• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Meet Your Partners- Edited

Chapter 3- Meet Your Partners

"What the hay?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, unsure of what was going on. The would-be Wonderbolt had arrived at her cloud home, a bit tired. More tired from doing her stunts than actual work, a bed of clouds beckoned for her. That is, until that thunderclap made her stop and wake up. She raced outside to quickly scan the sky. Not a single storm cloud in the sky, and no other pegasi in the area that could have brought a cloud in for a prank.

"That was not scheduled in the Weather Almanac..." Rainbow said in a low voice. Her magenta eyes finally settled on the only thing that could have presented any sort of clue. A trail of black smoke rising from the ground a few yards to her right caught her attention. "Better check it out." Strange thing though, the trail of smoke started to vanish the higher it went into the air. Whatever had been on fire, no longer burned. She had to hurry before the trail was lost. A strange thought occurred to her. "Why did this happened so close to my house?"

A quick dive had her on the ground, close to a tree line. Whatever smoke that there had been, was gone. There was not even the slightest scent of anything that had ever been on fire in the air. Rainbow Dash brought her left foreleg up to hold her chin and think. That was, until she heard the sound of rustling and... cursing?

The rustling stopped, and Dash held her breath. The cyan pony bent all of her knees to hunch down and get ready to tackle the bush. She could feel her heartbeat quicken now as the rustling started once more. Both eyes narrowed at the same time her head moved to hover a few inches from the ground. A single drop of sweat formed against the left side of her multi colored hair. Not that she was scared... Who would be frightened of anything that could create thunderclaps all by itself? She did it all the time.

"This place looks familiar somehow," Spoke the Ace Attorney. Having cleared the foliage, both hands moved to brush the leaves off his suit. "The colors are-"

"Nix!" A rainbow blur crashed itself into the lawyer's chest.

"No... Argh!" Phoenix said as he fell on his back thanks to the impact. Both arms flailed in the air before he landed, head over heels. Eyes closed in a wince, he propped himself to sit up with both of his arms after he no longer felt pain. When he was able to open his eyes he looked down to spot none other than one of his former clients. A small smile crossed on his lips as his gaze relaxed. "I hate it when you call me that."

"So it is you!" Rainbow exclaimed, lifting her head up and opening her eyes. She had been scared for a second, thinking her tired eyes were playing tricks on her. The familiar scent of ink, coffee, and cheeseburger emanated from the lawyer. No, this was indeed her hero. She closed her eyes again to bring her face to nuzzle against his chest. This man had saved her life when she had been accused of murder.

"I missed you too, Rainbow Dash," Phoenix said with a smile. All of his clients, save for a few, were his friends. The only other client that was outrageous as Rainbow Dash had been Lord Laharl. His right hand moved up to rest on the top of her head and tousle her mane slowly. She smelled like cider for some odd reason. "Am I in Equestria, or are you in my world?"

"You’re in Equestria, at least, as far as I can tell. How did you get here? Are you going to defend someone again?" Rainbow asked, opening her eyes to lean back. He looked ok, which made her feel better.

"I... don't know Dashie. Umm, how long do you plan to stay on me?" Wright asked. While he did not mind the affection, Rainbow Dash had not been this attentive when they last said farewell. He had to thank the constant attention from Maya and the other girls in his life so he didn't think Dash had ulterior motives. But why was she blushing? And why did she let the Dashie nickname through?

"Oh! Heh he he... Sorry, are you hurt?" The Element of Loyalty quickly got off the human as she flapped her wings to hover into the air. Her face felt hot, the blush very apparent against her cyan coat. Just why had she been so affectionate? That seemed like a more Pinkie Pie thing to do. Her left hoof moved behind her head to rub and let herself calm down. She was just thankful! Yeah, that was it.

"Thanks Rainbow Dash," He said when breathing became easier. Better not push the whole "Dashie" comment thing. The lawyer was able to raise himself to stand and look around, no wonder this place looked so familiar. At his full height he was easily able to stand at the same height as her. "Yeah, I’m ok now. How have you been? Staying out of trouble?" He asked to look back at her. Memories of his time in the land of ponies flooded him now. He had long ago given up on making sense of things here.

"Hey, what’s that supposed to mean? You know I don't cause trouble!" Dash replied, the blush gone. Her eyes were narrowed as she hovered closer to him.

"Ha ha ha....There's the Rainbow I know and love. You look so cute when you’re angry," Phoenix replied with a smile on his face. Both eyes were closed as he enjoyed the moment. Teasing her was so easy, and for once, it was nice to be on the other end.

"Uhh I, shut up!" Rainbow said, unable to think of a reply as she backed off. She felt her face heat up again. "Horseapples!" The poor pegasus thought to herself. While many a compliment had been thrown her way, few were about her looks or even given by colts. Much less from somepony she had a lot of respect for. He had been such a loser in the first days of her trial, but at the end, he lived to his namesake. Like the phoenix, Wright rose up from the ashes of lameness and became a brand new pony. Lawyer. Human. Thing, whatever.

At least 79 percent cooler. Would have been 80 percent if it hadn’t been for his hair.

"Come on Dash, lets go to Twilight's, last time she was the one that kidnapped me," He said with a large sweatdrop forming on the left side of his face. Both of his shoulders were slumped over and begun to walk. Rainbow Dash closed both her eyes to grin. Still tired, she settled to land on his back. Front hooves bent over on his left shoulder, the loyal one rested her head against his own and shut both eyes.


"What 'n tarnation?" Exclaimed Applejack. She and her brother, Big Macintosh, raised their heads at the sound of an explosion. They had no idea what an explosion was, to them it was just a loud noise. "Did that come from the Everfree Forest?"

"Eeyup," Spoke Big Macintosh, moving away from his plow to stand closer to his sister. She had been collecting apples in baskets to sell them in her cart. Both saw gray smoke coming from the direction of the forest, and quickly took a step back when the howl of timberwolves begun to fill the area.

"Big Macintosh, Am goin’ in fer a look. Get Applebloom before she decides to do any of her investigations." Applejack raised her front hooves up to bicycle kick in the air and then took off when her feet landed on the ground. The giant red pony nodded and went to look for his youngest sister.

Having left the Apple farm behind her, the Element of Honest finally frowned, a fire was really bad news. It could spread from the forest and into her farm, being so close to it and all. Not to mention that a fire could make some of the more dangerous critters flee from it and head into Ponyville.

The sky grew darker as the orange pony found herself quickly in the forest. Luckily, the smoke was no longer visible. But the smell of rotten burning wood was thick. Also, the sound of timberwolves fighting also got louder. Applejack's slowed her pace, feeling a bit anxious. Even manticores never fought a pack of timberwolves by themselves. And something was making them enraged by the sound of battle. She completely came to a stop at the sight of a one sided battle.

Tim was on the ground, no longer moving. Black scorch marks and the putrid smell of a burning carcass were signs that the wolves were once fighting, and alive. Tim B suddenly found itself saying hello to the blade of a glass axe. For its troubles, it got split in two and splintered. Tim C was on the floor, its head turned 180 degrees away from where it should have been.


Applejack stared in horror as a giant horned ape like thing turned its head to look at Tim E. Out of its mouth a roar she had only ever heard a dragon make escape its throat. With it, flames moved forth and caused the timberwolf to once against catch on fire before it died. Tim D, not wanting to stay and die, turned away with a yelp and ran for its life.

The Dovahkiin wanted nothing of the sort. Quickly he put away his axe and pulled out a bow and arrow. Nocking the arrow to take aim, the dragonborn shut the left eye and watched the wolf run in slow motion. Releasing a breath of air, the arrow was released and flew out to the wolf and embed itself through the neck. Both Frost and Lightning magic flowed into Tim D before it collapsed and died.

Applejack stood frozen in place, not sure what just happened. She was afraid to move, she had just witnessed a single creature fight off a pack of timberwolves and not even show signs of injury. It used weapons she’d never seen before, and could use dragon fire better than Spike. Could this creature even speak her language?

The Dovahkiin placed the bow away, glad the confrontation was over. His chest moved up and down as he took deep breaths and stood straight to look at the bodies of one of these creatures. A quick glance told him that these "Timberwolves", as his cursor called them, had nothing of value to loot. Not even pelts. At least none of them managed to hurt him, using shouts and the firestorm spell really weakened them.

After a second, the warrior turned to look around and wonder if he was in another one of those Deadra trials. His head tilted to the side when he spotted a tiny horse with a hat on it. A single thought occurred to him after a second. ‘It was so adorable!’ Those green eyes were so big, and its mane was even combed like a little girl’s! And that hat made it even more appealing. A large smile passed on his face as he stepped over to the not-moving pony. According to his cursor, this little creature had "Applejack" for a name. Tis a shame, he would have liked to own a pony like this.

Applejack in turn took a few steps back, seeing the horned fellow get closer. This guy was huge! Only a manticore was bigger. And that smile! She was not sure what to make of it. Was that supposed to be friendly, or a sign of a predator spotting easy prey? It had placed the weapons away at least. She shut both of her eyes and didn't move as the man placed its left hand under her hat to pet her head.

"Look at you! Are you not the most adorable little thing I have ever laid eyes upon! Come Applejack, somehow, I think I need you to get me home," He said as he gently rubbed her. Applejack quickly opened her eyes and took a few steps back, staring at the man in shock. It knew her name! The Dovahkiin took his hand back, not sure what the pony was feeling now.

"How'd ya know my name?" The orange mare asked, lifting her head higher so that her hat did not get in the way of her view. Now that she was no longer so frightened, she could tell that this creature was a "human." She recognized humans, having met Dan and Mr. Wright before. But this human was clad like a warrior, unlike the civilized lawyer, had a lot better demeanor than Dan, and also, was beardless. The armor and helmet hid the rest of his body from view.

"Well, I am the Dovahkiin. I have certain abilities." He stopped talking and moved his left hand to cover his face. He was talking back to a pony. Certainly he had spoken to dragons, the undead, gods, and even that Marvin dog that belong to a Daedra. The Dovahkiin gave a loud laugh, moving his hand back down to enjoy the moment. Imagine that, a talking pony with lips that actually moved!

Applejack relaxed a bit more, no longer frightened by this man. She felt no ill will from him, and while his laughter was loud, it had not been threatening. A smile formed on her face, glad that the fire had no cause for alarm either.

"Come on, I got a feeling you an' me gotta talk to Twilight," She said as she turned around and begun to lead them out of the forest. Sooner she got out of this forest, the better. The warrior begun to follow her, wondering if this would be over soon. "We have to get you some clothes, ya gonna scare all the ponies in town in that there getup. Ya know mah name, but what's yours?" She added as she found herself opening up to the fellow.

"People just call me Dovahkiin. And I think I may have a change of clothes or two on me."


A little white bunny was eyeing a leafy green plant that was inside a pot. That plant was being watered by a yellow pegasus with a pink mane and tail. She was smiling, moving from one plant to another and give them each some attention with her singing and water. Talking was good for plants, so singing should be good too.

"My little hmhm... My little hmhm... AAAA- EEP!"

THUMP! A mostly white figure fell through the roof, bringing some building material down with him. Soma Cruz landed on his feet, but the momentum of his fall caused the rest on his body to fall forward. Both of his arms shot out to place his hands against the wooden floor to keep from from completely slamming himself against it.

"Eeee!" The moment Fluttershy heard the noise and saw the silvered haired youth, she quickly dove for cover behind her couch. The watering can fell to the floor with a metal clang, water spilling along the ground. While she had been more assertive, getting caught off guard made her revert to her old ways.

"Oww!" Soma said after a second, moving his right hand up to hold his head. While not having a headache, he did need a second to make the spinning room- well, stop.

"Don't hurt me please!" Flutterfly spoke, clearly frightened. Her voice was loud, wanting to make sure her intentions were known. Her wings moved to cover her body as she shook. Hiding behind her mane was called for at this point.

"Where am I?" Soma spoke, moving his hand away from his head to look around. In a nutshell, the place looked cozy. Pleasant cottage like atmosphere, small furniture and the smell of wood and animals in the air. Did he also catch a whiff of tea? He sure was thirsty, the scent made him lick his dry lips.

"I am not tasty at all!" The Element of Kindness exclaimed. She had taken a second to peek her head out and spy the young man with a single eye. At the worst time, of course, licking lips was never a good sign. She dove back down from view, moving her front hooves to cover her face.

"Why is it bigger inside than outside?" Soma asked, feeling his legs again. Slowly, the soul dominator brought himself to stand up. Even though the furniture was made for a small figure, the inside was still big enough for him to stand without having to hunch down.

"Just take anything you want! I have a few bits!" The innocent pony exclaimed in a panicked voice once more. Why was this creature not even acknowledging her? Why did it not leave?

"What’s that high pitch noise?" Soma asked, finally recognizing someone was talking to him. The entire time Fluttershy spoke, it was all just a high pitch sound that made the words run into each other. Also, he could not spot where the noise was coming from. He could hear the slight sound of some movement behind a couch.

"I’m sorry you can't make me out! Please go away, if you don't mind that is?!" Fluttershy said, trying to make herself sound more understandable. She even moved her wings and her hooves out of the way so her voice could be heard better.

"Peeping Eye," Soma said after inhaling and exhaling, moving his hands to dust himself clean from the fall. Peeping Eye was one of the monsters he had collected souls for. Its specific function? It allowed him to see through hidden walls or objects. He was able to make out.... a pegasus? And a really girly colored one at that. Maybe the vampire lover that made this place was really a little girl.

"Please, don't peep on me!" Fluttershy finally peeked her face out from the side of the couch. Her pink made was covering most of her face from view. Only a single eye could be made out. "I may be good looking to some, but I am really not. Please don't rape me!"

"What the hell? I am not a pervert!" Soma cried out, taken aback by her outburst. He even took a step back, turning peeping eye off and switching it for another soul. Last thing he needed was another insult added to his list of potential evils.

"I'm so sorry! I didn’t mean to insult you!" She cried out once more, moving back from view behind the sofa. The sound of tears and sobbing could be heard after a second. Soma sighed, head shaking to the sides. Somehow, he felt bad, making this small creature cry like that. It felt as if he was making his childhood friend, Mina Hakuba, cry. The young man walked over to sit down on the small couch, hoping it would hold his weight. It seemed that it would, and even with its small form, it could accommodate his size.

"Look, I am sorry I made you cry... Umm, miss? I do not want to rape you. I do not want to hurt you either. Nor stealing, no one is going to do any bad stuff, ok? I just want some questions answered. I promise not to do anything to hurt you," he said, trying to make his voice soft. Each one of his hands moved to rest on his legs, head down a bit as he felt guilt. He picked up his head again, blinking a few times. A tiny white bunny popped into his sight. Eyebrow raised, he watched as Angel the bunny hopped around the couch to comfort Fluttershy.

After a few seconds, the crying stopped. At least, Soma hoped so. He had not moved from his spot, missing how Angel had placed a paw on Fluttershy's face to pet her. The poor pegasus opened both of her eyes to look at the bunny. He nodded to her, petting her once more.

"Do you promise?" She asked, her voice a bit trembling from her crying.

"Cross my heart," He answered quickly. His right hand moved to paint a cross over his chest. The soul hunter felt silly, no one could see him doing the action. After a second, Fluttershy poked her head into view once more. This time, she allowed the front half of her body in view. Her left front hoof moved to wipe the tears from her eyes.

"A Pinkie promise? Stick a cupcake in your eye?" She asked, turning to look back at the teen with her eyes clearer. He chuckled at her response, never hearing that one before. Sounded like something Mina would say.

"I promise, stick a cupcake in my eye," Soma said, making a motion of sticking something into his left eye. The small smile on his face made Fluttershy give a small giggle. Anypony that could make a Pinkie promise couldn't be that bad.

"Are- are you a human?" She asked, moving her whole body into view. She finally got a better view of the intruder. His features were softer and much appealing than others she had seen in the past. Was it because he was young? Even though he wore such odd clothes, they suited him.

"So you know what I am? Yes, I'm human, feeling better?" He asked, lowering his head a bit to look at her face better. There was no denying it, this pegasus was cute.

"Oh, I am feeling much better now, thank you for asking. My name is Fluttershy, what's yours?" She asked. Now that she was no longer scared, she could give a proper first impression. She would not be shy, and let her voice be heard.

"I had no idea a pegasus could talk, much less that they would be so polite," Soma said, clearly impressed. "My name is Soma Cruz, and it’s nice to meet you Fluttershy. You have a very cute name," he said as he moved to sit straight. Had he a chance to reflect on it properly, he would have thought Fluttershy was a silly name. Luckily for him, he was taken in by her demeanor. A small part of him also wanted to keep this small pegasus from crying again, he needed answers. It was a nice refreshing taste compared to the halls of Dracula’ castle.

"Oh, umm, thank you very much," Fluttershy said, moving her head back. A small blush formed on her cheeks. Suddenly she felt very self conscious, she was talking to a male. While talking to Phoenix was ok, she thought him for an animal. This... Human, was different, somehow... "Would you mind telling me how you came through my roof, if its bit too much of a bother?"

"Oh... its a really long story. Where to begin," He said, shaking his head to the sides.

"Oh, well you can tell me on the way to Twilight's library," Fluttershy said, moving to the front door.

"Who? And what about your roof?" Soma asked, moving himself to stand.

"Oh, I am sorry, Twilight is a unicorn friend of mine. She is very smart, and maybe she can answer your questions better than I can," She responded. "And do not worry about the roof, my animal friends can fix that..." She said. A few birds were collecting twigs and sticks to patch the roof. Angel and a racoon moved to pick up the watering can and cleaned the spilled water.

"Umm... Ok? Never seen that before," Soma said, lifting his head to look at the working birds and animals working. "Also, sorry about the roof. I may as well tell you about the story of Castlevania," He said as he walked outside and follow after Fluttershy.


"Are you done yelling? Why were you yelling the name of my country? Are you okay? Do you need a-" Pinkie Pie stopped talking, as Dan reacted to her the only way he knew how. His right hand shot out, grasping the mare mouth to shut it closed for her. Dan took a quick look around the outside of Sugarcube Corner, A few ponies were looking at them.

"Pinkie Pie, we talked about this. I could have sworn we made a deal about how you were going to conduct yourself around me," Dan said. Both eyes were narrowed, staring at Pinkie into her eyes with a frown. He tried to search in vain for any sign of intelligence in her. Twilight? He could handle her. Pinkie? Not so much. "Now if I let you go, do you promise to behave yourself?" She nodded, feeling a bit sheepish.

"I am sorry Dan, I guess I forgot, I was just so excited to see you again! I thought I would never see you never ever again..." Pinkie said. The pink pony lowered her head, eyes closed a bit. She looked upset.

"Just, just one thing at a time, OK?" Dan moved his left hand top hold the back of his neck. He never apologized easily, but she did promise to behave a while back. Still, he did not like seeing people being upset- Unless they had it coming. "I am not mad. Pinkie Pie. Lets go to the library, we can talk there in peace. It seems almost nopony other than Twilight's friends go there anyway." Dan said.

Pinkie Pie raised her head, looking at Dan's face and smile. The look on Twilight's face would be priceless! She perked up immediately with a grin to hug Dan.

"Have you told anyone about our promise?" Dan asked, trying to to block Pinkie from locking her hooves around himself. He managed to push her off and took off towards the home of the unicorn Twilight.

"I never break a Pinkie Promise," She said, her face getting serious. She begun to walk alongside the small human.

"Good. Now to answer some questions. Yes, I missed you too. Obviously, I remember the promise. Nintendo and Geico are on my list. And as soon as I find out how I got back here, the people responsible for this ARE ON MY LIST!" Dan said, his hands forming into fists. His entire body shook in anger, teeth clenched.

"Oh Danny Wanny, I have to thank that pony! They gave me you!" Pinkie giggled. Dan fought a blush from forming, but it was a losing battle.

"I guess the gift of me is good for anyone. But they better have a good reason, or I will go full Discord on them!"

Author's Note:

Chapter proofread by LyonAzakura
Danke Schon~ Edited by Holy Macintosh

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