• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 2,319 Views, 33 Comments

The Unknown King - Chaos Nightmare

The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes.

  • ...

Taking off remake

As morning came I awoke bright and early to be taken to the armory with Moondancer who was asked to sleep in the castle and Gleaming Shield who lives in the barrack. I yawned as I walked up to Moondancer who looked half asleep and Gleaming Shield who looked alert. “Morning.” I greeted them.

“Morning, Huxley.” Moondancer said groggily before yawning with a hand covered over for manners.

“Hello.” Gleaming Shield greeted back. I noticed she wasn’t wearing her guard armor but a blue shirt with a star and shield on it with some blue jeans.

While me and Moondancer did a few stretched Celestia decided to greet us.

“Good morning!” Celestia said with a calming smile.

“Morning Celestia.” I yawned before asking. “Not to be rude but why did you ask us up this early?”

“Certainly, train to Ponyville leaves in an hour and you did say you were heading there for departure among the stars.” Celestia explain.

“Yeah okay.” I said as Celestia opened the armory where we entered. As we entered Moondancer was attracted to a wand on a nearby wall while Gleaming Shield walked over to a locker with her name emblazoned. Opening it she pulled out a fancy shield and sword with Celestia's emblem on the center and guard. “You may pick anything you need for your journey.” Celestia said to Moondancer who took a wand having a similar image of the sun but having a moon below it as a swirl engulf them like a hug. “Aren't you going to take anything Huxley?” Celestia asked as she noticed I wasn’t taking anything.

“I’m still looking.” I said as I noticed a pauldron that I could use for armor, I took it off the manikin and put on my shoulder, it fits.

Seeing that we didn’t go for anything else, Celestia spoke. “Now that you’ve gotten your weapons and armour; I would like to give you this.” She handed a scroll to both Moondancer and Gleaming Shield but was odd that I didn’t get one. “It's a spell that allows you to summon your equipment's.” Well, that explains it. They both looked at the scrolls for a bit before putting them away for later study. “Now then; before you go, here;” Celestia handed me a bag of bits. “for your travel fee.”

“Thank you.” I said as we left. Moondancer and Gleaming Shield managing to put their weapons away.

An hour passed from walking to the train station, buying our tickets and enjoying breakfast at the train station pitstop food court. We stood in the platform, waiting for the train to arrive. Lucky we didn’t need to wait long as the sound of a train whistle was heard and said transparent came within view.

“What’s the matter Huxley?” Moondancer asked.

“First time on a train I’m a bit antsy.” I answered. I was a bit nervous, to be honest; this was the first time I ever got on a train.

Before Moondancer could say anything the announcer for the train came on. “The train schedule to Ponyville will be leave in five minutes. I repeat: Train to Ponyville will be leaving in five minutes, all passengers please be on board immediately.”

“Well, we better get on the train.” I said as we got on the train and finding ourselves a seat….

Few hours pass when we arrived in Ponyville, which look exactly like what it was before the whole shenanigan happened. As we step out of the passenger cart; we were greeted by a familiar pink colored girl. “Hia Huxley!” Pinkie said jumping.

Hiii Pinkie.” I said, unsure of why she's here.

“Who are your friends?” Pinkie asked happily.

“Pinkie, we're in a hurry; can we talk later.” I said as she sidestepped to the right as we passed by her while she waved them goodbye. As we walked through town I passed Carousel Boutique before remembering something. “I’ll just make a quick stop.” I said heading inside causing both Moondancer and Gleaming Shield standing there in confusion.

As the bell rang and myself entering while closing it a familiar posh voice spoke up. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique; where everything is- oh Huxley! Here for your clothing?” Rarity asked for reassurance.

“Why yes, I am.” I said as she bend slightly to grab something under the counter before handing me a bag of folded clothing. “Thank you.” With a smile nod from the fashion girl, I walked out.

“Have a nice day.” Rarity said.

Stepping outside, I was greeted by one of my companion. “You done with your errand?” Moondancer asked.

“Yes and I was in there for less than a minute.” I said.

“Still I don’t want to stay in this town any longer then I need to.” Moondancer said in a bothered tone as she walks ahead as we walked up beside her, continuing our track to the edge of town.

“Why are we heading into this forest?” Both girls asked.

“Because the way off the world is through here.” I said as I took the first step into the forest. As minutes; probably hours passed as we got closer to our destination to the forest clearing. “We should be close-” I was said was interrupted by a wolves made out of woods; or more like timbers; came out of the bushes.

“Timberwolves!” Gleaming Shield said as she and Moondancer summoned their weapons while I summoned the Keyblade just as more came in view. There were five of them total but sounds of howls and barks told that there will be more coming.

I hit one over the head before giving it a few more following hits (though I wasn’t use to swinging the thing so I was a bit slow but for some reason the enemy was staggered easily) as I finish it with one more down motion of my weapon that the golem shattered from the injuries.

“Be careful they can regenerate!” Gleaming shield shout out a warning as she spun herself on one foot as her sword extended as it cut one (though only a scratch mark) and it wince while the rest back away; missing her other two target that's been trying to surround her. Despite it’s injuries; the cut Timberwolve growled before pouncing forward before being push back by the royal guard shield bash.

“Why are they attacking us?” I asked knocking another one away; Sure wishing I had some fire magic right now. I thought to myself. I was only dealing with one at the moment though that changed when one other that was trying to attack Gleaming backed up just near him from her spin attack.

“We must have entered their territory.” Gleaming said; cutting one on the head with her sword but moved it up for another strike.

“Clear them out ‘Then’ run.” I shouted before yelping; the wolf behind me must have looked behind and took my distraction as an opportunity and bite at my right arm.

“Are you okay?” Moondancer asked as she used her magical blast on one timberwolve that seems logic since it tried to get close to her.

“Yeah; it's just a flesh wound.” I said as I threw the clamping wolf away. Few teeth puncture wounds are small but was soon healed by my new healing process.

As we cleared a small path through more timberwolves came out of the forest. That wasn’t a good sign and I’m sure I don’t want to test how effective my healing factor can go. Taking our opportunity we ran towards our general direction.

It took a few minutes running away from the wooden pack of timberwolves that soon changed as I saw the Gummi ship in the distance which was a god sent. “Over here!” I shout to the others as we ran towards the ‘Excaliburn’. As we got close to the gummi ship the Timberwolves stopped chasing us.

“We must be near a predator.” Moondancer thought out loud as I opened the bottom of the ship.

“Well let's not stick around to find out.” I said as we all got on the ship. “Welcome to the Excaliburn!” I said as they looked around. I placed my change of clothing in the drawers and stepped up to the cockpit. “You may want to take your seats. Gleaming takes the guns and Moondancer on navigation.” I said. They moved; though they went to the wrong spots. “Um; other way around.” I said to which they flown at me for not telling them the right places. As we began to take off I felt the ship shake. “That's not supposed to happen. Moondancer, what's outside?” I asked Moondancer. Girl in question looked at the unusual device.

“I don’t know. I haven’t a clue on how to work this contraption.” Moondancer said perplexed as the rumbling became louder and a roar was heard.

“I think that's a hydra!” Gleaming Shield said as I started to have the ship take off.

“Gleaming; ready the guns, were taking this for a test run.” I said as we flew around to the hydra which was more taller than the trees within sight. Gleaming started pressing buttons as the Blizzard cannons fired two energy shots in a V direction while the Meteor cannons release two homing lasers; despite the former cannon miss but both Meteor lasers hit the Hydra. “Bullseye; Gleaming.” I said as few heads came off of the hydra, but as the legend said ‘take one head off; two more grow’. “Aim for the back.” I said changing my tune.

“I’m trying.” Gleaming shouted.

“Moondancer how’s the targeting coming?” I asked.

“I’m working on it! I’ve never seen anything like this before.” She said as I flew around the Hydra.

“Gleaming?” I asked.

“I almost got it.” She said as energy from both weapons fired once again this time getting one of the Blizzard shots and both Meteor lasers to hit its back of the Hydra; causing it to fall over.

“Great!” I said as I started to pilot my ship up towards the sky. After a good minute of flying up we were finally out of the world and into space. I stopped the ship and gave the two time to look. “Well are you two enjoying the view?” I asked.

It took them a minute to respond but Gleaming Shield was the first to say. “It...incredible!” For Moondancer; she was just speechless. After another good minute of staring I grabbed the controls and slowly went further and further away from the world and after an hour of flying we were lost.

“You have no clue where you’re going do you?” Moondancer state the obvious with a frown.

“You're the on Navigation!” I tried to counteract but Gleaming got up and smacked me on the head.

“Your driving so it's your responsibility regardless of who’s doing who.” Gleaming states as I turned my head and saw Hollow Bastion in the distances.

“Everyone were about to head to a new world so seatbelts.” I said as I went in for a landing.

After landing my ship and; with an okay; we step outside. Walking a bit; we found ourselves in the town's market.

“Alright we need to buy some supplies.” I said as we walked around looking at the shops before accidentally bumping into Leon. “Sorry.” I said.

“Hmm. It’s best you watch where you're walking.” He said in advice, calm tone before seeing the elf ears on Moondancer and Gleaming Shield. “You guys aren't from around here are you?” He asked as he looked over us.

“Yeah were from a world call Equestria.” I said as Moondancer and Gleaming was a little late to covered my mouth.

“Haha! What a kidder!” Gleaming Shield sheepishly said as I removed their hands from my mouth.

“Guys relax this is one of the few worlds where you can say you're from another world.” I said.

“You could have said that before we landed.” Moondancer argued.

“Sorry it slipped my mind. Anyway I’m guessing you're Leon right?” I said asking Leon who moondancer groan with a facepalm while avoid hitting her glasses.

“Yeah. Have we met?” He asked uncertainty.

“No we haven’t but I heard about you from Traverse Town.” I said as he looked away. “Anyway I was wondering how Sora was.” I asked.

“Who exactly?” He said. By that response I figured out ‘when’ I was.

“Nevermind, not important.” I said as Gleaming Shield and Moondancer looked at me funny. “Anyway do you know where I can buy some non adventuring supplies like food I only saw a weapon shop and an armor shop.” I asked.

“It's just right up there.” He said pointing to the top of the stairs with a thumb.

“Thanks.” I said as we walked past him who looked at us leave.

“So who’s Sora?” Moondancer asked.

“I’ll tell you later.” I answered as we went to buy some food for our trip.

While we were discussing what to buy I heard a scream coming from the market square. I walked until I saw- “Heartless.” I shout as I jumped down from the railing and began to fight. Twelve base Shadows were causing a ruckus before turning their attention to me.

As I began to fight, Moondancer and Gleaming Shield looked at the fight worriedly. “Are those ‘Heartless’?” Moondancer asked scared.

I lost balance for only a moment against one shadow as another jump in for a swipe. As it was only a few seconds in it dispured into dark vapers by a swipe of a sword/gun like weapon. Leon spun as he stop skidding from something, doing a back-to-back with me. He sling his gunblade ‘Lionheart’ on his shoulder. “Don’t let your guard down.” He said without looking at me in a advice, wise way.

“Who cares! We gotta help them.” Gleaming said summoning her sword and shield and leap of the rail. Moondancer took a calm, deep breath as she follows with her summoning her wand but ran down the stairs instead as she too started to help.

During our fight I heard Leon says something to me but I was knocked out by a sudden appearance of a ‘Fat Body’ heartless from out of nowhere who smack me from behind the head. Everything gone dark….

I woke up, first thing I did was looked around as my feeling of being on a soft ground instead of the rough ground. I found myself in Merlin's house more specifically on his bed. On one side of the room where the door is has two checkerboard with one begins on the wall while the other beside a booktable. A large computer contraption at the corner, seems to be on with the screen lit up. On my side was a stump length stair with a table on top and tea set and utensils. One bookshelf full of books; even some had to be on top after it became full.

“Leon, why is there somebody in my bed?” Merlin asked.

“Would’ve asked but you ‘were’ out.” Leon apologized as I sat up from the bed.

Slowly sitting up in bed, wincing. “Ah, my head.” I groan. Recollect my mind and sense of self awareness, I got up, grabbing the back of my head. I looked around until I spotted Leon and his crew standing around chatting, seem Leon and the wizard was talking earlier but stopped by me no doubt. “W-where are my friends?” Concern evidence in my voice as I asked.

“Their at the plaza. Told them your in good hands.” Leon said as he push himself of the wall he was laying, walking up to me. “Now then, why would a ‘Keyblade’ choose someone who can’t defend himself?” Quizzically asked himself.

“Well in my defence I’ve only been in three sword fights in my life.” I said honestly.

“Youch, that sound complicated.” Yuffie commented.

Leon node before going thoughtful; after a moment he spoke. “Tell me, who’s Sora ? You mentioned this person before, who’s that?”

“Okay take a seat; this might be a bit of an explanation.” I said before taking a deep breath despite saying so Leon and the others just stayed where they are. “Alright before I start what do you remember of freeing this world from Maleficent?”

“Why do you ask?” Leon asked.

“Because Sora is connected to that event.” I said as Leon looked at me suspicious.


“Yeah. We’d know if there was somebody else was with us.” Cid said.

“Unless someone messed with your memories.” I said as they looked like I said something crazy. “Alright you don’t believe me, let me explain. Basically there is this person named Namine who has the power over memories and she basically wiped Sora’s memories and by extension wiped everyone’s memory of him and his two companions.” I explained.

“Explain why your not affected then?” Leon question.

I looked at a wall and said. “let's just say i'm special.” Looking at them again I continued. “Anyway even if you don’t believe me I know you’ll change your mind in time.” I said as they looked each other in a silent conversation or just thinking and they're good at reading each other?

“And why is that?” He said.

“Well you're bound to remember eventually.” I said. “Look I know it doesn’t make any sense but-” I was cut off by Leon.

“Look, I’ll give you benefit of a doubt.” Leon said as he watch me walking towards the door.

As the door closed, Yuffie spoke up. “Do you ‘really’ believe him, Leon?”

“So far, no. Time will tell if he’s right or wrong.” He said; grabbing his head as he try to recollect something. “But it did feel like he knew what we don’t. That worries me.”