• Published 17th Jul 2012
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Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Side Bonus Chapter: The Story: Iron's Will Partner

Side Bonus Chapter: The Story: Iron's Will Partner.


“Wait, are we back on?” Iron Will picked up his head, blinking once. He was sitting down on a director’s style chair. One of those cloth bottom and backside folded up chairs. It was perfect consider his lower body was considerably smaller than his upper body. “Hey guys! We’re back on! Places!”

“Really?” Eddie picked his head from the table that the collected humans had hunched down to eat pizza at. The other humans quickly turned to look at each other and then quickly stood up.

“Where was I?” Juggernaut asked as he moved to find his place next to the stage. The goats and others started to scurry back to their places.

“I was starting to think they forgot about us...” Ulysses moved a napkin over his lips to clean them. Hulk still was sitting down on the floor, looking around a bit as he was confused.

“Move, you fool!” Doom cried out. He rushed over to land inside his metal throne and get back into his ’I’m bored’ pose. Cape draped around his left arm, his right arm bent at the elbow to hold his chin on his fist. Hulk opened his mouth and then raised up and grabbed a two liter of cola then drank it all down in one swig. The newly christened “Mr. Buttons” rushed over and jumped into Hulk’s arms. Eddie jumped over to the goats and started helping them fix the stage and clean up the junk food they had been collecting.

“This unworthy one was starting to get homesick...” Kenshin jumped up from his seat to help start moving the chairs away.

“Damnit, I can’t remember how the chess pieces went!” Nappa frowned, looking down at the unfinished game between Juggernaut and Hulk.

“Ditch it! I don’t think the Readers care how the game turns out anyway!” Gilgamesh cried out as he pushed the table holding the lunch away. “Or do they?”

“I think you were to the right of me...” Captain Falcon turned and stood next to Scorpion. The yellow and black ninja turned to his left and nodded, seeing that Ryu was in his proper place. Still, the ninja moved his right hand up to point at his face. The Street Fighter turned and blinked twice, lifting his hand to wipe away the remaining pizza from his face.

“Boo! Where are you?” Minsc cried out as he looked around. “Where’s my hamster?!” Teal’c quickly rushed over to the berzerker and deposited the tiny rodent into his hands. “Teal?”

“I... He’s very cute,” Teal’c said, blushing as he rushed over to stand in place. Minsc raised his left eyebrow, but then shrugged and put Boo back where he belonged.

“Huh? Oh wait, crap, bad time to have gone to the bathroom...” Haggar frowned and rushed over to grab a goat and use it’s fur to wipe his hands dry.

“I think we are mizzing someone, comrade...” Zangief said after a head count.

“Damnit...” Kratos rushed through the doors, kicking off the Santa suit from his legs. “I’m a god! Not some glorified extra!” His hands were sliding his wig and fake beard off.

“Are we ready?” Iron Will said as he kicked away his chair and got his microphone back on.

“Baa!” The green goat nodded, getting his clipboard ready.

“Where are the Judges?” Ryu asked and turned to look at the judge’s table.

“I dunno...” Lyon startled the street fighter. “I bet they don’t get paid enough and are probably partying somewhere.” Then he proceeded to stand up and walk to the judge’s table.

Sohadow slowly raised his head from underneath table, a party hat hanging on his chin upside down. He slowly let out a smirk and then quickly went back under the table.

“And we are on in five, four, three...” Eddie picked up his left hand to count down the last two seconds with his hands.

Round 2

Iron Will picked up his head, turning away from the huddled group. The humans gathered for this competition stood in front of the stage, looking down at the judges. The minotaur, pony, and human had hunched down, speaking in a low voice as they went down the list.

“So which one of these girls do we send to the moon?” Sohadow asked, the party hat still hanging on his chin. It looked like he had some sort of beard.

“Moon? I’ve heard that the Sun is great at this time of the year” Lyon said with a smile on his face.

“Iron Will refuses to party with ponies that refuse to acknowledge they need help...” Iron will said in a low voice. “That sounds like Ulysses and Doom there.”

“Well, Iron Will is sorry gentlemen...” He stopped to raise his eyebrows at Scorpion. “And those not strictly human.” Scorpion bowed his head, joined by Hulk, Juggie, Teal’c, and Gilgamesh. Nappa gave him a thumbs up. “We are unable to decide on one winner. Your Judges have though, made some eliminations. As per the deal, you can go-” Iron Will stopped, turning to look at a goat who brought him a slip of paper. “Home? Huh. It looks like some of you are being eliminated for us.”

“Not that I care, but why?” Nappa asked, left eyebrow raised. The Saiyan wanted to leave already and cause some havoc, but he didn’t like the idea of losing either. Apparently, some of the others didn’t either.

“Because I said so, Nappa!” Vegeta walked through the doors, dressed in his retro style blue Frieza issued uniform. Snowflake the muscle pegasus floated at his side.

“Vegeta?! But- How?” Nappa was a bit confused. He turned to look over at Snowflake for a second though.

“Not important! Just that... And what is going on here?” Vegeta lowered his head and looked at Snowflake. The blond maned pegasus stared at Nappa, his eyebrows raised. The bald Saiyan got up and floated in the air and moved slowly to join the white pony.

“By Celestia...” Snowflake finally uttered, lifting his right hoof up. Nappa moved his left arm out, touching Snowflake’s hoof with his hand. Both turned their connecting appendages in a circle. “It’s... It’s like looking into a mirror.”

“Oh Vegeta, you got me a pony version of myself! And I’m gorgeous!” Nappa exclaimed, unable to take his hand and eyes away. Iron Will’s mouth opened a bit, turning to look at the other competitors. Haggar and Zangief looked at each other, looking down at their muscled bodies, wondering what Nappa had that they didn’t.

“I mean... Nappa is bald,” Haggar said in a hushed voice. Zangief raised his left hand to his small patch of brown hair.

“This cannot be happening...” Vegeta said, lifting a hand up to slap his forehead. “Whatever! Nappa, meet your pony! You cannot be with Iron Will!” Vegeta lowered his hand to narrow his eyebrows. “To hell with you two anyway. Gilgamesh!” The Saiyan prince looked around as the Kabuki Rift Jumper stepped out of line. “We’ve gotta go, we’re needed elsewhere.”

“Wait, what? How can a tiny shrimp like you...” Gilgamesh turned to look at Nappa, eyebrow raised. The Saiyan elite had quickly looked away from Snowflake as he raised both arms to wave them side to side rapidly. Even Snowflake opened his eyes wide, shaking his own head to the sides. Vegeta raised himself to fly and grab Gilgamesh to levitate them into the air and carry away.

“Is... That it?” Ryu asked, expecting more to be eliminated.

“Actually, Gilgamesh was not who this note was for...” Iron Will said as Nappa was lead away by Snowflake. “Where are you two going?”

“Me and my twin are off! I have my own partner!”

“YEAH!!!” Snowflake hoof pumped. The two moved down to bump heads against each other and nodded. “Let’s GO!” Snowflake flew up and landed on Nappa’s shoulders as the Saiyan flew off.

“Hey, did you go to college?” Nappa asked.

“Yeah! Major was physical assessment and coaching. My minor was in Child Psychology,” Snowflake said with a smile.

“Really?! Mine too! You need something to fall back to after all...” The two fell off, leaving Iron Will with his mouth open a bit.

“So what was the note for?” Kenshin asked.

“Well, if you are done- I have to take my partner now,” Octavia said, walking into the pavillion. The musical earth pony had her eyes closed a little as she stopped in front of Kratos. “Come along now. We have to meet my parents if we are going to get married.”

“Say wha?” Eddie raised his eyebrows, more shocked now than by Nappa’s twin. All of the competitors turned to look at the ash Spartan. Some more disgusted than others. Save Doctor Doom, who turned to look at Octavia a second.

“Doom would hit that...” Doom said with a nod. Haggar raised an eyebrow at the fellow politician. “Literally. Doom would even kick a puppy.”

“Must you do this? I’m doing this to spare you!” Kratos frowned, getting down on his left knee to look at Octavia’s face. He stopped a second, turning to look over at Teal’c. “She reminds me of my late wife....” Teal’c raised both his hands up a bit, face scrunched up a bit to try to make things connect in his head.

“Oh? Are you telling me after ravishing me non-stop, defiling my body, destroying my bedroom, eating all my food, and ruining my chances to get married... You are going to leave me?” Octavia lowered her head, opening her eyes all the way as water started to form.

“But Octavia...” Kratos moved his right hand to pet her mane. “They need me in the war...”

“Oh, so you don’t care about my feelings at all? Was I just some two-night stand?” Even the goats joined in, now staring at Kratos and frowning at him. Ulysses picked up his right hand, lifting two fingers up and mouth ‘Two?’ silently as he frowned. Even Hulk gave him the stink eye.

“Fine...” Kratos released a sigh and stood up. “Don’t judge me! I’m a Greek God! How do you think mermaids, centaurs, satyrs, and others got made?” Kratos turned to look at them and raised the Blades of Chaos to make them glow.

“Oh! How wonderful! Let us be off,” Octavia said, closing her eyes and smiling. She took off and lead the way as Kratos followed. Ryu turned to look at Captain Falcon.

“Was all that just an act?”

“Indeed Mr. Hoshi. I come from the future, and some women are still like that...”



“He’s right,” Doom admitted. “It’s all in the myths... Is Doom the only one that reads here?” Kenshin turned to look at the Scorpion and Ryu, thinking they were from Japan. Neither had heard of Greek myths. Mayor Haggar shrugged, he had other things to do than read stories. Some of the others looked lost.

“Hulk thought half puny creatures were born from puny titans and puny gods, not human and gods...” Doom picked up his head, a bit annoyed by the green behemoth’s knowledge. Then again, Dr. Banner was somewhere in there.

“Can we move on with this?” Ulysses moved a hand up. “Some of us have a real war to get back to.” Teal’c nodded with his fellow dark skinned warrior.

“Right, so shall we?” Sohadow said, looking at Lyon and Will.

“Hmm... Doom is out. What a jackass. Couldn’t even tolerate one competition,” Iron Will frowned as he hunched down. “And don’t get Iron Will started on his third person- And why do you look at Iron Will like that for? Ehh... Ryu’s too... He doesn’t exactly command stage presence.”

“Yeah, Doom just doesn’t have what it takes. Ryu? He seems kinda... Quiet. It’s always the quiet ones you gotta look out for.” Everyone slightly turned and looked at Ryu. He noticed and raised an eyebrow. The judges slowly turned their heads and got back into the hunch position. Lyon silently started to move his eyes from one side to the other. “But, yeah, no, I don’t think he qualifies.” Sohadow said.

“How do you feel about Teal’c and Ulysses?” The minotaur moved his pencil and tapped it up and down on the list of names. “They both seem, too serious?”

“More like insanely serious.” Sohadow chuckled. “That Ulysses guy kinda creeps me out, too. And, like Ryu, he’s sorta quiet. DEFINITELY need to watch out for that whack job. Teal’c is kinda...eh. I don’t really have much of an opinion on him. And that’s probably a bad thing. Let’s give ‘em the boot.” Sohadow turned to Lyon. “What about you? They deserve the boot, don’t they?”

“Definitely, they also said that they have their OWN war to assist with, that thought alone will distract them,” Lyon said, turning to look at Iron Will “What about Scorpion, he seems... Odd”

“Yeah, Scorpion disturbs Iron Will’s jimmies...” The longhorn winced once at the no face ninja.

“Yeah, he’s probably more creepy than Ulysses... But he seems effective enough.” Sohadow turned towards the yellow ninja and saw the disgusting features under his mask. Sohadow shivered and then quickly turned back to the others. “On second thought, get that guy out of our sight!”

“Looks like some books were meant to be judged by its cover...” The human said.

“And something tells Iron Will that there is something wrong with Captain Falcon...” A large blue finger moved to the side of his head and twirl it a bit. “He still wears a mask, as Kenshin mentioned.”

“It’s a helmet though. How does that cover up his face? It’s kinda... Strange. The guy does have some heart though, but, then again, the others do, too.” Sohadow turned to look at the Captain. He was cleaning a smudge on his racecar. “He does have an interesting vehicle though. Bet that could be useful.”

“Alright guys, Iron Will will read these names. The names read out loud will be eliminated and sent home: Ulysses, Ryu, Scorpion, Doom, Captain Falcon, and Teal’c...” As each name was read, a lighting bolt shot out from the shield to leave a smoking black blast residue on the floor where they stood. The Minotaur picked up his head, blinking once. “Well that happened...”

“They went home, right?” Zangief asked.

“We will never know...” Answered the human Judge.

“Now that the others are sent off. Let’s see who is left...” Iron Will moved to pick up his list and start crossing names off.

Eddie Riggs
Ryu Hoshi
Dr. Doom
Kenshin Himura
Captain Falcon

“Alright. For this next round, its a really a simple elimination process. We know your motto, a skill or talent, but what we are missing is personality. Describes yourselves in one word. Simple, right? But no, and ‘Awesome’ and ‘Epic’ are not allowed. Be honest here, and something that could be used to describe yourselves. And keep in mind...” The minotaur raised his left hand to point at the gold shield still hung from the podium. He then turned to point at Zangief.

“Ehh...Umm, can we have a moment to think about it?” Minsc asked. “I need to give Boo time to think since he’s answering for two.”

“Really? Who knows yourselves better? Will it really take that long to think of a single word?”

“This one has spent his whole adult life trying to define the word ‘atonement.’ A second to think about this would be beneficial,” Kenshin raised his right hand up.

“Alright, fine. You got...” Iron Will turned to look at the other judges who all mouthed ‘three.’

“Three minutes! Make em count!” Iron Will sat down and looked at the judges, again commenting with them in a low voice. Soon enough, the three minutes were up. “Alright, Zangief- One word. Go.”

“One word... Dis is hard. Is ‘patriot’ alright?” Zangief asked.

“Huh... Actually-” Iron WIll moved a hand to his chin and rub his goatee. “Tell you what. Give me up to three single words to describe you, and we’ll pick one. Seems better, I mean a lot of us are patriotic. Remember, single words, not a phrase. If you can use one word, perfect!”

“Blue Bull first? Give example to Hulk?”

“Huh. If you are going to be Iron Will’s champion, its only fair you know more about Iron Will...” The minotaur took a second to think. Damn, he backed himself into a corner when he said no using epic and awesome. “Motivational- Its Iron Will’s calling! Assertive! Must pass this message to those that need it! And- No, can’t use talented, its too broad... Those are just examples. Go!”

“Ah, dis is good! I am a patriot! I always fight to be a role model for the children of Mother Russia! I am unyielding! I will fight to the last breath! Last, I am helpful! Always ready to help train a comrade!”

“Woah, nice going there Zangief. Those sound great,” Iron Will said with a smile.

“Pile Drivers for the People!” Zangief shouted to lift both index fingers up. The nearly naked wrestler took a step back to let the Mayor wrestler up.

“Let’s see... I guess Willing. I can’t think of a word that sums “up for the challenge.” I was a wrestler, a mayor, and now running for a new office. I’m also willing to get my hands dirty. I suppose that sums me up in one word.” Mayor Haggar moved to cross both arms on his chest to take a step back. “Take that Zangief, I was up to the challenge of one word.”

“Yeah, that fits,” Iron Will nodded. “Eddie?”

“One word... Is complicated allowed?” Eddie asked with his eyebrows up. “Ah. I thought so. I guess “dedicated” fits. I’ve lived my whole adult life as a roadie, following the code. I may have powers, weapons. and talent- But this is a code that’s noble and kept me from going over the edge. My job has been to make others let good, and knowing I’ve done my job- I don’t need thanks or recognition. You don’t thank a garbage man for a job well done.”

“That’s... That’s true I guess,” Iron Will added. He turned to look at his goat bros, wondering if that’s how they felt. But Iron Will always treated his crew right.

"Squeak squeak squeak." The tiny gold rodent said.

"I agree, Boo. I should follow your example." The big berserker said, petting Boo.

Everyone looked at each other and shrugged.

"Umm, that was nice, Boo..." Iron Will said, also shrugging. He didn't want to be that guy and just let it go. "Alright, how about you, Minsc?"

"My weapon is LOVE! JUSTICE! HOOOPE!" Minsc yelled, startling the rest of the human cast. "I fight mostly for justice. The laws should always be followed or else Minsc and Boo will shove a flail up their evil asses!"

"So, in other words, you fight for what's right?" Iron Will asked, a hand placed on his chin.

"Correct. Boo and I are on a mission to fix all the wrongs in the world. It may sound like an impossible task, but good shall always prevail...and if not, Minsc and Boo will!"

"Hmmm, an admirable mission for an honorable lug." Iron Will said, letting out a little smirk towards the unlikely duo. "Alright, how about you Hulk? I would think the word 'incredible' would describe you quite nicely." Iron Will said, pointing at the giant's massive build.

“Hulk...” The green superhero put Mr. Buttons down to stand up and look down at everyone. “Hulk is Hulk. Hulk not monster, Hulk hero.” A large hand of his moved to his dark green hair to rub a bit. “But Hulk is gentle and peaceful. Hulk only smash when angry.”

“Gentle. Gentle is good,” Iron Will nodded. Strong but gentle could be a good partner against his aggressive and helpful side. “Juggie?”

“Huh. I suppose ‘Independant.’ I’ve always done things my own way. I’ve rarely worked in teams, and I’m my own man. I owe everything I am today to my own hand. I’d use unyielding, but that’s been taken.”

“Nah, being independent is more impressive to Iron Will.” The minotaur smiled, glad that Juggernaut had gumption. “And the last one...”

“This one has struggled with labels in the past. This one is unworthy, being called killer, manslayer, widow maker. But this one is resolute, this one will never take another life again.” The red-haired samurai narrowed his eyes to look ahead. “This one is also worthless, unable to share emotions or true thoughts with others...”

“I think you are looking for stoic...” Iron Will raised his left eyebrow.

“No, for this one also lies... Always smiling and looking like a ditz to spare others.” Kenshin shrugged. He was amongst men that were like him, misunderstood and also hiding away true emotions.

“At least that was honest...” Iron Will nodded. “Alright, we have to talk a few things out guys.” Once more, he hunched down to try to talk to his judges in a low voice. “I think Kenshin is out. While he sounds like a good guy and all, the fact he’s a stone cold murderer really creeps me out.”

“Yeahhh, and he’s... Kind of a downer.” Sohadow said. “And look at him! He’s sorta frail looking... Doesn’t compliment you at all, big guy.”

“He may looks frail, but to be able to kill others... Well, that already says that he is more powerful than it appears” Lyon said, narrowing his eyes while looking at Kenshin.

“Hmm... Based on answers? A lot of these sound the same. But Haggar, Eddie, Juggernaut gave one answer. Hulk...” Iron Will moved a hand to rub his goatee. “Gentle doesn’t fit well with me, and I want Mr. Buttons back on the job.”

“You do make a valid point. But let’s not forget your soft side towards that little pegasus...” Sohadow said, snickering. A grin was adorning Lyon’s face. Iron Will gave Sohadow the stink eye, resulting in a fist to his side.

“I’m being serious.” Iron Will said. Sohadow gulped and continued.

“I guess you’re right, you’re always right, Mr. Will. But think about it: He’s strong and surprisingly smart. Don’t you want a guy like him on your side?”

“Its hard to say, we are going into war. Do you want to bring a gentle guy into war? That doesn't sit right with Iron Will,” The minotaur picked up his head to look at the others. He lowered his head back down. “On the same note, I kinda wanna set Haggar out. He’s an elected official, and he’s got his own thing to do.”

“Well, the Hulk DID say he went berserk if he gets angry. As for Haggar, you do make another valid point. But let’s face it, big guy, they all have things they need to be doing in their own worlds. I suppose Haggar has a more important job, though... Do you wanna send him away? He COULD prove to be useful in the end...” Sohadow said as he turned to look at the mayor.

“In the end there can be only one,” Iron Will shrugged. “In all honesty, Eddie sounds like best. He’s a roadie, travels a lot- Like Iron Will. He’s dedicated to his creed, and has the skills and powers to back himself up. So far in all the rounds, he’s come through. Minsc sounds the second best though, he got powers besides strength, making him better than Hulk or Juggie. Zangief and Haggar look weaker than them.”

“I’m not sure those two even have powers... But it’s not just about power, you gotta like ‘em, too. Eddie and Minsc both have some... Interesting personalities. As for Hulk and Juggernaut, they seem to be kinda... Meh.” Sohadow said, shaking his hoof, informing the other two of his indifference towards the two. “Juggernaut seems kinda tame though. What do you two think?”

“The Juggernaut is NOT a good choice,” Lyon shook his head to the sides. “He clearly stated that he’s not a team’s player, and he got everything with his own hands... That’s a good qualification, but for a team... ”

“We would be part of a team, with the other humans...” Iron Will moved rubbing his goatee. “Okay everyone! We have picked the final three!” Lighting bolts flew out from the shield to Kenshin, Haggar, Hulk and Juggernaut, vanishing them in dark smoke. “The hell, shield! We were done picking! Fine! The finalists are Eddie, Zangief, and Minsc!”

Double Bonus:


“What the... ?” Iron Will picked up his head to see the roof of the pavillion break through. A figure holding unto an American Flag landed down.

“Everyone can rejoice, for I have come, Babylon!” Stephen Colbert shouted out loud as he stood “While you worship your blue idol, I have come to free the pegasisters and bronies from... And where is everybody?”

“If you are here for the position, its been taken...” Iron Will said. “Too bad, you’re awesome.”

“What? I’m never late! This is all my publicists fault! I refuse to go back empty handed....” Stephen stopped talking and spotted Sohadow. “You’ll do.” American flag in one hand, he reached down to pick up Sohadow.

“Heyheyhey, what are you doing? This isn’t faaaaiiiirrrr!” Sohadow yelled as the two flew off through another hole in the roof. “I wanted a girl!”

“Come back here!” Sherry Birkin raised her left arm up to hold a rocket launcher at Colbert. “Bring me back my partner!” Jake frowned, eyes both closed. First Leon, now a pony?

“I never knew humans had such magical powers. Oh well. Here you go Lyon,” Iron Will turned around for a second and then handed the human his very own toaster. “Good job. I’d offer you Roseluck, but....”

“I told you I wanted the pony, I don’t know what this thing is!!!” He said, looking at the strange apparatus.

“Really? Could’ve sworn...” Iron Will took the toaster back and then turned around to hand Lyon a very startled and confused Roseluck into his arms.

“But- How? I was just in my garden...” Roseluck blinked twice, a watering pitcher still in her hooves.

“Keep calm, my very own little pony,” The human took the watering pitcher and launched it behind him. “Adventures are waiting for us!”

Everyone and everypony left the pavilion, leaving the gold shield alone, forgotten. Or so we thought, until Protoman walked by. He looked down at his old red shield, then turned to the gold and black shield. He put down carefully the old one and picked up the new one. Sporting the new shield, Protoman whistled and walked off.

Author's Note:

The fate of Rainbow Dash is decided in the next chapter.

Thanks to LyonAzakura and Sohadow_Swordsman for proofreading and co-writing this chapter.

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