• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 2,319 Views, 33 Comments

The Unknown King - Chaos Nightmare

The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes.

  • ...

Titans Go (Semi edited)

Somewhere in a hidden lair a battle was raging between Xulna and a man named Slade. As sword met scythe they began to talk “So Slade you have exactly what I want in an enforcer.” Xulna said as she blocked a swipe from Slades sword.

“I work for nobody.” He said blocking a swipe from her scythe.

“To be fair I am a Nobody.” she said before she dodged another slash and flying into the air. “Tell me, Slade was it? Why settle for this world when we could have them all?” She asked.

Slade aimed a gun at her but then thought about what she said and asked “And what's in it for me?”

Xulna smiled and asked, “What do you want?”

As we got teleported to the world we found ourselves in an alleyway and as we walked out said alleyway a man ran passed us. “Huh?” Moondancer asked as five people stood in front of us.

“Who was that?” Gleaming asked as I just shrugged. As we walked away five people ran into the alleyway looked around before coming back to us.

“Hey did you see where Dr. Light went?” one of them asked.

We shrugged before Gleaming asked, “Was that the man who ran into the alleyway?”

“Starfire you and Beast Boy scout the area while we search the-” Robin stopped when we saw Dr.Light running back screaming as Nobodies were chasing him.

“HELP ME!” He shouted as he tripped and the Nobodies went for him

“Titans Go!” Robin shouted as we ran forward in front of them towards the nobodies as they broke off and wiggled away.

Dr.Light quickly got up repeating the words “Thank you.” over and over again as Robin grabbed him.

“You're going away Light,” Robin said.

“Whoa, what did he do?” Gleaming asked.

“He tried to rob a nearby bank.” Robin said.

“Calm down ‘Eliza’,” I said as Gleaming gave me a weird look.

“Anyway Glad to be of help I’m Huxley and you’ve already heard Eliza.” I said pointing to Gleaming shield, “And this is Megan.” I said pointing to Moondancer who also looked at me funny.

“Well it is nice to meet you three.” Starfire said “I am Starfire and these are my friends Cyborg, Beast boy, Raven and Robin.” Starfire pointed to each one of them before the police arrived to take Dr.Light to jail.

As The Doctor was taken away Robin asked a very important question “What were those things chasing Dr.Light?”

“We might want to talk about this someplace else,” I said.

“Very well, Raven teleport us to the tower.” Robin said as shadows enveloped us and we found ourselves in the main room of the Titans Tower.

“What was that?” ‘Eliza’ asked.

“A teleportation spell,” Raven said bluntly.

“No I mean the-” ‘Eliza’ began to say something before I gave her a slight smack on the head.

“‘Eliza’ don’t be rude to our hosts.” I said giving her a glare.

Robin then stepped in asking “Now what were those things chasing Dr.Light?”

I looked at my team before saying “They’re called Nobodies. Those ones specifically were called Dusks.”

“What did they want with Dr.Light?” Beast boy asked.

“Well there are two groups that control Nobodies, the first is a group called Organization 13 and the other is a woman named Xulna. If it's the Organization that are after Dr.Light they may be trying to create a weapon to mimic this.” I said pulling out my keyblade.

“Why would they want to replicate a Giant key?” Beast Boy asked.

“Hold on i think I’ve read something about this.” Raven said as she opened a portal to her room and brought out a book “That's a Keyblade right?” She asked as I nodded before she started reading. “It said that they are an ancient weapons of a massive war that shattered the world known as Daybreak.”

“The Keyblade war. A battle for something known as Kingdom Hearts.” I told them.

“Whoa, all that power for a large key.” Cyborg said.

“Yep.” I said proudly before getting a glare from ‘Megan’ “Right, anyway as for Xulna we honestly don’t know what she would want with Dr.Light.” I said.

“Well, then Titans let's see if we can’t find these Dusks,” Robin said.

Before they started to leave I asked “Hey do you mind if we come with you, We’re sorta looking for Both the organization and Xulna.”

Robin looked at his team before saying “Okay.”

As I was about to follow then Gleaming grabbed me by the collar and said “We need to talk with him give us a few minutes.”

Robin responded “Alright but don’t take too long.”

“Don’t worry this should be quick” Gleaming said as the Titans left. “Okay, what's with calling me Eliza and calling Moondancer Megan?” Gleaming asked.

“It's something I’ve been thinking since we left the deep jungle you two need names that don’t stick out,” I answered.

“Fine but why Eliza and Megan?” Gleaming asked.

“Well, what would you have come up with?” I asked as they both tried to come up with something before coming up empty-handed. “So Eliza and Megan it is,” I told them before heading out to meet with the Titans.

We paired into groups of two, I was paired with Raven while Gleaming was paired with Cyborg and Moondancer was paired with Starfire. As hours of searching for the Dusks, we came up with nothing. As we were about to head back however we spotted some Dusks heading off in a direction. “I think we have something,” I said as Raven pulled out her communicator.

“Guys we may have something,” Raven said to the others on her communicator.

Alright hold your position and we’ll meet up with you as fast as we can.” Robin said as Raven looked at me jumping off the building to chase after the Dusks.

Raven replied “Not an option. Huxley is in pursuit.” as she followed me.

You know this is a bad idea right?’ Xion asked.

‘It is?’ I asked her as I chased the Dusks through an alleyway before being stopped by Raven.

“You need to stop.” She said teleporting in front of me.

“Why?” I asked.

“This is one of Slade's old hideouts we have to be careful.” She said As I nodded I leaned on a piece of the wall as it started to move as I quickly got off it and a door opened.

“Whoa,” I said taking a step back. “Maybe we should wait for the other,” I said as I turned around to see Raven collapsed and Slade was holding her.

“No, go inside my partner want to meet you,” Slade said as I backed up and ran into the Lair.

“No need to be so eager,” Slade said as he walked inside. As I ran through the Lair Xion gave me a suggestion to use the Lexicon to cause an illusion.

As Slade was walking through the lair he stopped when a voice from behind him “Titans Go!” he turned around to see four of the Titans standing behind him. He snapped his fingers as Three Dusks appeared “Take her to Xulna.” He said throwing Raven at them before pulling out his sword. While he was distracted by the fake Titans I went after the dusks carrying Raven.

As I followed them I came across a large room where Xulna was waiting for Slade “You’re unexpected, lapdog.” She said noticing me.

“I’m nobodies lapdog.” I responded as I ran towards her before dodging some Dusks. “So you must be high up on the Nobody food chain if all you have are dusks.” I taunted.

“Oh I have more than just Dusks, it’s just I don’t want to reveal my whole hand too soon.” She said as she got down from from the catwalk and stood in front of me scythe in hand.

As I backed up I felt something behind me “Hello” The voice of Slade said. I quickly looked up the see Slade standing there “Did you really think the fake Titans would keep me distracted for long?” He asked as he grabbed my arm.

Before they could do anything a Voice came from behind us “TITANS GO!” Robin ordered.

“Do you really think the same trick will work-” he was cut off dodging Robins kick. “Ah, the Titans a little early but you can join your friend Raven.” He said as I summoned my Keyblade and tried to free my hand from his grip.

“Let me Go!” I said smacking him over and over with my Keyblade before he smacked me back.

“Be quiet you.” He said before a blast from Cyborg’s sonic cannon forcing him to remove his hold on me and focus on the titans. “Xulna, take care of this lapdog. I’ll take the titans.” Slade said.

“Hmph! You do not order me but fine I’ll take care of this lapdog.” She said as she got closer and started swinging her scythe at me. I managed to run past her with minimal injuries as I saw Raven being placed into a tube by the Dusks.

‘I have one shot at this.’ I thought to myself as I did a strike raid towards the tube Raven was being placed in. As the keyblade struck the tube, I was rammed by Xulna and pinned to the ground. Before she could speak, a shield was placed around me by Gleaming Shield and Raven began to awaken.

“Mmm... my head, what happened?” she asked before falling to her knees out of tube. She quickly roused herself up “Where am I?” she asked herself before looking around and seeing me dodge scythe swipes while Slade fought the Titans.

“COULD USE SOME HELP OVER HERE!” I shouted as Xulna got a few good hits in.

“Azarath Metrion Zinthos” Raven Chanted as nearby pipes began to bend and break before flying towards Xulna who dodged it but deemed this a lost cause for now.

“Slade! We’re leaving” She said as she escaped through a Dark Corridor.

Slade, realizing the fight was also lost, went a different way, “Trusting her was a mistake.” He muttered as she couldn’t even bring the titans down what hope had she of conquering all. As he ran he activated all sorts of traps and barriers preventing us from following suit.

Back at Titans tower we were celebrating the victory over Slade and Xulna. But as nice the party was we knew we couldn’t stay long “Thanks for your help.” Robin said.

“It was no problem we still didn’t figure out why Slade or Xulna was trying to kidnap Dr.Light,” I said.

“Eh no big deal we’ll just figure it out on our own either way we wanted to give you three something.” Cyborg said as he handed us communicators.

Outside I was doing my best not to freak out as this was amazing. “Thanks but we’re not really from around here.”

“Don’t worry. It should work in deep space.” Robin said.

“What?” I asked confused and slightly angry at my team.

“I told them that Keyblade wielders trave the universe helping those in need.” Raven said as I calmed down a bit.

“Alright then thanks,” I said as we were teleported up to our ship.

Author's Note:

I'm going to say that after the next chapter I'll be taking a break for a month or two due to personal reasons.