think he would suit our queen or you, Pharate).

Skills: A fully trained harlequin, magic, flight, Ex mode (No idea what that means).

Weapon Proficiency: Rods, staves, instruments, bangles, pole arms.

Brand: Darkbrand- Powers: Covenant.

Name: Albert Wesker.

Title: Scientist.

Partner: Sombra (Though he seems mysterious enough to tolerate Hameo the Diver).

Skills: Science, high IQ, police training, infiltration, commander.

Weapon Proficiency: Hand to hand power combat, magnums, explosives.

Brand: Darkbrand- Powers: Covenant.

Name: Master Xehanort.

Title: Wizard.

Partner: Sombra (He and Imago get along smoothingly though).

Skills: Magic, Teaching, Manipulation, controls the Heartless.

Weapon Proficiency: Keyblade.

Brand: Darkbrand- Powers: Covenant.

“Where is Roger Smith?” Pharate asked.

“Well, we have yet to meet him, so maybe later.”

Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura.

Bonus: Written by a fellow brony, sohadow_swordsman

It was a rough day for the female champions. With all the changeling business going around, they felt like they never got any time to themselves. So they decided to enjoy a nice bath in a local spring.

"Ahh, it's been awhile since I've had such a nice, refreshing bath." Terra said. She was accompanied by the space warrior, Samus Aran, and the earthbender, Toph Bei Fong. "How are you feeling, Toph?"

The metalbender just sat there in the steaming spring, not really expressing any type of joy. She just looked indifferent. "A hot spring's nice and all, but I'd rather have a mud bath, Sugar Queen." The earth lover said.

"Sugar Queen?" Terra questioned, a confused expression on her face.

"Oh, I have friend who I used to call Sugar Queen. You remind me of her...sort of."

Terra decided to ignore that comment and went on to her other female friend. "How about you, Samus?"

Samus just sat there, seemingly in deep thought. She didn't seem to enjoy the spring either, much to the dismay of Terra. The half esper finally got to meet some human females, but they were not what she expected.

Sighing, Terra sat back in the warm water and decided to join her friends in silent solitude.

Meanwhile, behind the hot spring, an out of place bush sat there, eyeing down the lovely maidens below.

"My lord, it's about time I found some human chicks around." The stallion Sohadow said.

"I know what you mean, I can't go a second without seeing some sweet hunnies." Zelos Wilder, the idiot chosen said, drooling at the sweet of Samus. "Hey, an idea just struck me: You're a unicorn, right? Can't ya cast some sort of spell to turn us into towels?"

A big, goofy grin formed on Sohadow's face. Just the mere thought of that would make any perv pleased. But then he remembered... "Damn, I wish... I'm no mage, the only magic I can cast revolves around swordplay." The two of them then let out a long sigh of sorrow and sat there, trying to think of something else. Then it came to Sohadow: "Wait, you can cast magic, too, right, Zelos? Why can't you turn us into towels?"

"Alas, Bud, I can't cast such a spell. My magic is strictly for combat use." The chosen sighed.

"Hmmmm... Well, this sucks." The sword stallion said, defeated.

"Let's just get a closer look, man." Zelos said, bringing a smile back to Sohadow's face.

"That's a pretty big risk, but... Hell, I'm willing." The two brohoofed, went back into the bush, and started slithering silently to their destination.

Back at the spring, Samus seemed a little uneasy. "I sense something wicked coming this way."

"'Wicked' or 'wicket?'" Toph asked.

"Does it matter?"

"You don't think it's Johnny, do you?" The esper asked, frightened. Johnny Bravo seriously gave her the creeps.

"Where did that bush come from?" The earthbender asked. The other two girls glanced over at the lone bush next to the spring. A soft cough emitted from the bush, followed by what sounded like a punch.

All three girls slowly raised their eyebrows. "I'll handle this." Samus said. Without really thinking, she jumped out of the spring, revealing her nudity. The bush suddenly exploded in blood, revealing the two pervs in all the pervy glory. Noses bleeding, and eyes replaced with huge hearts.

"I've seen some nice boobs, but DAYUUMMM!" The stallion yelled, full of joy.

"Man, I thought Sheena had a large bust!" The chosen said, joining Sohadow in joy.

Samus blushed and quickly raced to a towel and then to her gun. The other two girls joined her as well, and readied their powers. All three girls appeared in front of the two guys, eyes set aflame and full of anger. After the two pervs came to reality, they noticed the three angry human forms of pain and both let out a soft "Shit" in unison.

Samus charged her gun, Terra started to cast Meltdown, and Toph lifted a giant rock ready to hurl at the two. "Ready, aim, fire!" the three girls said in unison. They all released a large amount of pain on the chosen who was crying in sheer agony. Sohadow could do nothing but stare in utter shock as his human pal was being destroyed before his very eyes. After the females unleashed hell on Zelos, they slowly turned to Sohadow.

Sohadow stared at them and smiled. "Umm, we can talk this out, right?" The three girls simply smiled and prepared to demonstrate their slaughter of Zelos onto Sohadow. "Haha, I'm just gonna--" And before he could finish his sentence, he fled from the scene as quickly as possible.

"Well, that takes care of that." Toph said, a smile forming on her face.

"Hey, girls wanna go get makeovers?" Terra asked, smiling.

The other two girls looked at each other and just shrugged. "What the heck." Toph said. It wasn't like her, but she thought that maybe she could look nice for Sokka. "You game, Amazon?"

Samus let out a small smile. "Sure." The three girls quickly got dressed and began to travel back to Ponyville.

"Ugh, damn, that hurt." Zelos said, rubbing the back of his head. "And the scary thing is that's still not as bad as the pain Sheena inflicts on me."

"Hey, a human!"

"What?" Zelos quickly got up, brushed the dust off of him and then searched for where the voice emitted from.

"Over here!"

Zelos looked behind him and saw a creamy, marshmallow colored pony with a pink and dark blue duel colored mane and tail. "Hi, I'm Bon Bon. Glad to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine, my voluptuous hunny." The chosen said, bowing. "I am Zelos Wilder, chosen of Tethe'alla."

"You ARE a human then! Hey, do you by chance have a pony partner?"

Zelos seemed caught off guard by the question. Did he have a partner? He quickly thought of Sohadow. Was he his partner? The chosen looked around the area, trying to search for the swordstallion, but to no avail. "I suppose not."

A face of pure delight formed on the pony's face. She let out a devilish grin and then grabbed Zelos's hand. "All right, you're coming with me. I can't wait to show Lyra!"

"Do I have a say in this?" Zelo whined.

"Nope!" Bon Bon answered, smiling.

"Oh well," The chosen sighed, "I guess ponies aren't too bad. I am more of an ass man...or would that be a plot man?"

"What was that?"

"Oh, umm... Nothing. Let's go, my new hunny! Adventure and hunnies await us!"

After that, the two decided went on their merry way to Ponyville. When the coast was clear, Master Roshi appeared behind a giant turtle shell, nose covered in blood and giggling like a maniac. "It's about time someone else takes the beating for me! Now where did that Samus run off to..." He began to laugh again and quickly left the scene.

Author's Note:

This was a Co-Written chapter. I want to thank you all that helped with the chapter. Takes a bow lyonazakura, sohadow_swordsman, lazygamer313, the1templar, and redskin12204.

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