• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Trouble Brewing

Chapter 46- Trouble Brewing

“So, that’s the mountain?” Snake asked, coming to rest his leg on a stone sticking up from the road. As the group walked further and further into mountain territory. Twilight stopped to turned back to look at the others.

“We’re close, at least to one of the entrances,” Twilight said, turning her head to look back ahead of herself. “Last time my friends and I were here, we made a rescue party for Rarity from the Diamond Dogs. I’m not sure if it was the main entrance, but it did lead to the main tunnels.” The purple unicorn waited for the others to stop. Big Macintosh came to a halt, turning to look back at Otacon.

“Looks like its the end of the road Doc,” Big Mac said. He unhitched himself from his cart, getting himself to get free. Otacon slipped his notebook into his cloak and pulled himself to get off the cart. Samus moved her non canon hand out to help him down.

“Thank you Samus, Big Mac. Alright, Twilight, do you know if the canines will attack if we just approach?” The engineer moved to stand straight and to stretch out a bit.

“I don’t think so. Then again, last time, they were occupied by Rarity. From what she told me, they first kidnapped her but they didn’t hurt her...” Twilight said as she walked over to the team leader.

“Rarity, the white unicorn, right?” Snake asked, moving to take out his new sniper rifle, a semi automatic. Trixie frowned a bit, sticking out her lower lip to pout. Hearing Snake talk about the other unicorn was unneeded. She kept quiet though, wondering what was the long metal thing in Snake’s hands. Was that some sort of device used to spank?

“Yes. Last time, we got in using a gem detection spell. The Diamond Dogs seemed to have set up in the deeper veins of the mountain where the gems have yet to be mined...” Twilight begun to walk once again, moving to head up the starting steep.

“One moment Twilight,” Otacon said, moving his right hand up.

“What is it?” Twilight asked, lifting her eyebrows to look back at him. “Is your leg alright?”

“That’s not the issue. Alright. Everyone, are you ready for a fight?” Otacon said, looking at the others. Samus nodded, lifting her gun arm up. The normal barrel tip begun to change colors as Samus shifted its attack modes. Missiles, chain, ice, charge, etc, and begun to filter through her visor. All was working in order. Snake placed the rifle on his back and then took out his pistol, making sure it was loaded. Merchant took a moment, lifting his right hand to his backpack. So much to choose from... He took out the Broken Butterfly.

“What... What are you all doing?” Junebug asked, lowering her head a bit to look at the metal devices the humans had. Unlike the others, she had never seen the humans use guns.

“Weren’t we going to negotiate?” Trixie asked, her head turning to look at the sides. These were a lot of guns to be using in one tunnel. She could still remember hearing the roar of the thunder that day when the humans used guns on Alduin.

“Yes, but we need to be prepared to defend ourselves,” Otacon said to push his glasses up on his face. “While the canines may know about changelings and ponies, there’s no way to know how they would react to humans.” Creeper Pasta walked over to Otacon, handing him the Butterfly.

“Can you use this?” Merchant asked. “You are the only one not armed.” Big Mac turned his head with his eyes closed halfway,, looking over at Samus’ canon. Why was she not holding any guns?

“While I have learned to use firearms since joining Philanthropy, I’m not really a gunfighter,” Otacon said, shaking his head at the magnum. “And I can’t use high caliber weapons.”

“Hmm. A shame, really. How about this then?” Merchant moved to place his backpack down and search through his inventory. After a second, he pulled out a shiny brand new Matilda, a handgun with an attached grip stock. “It should help you handle the recoil, and its a semi automatic with a 3 bullet burst. It reloads quickly too.” Snake whistled, impressed by the selection the businessman had.

“Are you sure about this? I got no money on me,” Otacon said to take the gun and placed it in his right hand, getting used to the weight and the stock.

“Just let me get some of your share of the gems, hmm? Seems like a fair deal...” Merchant said. The Element of Science wasn’t sure, but he could have sworn that the red eyed man was smiling.

“Ok, I guess,” Otacon said. While the point of this mission was not to get rich, he did need an incentive to keep Pasta with them.

“Please, promise me you won’t kill anypony,” Twilight Sparkle said. She frowned a bit, turning to look at each of the humans.

“You can’t be serious,” Samus said, stepping out from Big Mac’s side. “Are you telling me you are willing to take a bite from one of those dogs? Besides, I don't take orders from you...”

“She’s right you know,” Snake said, releasing a sigh. Another idealistic woman. Only reason he didn’t kill anyone at Shadow Moses was because he didn’t want to give his position away. Disposing bodies took away from precious time. He doubted they would have a chance to use stealth here. After all, dogs had an incredible senses of smell. “In the heat of the battle, there’s little room for mercy.” The purple unicorn turned to look at Otacon, leader of the humans and appealed to him with sad eyes.

“We will try peaceful negotiations at first. But if they attack first, defend yourself. If you can use non-lethal force, do it. We are trying to get on their good side,” Otacon said, taking a moment to look away from Twilight. That was no fair at all! With her large eyes she reminded him too much of sad anime girls. Also, he didn’t want his thoughts to linger of what possible sexual acts they committed with each other.

“Is that an order?” Samus asked. Big Macintosh moved to bump his head against her arm and frown at her.

“They are expecting me, with any luck, there won't be problems. I just wish I still had the letter King Aurelius had. But yes, I suppose it is an order,” Otacon said. Still, he hoped he won’t have to rely on his hidden weapon. Samus took a moment to think. The ice beam didn’t exactly kill if you didn’t shoot a creature too much, and they could thaw out with time. Ice beam it was. Snake turned to look at Twilight and frowned at her. Was that unicorn manipulating his friend? Still, he moved to take his M-9 out. He had a few tranqs left.

“Really? No kills? That’s not good for business...” Merchant said. Still, he could go along with it. He really didn’t like to get his hands dirty if he could avoid it. The Butterfly was set as his sidearm though for easy reach at his right side. He then took out a stun rod, holding it in his left hand to bat the end with his right hand. Sparks and electricity flowed out visibly, making angry humming noises that made Junebug take a few steps back.

“That is the biggest stun baton I’ve ever seen...” Snake said, noting how thick it was. Most stun rods were meant to be thin.

“Its a prototype. Its the most non-lethal I can go for now...” Creeper turned to look at Junebug and chuckled. “Don’t worry darling. This will only stun. I hope...” Twilight winced a bit, wondering how much weapons Merchant had. It was as if he was a salesman of death.

“Snake, you and Trixie stay behind us. Give us a... 10 minute head start? If things turn sour, you can guard our rear. Also, if we get captured, it’s up to you to get help or rescue us.” Otacon moved to settle his cloak around his form. Snake nodded, looks like he would get to test his new sniper rifle after all.

“Now commencing. Operation: Hidden Mark.”


“Were those kids?” Sokka said, lifting his head to look at how the group landed. He had run a bit, placing his gear on his large green bag. Luckily, Number 3 and Rumble managed to landed in a bush. Number 4 managed to semi-glide along with Scootaloo into the Rich’s pool. Number 1 moved to grab unto Sweetie Bell and spun in the air. He moved himself towards a nearby roof and kicked himself off a chimney and then reach out to grab a ledge and hang on a bit before dropping down to the ground.

“Ok, that was cool,” Sokka said, lifting his right hand to point at Nigel. That was something the crazy circus girl would have done. Number 2 and Applebloom managed to float down, the round child reaching inside his pocket to take out a parachute hankey. Number 5 took hold of Pipsqueak and his wooden sword and used it to stab a hanging flag from the Rich’s house and slide down a bit before kicking down from wall to wall to descend

“Are the fillies and colts alright?” Derpy said, managing to get her wings to work and fly back towards the destroyed kitchen. Lots of other little ponies laid on the floor.

“Ok, let’s get our stories straight. Hoagie did it,” Number 4 said, getting out of the water and shake his body rapidly to get water off himself. Scootaloo managed to stick her hooves out of the water and pant, tired from exerting her wings.

“Hey! This was not my fault! It was this filly!” Number 2 said to hold out Applebloom out with his free hand before landing.

“How was I supposed to know sparks could ignite flour?!”

“Is everypony ok?” Sweetie Bell asked, looking around. Nigel looked around as well, assessing the damage. He then spotted Sokka as he got closer.

“A teeanager! Kids Next Door, battle formation!” Number One said, lifting his mustard gun to fire a yellow paste at Sokka.


YOU WILL GET OFF OUR SISTER!” Princess Luna yelled in her projected Canterlot voice, lifting her right hoof at Johnny.

“Mr. Bravo! Please stop embarrassing me!” Blueblood said, his eyes and mane shaking as his cheeks turned red in anger.

“That human is getting sent to the moon,” Spike said, lifting his right claw at the spectacle.

“Is that not allowed?” Jack asked, lifting his right eyebrow up. He had never met Princess Celestia, so he had no idea she was royalty.

“Actually, I dunno,” Spike said to look up at Jack. “I mean, I did see Dan ride Pinkie Pie...”

“I was going to say, no one was riding their pony...” Travis started to say. The Night Troops opened their mouths in shock at Johnny, but then turned to face their commanding officer and raised an eyebrow.

Save for one that said “Bow chika bow wow.”

“Not that way, dammit!”

“Johnny is going to get us exiled, I just know it,” Terra said, sweat dropping. Johnny’s aggressive flirting was bad enough. Vergil could not stop laughing. The devil moved his hands to hold his stomach. His normal cool and collected composure lost it, the sight of the most ridiculous human riding the sovereign leader of this land was hilarious. It didn't help things that Princess Celestia stood stunned, unable to move as Johnny kicked her flank repeatedly.

“Giddyap! Ride em Johnny!” The blond human said, trying to get her to move. He moved both hands out to grab the celestial pastel rainbow mane of the princess and leaned forward to balance himself. “Hm... I think its broken.”

“Halt! You’re under arrest!” Shining Armor said, lifting his left hoof up at Johnny. It took him a second to shake his head and think straight. He turned to look at his wife, who was now staring at Johnny Bravo. Her cheeks had turned red, and her mouth was open. Princess Cadence was picturing giving Johnny a ride on her back as well. “Honey, you ok?” Armor asked.

“You will never take me alive!” Johnny said, hopping off the stunned Celestia. “Hi ho ha!” The burly human shouted, making whiplash noises as he stroke various poses. He then took off, heading into the garden.

“After him troops!” Armor said, turning to look at the Night Troops. The bat winged pegasi turned to look at each other a moment. A few murmurs were spoken among them. Travis raised the left eyebrow at them, wondering what was up. He then turned to look at Princess Luna, who still looked peeved as she breathed in and out through her nostrils to snort angrily.

“Why don’t you just punish him or something?” Travis asked.

“While I am a Princess and a co-ruler, punishment is exclusive to my sister until my probation period is over....” Luna said. She turned to look at her sister, who still stood stunned.

“Why are your troops not obeying orders?” Armor said, frowning a bit to walk over to them.

“Sir, did you forget?” A dark pegasi named Shadow Cloud spoke up. His Cutie Mark was a cloud with bat wings on it. “You are no longer a captain or even part of the guards. When you married Princess Cadance, you became a co-ruler of the Crystal Kingdom. While you now hold status as a ruler, you have no jurisdiction over us.”

“You... You’re right,” Shinning said, frowning. Everybody still called him captain out of respect and habit. “Who’s the new captain then?”

“One has not been apointented yet. You were to nominate a replacement upon your arrival from your honeymoon,” Shadow Cloud said to stop over from his fellow guards. “As it stands, Sir Travis Touchdown is the closest thing to an acting captain. As Princess Luna’s Knight, he’s currently even holds rank over a captain of the guard...”

“I do?” The assassin turned to look Samurai Jack, eyebrows raised.

“It does make sense, that is how kingdoms work normally,” Vergil spoke out. He finally stopped laughing to walk over to his so called partner. “If Travis is indeed a personal knight, they are second only to army generals.”

“You know, each moment you guys hesitate, the more trouble Mr. Bravo is getting into,” Blueblood said to look around.

“What... Just happened?” Princess Celestia finally spoke out. Her eyes had been opened wide, and refused to close at all.

“Sister?” Luna asked, walking over to her.

I am going to send Johnny Bravo to the Moon!” Princess Celestia said, her wings springing out to flare out as her hair begun to shake. Her left eye begun to twitch.

“How did it feel, being ridden like that?” Princess Cadance asked, stretching out her neck a bit. A human, on her back. Legs hitting against her flanks, her mane being pulled roughly. A beast of burden, being treated like a workhouse. An animal. As contrast to always being treated like a regal pony. Her cheeks flushed, wondering what it would be like to try and buck Johnny off her back. Would he resist? Would he force her to behave? A shiver made its way down her spine.

“You know, you guys are all forgetting something,” Spike said to lift his head to look at everypony. “I thought Princess Celestia declared that no human would be subject to the laws of Equestria...” The tiny dragon was there when the Elements of Change were explained, so he knew about the deal Dan made with the Princess. Luna raised her eyebrows, remembering that night. Neither Luna nor Celestia would be able to touch Johnny.

“Is this true?” Jack asked, turning to look at Spike. That sounded like something that should have been explained during the meeting. Then again, the meeting was cut short due to Nate’s poisoning attack.

“Really?” Vergil asked, growing a small smile on his face. It looks like his Yamato would be tasting blood real soon. The devil moved to grab his handle with his left hand to pull it out from the sheathe. The sound of a sharp metal sliding out was heard as the half devil smiled.

“Mr. Sparda. What are you doing with that?” Armor asked. The male unicorn eyed the metal sword that reflecting a fatal shine of light.


“David, it's been 10 minutes...” Trixie asked, lifting her head up from the apple cart. While the others had been gone, Snake and Trixie sat down on the cart to keep it safe. Snake moved to raise his arms up, looking through the sight on his dart gun.

“I don't like this...” Snake said, moving to stand up.

“Don’t like what?” Trixie asked to hop off the cart. Her cape landed perfectly around her form, making her “squee” in a smile.

“If things like meat aren’t a means to be obtained normally, what’s been feeding these Diamond Dogs?” Snake asked, the idea nagging his head. “Lets go. Stick close, lay low. Use your hat and cape, your light blue color may be too noticeable. We move slow and stay quiet. The others may be in trouble or safe, but too much is at stake for us not to be careful.”

Solid Snake rushed over to the edge of the cave entrance. The left side of his body pushed against the cool stone wall, while Trixie rushed over at his side. She narrowed her eyes, wondering if they can handle this. The human looked down at her and nod. He raised his left hand up, holding up three fingers and his other hand held his M-9. One by one, he counted down his fingers from 3, 2, and then finally he ducked his final finger. He darted forward, leading the way into the dark cave.

The stealth agent walked into the cave slowly, letting his eyes get used to the low light. It seemed that torches had been lined up along the wall, about every 30 yards or so. Trixie walked slowly behind him, keeping her horn charged with magical energy. A light blue hue surrounded her horn, lighting up under her hat. From what Snake could tell, there was no shadows or sounds being projected against the acoustics of the tunnels. After walking for a bit, the two finally reached a fork in the road. Looking down at the footprints, they saw the previous group moved to the left.

“We go right,” Snake said. Trixie raised her left eyebrow, looking over at Snake.

“But the others went left,” she said in a low voice. Snake went ahead of her, this time taking a faster pace than just one foot in front of the other. With no sounds, that meant the others were still very far away.

“Its because they went left we go right. We may get lost, but we have to make sure we have a secure exit in case we need it. If the others went left and fell into a trap, what then?” Snake spoke in a low voice. “What worries me more is that both entrances had almost no signs of being used...” Trixie blinked once, turning to look ahead of herself. That was true, to an extent. The fact that there was still torches here was a good sign.

The two had walked for what seemed another ten minutes before a sound other than their footsteps was finally heard. Snake moved to lean against the cavern wall, lifting the dart gun with both hands. He wished he had a pair of night vision goggles... Trixie hopped to stay behind him, keeping him as a shield. They both held their breath a moment to listen in.

“.... Damn.... Son of a ….“ It was faint, but it was enough to make Snake frown. There was definitely sounds of a scuffle, but it was still far away.

“It sounded like... Otacon?” Trixie asked, lifting her head. He nodded, and they both took forward to march faster. As they got closer, sounds of weapons being fired was heard.

“Damnit, sounds like a fight broke out!” Snake said, now fearing for Otacon’s life. These canines the ponies mentioned sound a lot more dangerous than he worried. As they marched, the cavern floors and sides were getting more and more rough, and gems that were missing from the walls before started to appear more and more frequently.

“David...” Trixie stopped, lifting her right hoof to point to a another split. “It looks like there’s a drop off there,” she pointed out. Snake nodded, and they both rushed over to look over at the sudden drop off point. Snake lay down to look down, and Trixie kneeled on all her hooves. It seemed that this was connecting them to a large empty cave. Down below, Samus was standing in front of Big Macintosh and the others. They were all behind some rocks, their weapons drawn up to fire.

“Wait... what is that?” Snake whispered. It looked like large dogs that could walk were also hiding with the rest of the team.

“Is that a Diamond Dog?” Trixie asked, moving to get closer to Snake’s side. “What are they fighting then?” Echoes of firing bullets were heard, while Samus kept firing ice beam shots. From their vantage point, Snake could only see the group, as they were over a cave entrance.

“Otacon! Come in!” Snake moved his hand to the side of his head to activate the Codec again.

“Snake?” Otacon asked, lowering his gun to duck behind the rocks. If this had been a normal radio, the scientist would have had problems hearing with all the gunfire. Twilight would peek her head now and then, firing a magical bolt. Junebug kept her head low, covering her head as she cried in fear.

“What’s going on?” Snake asked.

“We are under attack from the Diamond Dogs! It seems a lot of them have gone rabid!” Otacon said, gritting his teeth. He peeked his head over the edge, looking around for Snake. “We managed to meet with some of the non feral dogs who were fighting back.”

“We can see you from one of the higher tunnels, but I can’t see what you’re firing at,” Snake said. Still, rabies. If any of the ponies or humans gotten bit, there was no hospital to give them 20 shots into the stomach.

“Samus has been freezing them, and our bullets are doing nothing,” Otacon confessed. “These dogs are wearing metal plates, and their bodies provide some protection from small arms. In their feral state, I doubt they barely feel anything.”

“Has anyone been bite?” Snake asked. Trixie continued to look down, frowning at how they all seemed pinned against the wall. She turned to look at Merchant, as he switched from gun to gun. The smaller caliber weapons were doing squat, so he finally started to move on up to his shotguns. He couldn’t use explosive rounds, that may collapse the tunnels. And sniper weapons were not something he was comfortable with- His red eyes made it hard to aim properly at times.

“No, thankfully,” Otacon said. “A few of the still sane dogs are with us.”

“We could use some support here!” Samus shouted out. The engineer was no good with that gun, and the ponies couldn’t risk getting bitten.

“Can you guys whistle? Make any high pitch noises?” Snake asked. “They are still dogs, so their ears should be sensitive...”

“Why doesn’t Samus or Merchant use more powerful weapons?” Trixie asked. She spotted Big Mac to get behind a stone and buck kick it.

“Hey, don’t Pasta and Samus have better weapons?” Snake asked for Trixie.

“According to Junebug, there is a way to cure them. The herbs grow on mountains, but we need the sane canines to find them with their sense of smell...” Otacon said with a frown.

“Okay Otacon... This is your call. Do you kill the dogs or not?”

Author notes: Rabid Dogs vs. Team Otacon, KND vs Team Sokka, Johnny vs a Maze, and many other fights, all this and more, on the next chapter! Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura.

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