• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 2,319 Views, 33 Comments

The Unknown King - Chaos Nightmare

The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes.

  • ...

Olympus Coliseum remake

As I exited the house I was approached by Merlin who closed the door behind him. “Excuse young lad but I ‘overheard’ about you having a Keyblade.” He asked. I responded by summoning my keyblade. He observe the weapon with a “hmm” here and there. “Interesting… Would you happen to ‘learn’ any spells?” Looked at me for confirmation.

“No, I don’t know any magic.” I said.

“Hmm… Perhaps, I could give you a bit of a ‘push’ as youngsters would say.” He chortles; waved his hand for a moment as something inside me felt strange. “Hmm, seems your magic is lacking-” Muttering to himself as that tingling sensation fade away. “There you go! Try casting ‘Fire’.”

I looked for a target but couldn’t see any except wooden crates. Seeing my predicament; the old wizard wiggle his finger on one crate as it became more animated, it floats in circles around me in a normal pace. Point my keyblade at the floating crate, once it was close to where I pointed; I cast. “Fire.” I said casting the spell. A spark ignite on the tip of the keyblade shaft as a fireball shot out toward the target while myself slip from the how much force it had and sat on my rump. The fire turn slightly as it head for the box before impact, luckily it didn’t burned. Probably from Merlin’s magic.

Standing up from the feedback I turned to Merlin. “Thank you for teaching me this.” I thanked.

“Think nothing of it. I only help you reach into your mana pool is all.” The wizard explained; “Sorry to cut short but I must be going.” before poofing in light blue puff of smoke. Shrug at his reason to leave I walked off.

Returned to the Excaliburn I saw Gleaming Shield and Moondancer sitting around before they noticed me. “Huxley!” Gleaming said.

“Hi.” I said as they looked at me. “What?” I asked confused.

“We were worried about you.” Moondancer said in concern.

“Oh sorry.” I said scratching the back of my head. “Anyway, we need to head off.” I explained.

“We’ll get into position.” Gleaming said as they hopped into their chairs as I hopped into the pilot chair….

[In World Map; aka Space]

An hour into our flight I thought about getting us someplace to train as we needed to be stronger for our journey ahead.

Just as I thought this we flew over Olympus Coliseum. “Buckle up ‘girls’ were going in for a landing.” I said as I took Excaliburn in for a landing. At first, it was ruff as though an unknown force was pushing us away before it fades as we entered the atmosphere.

As we landed near the Coliseum gate, Moondancer tapped my shoulder. “So, is ‘this’ world where we can say that we’re from other worlds?” Moondancer asked mildly, not wanting to make the same mistake twice.

“I’ll tell you when we're on a world where we can freely say that.” I said.

“Alright then. How do we approach this?” Gleaming Shield asked but she sounds like she more specifically talking to herself.

“What?” I asked.

“How do we start our search without looking suspicious?” Gleaming spoke again.

“Oh.” I said realizing what she was talking about. “We’re not here to find Luna’s nobody, we're here to get some training in before we start the search,” I said, they looked at me dumbstruck. “Okay look; assuming Luna’s nobody is anything like Nightmare Moon she may not want to come back with us or worse want to fight us, so we need to be prepared.”

“Well; it wouldn’t hurt to get use to fighting alongside each other.” Moondancer reasoned carefully.

“That's true, we ‘really’ don’t know each other. We barely got out alive from the Timberwolves, and the time at… Hollow Bastion market square. Despite wanting to get this over with, if it’s a fight; we need to be ready.” Gleaming Shield agreed.

“Great, I know of a guy that can help us.” I said as I got off the Gummi ship but stopped at the bottom. “Oh and before I forget, don’t trust a guy with blue flames coming out his head.”

Both girls look at each other before looking back, Gleaming was the one who asked. “Alright… But why?”

“Because, he will try to use us to kill someone important.” I answered as we start to head off the ship...

As we got to the Coliseum I saw Hercules talking to Meg outside the main gate. “Hello.” I said greeting them.

Hercules turn to us. “Oh hello there.” Hercules said as Meg turned to look at us.

“You know them?” Meg asked receiving a shake of his head.

“No. But, it's always nice to be polite.” Hercules said.

“Is Phil here?” I asked.

“Sorry; he left for a bit. Why do you ask?” Hercules said.

“I was hoping he could train us for a few weeks because-” I paused before pulled out my keyblade. “- I have no clue how to use this.” I said.

“Hmm… Don’t worry. Phil should be here in the next hour; I’m not sure if he’ll train you guys. Your gonna have to ask him.” Hercules said.

As we waited Moondancer and Gleaming Shield looked at the winner rosters for the games and wondered. “Who is Sora?” Moondancer asked.

“Hmm?” Gleaming looked to her fellow Equestrian before looking over at the banner for the Hades Cup. “Oh yeah; there he is again.”

“I looked over each tournament and everyone of them has him in first place of the Phil cup, the Pegasus cup and the Hercules cup.” Moondancer said before looking at me with scrutinizing suspicion. “He mentioned someone named ‘Sora’ back at Hollow Bastion…. I wonder if they are the same person.” She said while Gleaming just shrugged.

“Probably not. I’m guessing it's just a coincident.” Gleaming said as I walked over to see what was going on.

“Hey, what's going on?” I asked as they turned to look at me.

“Oh, we were just talking.” Moondancer said.

“Okay great anyway Phil should be here any moment now… and speak of the satyr here he is now.” I said as Phil walked through the gate and heading towards the entrance.

“‘That's’ Phil? I was expecting a little something more-” Moondancer started.

“Human?” I said as she nodded. “Said the Elf.” I said as she looked at me confused “Elves aren't exactly common in the worlds.” I said as they blushed for some reason. “Anyway, let's talk him.” I said walking up to Phil.

As we walked to Phil he was talking to Hercules before turning to us. “So~. Herc here tells me you want some training.” He said as I nodded. “Well what makes you think you even have the material to even train with me?”

“Well... I have this.” I said pulling out my keyblade.

“And…?” He said plainly crossing his arms.

I sighed. “Look we really need to have your help.”

“Sorry buddy, but I got enough things to do then babysit some kids with a giant key.” He said before Hercules spoke up.

“Come on Phil, give them a chance.” Hercules said seeing that he’s trying to help.

Phil thought for a moment before saying. “Alright, I’ll give you a chance. But only if you do a job for me.”

I looked at my team and they looked unsure. “Alright then what's the job?” I asked.

“I have some trophies for the next games, problem is ‘I’m’ too busy to pick them up. That's where you come in.” He said.

“Okay then so where do we need to go?” I asked.

“At Thebes. It's a few days away from the Coliseum gates, if you follow the signs you should get there in no time.” Phil said.

As we were about to leave I had a thought. “These trophies have already been paid for right, we don’t have that much money.” I said.

“Yeah, it's paid for.” He said as we just walked out towards the Coliseum.

When I was out of earshot a voice in the shadows said. “So that satyr has some new kid to train.” Muttering before disappearing in blue flames.

I took Moondancer and Gleaming back to the ship. “So why aren't we just take the Gummi ship to this place then grab the trophies and come back to Phil.” Moondancer asked.

“Well for one he might suspect something bad if we returned within the same day with the trophies plus we have to keep the gummi ship a secret.” I said as they looked at me confused. ”Look just trust me we have to keep the worlds separate or else total chaos will happen.” I told them as they nodded. We then grabbed our bags of supplies for a few days and some munnie in case we ran out of food.

Two days into the trip we came across a river where we spotted a light blue centaur trotting around in the stream. I remembered that this was Nessus a minor villain from the movie. “We should be careful.” I whispered. We tried to sneak around in careful steps as if walking around eggshells, Moondancer’s nose twitch slightly before giving out a sneeze.

“Who’s there?” Nessus asked as he looked around for the sound, we came out of the bushes. “You trying to pass my river?” He asked, trotting over to me before he noticed the girls. If I didn’t know any better he was giving them a faint hint of dreamy eyes at them. “Hmm…. Tell you what pipsqueak; leave the girls with me and I’ll let you go.” He said, in retaliation we readied our weapons. “Fine. When you get to the underworld; tell Hades ‘Nessus’ sent you.” He state as though it was a fact.

He charged in, expecting to just stomp on them since our height is at least chest shorter than him. We jumped out of the way, avoiding a squish or bone crushing. Just as I stood firm on the ground I cast ‘Fire’, hitting him on the side. He yelped from the sting and I went in for a hit, managing to squeeze in a combo or just a few extra before he backhand me, knocked me to the side. At this moment Gleaming and Moondancer took that opportunity to deal some damage of their own though since they aren’t use to working together yet; Moondancer accidentally hit Gleaming with a telekinesis bolt. “Sorry!” She squeaked, but added a yelp as she was smacked along with Gleaming by the Centaur.

I got myself up and got in close, dodging a buck to the chest from his hind legs and cast ‘Fire’ again on his underbelly which seemed to hurt him the most as he shout and tried to move away. I managed to hop on his back which caused Nessus to grunt as he try to shake/buck me off wildly, holding on as best I could while hammered over his head a few times until his grew a cartoony long lump on his head and he fell over with my leg caught in between. I sighed as I got off the Centaur; -though I had a bit trouble at first to pull out my pinned leg -I went to Moondancer and Gleaming who; (while happy the fight was over) were arguing.

“You should be more careful.” Gleaming said irritated.

“You should watch where you’re going.” Moondancer retort, getting their heads together with them glaring at one another, I decide to intervene then and there.

“Okay you two break it up. This is why we're getting training.” I said. They both looked at each other for a moment as though they are talking in silence before they sigh. Seeing this I continued. “Good now, Thebus should be close by. Let's find the Trophy shop and head back.” I said as we walked out.

A few hours later we were in Thebes and we were lost. The city is ‘Huge’, with many building and with chariots and people moving often throughout the bustling streets, only ever exceptions where the ones in not much popular places like a side pond fountain. Anybody I asked for directions would either not tell us or flat out didn’t know. “Great. Where is the store?” Moondancer asked.

“No clue. You would think Phil would have told us what it looked like before sending us.” Gleaming said as she looked around to spot at least what she assumed as a store holding souvenirs.

I sighed as I looked around with little success. “I have no idea.” My eyes spot something, I saw Hercules walk into an alleyway. “Wait, Is that Hercules?” I asked as Gleaming and Moondancer looked to where I was pointing before we followed him.

As we caught up to him he’d stop at a dead end where we caught up. “Hey Hercules wait up!” I shouted reaching forward to grab his arm when in an instant a puff like a balloon as smoke escaped. When it cleared out, two individuals I knew took the heroed place: Pain and Panic.

“Got ya!” They yelled, running off as five Shadows and four Soldiers appeared in our path out of this narrow alley. Same path we came in.

“Crud.” I grumbled, casting Fire then taking a swing at one, Shadow turned into dark vapors when I hit it.

Gleaming and Moondancer were each taking on their own, but there was way more of them than us. Hating to use a cheap move, I cast fire repeatedly, taking out most of the Shadows before I couldn’t cast it anymore. Three more Soldier Heartless appeared just as I burn down my fourth Shadow. There was about seven left so I went in for whatever hits I could, Gleaming and Moondancer also taking out what they could. With a last Telekinetic Bolt; the final Heartless dissipated by Moondancer’s magic.

Just as we thought we were done I heard a clap from outside the alleyway. “Well what do you know, you ‘can’ take care if yourself.” The voice said in amusement as I realised it was Hades. Guy with a blue flame as hair walked up a bit.

“Hades.” I said angrily.

“‘Thats’ me! God of the Underworld, The Dead, etcetera-etcetera! Hey-how are ya doin’.” He nonchalantly said.

“So I take it you want something.” I deadpanned.

“Aaaahhh Not ‘really’. I heard a commotion going on over here ‘and’ wanted to see what it was only to find you three.” Hades said.

“Okay you’ve seen it.” I said before asking. “What do you want with us?”

“Oh nothing nothing, honestly though; just wanted to see what was going on.” God of the Underworld respond.

“And you’ve seen it now leave before I go Kratos on your butt.” I threatened.

“Hey hey ha~y is that really necessary? Okay okay fine with me but ‘be’ careful, that attitude will get ya nowhere.” With that said he disappeared into a puff of smoke; leaving Pain and Panic behind who are a bit worry and panicky.

“Umm Boss.” Pain asked only to get no response, yupe, he forgot about them.

“I don’t suppose you two know where the Trophy market is?” Moondancer asked.

“Y-Y-yes i-its two roads over to your left from that exit.” Panic said before him and Pain ran through said exit before turning the opposite direction, leaving out of sight.

“Well that was weird.” Gleaming said as we walked out of the alley and head for the destination.

Two days later we returned to the Coliseum with a cart full of trophies and gave them to Phil who was looking around in front of the gate. “Well It's about time.” He said.

“Yeah sorry we didn’t know where the shop was and we ‘Had’ a run in with Hades.” As I said ‘Hades’; Phil laughed.

“Yeah right kid! ‘You’ had a run in with ‘Hades’.” He said, I rolled my eyes. He was looking through the trophies; counting each one as he goes.

“I’m not kidding. We really did have a run in with him. He said we weren’t worth his time.” I said.

Well then. If that’s truth then you should count your lucky stars that he did.” Phil said before turning back to me. “Welp h~eh... I did promise to ‘Train’ the three of you if you did this….” He muttered to himself before continuing. “Bah! Fine. But don’t think i’ll go easy on you ya hear…”

For next week and a half was hard on us as we had to get up at dawn and fall asleep at the dead of night but we endured because we wanted to be better together.

But then Phil came up to me alongside with Hercules as we pass by the gate. “I’m sorry Kid you don’t have the heroes spark in you I’m going to have to send you and your friends away.”

“What?” I asked confused.

“Your done, finished, compoots, overdone the cheese.” He said.

“Why we’ve done everything you’ve asked and then some.” I said.

“Its like I said, you don’t have the ‘spark’ of a hero in you and I only train Heroes.” Phil explained as Hercules looked down at him but said nothing.

A feeling of angry rose up in my chest. My feelings of finally accomplishing Phils training finally paying was dashed away. I did everything he told me to do and this is what they get, stopping their training like it was nothing just because we weren’t ‘Hero’ material. I want to give this guy a piece of my mind!

Despite wanting to do just that I couldn't do anything about it. If I tried to attack him then I would have Hercules to deal with plus my own team.

Feeling like I couldn’t do anything about it, I took a deep breath and just said. “Fine then. I’ll grab my friends and we’ll leave.” I said as I went to look for my teammates.

{3rd P.O.V.}

As the young teen left to retrieve his comrades Hercules watched him head to the side where the tournament tapestry is.

Seeing only Hercules and crotchety old satyr; he spoke. “Phil? Why did you send them off?” Hercules asked curiously.

“It's simple kid, two thing. One, he was never going to learn anything on how to be a hero by training with me. There is something in him that just waiting to get out.” Phil said.

Herc node in understanding before looking confused as he only raise one finger but didn’t… He shook his head chuckling.